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anybody doing slimming world?

I never ate as much as I do now. It's mad, it's like the more I eat the better I do. Yes you pay per class. I actually get it free tho as my council have teamed up with sw and nhs to provide 12 free classes if your over weight. The website is called loose weight feel great but think it may just be in Wigan they are doing it. xx

oh and Pip those snacks all sound good. I love the alpen bars! Also could you give me the syn free soup recipe please? :D xx

I've just signed up for this in Suffolk, great initiative with the gaovernment! I really hope they roll it out over the uk!

Feel in limbo at the moment though as i dont start until weds so i dont really know what to do with myself until then!

Well done for making the decision to join! I'd personally have a bit of a blow out meal tomorrow then start being good on tuesday so when you turn up to class-you'll feel a bit better as you'll have had a syn free day. Start planning meals too. The best weeks I've had are when I know EXACTLY what/when I'm gonna eat or snack so I don't cock it up.

Bayleaf (dried one is fine)
Large onion
2 cloves garlic
Medium butternut squash (diced)
Carrots (chopped/or diced)
Veg oxo x 4
Coriander (fresh or dried)
Mixed herbs
Black pepper

Basically sweat the onions and garlic in a big pan with the lid on for 10 mins then chuck everything else in with just over a litre of boiling water - bring to the boil and simmer for about 30 mins, remove bay leaf then cool then blend until smooth. Mmmmm

I make all different ones - just chuck anything in a pan and boil it - really good for scoffing a bit down when you think you might go for savoury cheater snacks.

And Katy......:happydance::cloud9::happydance::cloud9::happydance: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

Hope everyone is good and having a nice bank holiday - we just arrived at my mums 'coincidentally' as she was about to do sunday dinner woop woop :happydance: she's doing SW too so it was all free.
I never ate as much as I do now. It's mad, it's like the more I eat the better I do. Yes you pay per class. I actually get it free tho as my council have teamed up with sw and nhs to provide 12 free classes if your over weight. The website is called loose weight feel great but think it may just be in Wigan they are doing it. xx

oh and Pip those snacks all sound good. I love the alpen bars! Also could you give me the syn free soup recipe please? :D xx

I've just signed up for this in Suffolk, great initiative with the gaovernment! I really hope they roll it out over the uk!

Feel in limbo at the moment though as i dont start until weds so i dont really know what to do with myself until then!

It is a great idea isn't it :D
Are you also getting the exercise class before the sw class? It's good fun. Lol
oh and as for not knowing what to do I did the naughty thing and indulged one last time. Haha.xx
I never ate as much as I do now. It's mad, it's like the more I eat the better I do. Yes you pay per class. I actually get it free tho as my council have teamed up with sw and nhs to provide 12 free classes if your over weight. The website is called loose weight feel great but think it may just be in Wigan they are doing it. xx

oh and Pip those snacks all sound good. I love the alpen bars! Also could you give me the syn free soup recipe please? :D xx

I've just signed up for this in Suffolk, great initiative with the gaovernment! I really hope they roll it out over the uk!

Feel in limbo at the moment though as i dont start until weds so i dont really know what to do with myself until then!

Well done for making the decision to join! I'd personally have a bit of a blow out meal tomorrow then start being good on tuesday so when you turn up to class-you'll feel a bit better as you'll have had a syn free day. Start planning meals too. The best weeks I've had are when I know EXACTLY what/when I'm gonna eat or snack so I don't cock it up.

Bayleaf (dried one is fine)
Large onion
2 cloves garlic
Medium butternut squash (diced)
Carrots (chopped/or diced)
Veg oxo x 4
Coriander (fresh or dried)
Mixed herbs
Black pepper

Basically sweat the onions and garlic in a big pan with the lid on for 10 mins then chuck everything else in with just over a litre of boiling water - bring to the boil and simmer for about 30 mins, remove bay leaf then cool then blend until smooth. Mmmmm

I make all different ones - just chuck anything in a pan and boil it - really good for scoffing a bit down when you think you might go for savoury cheater snacks.

And Katy......:happydance::cloud9::happydance::cloud9::happydance: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

Hope everyone is good and having a nice bank holiday - we just arrived at my mums 'coincidentally' as she was about to do sunday dinner woop woop :happydance: she's doing SW too so it was all free.

