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anybody doing slimming world?

Mrs Q I made one during the week with 3 carrots, half a butternut squash, a pepper and a red onion with loads of herbs chucked in too. You could adapt that maybe...

Chuffed today cos my Uggs fit properly around my calves (they have always been a bit tight but now they're just right) I'm shrinking!!:yipee:
i lost 5 1/2 lb in my forst week woooo hoooo and that isnt even being 100% good im so pleased
i am making my shepards pie tonight i cannot wait mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. wat u all having?
:flower: Hi guys - sorry not been around much last few days - hope everyone good.

Been tonight and...5LBS off!!!!

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :cloud9: :happydance:

Password is Beetroot

I can't believe it - certainly makes up for last week eh!

Hey Ladies.
Sorry I havent been on much.
Not a good week with me for food. Me and OH have decided to make a go of things but taking it slowly, I am due to move in a few weeks so been buying all the new bits for the house but me and OH took Chloe and Jaycee to a kids adventure indoor thingy and then to pizza hut. I enjoyed it more than words could describe but I am not hoping for a weight loss tonight as I know that I havent been good at all. But I shall be getting back on it tomorrow after I have something nice to eat tonight!!!

And well done Pip!!! Weight loss ticker is getting up there lol x
Hey ladies .. a group opened down the road from me few months ago and after umming and arring over it ive decided to go!!

I was in boots the other day and was all like oooooooooooooo cool a machine that weighs you - i havent been weighed since begining of pregnancy .. so yeh i was shocked!!!!!

haha im 3 stone heavier and 2/3 dress sizes bigger .. i still kid myself its not that bad though and wear size 10 tops .. the ones which are designed to me baggy .. but yeah summer is coming up and i absolutely cannot look like this i have so many lovely summery size 10 dresses just sitting there ..

i reckon if i join i got april/may/june i could poss loose a good 2 stone .. maybe .. thats quite ambitious .. but im determined.

so yeh group is on thursday at 7pm which is great as my mum usually comes round thurs afternoons after work .. so she can stay with LO for an hour while i go off.

Hi Arcadia. Good luck with SW.

I love it, it fits into my daily routine pretty easy and I have had meals out and a bit of choccy and still lost weight because so much is free and so much is low syns that you cant believe it actually works.

I lost another half lb this week. After the week I had that was amazing girls I am so chuffed..

How are you all?? xxx
:hi: Arcadia and welcome - good on you for making the decision :thumbup:

How is everyone? Ok I hope

Laura:cloud9: :cloud9: about w/loss after MUCH DESERVED pizza :haha: I'm so thrilled you're both giving it a go and getting your own gaff too will be like a huge fresh start. :happydance:

I made carrot cake - 12 syns for whole cake or 7 and a healthy extra. was quite nice actually - will post recipe if anyone wants.

Where are our missing girls? Hope lovely mumof42be is ok - has anyone heard from her? And Nessa, RJ and Loz etc.

Just about to drag pram around the park in the force 10 gale outside but really got used to going each day for a big powerwalk - got aquarunning tonight too - get on me :blush:
:hugs: :hugs:
Hiya Girls

Ive been doing SW for 2 weeks now, loving the extra easy plan !! Lost 5lbs my first week but couldnt get weighted today due to the snow!! According to the wii fit im down another 4lb but dont know how accurate that is.

Is everybody doing extra easy? x
i lost 4lbs this week but then nothing stayed down tuesday and all i ate yesterday was a bowl of honey nut loops, half a tin of soup and a slice of wholemeal bread. i've picked up another bug from work so not happy bunny
awww hope you feel better soon

my seconfd weigh in and i lost another 5lbs woo hooo
Well i went this evening, everyone seemed very nice one of the till ladies is my mates mumso was nice to know someone


haha oh well its what im there for .. just looking through the book trying to work out what quick easy things im gonna be able to eat .. im used to having toast or a sandwhich and white breads a big no no!

im not starting it till saturday though as ive got a big night out planned tomorrow night :D
STS this week hoping to lose a good bit this week - 3.5lb til my stone n a half award so can't wait to get that

How's everyone's week been?
I havent had a good week ladies. Ate a choccy egg and 2 bags of minstrals! Was just dying for it. lol.
Had a bad week with OH working things through so havent been easy. Back and forth and now we are back again and forth tomorrow and here there and bloody everywhere haha!
Back on it though after tuesdays weigh in. Gonna be a good girl. So need to lose this weight!!!

Hi everyone, is it Ok if I join you? I need inspiration and support!! Been a SW member for just under a year, got my stone just before xmas but have just been 'messing around' for months now, 1 on 1 off each week so not actually getting anywhere and I've maintained for 4 weeks in a row now so definitely not getting anywhere :shrug: I know it's me not following the plan properly.. oh, and I've just stuffed my face with an Easter Egg :dohh:
Maybe I should start with food diaries again... have any of you managed to get over this kind of hurdle, what inspired you to get back on track?

I only want to lose another 12lb to be at my target weight by the time we TTC in the summer so not far to go but it's so hard!!
Hiya Pumpkim! Welcome.

I have done SW lots of times but I never ever stuck to it. This time I am slimming and I am going to get to my target weight.
I have been going since beginning of feb and have lost 16lbs, though I am sure tomorrow I am gonna be about 14lb lighter rather than 16lb!!! haha!

I will update you all tomorrow on my gain! lol x
Lost another half a lb girls! Well chuffed.. gonna have a good week though now xx
Another maintain for me... not bad considering what I've eaten :blush: but still, 5 weeks!!! It's getting boring now, I need to get my finger out :dohh:

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