any teen mums going to breastfeed??

If I said what I thought about this I'd probably be in trouble :smug:

I think you're being insensitive, ignorant, and a little pompous.
Whether you BF or FF your baby is entirely your choice, but please don't assume that, just because something is currently on the market, automatically means it's safe.

Can I ask, what are you planning on doing if you can't BF?

When you try to BF, are you going to have an organic, raw food diet too? No caffeine, sodium, tinned foods, tea, coffee, extra sugars, spicy foods, MSG, E numbers, etc? So much of this is in our food now without us realising, so the only way to keep your breastmilk truely 'safe' is a raw, organic diet, surely?

OK, so you asked! ... I will be trying BF for as long as possible. If it doesn't work, I will FF with organic formula (and it won't be made by Nestle, but that really is another story!). Assuming I have relatively free problems with BF, then I will continue to eat the organic, locally produced, entirely vegetarian diet that I have eaten for years. My caffeine will be limited to one single cup of coffee each morning (as now), and my tinned foods will be limited to tinned tomatoes (as now). I don't eat ready-made stuff now, and I will as far as possible continue that once my baby is born - therefore, I have full control over how much sugar I eat (generally a very small amount in home-made cakes and puddings), how much salt I eat (a very small amount in my evening meals), and the amount of MSG I consume (again, a very small amount, because I don't like Chinese food much). E-numbers - I probably have a handful a year when I eat ready-made stuff.

So I assume, as a vegetarian, you are taking supplements to ensure you get all the nourishment you and baby need throughout your pregnancy?

I am a vegetarian and I do not take supplements, nor do I need to, I have a healthy balanced diet without meat or fish.
Right shoot me down for this because i no i dont have any experiance or belong in here but i like reading about other peoples experiances but wow! Compairing FF to slim fast. My 2 year old neice was on FF because my sister had to be pumped with so many drugs because her daughter was 6 weeks early she wasnt allowed to BF her daughter incase it harmed her. shes a healthy hyperactive 2 year old who defo doesnt look like shes been drinking slimfast.

I want to breast feed even tho it scares the crap out of me! i want to because its something i want to do, but iv been told the chance of my BF my one and only child is slim due to later drugs i have to take. Does that make me a bad mum because i wont be able to give my child the breast?

Remember this forum is made up of women of all kinds its great to have your own experiances and your own veiws but dont come on spouting crap about FF children and BF children. Its one thing to have a veiw but to push them on others is just wrong...

And all this about BF kids dont get ill, i think you should go look again because any child can get ill at any time, dont single out certain mums because they chose to do something different with there children.
Hi girls...ive just re-read my thread and deleted it as i realise it was probably very ignorant of me to write that. I thought as it was a breast feeding thread that it would mean it wouldnt offend (very stupid of me):blush: it was a very silly (and probably hormone induced lol thing to say) and i'm sincerely sorry for anyone i've upset. I read some of the comments on this thread and that have been made to my profile and i genuinely feel very actually shaking. :blush: I feel that some of your comments are more nasty and more personal that mine ever was. :cry:

I'm not an idiot - nor am i a nasty person..i feel sad that my comments have upset people and i wont be posting in any similar threads any time soon.


Hi girls...ive just re-read my thread and deleted it as i realise it was probably very ignorant of me to write that. I thought as it was a breast feeding thread that it would mean it wouldnt offend (very stupid of me):blush: it was a very silly (and probably hormone induced lol thing to say) and i'm sincerely sorry for anyone i've upset. I read some of the comments on this thread and that have been made to my profile and i genuinely feel very actually shaking. :blush: I feel that some of your comments are more nasty and more personal that mine ever was. :cry:

I'm not an idiot - nor am i a nasty person..i feel sad that my comments have upset people and i wont be posting in any similar threads any time soon.



