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Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Aw that was cute! I love the birthday cakes!!

Yeah lots of ewcm so hopefully we can get our freak on tonight :haha:

We haven't had the house I ourselves since last Friday and we won't till New Year's Eve so we wil have to be like :ninja: lol I finally got to use it!!

I had so many blood tests done when I was pregnant I felt like a permanent pin cushion it sucked! It's not nice when you start to get woozy!

You wil have to start posting pics of your bump/bloat lol
Aw that was cute! I love the birthday cakes!!

Yeah lots of ewcm so hopefully we can get our freak on tonight :haha:

We haven't had the house I ourselves since last Friday and we won't till New Year's Eve so we wil have to be like :ninja: lol I finally got to use it!!

I had so many blood tests done when I was pregnant I felt like a permanent pin cushion it sucked! It's not nice when you start to get woozy!

You wil have to start posting pics of your bump/bloat lol

:rofl: i am laughing soo hard right now!!! first the "get our freak on" comment hahaha and then the ninja!!! put a huge smile on my face lol!! :haha::haha:

I will definitely post pics!! I took a pic last week and also today! Im going to take one every tuesday i decided lol. I definitely have a noticeable bloat. Im tiny I'm only 5'1" and about 113 lbs so i can see it real good.Even though its just bloat right now I have a feeling ill be showing sooner too but who knows :shrug: tomorrow ill post them for you when I get out of work!

oh noo pin cushions are no fun!!!
:rofl: I love coming on here for a good laugh!!

Yeah being that size you will most definitely show early! It's very exciting!!

I am in some serious ovulation pain today lots and lots of cramping! I really hope that micks super :spermy: can find my egg in time! I am hoping he will have a few drinks tonight get a bit loose and let his hair down and we can :sex:!
So we got amongst it and hopped on the good foot and did the bad thing!!! :rofl: it was so funny afterwards mick turns to me and goes that one was a baby maker :haha:
So we got amongst it and hopped on the good foot and did the bad thing!!! :rofl: it was so funny afterwards mick turns to me and goes that one was a baby maker :haha:

LMAO!!! :rofl: :rofl: thats so funny!!! lets hope he's right and it was!!!! did he let his hair down and have a few drinks?? lol :haha:
I don't wanna go back to work I just wanna sleeeeeeep!

hows everybody feeling btw? hunter all better? are you all better? I hope so!!

I feel bad I havnt been in the mood to do it at all lately. Poor OH lol
I know I was he was I hope we got it in time! This is prettying exactly what happened when I fell pregnant with hunter I hadn't charred or anything all month then the day after my holiday did my clear blue fertility monitor and it was a peak day and we dtd and sure enough along cake hunter lol. I am closed shut today so I am officially 1dpo eeeek soooo excited!!!
I can't wait to have another baby! Want another so bad they are just sooo amazing!
We always wanted our kids close in age but I am kinda glad they won't be because I am glad I have had the extra time to bond with hunter and give him my full attention I think it would be hard with them close in age. I adore him so much and I would hate not having as much time for him as I have had so I am glad things have worked out the way they have, I just hope that it doesn't take years for us to conceive.

He didn't end up having a few drinks in fact he didn't even want to have sex lol I cracked it because sometimes he gets in this rut (mick is really really lazy) where he is just to lazy to want to have sex and it does my head in! That's why I was hoping he would have a few and help bring him out of the rut but no so I cracked it and went to go to sleep and he had a bit of an argument and he said I was just trying to wind you up so we could have angry sex hahahaha which was kinda good cause it made it a bit rough lol (sorry tmi)

God I can remember how tired you get in the first tri especially around yeah the 7-8 week mark it is as if everything in your body is being drained, well it is actually lol and all you wanna do is sleep!!

I am feeling a bit better, I am fine if I don't eat but as soon as I eat I feel awful again even if its just something plain. Mick says I should just live on salada's for a few days but I can't do that while breastfeeding I have I try and keep my intake up. Hunter is still a real snotty noses kid at the moment the poor thing but thank god he hasn't got what I have.

The no sex drive comes with the first tri lol wait till second tri he won't be able to keep you off him lol it kicks right back up.

I really hope we caught the eggy!!! I want another baby sooo bad!!
1dpo!!!!!!!:wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: so exciting!!! Ive been waiting for this dreaded tww to come for you!!!!! hehehe so excited! lol

and speaking of being lazy I think josh and i both get that way (sometimes) lol. Its more of a "you go on top now...no you" kinda thing lmao. and as for the rough comment...no TMI here...love it! lol

Im glad to know this sex drive thing is a first tri thing!! really can't wait for it to come back ... just feel so icky by the time I'm ready for bed!

and i sooooo hope you caught the egg!!!!! we can be bump buddies for real!!! and you seem like such a good mommy from how you talk about hunter and love pregnancy and kids and everything! my fingers and toes are crossed for you !!!!
my bumps! left one is last week at 5+4 right one is this week at 6+4! may not look like much to you but it does to me!!


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Bella21, congrats!!! I just came across your name on this thread! You are so cute:flower: H&H 9 months!
I know finally!!! I have been waiting also. My body took a whole week to hear up to o!!!!
I am glad my tww is over Christmas though and that family are here because it will stop me (well hopefully lol) from testing early!!

