any teen mums going to breastfeed??

I'm always amazed at why some people think it's ok to judge other's in how they feed THEIR babies. They aren't YOUR babies, so wind your necks in. People feed their babies the best way that they can. Are some people on her naive enough to think that people say to themselves 'nah, I don't fancy giving my child the best that I can. I think I'll give them crap instead.'

There are frankly more important things in this world to worry about than how other Mums feed their babies. Young Mums get judged for a lot of things already, so why should they be judged by other Mums for pulling out a bottle? Mums should stick together, not look for ways to put each other down.

Sorry, but I am sick to the back teeth of FF/BF debates. How about you feed your baby, and I'll feed mine?

/rant over
I dont think the issue here is wther BF or FF is best ... the issue is that it is implied that in FF you are basically feeding your child crap.

not crap slim fast!!

i wont be trying slim fast wen i diet it muyst be rubbish considering luisas a chubba monkey!!!:rofl:
It is so unbelievable that there is debates on how to feed your baby. FFS, it truly peeves me off to no end. What right does anyone have to come down on the way people feed their babies?

To me, I think there are various other things that people should be upset about. The neglect of a child, physical abuse of a child, etc. Because a mom cares and feeds her baby the way she chooses, she should be put down?
I think I'm a little late to enter this debate as I think it may have petered out.

I'm 25 so probably not considered a young mum to some, but I feel very young and inexperienced at times. The whole FF/BF debate has haunted me since day 1 of TTC as there is an awful lot of literature and debate on the subject (as proven in this very thread).

In my own, and not very knowledgeable opinion, as long as the child is happy, healthy, growing and laughing, then what more can a mother do. Choosing what to feed, when and how is (again just my opinion here) as much the child's choice as it is the mothers, and as much a physical decision made by the mother's body than anything else.

Personally, my husband and I are firmly in favour of us raising our child as a FF baby. This is our decision, and we are sticking to it. It's a controversial topic and it brings out some heated emotions in people. I think that us mum's need to stand strong together in our abilities to love nad nurture our children in our own ways, and not feel pressured into what some feel is the 'right' or 'wrong' way of doing things.

Just my opinions girls.......
Firstly, whoever said that breastfed babies get ill less is a load of crap. My boy has been ill pretty much constantly the past few months and I breastfed exclusively for 4-5 months, then started weaning, and stopped breastfeeding about 2-3 months ago.

A couple of these posts about formula have really upset me actually. I already feel so guilty about stopping BFing as Seth is lactose intolerant we think.

I cant actually believe Ive read some of this its made me feel a bit sick tbh

I agree with polo_princess
My only agrument was moomoo's comment!

I need to head into town and look at some more nursery things and pick up some stuff now. Hope you all have a lovely day :)
Whether you BF or FF your baby is entirely your choice, but please don't assume that, just because something is currently on the market, automatically means it's safe.

Can I ask, what are you planning on doing if you can't BF?

When you try to BF, are you going to have an organic, raw food diet too? No caffeine, sodium, tinned foods, tea, coffee, extra sugars, spicy foods, MSG, E numbers, etc? So much of this is in our food now without us realising, so the only way to keep your breastmilk truely 'safe' is a raw, organic diet, surely?

OK, so you asked! ... I will be trying BF for as long as possible. If it doesn't work, I will FF with organic formula (and it won't be made by Nestle, but that really is another story!). Assuming I have relatively free problems with BF, then I will continue to eat the organic, locally produced, entirely vegetarian diet that I have eaten for years. My caffeine will be limited to one single cup of coffee each morning (as now), and my tinned foods will be limited to tinned tomatoes (as now). I don't eat ready-made stuff now, and I will as far as possible continue that once my baby is born - therefore, I have full control over how much sugar I eat (generally a very small amount in home-made cakes and puddings), how much salt I eat (a very small amount in my evening meals), and the amount of MSG I consume (again, a very small amount, because I don't like Chinese food much). E-numbers - I probably have a handful a year when I eat ready-made stuff.
Whether you BF or FF your baby is entirely your choice, but please don't assume that, just because something is currently on the market, automatically means it's safe.