Oooh that sounds nice! Will have to give it a try. Thank you :D xx
do u just turn up at the meeting or do u have to book? I have rang my local consultant as its a sunday I knew I wouldn't get him, I left a message tho asking him to ring me back as I haave few quieries... I really want to do slimming world seems like a dream diet and I need the meetings for motivation and to be honest some interaction with adults lol
do u just turn up at the meeting or do u have to book? I have rang my local consultant as its a sunday I knew I wouldn't get him, I left a message tho asking him to ring me back as I haave few quieries... I really want to do slimming world seems like a dream diet and I need the meetings for motivation and to be honest some interaction with adults lol

No need to book Dani - just turn up, any queries we can help with on here chick? :flower: It is important to try and get to the meetings whenever poss (I take LO - he's our mascot :haha:) as it just tend to motivate you a bit more and can be quite a laugh.

I like the diet ( don't call it that though - it's 'food optimising') because it's sustainable and OH and LO can eat the same stuff as me - plus I'm greedy and lazy so don't have to weigh out portions of veg and spuds etc - can just keep going until I've had enough :happydance:
do u just turn up at the meeting or do u have to book? I have rang my local consultant as its a sunday I knew I wouldn't get him, I left a message tho asking him to ring me back as I haave few quieries... I really want to do slimming world seems like a dream diet and I need the meetings for motivation and to be honest some interaction with adults lol

No need to book Dani - just turn up, any queries we can help with on here chick? :flower: It is important to try and get to the meetings whenever poss (I take LO - he's our mascot :haha:) as it just tend to motivate you a bit more and can be quite a laugh.

I like the diet ( don't call it that though - it's 'food optimising') because it's sustainable and OH and LO can eat the same stuff as me - plus I'm greedy and lazy so don't have to weigh out portions of veg and spuds etc - can just keep going until I've had enough :happydance:

Thanks, One of the lovely ladies on here helped me with a few things, But I really wanted to speak to my local consultant about bring lo along. I dont want to turn up with him and they turn me away lol Also on his answer machine message it says if u want to join at st pauls just turn up between such and such a time and then he goes on to talking about if any members have any quieries leave a message and he will call back from the willesden centre (the one I want to attend) but nothing about signing up??

I just want to start so badly I am starting to get depressed and need some motivation.

Thanks for ur reply
:hugs: :hugs:
I'm sure he'll get back to you soon chick - check their website on the class finder bit for times/days etc if he doesn't. I'm sure LO won't be an issue - the older ladies are normally clamouring over each other to mind my LO when I get weighed :baby:

Try not to feel depressed - you'll be posting on here next week that you've lost piles of weight :happydance:. I've lost over 2 stones in less than 3 months and have literally eaten like a horse. A big horse at that! I've drunk loads, had chips once a week, chocolate most days, but all within the allowances xx
Thanks I think I am going to leave kye with his dad the first time I go and then I can ask about bringing him along.. Thanks hunni xxxx
I'm sure it will be fine dani. Just wait. You'll soon be feeling fab. First weeks always the best. Be sure to keep us posted.

I've been a bit bad today ladies as it was my FIL's 70th so gone over my syns but not to worry as I'll make up for it tomorrow. (had half larger, 175ml rose wine and a small slice of choc cake :) xx
hi girls
hope your all doing good.
I havent done great this week i have tried but i have been out for a few meals as its abnk holiday weekend na d we have had friends over and me and hubby had a day out ourselves yesterday!
Friday we went tot he hungry horse so i chose the chicken skewers with a jacket?
Sat we went nandos so i had the rice sweeetcorn and half a chicken?
Sunday had the 5 bean quorn chilli from weathers with rice
So i have tried to stick to it with going out too!

