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anybody doing slimming world?

Im back on board and loving it again. It's so easy when the OH is away but when he is home for 2 weeks it seems to all go wrong.
Can i have 4 slices of 400g loaf a day from healthy exrea B's? xx
Hi Sparkle!

Only if your on a green or original day. Not if your working the extra easy plan. then you only get 1 a and 1 b choice!!!

How have we been ladies?? Me OH have called it a day once and for all so I am moving on up slowly and its hard but its life and I have two kids to look after.. Just me and them now..

Still no news on my flat still working on it so who knows when it will be ready to move into :-( I just want a fresh start.

Slimming world though is super super super great and I am still loving it very much! I am hoping for a nice loss this week but if all that i ate over the last 2 weeks catches up then so be it..

Hope your all well. where have you all gone???????? lol xxx
Thank you slimming world is fab. I always do the green or red day x
I do the extra easy plan! I love it. It suits me cos Chloe and Jaycee can eat what I cook and whilst I am waiting for my flat to finally be done mum is cooking lots too!!! So we all eat a nice healthy meal which is good!!! Not too many different plates flying around all over..
Today I had steak, boiled potatoes and salad! God it was lush!! lol xx
Well i quit already ... it's just not for me .. me and my family eat healthily anyway always make our food fresh .. ive taken on board things though like i will only have 2 pieces wholemeal bread a day .. use natural yoghurt in cooking etc keep using my frylight.

So am going to still kind of stick with the principle of it .. im not one for going and sitting around in groups either especially the time my group was it interfered with LO's bedtime.

PLUS i found my group leader incredible pushy .. when i explained i couldnt stay the first week as my lo was teething really badly id literally left her with my mum crying her eyes out to come and join .. and the leader was all snooty like well u will be staying every other week wont you!! .. err maybe i dunno my baby comes first you rude cow!!

Then she called my house and mobile everyday for the first week i was there checking up on me what did you eat how did you make it??!! felt like i was at school or something.

Anyways hope it still all goes well for you - i will still be following the diet and weighing myself but not attending the group :]
Oh it's a shame you've had a bad experience with the group you went to, my consultant would always encourage us to stay to class but not in a pushy way and she only ever rings people who are struggling and indicated they need extra support. Classes just aren't for some people and I think SW really should consider going down the online membership route with a forum for support..... or have they already and I've totally missed it :dohh:
I didnt like my first group leader so now I go to another group. Sorry it werent for you! I think it has fit perfectly into my routine but it dont fit everyone's lifestyle. Its nice your taking on a few things and at least your going to try and do it yourself. Good on you for that.
I like my meetings as thats what keeps me on track! Hopefully you will keep it up.
Hi lovelies :blush: sorry not been around this week - haven't been very motivated and didn't wanna drag anyone else down. Back on track now though :thumbup: - been tonight and 4lbs off so thats been an incentive for me.

How's everyone? Any news - I'm gonna catch up and trawl through threads later on :hugs:
hi guys sorry not been about. Mikey been teething and having a growth spurt so i have literally just been exsisting!
I am going to join the nearest class to me which is 40 mins away not sure if i can keep going thats the only problem.,
Anyone thought of putting our diarys up on a seperate thread or even on here so we can help eachother along? i know it would help me?

Has anyone got any incentives? I have one which is August which will be my first wedding anniversary and i want to have the confidence to wear something really sexy *BLUSH* as i have done it once and never had the confidence to do it again. :(
Also i made a lush soup if anyones interested? xx
Hi Girls,

Didn't realise this part of bnb existed. Hope you don't mind if I join in here too,

I have put on a lot of weight last year after 2 early pregnancy losses and a lot of comfort eating. Decided in January enough was enough and joined up, I did the 12 week countdown and lost 12lb so far but I have hit a plateau. I was going to a group but I have halted that and joined online.

My incentives are to start baby making in June and our engagement party

So I have 2 goals
8 weeks to lose - 11lb-13lb - I would like to start babymaking on June 14th but my OH and I agreed I would get to 11stone before starting.

Engagement Party - July
10 - 12 weeks to lose 13 - 18lb

It is possible if only I can start again. I have started SW again with a vengeance yesterday and I really hope I can start losing the weight again!
I cant really help you because I dont go to classes due to where I live so kinda make it up, but know the basics.

I need help too please :) :)

Have I scoffed to much today?

2 slices brown bread 400g loaf with one poached egg

2 slices with dairylea light slices (lunch)

1 banana and some grapes
1 cup options hot chocolate

Large bowl of pasta in a weight watchers tomato sauce (1/2 jar )

Does anyone know the syns for the weight watchers pasta sauces ??? Can't seem to see it on the web

Thankyou and hope you are all doing well??? ;) x
here you go

Weight Watchers Mozzarella & Rocket Pasta Sauce, jar 350g jar

6 Syns on Extra Easy Original 6 Syns Green 6 Syns

Weight Watchers Napoletana Pasta Sauce, chilled 300g pot

4½ Syns on Extra Easy Original 4½ Syns Green 4½ Syns

Weight Watchers Parmesan & Pesto Pasta Sauce, jar 350g jar

8½ Syns on Extra Easy Original 8½ Syns Green 8½ Syns

Weight Watchers Roasted Garlic Pasta Sauce, jar 350g jar

6 Syns on Extra Easy Original 6 Syns Green 6 Syns
Hello Ladies!!!!!

I am well happy.. 3 and a half lbs tonight.. 1lb to go until i get my half a stone award and i was slimmer of the week.

I am going out with my babies tomorrow and thursday i am out again but I am gonna be good cos I am now so looking forward to my summer!!!

I am going to think positively xxx
here you go

Weight Watchers Mozzarella & Rocket Pasta Sauce, jar 350g jar

6 Syns on Extra Easy Original 6 Syns Green 6 Syns

Weight Watchers Napoletana Pasta Sauce, chilled 300g pot

4½ Syns on Extra Easy Original 4½ Syns Green 4½ Syns

Weight Watchers Parmesan & Pesto Pasta Sauce, jar 350g jar

8½ Syns on Extra Easy Original 8½ Syns Green 8½ Syns

Weight Watchers Roasted Garlic Pasta Sauce, jar 350g jar

6 Syns on Extra Easy Original 6 Syns Green 6 Syns

thank you very much :) xx
your very welcome. Anytime. xxxx
Hey Girls,

Well I have been doing good for 2 days, only another 8 weeks of it to go lol.

I am doing the extra easy plan but I am really limiting my times of potatoes and bread trying to stick with rice/noodles when I want carbs.

I am hoping as this is my new first week that I see a very good weight loss, hoping more than 2lb.

So that leads me on to a question;

What was your first week result?
What was this as a percentage of your overall body weight?

Thanks :flower:
I weighed myself for the first time in years today :( 9, 11lbs I need to lose 2 stone as Im only short!

Well the first step to my diet was stepping on the scales, I've been good all week so hoping next week to have lost some x
What does everyone eat on green days?

I just tend to have pasta or home made chips or wedges. Think I need to be more adventures???? x
i am breastfeeding so i get the extra 4 a's or b's but heres mine....

breakfast = (a) 350ml skimmed milk (b) (b) 56g porridge oats.
Lunch - Home made pasta sauce (tinned tomatoes, peppers, tobasco sauce, worcestor sauce and mushrooms all blended together) pasta.
Snacks - home made soup with lots of superfree food.
Dinner - x2 fajitas 14 syns. 28g cheese x2 (aa) home made wedges.

Total syns - 14
total a- 3
total b - 2

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