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anybody doing slimming world?

Helloooooo ladies,
Can I join in please? I have done slimming world before and lost 3-4stn. Sadly I got carried away the following Xmas and put a lot back on, then fell pregnant and thought what the heck, eat what ever and now Im heavier that I started with. Ooops. Lol.
Anyway I joins back a few weeks ago, lost 3.5lbs first week. Was away 2 wks after that. Got weighed yesterday and I have lost 5.5lbs. Iv been doin green and red days so far but after reading this thread think I will try extra easy tomorrow. xx
Hi Roo :flower: and welcome.
I've done the diet before Red and Green and personally I ended up jibbing it off after a month or so as it's too hard to swap and change days for a simpleton like me :wacko:

Extra easy is just like normal eating with a few tweaks ie mashed potato with fromage frais instead of half a pack of clover etc :blush:
And I love the fact that pasta and spuds are free now with meat so I can make normal meals for me and OH without having to drool over his chips!

Anyways rambley me - hope everyone ok and got nice plans for the weekend. We've got super sleep deprivation as LO has decided to throw in a few extra night feeds. WTF?!?

Have a great day dudes xx :hugs:
Our lo has decided to throw in the extra feeds also. Think she's havin a growth spurt. Lol.

Right so I've given the extra easy a go today but I'm a bit confussed. Iv had my 2 weetabix with skimmed milk. Then dinner I has chicken, pasta and salad. For tea I think I'm gonna do spag bol with salad. So what am I ok to snack on? Think I'm totally miss Reading my book. Should snacks be all super free stuff or can I have low fat yogart etc.. Also I no I can have extra healthy extras on green and red with breastfeeding but is that the case with extra easy.

I'm soooo not with it today. Lol. xx
Oh and it's my farther-in-laws 70th birthday and were all off to frankie and bennies for a meal tomorrow. Not sure what to have yet, been looking at menu online. Loads of tasty things but want it to be as low syn as poss but don't think I'll be able to resist a dessert. :winkwink:
you can have muller lights which are free, so you can syn some yoghurts, you can have as much fruit as you wish also, erm low fat crisps maybe anything you want really as long as its syned or free :)
That's good, I love my mullers :D so do you syn pasta potatos or meat if snacking on them? Also low fat cottage cheese? I enjoy ham rolled up and stuffed with cottage cheese and pineapple. Nice evening snack. Yum.. x
no you dont syn pasta meat or potatos at all, i have no idea on the other bits, i assume fresh pineapple may be free, but tinned may not be, and i think precooked packet ham may be syned, not sure on that though....
yup, you will never go hungry, one of my favourte snacks are 1/2 melon with yoghurt in the middle :)
Ummmm... That sounds nice! I had banana and natural low fat yogart earlier. It was lovely.

We should start a recipe thread, I was looking at the group part of sw website and they only have green and red recipies, no extra easy :( or at least I couldn't find any. Lol. xx
Hi girls,

I am thinking about doing slimming world and would like some advice please.

I am 12 stone 2 lb , 5ft 2.5 bm1 30.7 I want to do a diet that isn't just a fad diet were I will lose and then as soon as I stop the weight piles back on. What kind of foods do u eat? Are u hungry? Is it managebale? Strict excersise? What are the meetings like? Are there any special products u have to buy? what kind of money do u spend doing this diet? Is it easy to follow? Also for the meeting..Can u bring baby with u? Do other mums? How much weight have u lost and in what time?

Sorry about lots of questions any feedback would be great



Hey, here's my answers to all your questions. Hope they help. xx

What kind of foods do u eat? Are u hungry?
Most foods, today I got up and had 2 weetabix wiTy skimmed milk (you can have whole or semi but I like skimmed, then ate banana and blueberries. Dinner was batchlors chicken and mushroom pasta ans sauce, spicy chicken and salad, then had a kit kat, then banana and yogart, and for tea chicken, potatos and veg. Nothing is restricted. And as you can imagin after
all that there is no way I'm hungry. Lol.

Is it managebale? Extreamly!!

Strict excersise? What exercise? As much or as little as you want.

What are the meetings like? Ok, just go, get weighed and share recipe ideas etc.. All classes are different tho.

Are there any special products u have to buy? No

what kind of money do u spend doing this diet? Not much, it's cheaper than our old food shop. It depends on what you like.

Is it easy to follow? Extreamly :D

Also for the meeting..Can u bring baby with u? Do other mums? You can at my class, I don't but a couple do.

How much weight have u lost and in what time? Before I had lo I lost 3 and a half stone, I joined October and hit target by march. Iv been back a few weeks now and lost half stone.

It really is worth a try! Iv tried pretty much all diets and this is the only one that works for me. Id say go to your nearest class and prepare to be amazed.
Hi girls - am on the wine so forgive spelling etc :happydance: :happydance: and yes I'm counting it in :haha:

Snackswise I love:
Syn free soup
Tuna pasta
Quark with tinned salmon
Chicken pieces
Pasta n sauce

Alpen light bars (2)
Hi Fi bars

Low syns
Sugar free jelly with fruit
Freddos :blush: :blush:
Dried fruit
think of somemore in a bit - my very late tea is ready xx
Thanks so much for ur reply,
I dont understand if u can eat aall that why bother dieiting? I eat way less than that in a day time (usually have just my dinner massive portion..bad I know) so why am I over weight? lol

I do have to pay for the meetings tho right? Can I pay at each meeting? I am going to contact my local slimming world instructor tommorow if poss - or monday!!
I never ate as much as I do now. It's mad, it's like the more I eat the better I do. Yes you pay per class. I actually get it free tho as my council have teamed up with sw and nhs to provide 12 free classes if your over weight. The website is called loose weight feel great but think it may just be in Wigan they are doing it. xx

oh and Pip those snacks all sound good. I love the alpen bars! Also could you give me the syn free soup recipe please? :D xx
hey little roo the breastfeeding goes like this
(you need to make sure at least one extra is milk or cheese)

up to 2 months 3 extra as or bs
2 - 3 months 4 extras
4-6 if weaning 3 extra
4-6 if exclusive bf 4 extra
over 6 months 1 extra.

I am doing baby led weaning so i am having 4 extras up till he is 6 months whoop whoop!
I never ate as much as I do now. It's mad, it's like the more I eat the better I do. Yes you pay per class. I actually get it free tho as my council have teamed up with sw and nhs to provide 12 free classes if your over weight. The website is called loose weight feel great but think it may just be in Wigan they are doing it. xx

oh and Pip those snacks all sound good. I love the alpen bars! Also could you give me the syn free soup recipe please? :D xx

I've just signed up for this in Suffolk, great initiative with the gaovernment! I really hope they roll it out over the uk!

Feel in limbo at the moment though as i dont start until weds so i dont really know what to do with myself until then!

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