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Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

God I would love to have cold weather cleaning out my car in 38c was not fun lol.
I don't think I will use opks this month just temp but I am going to use my clear blue fertility monitor next month and we will go at it full force lol.
Yeah I bled for the first 14 weeks with hunter on and off though it was not fun and neither was the 29 weeks of sickness lol but worth it.
Hunter is in such a bad mood today!!! I have my mothers group joint kiddies party today so I have been trying to get ready for that and all he has done all day is cry!!!! I am so ready for a break down! I think an early night is definitely in order!!!
How come you asked about the bleeding?
sorry hunter was being cranky for ya today :wacko: and trust me you do NOT want this cold weather lol I hate it. Makes me want to move south where its always warm and never snows! I was just kind of curious about the bleeding. i think Im just nervous. I havnt bled at all..not even implantation bleeding but I just wanted to see how normal it was I guess.

On another note Im off for the next 3 days!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: so we can chat away again like usual woohooo! lol i can't wait to just relax tomorrow!!!
Oh and I have to vent...Im having one hell of a hard time trying to quit smoking! is it going to get easier??! I'm definitely cutting back but its just so hard!!!
Yeah he has days like these quite often at the moment lol but mothers group party was really good!! It was only 31 so a bit to cold to swim as there was quite a cold wind but we still had lots of fun! It was great to see all the kiddies having a good time together.
It's pretty normal to be worried its hard not to be when you don't get to actually see the baby till 12 weeks in most places.

Yay to having the next 3 days off!! It will be so good to chill out and relax.
As for the smoking I am no good there because I just quit straight of the bat but I have always had such great will lower with smoking for some reason.
It's all a mind thing maybe write down on an a4 piece of paper all the bad risks that come with smoking while pregnant (which I don't actually know what they are besides the asthma and stunting the growth I actually don't know the other risks you might have to look them up) and stick it on your fridge or around the house and use it as motivation. That's what I am doing with my weight loss. Hopefully that helps.

Isn't it exciting that your baby is forming all its major organs this week!!! I love the tickers and reading up on what baby is doing week to week it's such a miracle!
hey kirstie!!! glad you had a good time at the mothers group party! sounds like fun!! ooohhh I wanna go swimming!!! haha. And it is so crazy to see what the baby is doing right now!!!! I went out and bought what to expect when your expecting and also a pregnancy journal which i can't wait to start writing in already!

Im doing good today. Only had 6 cigarettes so far. Its about 5pm right now here. Thats very good for me. I usually smoke a pack a day if not more sooo were getting there!!

And these next 3 days are going to be so nice! Already got some christmas shopping done today and me and OH may go out and see a movie later! He also got a "what to expect dad book" haha. I read the first line...it said something like "congratulations...and maybe you just found out that your "guys" are actually working" ...lol it made me giggle.

well I hope your having a great day!!! ttys :)
Well that's a pretty fair effort already going from a pack a day to 6 just keep going how you are and you will get there you are obviously strong enough!!
So exciting about getting the books and journal it's nice to be able to look back on things.
Glad your already enjoying your days off!! What roster do you do? We are almost finished our Christmas shopping just have to get a few bits and bats which we will do on Thursday, I am never this organised except we live 3 hours from the nearest shops so we kinda have to this year, so needless to say Thursday will be a full day trip, we usually leave home at like 5:30 in the morning and don't get back till like 6-5:30 that night! It's a long long day!!

Haha that's so cute that he is reading a book! More men should do that because they are so unprepared!
well its been 11 total all day now. So went from a little more to a pack a day to half a pack. going to try and do less tomorrow!! I usually work wednesday-sunday and then my days off are mondays and tuesdays. I had a girl pick up my shift today though ... she needed the extra money and I felt like I needed the extra day off so it worked out!

Why are all the shops so far away? I always hear people talking about that where you live. thats crazy to me! Your lucky for getting it all done early though! i only got my first bit done today haha. Im always a last minute shopper though! and a 12 hour shopping day?! haha thats longgg! And it was really cute when I saw the book i was really surprised when he told me to get it and that hell read it! he openly admitted he has no clue what he's in for lol.