Read the forum rules!
Hi girls...ive just re-read my thread and deleted it as i realise it was probably very ignorant of me to write that. I thought as it was a breast feeding thread that it would mean it wouldnt offend (very stupid of me):blush: it was a very silly (and probably hormone induced lol thing to say) and i'm sincerely sorry for anyone i've upset. I read some of the comments on this thread and that have been made to my profile and i genuinely feel very actually shaking. :blush: I feel that some of your comments are more nasty and more personal that mine ever was. :cry:

I'm not an idiot - nor am i a nasty person..i feel sad that my comments have upset people and i wont be posting in any similar threads any time soon.



Its good that you have realised how ignorant and judgmental your comments were, but i would agree some of the comments on your profile are a bit harsh.
I'm sorry moomoo but your comment was very nasty and personal.

There is absolutely nothing more personal and upsetting that putting down someone as a mother and suggesting that she is hurting her baby.
Oh, come on ladies!

Yes, she made a comment we were not happy with. But there is no reason to make rude comments back to her in her profile. What's good for the goose is not good for the gander.
Moo moo i think you should really think about what you post in the future. Just because this is a breastfeeding thread doesnt mean that people who FF arent entitled to read it, and rightly so.

tbh the fact that you think anyone who FF's shouldnt be reading these threads is frankly ignorant.
And I should remind you that even when threads are about breasfeeding, bashing formula is not allowed.
There are nicer, more respectful ways of expressing a pro-breastfeeding opinion.

Comments like these can earn you a temporary ban.

I hope we can all let this go now girls and go play nice :)
Breastfeeding gave me PND if we want to get into that one :rofl:

Same here!

I stopped breastfeeding exclusively because of this very reason. It was making me very depressed. I found it emotionally draining. Now I combine feed which works best for us. Bottle feeding actually gave me a better bond with my daughter because breastfeeding no longer took over my life.
Whether you BF or FF your baby is entirely your choice, but please don't assume that, just because something is currently on the market, automatically means it's safe.

Can I ask, what are you planning on doing if you can't BF?

When you try to BF, are you going to have an organic, raw food diet too? No caffeine, sodium, tinned foods, tea, coffee, extra sugars, spicy foods, MSG, E numbers, etc? So much of this is in our food now without us realising, so the only way to keep your breastmilk truely 'safe' is a raw, organic diet, surely?

OK, so you asked! ... I will be trying BF for as long as possible. If it doesn't work, I will FF with organic formula (and it won't be made by Nestle, but that really is another story!). Assuming I have relatively free problems with BF, then I will continue to eat the organic, locally produced, entirely vegetarian diet that I have eaten for years. My caffeine will be limited to one single cup of coffee each morning (as now), and my tinned foods will be limited to tinned tomatoes (as now). I don't eat ready-made stuff now, and I will as far as possible continue that once my baby is born - therefore, I have full control over how much sugar I eat (generally a very small amount in home-made cakes and puddings), how much salt I eat (a very small amount in my evening meals), and the amount of MSG I consume (again, a very small amount, because I don't like Chinese food much). E-numbers - I probably have a handful a year when I eat ready-made stuff.

did you even stop to think tht maybe some of the ff mummys are using organic formula? or do you have a special supply..

and no im not using organic formula to top up my breast milk feeds but then im not eating organic food for them either!

oh and can i have tht glass of wine or not?

:rofl: Fierceangel

Anyway ....

So theres the chance BF is not possible for you - its something nobody can say it won't happen to me about
So now its organic formula that baby doesn't take to well - Its common
Oops - then what? - Since you have limits there too
Then theres the chance of baby having reflux and your HV advising using formula that is prescribed to you (again common) but its not organic ...what you gonna do?
So theres the chance BF is not possible for you
So now its organic formula that baby doesn't take to well
Oops - then what?
Then theres the chance of baby having reflux and your HV advising using formula that is prescribed to you but its not organis ...what you gonna do?

I thought one of the moderators had called a halt to this one, but I shall respond because it is courteous to do so.