Lol so true as well with us about the whole you on top no you!! Lol when I got really big I didn't have any confidence to go on top at all but now that I have slimmed down I think Michael is loving it :rofl: and get amongst the roughness :haha:

It's definitely a first tri thing and its so funny that even though you start to get big during the second tri you want it constantly! It's really hard and uncomfortable in the 3rd tri lol especially if you go over!!

That was so lovely to say!!! I just think its all the most amazing experience a women will ever go through! They are so rewarding and should truly be treasured!!!

I can see you little bump it is quite cute!!
Bella21, congrats!!! I just came across your name on this thread! You are so cute:flower: H&H 9 months!

hi izzy!!! thanks!!! really weird I just came across your thread about O time!! haha I swear I was JUST reading it!! how are you doing?!
Doing pretty good! Still trying, no success yet, but staying positive:) I'm hoping to confirm O tomorrow, but I'm working night shift tonight. I'm hoping my nap tomorrow is long enough to get an accurate temp. I'm pretty sure I had a CP last cycle - after that, I had an HSG done which was clear. DH had his SA done and it was perfect! So we have high hopes:) We started using preseed this cycle - if no luck this cycle, I'm going back to OPK for one cycle, then it's on to fertility meds:/ I'm hoping to avoid them, but I will do whatever I have to! I'm so happy for you and your bump!! How are you feeling?
what guy doesn't love when the girls on top :haha: :haha: I think its hilarious were talking about this right now lol :rofl: I can definitely see it being awkward having sex in the 3rd tri....can you even do it when your bellies that big?? lol should be fun!!

its definitely a great thing your 2ww is around christmas!! you'll be so busy getting things done and being with family hopefully testing won't be on your mind until its time!!!

So im a little aggravated and I don't mean to vent or anything but my friends here and all she wants to do is go to the bar every night!!! and I don't care that she's going but she wants me to go too and I just don't want to and she just doesn't get it! Ive barely seen her because all she is doing is going out and getting drunk everyday and night I swear its ridiculous! I thought when she moved she would grow out of the party stage but it just hasn't happened and Ive been out of that for such a long time now. Josh and I went and grabbed some food tonight when we both got out of work and she came alone with us. I asked her before we got home if she wanted me to drop her off anywhere she said no. I swear the second we got inside and put the groceries away she was like "sooo umm do you think you can give me a ride?" I was like WTH! I just asked you! I was furious. I feel like she's just using me right now for a place to keep her things but is never here or even spending time with me at all besides wanting to go to a bar which Im obviously not going to have a good time doing.

okay...rant over. sorry I had to get that out! :wacko:
aww so sorry about the cp! :hugs: but its great that your and DHs testing all turned out great!!!! From what Ive heard preseed works wonders and a lot of girls get their bfps first try!! hope thats the case for you! I really really am wishing the best for you this cycle!! you really deserve it!!

and thank you :) Im actually feeling pretty good. very exhausted ! Boobs are sooo sore but really thats about it! I did feel a little nauseous today but no MS yet but I'm sure it'll hit me out of nowhere! have my first ultrasound on january 8th so I'm really excited!
Lol that is true and yeah you can but its very hard!! Some people really enjoy sex in the third tri but I personally was not a fan. Especially when baby moved it kinda was weird!!

I am hoping that is what will happen I will be to distracted to notice.

I would be well pissed off also! My dad was very much the same when he was here and it was really frustrating when you go to visit someone it's just rude to go out and be antisocial to the person who is putting you up or not even that the person you have come to visit! And you are pregnant for Christ sake why would you want to go to the pub everyday! Especially how exhausted you have been. There was every right for a rant!
aww so sorry about the cp! :hugs: but its great that your and DHs testing all turned out great!!!! From what Ive heard preseed works wonders and a lot of girls get their bfps first try!! hope thats the case for you! I really really am wishing the best for you this cycle!! you really deserve it!!

and thank you :) Im actually feeling pretty good. very exhausted ! Boobs are sooo sore but really thats about it! I did feel a little nauseous today but no MS yet but I'm sure it'll hit me out of nowhere! have my first ultrasound on january 8th so I'm really excited!

Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it! The doc that did my HSG said to def TTC this month b/c pregnancy rates are high right after that test. My tubes were all clear, though, so it's not like he "cleared" anything out. Oh well, I am just glad to have the peace of mind that nothing is standing in the way of us getting preggers. That is such a relief! Now we just have to relax and let it happen! So sorry about your friend and the bar thing - I can imagine how that would be really hard. Hang in there, and know you're doing what's best for your baby!! Are you going to find out the gender?
yeah kirstie I'm not a happy camper right now with her haha. Oh well nothin I can do! thanks for letting me vent :) your 2dpo today!! woohoooo!!!

izzy- thanks izzy thats what I keep saying to i know I'm doing the right thing! did your temp shoot up today to confirm O? I hope so!! and yeah we are definitely going to find out the gender! I don't think id be able to wait until the baby was born to know and i know OH definitely wouldn't be able to ! lol
I know I am pretty excited only 10 more days and I can test!!! Are you working over Christmas?
yayy 10 days !!!! and yeah I'm working a llllll weekend. schedule isn't up yet for christmas eve but Im assuming ill have off. I always have off mondays and I've been there the longest so I SHOULD have off christmas eve hopefully. but otherwise ill be working all weekend up until christmas :)

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