How was Hunter today? hopefully in a better mood than yesterday!
Well I say well done and even if every second day you cut out one more out at a time you should be fine.
That's a pretty good roster you have! I really wish there was work in town right now I would love to go back to work a couple of days a week!
We live in a little mining town where there is I think only a few thousand people so we are kinda like in the middle of the desert. So the nearest shops are year 3 hours and there not even good shops the nearest like full on malls are 6.5 hours :( it sucks! But it saves us money lol.
That's really good oh is wanting to get informed its a but of a reality shock for the dads so he will be nice and ready by the time he has finished the books. Have you thought about who you want in the labor or want kind of birth you want? And drugs and things or not really thought that far ahead?
Yeah hunter was a bit better today but I have figured out he has been so sooky because he is sick his nose has been running all day and then he threw up at dinner so poor thing is sick!
I just hope he is better by his party!!
I just downloaded Arthur Christmas to watch with hunter thought we would lie on the couch together watch a movie, the poor little sick bubba was fast asleep 10 minutes in.
awww I'm sorry hunter isn't feeling well!! i really hope by the time his party comes around hell be better!!!! thats so cool you live in a mining town!! haha i know it probably sucks every things so far away but its probably relaxing!!!! and definitely a good money saver haha.

i havnt really thought that far ahead just yet. well I have...but with my mom being so far away its kind of upsetting not knowing if shell be here for the delivery or not...id really love for her to be in there with me!! I think ill definitely do the epidermal though! the thought of going through labor without it sort of scares me a bit! lol.

I waited a good hour today before I smoked a cigarette when i got up and to be honest when I finally smoked one...I got kind of dizzy!! Im hoping it stays that way! it'll make it much easier to quit!

hope your day is going good...i feel like you might be sleeping right now though I'm still trying to sort our hour differences out lol
I really hope he is to but he has woken up so much worse I have barely had any sleep at because the little fellas nose is so blocked he can't breathers therefor wakes every like half hour for about half hour so I am wrecked!!!

It's nice to have someone in the room with you other than your partner (well it was for me) Michael was a bit hopeless bless him lol he was kinda like a stunned mullet in the corner I don't think he realised how much pain I was going to be in but in saying that I thought it was going to be a lot more painful than what it actually was. I really enjoyed my labor and I can't wait to do it again! I just had gas and air and I will definitely just do that again although my labor was only 3 hours well technically 4 because I was at home for an hour.

That's a good sign that your body is starting to reject the smoking hopefully it stays that way it will definitely make it easier for you! Your doing a great job and a great thing by quitting for your baby and its not an easy thing to do for most people! So well done.

Yes I was sleeping lol it's not 7:10am here and I very much wish I was still asleep I am sooooooooooo tired!

I love living where I do even though it is in the middle of the desert I still love it, it's so quiet and relaxing and I can walk every where. Our house is 6 houses from the supermarket and post office and things so its awesome to not have to get in the car and have the hassle of getting hunter in and out of the car I love it. We have my sister and my sil live here as well and my bil is moving here after Christmas so that will be good. The people here are so nice and there is a lot of community events it's great.
wow only 3 hours!! thats great!! I love that you said you enjoyed labor! makes me feel better about it!! I know Ill enjoy the experience..still a little nerve racking though!

I'm sorry hunters still so sick :( and I'm sure you barely got any sleep last night!

Thanks for the encouragement with the smoking too!! I definitely need somebody to help me through this! OH smokes so it doesn't help at all! its okay ill get there!

I think its awesome that you can walk everywhere!! I live downtown in my areas...I can walk to most places too. Theres shops right down the street and tons of nice restaurants and stuff. Gas station right down the road too. But if I need to go to the store its a quick 5-10 minute drive depending on where I go. I do love being able to walk to places though!