So I contacted another consultant that is also nearer to me and she never answerd but she rang me back within a minute :):):):) She was sooooo nice told me about the group and price plan (cant believe how cheap it is). Also I can bring Kye along so I am well chuffed about that she said some of the other members bring their kids along YAY Cant wait till saturday now..Seems ages away I dont know what to do with my self lol Really hope this plan works for me!!1
I'm sure you'll do great, well done on making the decisoin to join :thumbup:

I'm planning on going 'back to basics' this week.. I've become a bit complacent after doing it for a while, thinking I know it all but a few bad habits have crept in:blush:

I'm just waiting for my shopping to be delivered, lot's of good stuff for fab food optimising meals. I'm making chicken Kievs tonight, only 2.5 syns, serving with salad and a small jacket spud... mmm can't wait.
I'm sure you'll do great, well done on making the decisoin to join :thumbup:

I'm planning on going 'back to basics' this week.. I've become a bit complacent after doing it for a while, thinking I know it all but a few bad habits have crept in:blush:
I'm just waiting for my shopping to be delivered, lot's of good stuff for fab food optimising meals. I'm making chicken Kievs tonight, only 2.5 syns, serving with salad and a small jacket spud... mmm can't wait.

Me too :blush: been tonight and STS - think I musn't have counted my wine properly :dohh:

Password is CARROT

How is everyone doing? I've got a big horrid mouth ulcer which is making me not wanna eat really :cry:
Made tuna pasta tonight:

2 onions
1 clove garlic
mixed herbs
2 tins tuna
1 tin chopped tomatoes with herbs
1 tin sweetcorn
1 carton passata
42g low cal grated cheddar (healthy extra)
2 scan bran stamped on (yes really stamped on ) to make 'breadcrumbs'

Fry onions and garlic in fry lite spray, add tuna, toms, passata, sweetcorn and herbs and bring to the boil then simmer for 10 mins.
Boil pasta in another pan, when cooked - drain and add to the tuna mixture, transfer into oven dish and sprinkle scan bran and grated cheese
on top then oven for 20 mins until cheese melts :happydance: plenty left over for carryout the next day too woop woop.
Oooh think I may try that tomorrow. I had spag bol. It was the best. Been meaning to do it for a few days. This extra easy way is fab.

Will add recipe if anyone wants it. Bit too sleepy to do it now as 4am and I'm feeding lo for 2nd time tonight. Must be a growth spurt. Lol. Thank god for the iPhone ;) xx
hi guys. hope u all had a good weekend. i feel ROUGH!!! mikey was up literally every hour feeding last night i have sore throat and headache and my bones ache. :(
I never ate as much as I do now. It's mad, it's like the more I eat the better I do. Yes you pay per class. I actually get it free tho as my council have teamed up with sw and nhs to provide 12 free classes if your over weight. The website is called loose weight feel great but think it may just be in Wigan they are doing it. xx

oh and Pip those snacks all sound good. I love the alpen bars! Also could you give me the syn free soup recipe please? :D xx

I've just signed up for this in Suffolk, great initiative with the gaovernment! I really hope they roll it out over the uk!

Feel in limbo at the moment though as i dont start until weds so i dont really know what to do with myself until then!

It is a great idea isn't it :D
Are you also getting the exercise class before the sw class? It's good fun. Lol
oh and as for not knowing what to do I did the naughty thing and indulged one last time. Haha.xx

No not heard about that... will ask about it though! Maybe we dont have it here?
Hi All :hi:

I started Slimming world last wednesday, and my first weigh in is tomorrow at 5pm.
Im already worrying about it, but in a good way.

Ive been good, but its hard to get my head around the fast i can eat this amount and still lose weight.

How is everyone?
:flower: Hiya Elli and welcome,

Ooh massive good luck for tomorrow - it's weird doing extra easy if you've done the diet before isn't it, you just feel like you'll have put half a stone a week on at first :haha:

Sorry you aren't feeling well Mrs Q :hugs: I've got a crop of 5!!! ulcers at the end of my tongue (my mum said cos I must have lied :dohh:) and am lisping and slobbering - nice. Feel dead run down this week.

Had SW burgers, beans and wedges for tea - all freeeeee :happydance:
Catch you all tomorrow xxx
Strawberries and fat free yoghurt down, i really struggle with breakfast time, and for the last week ive had fruit bowls, which are getting pretty boring.

How many normal weetabix would be classed as the heB?? In my book it only says about the bite size ones. :shrug: and i really need to start having my daily calcium intake!!

Hope everyone has got off to a good start today xx

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