Yeah, of course my baby might not BF and of course my baby might not take to organic formula, but I said that that is what I'd like to do. I mean, that sort of argument could go on forever ... what if the baby doesn't take to the formula that the health visitor recommends, or the next, or the next?

I answered the question about how do I eat and how do I intend to feed my baby in good faith. I genuinely do eat like that, and I have no plans to stop doing so, and my best laid plans for feeding my baby so far are as I explained. However, what if I get run over by a bus? I can only plan so far - and at the moment I would think plan A followed by plan B is enough. Perhaps once I get further into my pregnancy, then at that point I can start to think of plan C and plan D.

In my circle of close friends, there are about ten children between us. So far, not a single one of those friends has been unable to BF any of their kids. Perhaps I'll be the unlucky one who wants to but can't. Only time will tell.
I think how one person intends to deal with their feeding issues is actaully irrelevant to the OP's question.

I also think it's unfair to constantly pick at one person's arguments over and over again. Is it not possible to respect someone's opinions. There is a difference between, debate, argument and bullying and with all due respect I think we may run the risk of crossing some thresholds here!
I own the site ...

I wanted to ask you out of curiosity because these things are common problems faced. I didn't pick out anything else you said just wondered.

The point of how this thread started getting is simply respect for other members who use different methods of parenting if it be feeding or something else. It should not really be encouraged when someone talks out of line and does not respect there are other peoples feelings to consider that BabyandBump doesn't just have one 'type' of parent.
The point of how this thread started getting is simply respect for other members who use different methods of parenting if it be feeding or something else. It should not really be encouraged when someone talks out of line and does not respect there are other peoples feelings to consider that BabyandBump doesn't just have one 'type' of parent.

I've struggled with eating disorders for 7 years, that is one of the main reasons I am not breastfeeding, I knew I couldn't guarantee that I would feed myself reliably and properly after having a baby (trying to lose weight), even though I did really well the entire time I was pregnant. I'm a fit mother etc, but I think it would have been irresponsible to choose to breastfeed over using formula for that reason.

There are other life factors involved in my choice as well, but the bottom line is mother's breast is not best for every baby. I think it's terrible for people to make negative comments about formula feeding or for people to speak so disrespectfully to formula moms, they're feeding their children just like you.. you can save judgements for the moms who DON'T feed their kids. :)
I've struggled with eating disorders for 7 years, that is one of the main reasons I am not breastfeeding, I knew I couldn't guarantee that I would feed myself reliably and properly after having a baby (trying to lose weight), even though I did really well the entire time I was pregnant. I'm a fit mother etc, but I think it would have been irresponsible to choose to breastfeed over using formula for that reason.

There are other life factors involved in my choice as well, but the bottom line is mother's breast is not best for every baby. I think it's terrible for people to make negative comments about formula feeding or for people to speak so disrespectfully to formula moms, they're feeding their children just like you.. you can save judgements for the moms who DON'T feed their kids. :)

Very well put Tasha.

And the part I highlighted is one of the reasons I haven't BFed also(although I didn't struggle for that long :hugs:). And I am very glad that FF is what I chose because I haven't managed to keep my diet balanced after having a baby.
But as I said it was just one of the reasons, there are plenty more that I consider valid and am not ashamed of disclosing.
- Uncomfort
- A new mom, living alone, single, in uni.... I truly couldn't allow myself to be tied down to the couch for weeks and I couldn't risk running into problems and stressing myself.
- For the reasons above I really wanted a routine (though I didn't manage to have one for a long time :lol:).

I believe firmly that in my case breast wasn't best.

And it's sad that in this world, with so much abuse, neglect and poverty we are here picking on each other because of the way food goes into our children. It's just nitpicking...there's no recipe for perfect parenthood and we all do whats best for us. Your kid won't turn out any better/any worse whether you feed him breastmilk or formula.

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