I put in my application for medical benefits today. I felt so awkward in there! I could see all the people in there abusing the benefits and food stamps and housing and all that stuff. There was one girl in line ahead of me that was claiming she got evicted from her apartment..has been homeless for a month..yet living with "girlfriends" of hers that wouldn't let her use their address for anything. It just seemed so fake to me. Mind you her really nice purse hanging over her shoulder lol. It bothered me a bit watching so many people abuse the system! I could be wrong but thats what it seemed like to me!

Well OH and I are off to dinner for a friends bday tonight! should be interesting what excuse I come up with tonight not to drink lol. They're all pretty big drinkers ...well be in a big group though so hopefully they don't notice!
I don't know why but I was never scared or nervous or anything about labor I don't know if it was because falling pregnant is some what of a miracle for me so I didn't care the amount of pain I had to go through I was always looking forward to it lol. I remember my sister saying to me I thought that to before I experienced it and it is awful it is the worst pain you will ever feel in your life but I just didn't see it like that. I dunno maybe I'm just weird lol. It is am amazing experience though it is definitely something to look forward to. And I hope for you it is a good labor!

No not much sleep at all I am exhausted and for some reason today even though he is say there rubbing his eyes like made he still won't go down for a nap! He had a little half hour one at 10 but that's it and usually by now he has had 2 and a half hours!!

Yeah I really enjoy walking every where especially if hunter needs a nap it's a good way to get him to sleep hassle free!

What is the medical benefits because our system is nothing like it is in America! We don't get food stamps or anything I was talking about this on another thread as we don't get coupons either and I watch that extreme couponing show and I am sooo jealous!
We do have centre link which is for like the unemployed and baby bonus which is like fortnightly payments of $379 for 18 weeks and benefits for single mums is that kind of what it's like? And trust me the people we get on those kind of benefits are really bad druggies most of the time or yeah they are abusing the system. I got the baby bonus when I had hunter and a friend of mine lied and got the paid parental Leave which was $1000 a fortnight which really annoyed me! Especially as I had to quite work at 17 weeks because of how severe my sickness was and they wouldn't allow me to go to work from 4-14 weeks because of the bleeding so we were so broke but I didn't lie its very frustrating!
I hope you had a great time out for your friends birthday. A friend of mine is pregnant at the moment and hasn't told anyone apart from a few of us close friends and was at a friends for dinner and before she went she topped out her cruisers at home and filled them with mineral flavoured mineral water and put the kids back on and pretended she was drinking lol I had a good laugh at that!
How did you go concealing it?

Really weird I am on cd11 today and I think I am going to o in the next few days. I have really increased cm and checked it today and it is high soft and open and watery cm lots of it to. I started taking b6 this morning so I don't know it is already working or what but I am going to be so excited if I o on cd14 because this is what happened when I fell pregnant with my son. I am going to buy some opks on Thursday and see what's going on lol and I said I wasn't going to but I am getting excited at the thought of my cycles being some what normal
lol I KNEW you'd go out and buy some OPKs :) hehehe yayyyy for Oing soon! (hopefully)

The medical benefits I'm applying for are basically just to cover all prenatal care and the birth. I don't think I will have to pay much of anything...if anything at all if I get approved for them. They also offer WIC here which stands for Women Infants and Children. That basically helps you with formula and diapers. I don't really think Ill need that though unless Im out of work for longer than planned. And yes I didn't want to put it that way but mostly druggies and people abusing the system is what I saw there!

Dinner was fun! The girls bday that it was is more of an acquaintance so it was even more awkward for me I think to turn down drinks. Everything was fine at first nobody even noticed I was drinking water...and then somebody decided to order a round of shots for the table. (jameson green tea shots.) Luckily it was something I would never drink so I turned it down easily. well the bday girl realized and insisted on buying me a shot I like. I told her I've been on antibiotics for a few days for a really really bad UTI lmao...hey it worked. at least it seemed like it!

woohoooo can't wait for you to O soon!!! soon enough you'll be in the 2ww again!!! :happydance: :ninja: :happydance:
and you guys don't have coupons??!! we have TONS of them here. that extreme couponing show is crazy though! those people live there entire lives focusing on those things its insane! haha
I know hopefully I will o soon it's so weird I actually ended up going and getting the b complex so maybe that is helping??