Can I ask, what are you planning on doing if you can't BF?

When you try to BF, are you going to have an organic, raw food diet too? No caffeine, sodium, tinned foods, tea, coffee, extra sugars, spicy foods, MSG, E numbers, etc? So much of this is in our food now without us realising, so the only way to keep your breastmilk truely 'safe' is a raw, organic diet, surely?

OK, so you asked! ... I will be trying BF for as long as possible. If it doesn't work, I will FF with organic formula (and it won't be made by Nestle, but that really is another story!). Assuming I have relatively free problems with BF, then I will continue to eat the organic, locally produced, entirely vegetarian diet that I have eaten for years. My caffeine will be limited to one single cup of coffee each morning (as now), and my tinned foods will be limited to tinned tomatoes (as now). I don't eat ready-made stuff now, and I will as far as possible continue that once my baby is born - therefore, I have full control over how much sugar I eat (generally a very small amount in home-made cakes and puddings), how much salt I eat (a very small amount in my evening meals), and the amount of MSG I consume (again, a very small amount, because I don't like Chinese food much). E-numbers - I probably have a handful a year when I eat ready-made stuff.

So I assume, as a vegetarian, you are taking supplements to ensure you get all the nourishment you and baby need throughout your pregnancy?
Whether you BF or FF your baby is entirely your choice, but please don't assume that, just because something is currently on the market, automatically means it's safe.

Can I ask, what are you planning on doing if you can't BF?

When you try to BF, are you going to have an organic, raw food diet too? No caffeine, sodium, tinned foods, tea, coffee, extra sugars, spicy foods, MSG, E numbers, etc? So much of this is in our food now without us realising, so the only way to keep your breastmilk truely 'safe' is a raw, organic diet, surely?

OK, so you asked! ... I will be trying BF for as long as possible. If it doesn't work, I will FF with organic formula (and it won't be made by Nestle, but that really is another story!). Assuming I have relatively free problems with BF, then I will continue to eat the organic, locally produced, entirely vegetarian diet that I have eaten for years. My caffeine will be limited to one single cup of coffee each morning (as now), and my tinned foods will be limited to tinned tomatoes (as now). I don't eat ready-made stuff now, and I will as far as possible continue that once my baby is born - therefore, I have full control over how much sugar I eat (generally a very small amount in home-made cakes and puddings), how much salt I eat (a very small amount in my evening meals), and the amount of MSG I consume (again, a very small amount, because I don't like Chinese food much). E-numbers - I probably have a handful a year when I eat ready-made stuff.

I really, really do hope you achieve your goal. Everyone says BFing is natural and it is but for me it was also the hardest thing I ever did. I didn't manage to feed Niamh until she was 3 weeks old and even now we have daily battles to BF. It's rewarding, but if you don't manage it then don't beat yourself up over it.
Whether you BF or FF your baby is entirely your choice, but please don't assume that, just because something is currently on the market, automatically means it's safe.

Can I ask, what are you planning on doing if you can't BF?

When you try to BF, are you going to have an organic, raw food diet too? No caffeine, sodium, tinned foods, tea, coffee, extra sugars, spicy foods, MSG, E numbers, etc? So much of this is in our food now without us realising, so the only way to keep your breastmilk truely 'safe' is a raw, organic diet, surely?

OK, so you asked! ... I will be trying BF for as long as possible. If it doesn't work, I will FF with organic formula (and it won't be made by Nestle, but that really is another story!). Assuming I have relatively free problems with BF, then I will continue to eat the organic, locally produced, entirely vegetarian diet that I have eaten for years. My caffeine will be limited to one single cup of coffee each morning (as now), and my tinned foods will be limited to tinned tomatoes (as now). I don't eat ready-made stuff now, and I will as far as possible continue that once my baby is born - therefore, I have full control over how much sugar I eat (generally a very small amount in home-made cakes and puddings), how much salt I eat (a very small amount in my evening meals), and the amount of MSG I consume (again, a very small amount, because I don't like Chinese food much). E-numbers - I probably have a handful a year when I eat ready-made stuff.

did you even stop to think tht maybe some of the ff mummys are using organic formula? or do you have a special supply..

and no im not using organic formula to top up my breast milk feeds but then im not eating organic food for them either!

oh and can i have tht glass of wine or not?
I think I'm a little late to enter this debate as I think it may have petered out.

