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anybody doing slimming world?

argh weigh in tonight im pooping it :( ive been naughty all week
Arr well Kim - best just getting it out the way and we'll be super good all this week to make up for it :thumbup:

Elli - 2 weetabix chick, thats what I've been having with chopped banana for brekkie as I don't usuallly eat it.

i feel ill with my sore gob :cry: tongue all swollen up and its my throat now as well :growlmad: don't even feel like eating so know I'm ill :haha:

Making lamb kebabs (skewer with mushroom, yellow pepper, red onion, lamb cube) for tonight with cous cous all free again - just hope can fecking eat it!

Have a good day everyone
Hey girls..

I have been doing slimming world for 2 weeks.

1st week I lost 7lbs! This week I have only lost 1lb. I am feeling a bit disheartened as I was really good aswell. Anyone any tips?

I made some cous cous cakes the other day they are free on green & extra easy. If anyone would like the recipe let me know as they were surprisingly nice!

hi 4 magpies well done on your loss so far and welcome.
Hey girls..

I have been doing slimming world for 2 weeks.

1st week I lost 7lbs! This week I have only lost 1lb. I am feeling a bit disheartened as I was really good aswell. Anyone any tips?

I made some cous cous cakes the other day they are free on green & extra easy. If anyone would like the recipe let me know as they were surprisingly nice!


Hi Magpie - welcome.
Massive congrats on that 1st week loss :happydance: wowee - your body is just readjusting now and you never follow a huge loss up like that with another similar one unless you do a VCLD (lipotrim, cambridge etc) which are much harder to do.

Don't be disheartened - bet you have a fab loss again next week, loads of people wouldn't lose that in a month.

Would love recipe for the cous cous cakes please :flower:

You better Mrs Q? Hope Mikey been sleeping and letting you rest xx
hey not great but getting there i do a coucous cake. tastes like bread pud lol https://swrecipestodiefor.blogspot.com/2008/11/mincemeat-fruit-one-not-meat-one-cous.html

also can anyone help with my menu?

i get 4 extra a's and b's as i am breastfeeding.

Breakfast :- weetabix (b) Milk (a)
Lunch :- jacket with cottage cheese and prawns with salad
Dinner :- Tandoori chicken with rice.
Desert berries in yoghurt.

Snack - SW quiche.

I need to fit in at least 2 more a's somewhere not sure what to have i can have 4 a's or b's so if anyone has suggestions please help.
Yep I get these too - how fab :happydance: :cloud9:

I'm afraid I go top heavy on the B rather than the A and my group leader says if its working for me then ok - as long as I get at least 2 A choices.
I LIVE on hifi bars and alpen light bars (2 as a HE) but have started using half fat cheddar grated over pasta dishes etc as another A and fromage frais to make sauces creamier - also don't forget if you're eating your own body weight in muller lights like me - you're also getting calcium there too.

Or maybe toast midmorning with dairylea/laughing cow?

I'd quite like to find a free rice pud mix - spesh while my mouth is so bad - that would be piles of milk too eh
lemme see wat i can find
here you go
50g Pudding Rice
30g Sweetener
550 ml Skimmed Milk
*350ml is a HEa you could syn the remaining or add water to make up to 550ml if you dont want to use both your HEa
Good Pinch of Nutmeg (or to taste)


In to a pan empty the rice, sweetener and milk and a good pinch of nutmeg
Bring to the boil, stirring all the time ( this is important or it will stick)
When boiling, reduce the heat to a gentle simmer until most of the liquid is absorbed ( keep stiring often)
When you reach your desired consistency usually about 20 mins + serve and enjoy your rice pudding.
Oh wow - back of the net!! :cloud9:
Theres me sorted - fankyooooo *rushes off to buy pudding rice*

i think i may have just found the answer to make up my a's! xxx
I will post my cous cous cake when I get home. I struggle eating a's. I usually have a babybel or laughing cow extra light on toast/bread instead of using butter!

Oh and I love alpen lights, the toffee choc ones are amazing asda always run out! Lol.

first weigh in...in half hour!!! :wacko:

Oh dear...i got butterflies :lol:

Update later!!

Dani - hope u enjoy it :)
2.5lbs lost :happydance:

Anyone else get weighed today? xx
Well done Elli :happydance:
I also got weighed today. Lost 1.5lbs :smile: Thats a total of 10.5lbs in a month. Woohoo!!! x
Well done on the losses :) I'm feeling loads healthier since starting SW :)
i lost 1.5lb :) what does everyone think of the new curry book?
Well done girls!!

Here is my cous cous cake recipe:

113g of cous cous
150ml of water
1 egg white
1 mullerlight yogurt (any flavour i like toffee & choc & orange)
4 teaspoons of sweetner

Make the cous cous up with boiling water and leave to soak up.

Mix the egg white, the yogurt & the sweetner together.

Mix everything together.

Grease a bun tin with fry light spray.

Put mixture into bun tin.

Stick in the oven at 180/200 degrees until golden brown and firm to touch.

Cool & eat.

Syn free!!


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