That's good that you have something that covers all hospital costs. We have public (government funded) hospitals were you just don't have to pay anything but you are just another number (in most places but some are good) and then there private which you pay thousands of $$ for but if you have insurance it is cheaper you get a rebar back. But on another thread one of the ladies sent me a pic of her hospital room and it was amazing!!! We don't have anything like it ere even with private that you spend all the money for is nothing like what she showed me!!! So jealous that you guys can have those kind of luxury's!

I'm glad no one notice you weren't drinking to much but haha about the uti lol pretty good excuse though!

Hunter had the biggest fall today the poor thing just doesn't have good enough balance with walking yet! I saw him loosing balance but then looked like he was getting it back and then the last minute bang smashed his head right on the corner of the door and the corner on the wood I think it's called Cornis where the door hinges onto.


I ended up taking him to the hospital because he was acting weird and falling asleep but they said he was fine and he is probably just tired because he has a fever which they told me at the hospital I didn't even know he did.
And no sadly no coupons! And yeah they are a bit obsessive but seriously the savings is incredible!!

How did you go with smoking while you were out last night?
oohhhh poor Hunter!!! I see the poor little tears in his eyes :( :(

sounds like the b complex is definitely working! I heard it did so hopefully your bodies not just mess in with ya!!

funny you mention about the hospital rooms...a normal hospital room is not that cozy. But I was reading my "what to expect when expecting" book and it was talking all about these crazy cozy comfy hospitals rooms where they hide all the medical equipment...they have a nicer bed that looks like it could be in a showroom instead of a hospital...pictures on the wall and nice curtains and stuff. couches the works! I was like holy crap! Ive never seen one but I also havnt been in a room with anybody thats delivered so ill have to keep you updated ...ill take some pics too haha.

did you go out and get your OPKs? ahh I hope so!!! maybe you'll have a textbook 28 day cycle this month...or hopefully not period at the end and a :bfp: !!!

I did okay with smoking last night. Only had one after I ate. I think thats the hardest time for me is to not have one after I eat. Doing good so far today have only had 3! its still early though haha.
I know it was awful the poor little kid! He is bright and bubbly today though back to his usual self and he slept a lot better last night so I think he is getting better thank god!
I think the b complex mixed with the fact that I have lost 6kgs and 11 yes that's right 11vm of my waist sooooo unbelievably excited!!! I think it is all helping to pull things together with my hormones! I have also lost 4cm off each thigh and 3cm off each arm! I am so so so excited the 6kgs good to see but not as good as I wanted but seeing those measurements I am so motivated again! I am stoked with the outcome!

Well done on the smoking I think you are doing great just keep positivity up and faith in yourself that you don't need them you will be fine!

I am so excited Michael (husband) has finished his 7 weeks straight and is off for 2 weeks now we have missed him so much so it will be so good to have him home now! I never want to go that long without him again!

I am feeling so good and positive about this month even if I don't get my bfp I will still be ok with it but I feel like I can achieve it now!
so glad to hear hunter is feeling better thats great news!!! and your hubby was gonna for 7 weeks? aww i don't know what i would've done!!! glad to hear he's finally back :)

and holy progress on your weight!!! thats so awesome!!! that could definitely be a key factor in your cycles regulating also!! keep it up girl proud of you!!!

and its so great to stay positive!!! when we worry so much I think it really affects women that are ttc or ntnp whatever you want to call us! I really am so happy for you though it sounds like your doing great!!!

I took a pic of my 5 week bloat today haha...sent it to my mom and a friend. Im going to try and take one the tuesday of every week to see the progression and eventually get the pics printed out to keep in my pregnancy journal!

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