Personally, my husband and I are firmly in favour of us raising our child as a FF baby. This is our decision, and we are sticking to it. It's a controversial topic and it brings out some heated emotions in people. I think that us mum's need to stand strong together in our abilities to love nad nurture our children in our own ways, and not feel pressured into what some feel is the 'right' or 'wrong' way of doing things.

Just my opinions girls.......

Hello D-Day buddie:) I am hoping I can ask a question now without getting a lot of flak! Loads of people give the argument for BF, so I would like to hear your argument for FF. You and OH have obviously thought about this quite long and hard, because you give a very definitive answer in your post. Would you be prepared to explain to us what your reasons are? (If they're personal, then sorry if I've blundered in (as usual!!!) and shouldn't be so nosy!) xx
I think I'm a little late to enter this debate as I think it may have petered out.

Personally, my husband and I are firmly in favour of us raising our child as a FF baby. This is our decision, and we are sticking to it. It's a controversial topic and it brings out some heated emotions in people. I think that us mum's need to stand strong together in our abilities to love nad nurture our children in our own ways, and not feel pressured into what some feel is the 'right' or 'wrong' way of doing things.

Just my opinions girls.......

Hello D-Day buddie:) I am hoping I can ask a question now without getting a lot of flak! Loads of people give the argument for BF, so I would like to hear your argument for FF. You and OH have obviously thought about this quite long and hard, because you give a very definitive answer in your post. Would you be prepared to explain to us what your reasons are? (If they're personal, then sorry if I've blundered in (as usual!!!) and shouldn't be so nosy!) xx

Not trying to be argumentative but I don't think anybody should have to explain their reasons for their feeding choice.
did you even stop to think tht maybe some of the ff mummys are using organic formula? or do you have a special supply..

oh and can i have tht glass of wine or not?

Errm, yeah, I simply stated what sort of formula I would use, being as RAFWife asked. I don't see in what way my post implied that I thought nobody else would use it.

As for the glass of wine, if you're in second tri, then yes, based on current science you're fine to have one (ideally it's red wine) a week. I would join you if I fancied it, but to be honest I've not wanted to drink anything, even water, since I got pg, so every bit of fluid has to be forced down!
Not trying to be argumentative but I don't think anybody should have to explain their reasons for their feeding choice.

No you're right, people shouldn't have to defend their choices at all. I was just interested. Mainly because you see so much info about BF but actually very little about FF and so I would be interested to know more. Again, sorry if I have caused yet more offence.
Not at all.....I was just about to write to stick up for you actually because everyone seems to be ganging up slightly because you have an informed opinion.....everyone is entitled surely, even if not everyone agrees.

My hubby and I have talked a lot about it. Our reasons are:
-Hubby would like to take as much of the responsibility as he can (I know i could express but that leads on to my next point)
-I have a history of infections in my breasts which I don't want to pass on to baby
-We have looked at all of the options and believe that it's the best for our routine, lifestyle and personalities
- Both myself and my husband were brought up on Formula from day one and while I have read about the anti-bodies etc, we believe it not to be to a detrimental effect.

As you can tell, we've done our best to balance our arguments for it, and we have come out in favour of FF rather than BF. I can totally see that from your POV, your lifestyle fits well with BF without too much adjustment. (Well done you for being so healthy!!) I just hope that people can see that FF and BF have equal numbers of pro's and con's which each person must look at from their own perspective. Most importantly, it's all about the health and well being of baby.
So I assume, as a vegetarian, you are taking supplements to ensure you get all the nourishment you and baby need throughout your pregnancy?

Definitely - vitamins, minerals and oils. But my god, does the veggie omega-oil taste disgusting! (Girls, don't do it!) Thank the lord for my discovery of omega seeds to add to my breakfast instead:)

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