any teen mums going to breastfeed??

And to put an end to my posts in this very thread:

I know alot of people will think I'm selfish for not attempting to BF, but if I really was selfish my daughter today would not have existed.
right i've not read the whole of this thread, i kinda flicked thru and got a bit bored.

just wanted to add my two-penneth.

i BF until about 2-3 weeks ago. i'll be the first to admit, i've said in the past, i dont see why people choose to FF. to me it was completely natural to BF and i wanted to do it forever and ever, as long as katie would feed for. i got a slight touch of PND, nothin major, but me and OH nearly split up over it. part of the reason?? i was literally glued to the sofa for the first 3 months or so with katie, she fed every 2 hours atleast and i couldnt arrange to go shopping or anything cos i knew she'd want feeding. the simplest task was so so hard.

katie gradually stopped gaining weight, when she was born she was 9lb 12 and on the 98th centile. by 20 weeks, she'd dropped to the 9th centile. she wasnt happy, she cried constantly, she fussed around the boob, she wasnt the happy smily baby i knew and loved. (dont get me wrong, i still loved her).

for reasons which i'm not going into, my milk dried up. i switched to FF and in a week, she gained 17oz!!!! not cos she was being bulked up, cos she was being fed properly. now, she's a completely different baby. she smiles constantly, screeches all day, blows raspberries, and her weight's right back up again.

i beat myself up so much about having to switch, but christ, i've got a happy, healthy baby who's being fed properly. and when number 2 eventually comes along, i'm considering FF. i really dont think i could go thru the upset of losing my milk again and seeing my baby not putting on weight.

i'm not trying to have a go at anyone, i just wanted to share my experience xx
Im not really a teen, but i am a youngen :) And i really, really want to breastfeed. if i cant i'm going to be completly gutted... i truely believe breast is best.. and the reason that so many people push it is because it is other reason.

As great as the formula people reckon it is... you are still feeding your child a load of bulk...thats why ff babies sleep longer, cause their tummies are bloated out with crap to make them feel full for effectively you are giving your child the equvilent of Slim Fast :S

Its free, quick, convenient and for a few months effort your baby will really reap the rewards by being less ill and being more immune to bugs ect


I BF and found your post ridiculous.

Good luck BFing, as many find it very difficult. My area has an 80% drop out rate in the first week.

I BF and I find your post insulting and offensive. Like rafwife, our area has something like an 80% drop off after the first week. I wish you luck.
Originally Posted by moomoo View Post
Im not really a teen, but i am a youngen And i really, really want to breastfeed. if i cant i'm going to be completly gutted... i truely believe breast is best.. and the reason that so many people push it is because it is other reason.

As great as the formula people reckon it is... you are still feeding your child a load of bulk...thats why ff babies sleep longer, cause their tummies are bloated out with crap to make them feel full for effectively you are giving your child the equvilent of Slim Fast :S

Its free, quick, convenient and for a few months effort your baby will really reap the rewards by being less ill and being more immune to bugs ect


Im sorry but hasnt this all not been blown right out of propotion!?

I dont think MooMoo said anything ignorant / nasty or judging at all.... it is her view on the way she would like her child to be brought up and fed and her view on breast feeding / formula feeding.... I dont see anything in that judging others for doing so and if anyone has took it the wrong way i dont believe she would ever mean to harm a hair on anyones head!

Maybe if this was took out of context i think there have been a lot of damn right rude and nasty comments and personal messages left on her profile, she is pregnant herself and has been through soo much that she would never try and upset or judge anyone at all!

I give her huge balls for standing up and telling everyone what she believes in.... after all we live in a world where we have free speech dont we? if you dont believe what she believes then fair enough but no need to be nasty back.

:hugs: to you moomoo and any other non judgers...

Tootsy did you not read the line "so you are effectively giving your child slimfast"

That is offensive ... there is no arguement in that.

Moomoo has been back and defended herself, saying that she didnt think and didnt mean to offend and the atmoshpere was theres no need for people to start getting back up on their soapboxes.
im not on my soap box at all, it hasnt cooled as u will see if u look on moomoos profile, people are still slating her for it... i just wanted to have my say or am i going to be slated because im not against moomoo?... i only noticed this thread tonight and i believe moomoo was using that as an expression rather than an insult... i am simply trying to show that she meant no harm as a bit of back up as i do believe this has upset her the comments that are very far from what she is!

Also it didnt look like it had cooled off....

I BF and found your post ridiculous.

Good luck BFing, as many find it very difficult. My area has an 80% drop out rate in the first week.

I BF and I find your post insulting and offensive.
What worries me is you seem to imply that her comment wasnt offensive, regardless of what is going on outside of this thread.

If moomoo has a complaint about members taking debate threads too far or to a personal level then she should contact a moderator or admin and it will be dealt with, as can any member who feels they have witnessed something inappropriate on the forum.
im not on my soap box at all, it hasnt cooled as u will see if u look on moomoos profile, people are still slating her for it... i just wanted to have my say or am i going to be slated because im not against moomoo?... i only noticed this thread tonight and i believe moomoo was using that as an expression rather than an insult... i am simply trying to show that she meant no harm as a bit of back up as i do believe this has upset her the comments that are very far from what she is!

Also it didnt look like it had cooled off....

I BF and found your post ridiculous.

Good luck BFing, as many find it very difficult. My area has an 80% drop out rate in the first week.

I BF and I find your post insulting and offensive.

Sorry, but I find someone saying formula is giving your baby 'crap' and like 'sli fast' ridiculous. In what way was it not? Also, check the time I posted that. The thread HAD died down.
I am the one that posted on her profile and me and moomoo worked it out. So don't drag us into it again!
also may i point out, i have never in my posts said it wasnt offensive because to people that have took it the wrong way then of course it has caused offense... all i am trying to say is that Emelie never meant it in the way people have took it as she was sharing her own personal opinion... not what she thought was right or wrong for everyone else...
this is getting silly it died down and now its all started again! toots its been said, done and died down now, i no your only protecting your friend but people found Moomoos post as offencive i can see where aswell, its up to the ladies and moo to sort this out not have people come in and bring it all up again.. its best left to the ladies that were/are offended and moo to sort out
Also it had cooled off because I made those comments LAST NIGHT.
how did she think it would be taken? Formula is crap and like giving your baby slim can that be taken a good way?

Sorry, but if one of my BnB friends said that, then I would have the guts to tell them off for it.
Ok ok enough now ... it HAD died down, lets not drag it back up again, you girls give me a headache lol :hissy:
Exactly, she just didn't know about FF. I talked to her and we worked things out and we both agreed we both were rude. She is now more open minded and realizes there are reasons why people choose to FF. Tootsy, you are even more ignorant for sticking up this sort of thing.
I am the one that posted on her profile and me and moomoo worked it out. So don't drag us into it again!

im not draggin u into in wendino... u dont have to comment at all or read what im posting... again, i am saying my opinion on the matter.... it hasnt died down to moomoo who is still feeling affected by this, she is a really good friend of mine. She would never mean to offend everyone so if she has surely you can all see it as a horrible misunderstanding... thats all...
You said people posting on her profile...well that was me, and pretty much only me, so yes that is dragging me into it. Me and MooMoo had a private conversation and I was really nice to her and we worked things out, ok?

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