Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

aww thanks your so sweet!! and your totally right guys really are just hopeless with this stuff lol. and thats pretty much what it was like for me with him being half asleep and then he had to go to work so it made it even worse I was just here by myself with my thoughts lol. Luckily I called my best friend in florida and told her whats going on and had somebody to talk to all day. she's the only one that knows though :)

and omg that is such a cute freakin picture!!!!!!!! I love it!! your son is absolutely adorable!!!! :) and he's wearing oshkosh bgosh!!! omg I remember wearing that when I was little!! hehehe
and look at his little arm hanging out the side hahaha so cute!
I know you just want to shout it from the roof tops don't you lol but at least you had someone to talk to its such am exciting time!

And thank you I think he's beautiful but I am his mum lol. I got his costume for his party today and tried it on him

He looks so damn adorable. And yeah I love Oshkosh they have such nice stuff for boys here.
omg he is so adorable!!! and his costume is the cutest!!!!!! ahh i can't wait to have pics of my own little one!! :) he's a cutie pie your one lucky mom :)
well off to bed for me... have to try and get back in a normal sleeping pattern! ill tty tomorrow and ill post my tests tomorrow too :)
Thanks he's such a character and I know it will be so exciting when your little one is here!! Have a good sleep look forward to seeing your tests tomorrow :)
sorry I've been at work all day....going to post them now! the FRER isn't much darker but definitely a little bit


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Yay that's very very exciting I love the digitals it's so nice to see the word pregnant!
yeah OH saw it in the morning after I had already left for work.. he sent me a text message saying "now thats what i like to see...the actually word...not those damn lines" lol.

are you ovulating yet?? :haha::haha::haha:

i know its still early :) but O already so we can get this 2ww on for you :)
Yeah it's way better and even that first scan is just amazing to put it into reality!!!

Lol nah I am only on cd6 so a while away for ovulation yet but my temps are so steady so maybe this is a sign that this month is going to be good but honestly who knows!!!
I just got some of the stuff for hunters birthday today. I got all the kiddies animal head cups with a straw each and animal head bubbles they are pretty cool and some 1st birthday napkins. And because I bought so many thing from the one supplier they have me free safari themed wrapping paper and animal balloons which I was pretty excited about lol (that so goes in the category of things you get excited about when your older haha)
How was work today? Did you tell them yet or still waiting?
I had 3 other little kiddies this afternoon which was pretty cool have me an idea of what it's like to have more! I would live to have 4 but with economy today it's to expensive!
lol so cute about the birthday stuff! sounds like it'll be lots of fun :) and glad to hear your temps are steady! I know its still early I'm just getting impatient over here for you haha!

I havnt told my job yet..going to wait until the weekend is over I think. we have a pretty busy night ahead of us. this guy rented out the entire restaurant (theres 3 floors in our restaurant) and he's bring like 500 people there from his business that he opened 2 years ago. They're just going to drink and eat all night long from about 6pm-2am. gonna be a long night!

I went to planned parenthood this morning..(its a free clinic in the area..well free for girls who are under 18) I got my confirmation of pregnancy today :) only cost me $20 hehe. They gave me a place to go to apply for medical insurance since my job doesn't offer any so I went right over to the hospital down the street to set up my first prenatal care appointment. Its on dec 18 I'm excited! I went and bought the one a day came with 2 different pills in it. 1 with DHA/EPA and another with the multivitamin and folic acid so I should be good to go until my appointment :)
I am just gonna chill out this month well try lol but I bet as soon as it gets around I time I will get crazy again lol.
So glad you got bubs confirmed! It's such an exciting time for you guys!
That sounds like a very long day at work ahead!!! Hopefully it doesn't tire you out to much.
I could never take the vitamins my morning sickness or should I say all day sick was was so bad even just taking a tablet made me throw up I could never keep them down so I just had to be making sure I was eating as much frolic in foods as I could
Where have you been? Busy with work I guess!!! I have been missing our chats. I am going to update you anyway lol. Almost ready to go for hunters party next weekend I can't believe it's coming up so fast!! I have soooo sooo much cleaning to do before all the relatives get here I still haven't finished unpacking so I have a very very busy week ahead! Just got home from working at the bar at the local cricket club which was really fun it's just a volunteer thing and it was great I did it with my sil and two friends. Been working out everyday which is awesome I am really enjoying it hopefully get myself ready to fall pregnant again! We have out super Saturday session tomorrow and I am really looking forward to it. I have always enjoyed working out it was just getting the motivation but I actually think that once I am done with my goals I am going to do a personal trainer course I would love to do something like that! How are you feeling? Are you feeling very exhausted from work?
Hey kirstie!!! sorry weekends are so hectic for me. I work really long hours and yesterday was just horrible! We had about 400 people come in for this party and we had to cut half of them off by almost 12am already! i didn't get out until 2:30 am...I was sooo exhausted! And our kitchen wasn't open they were only cooking food for the party so it was hard to eat to while I was there. Took a nice to go box of food home with me though and scarfed it down as soon as I got home last night haha.

And thats so exciting about hunters party!! I love that name by the way!! Im a big wrestling fan (WWE...stupid I know lol) but one of the wrestlers real names is hunter! always loved that name! Its good to hear you have family coming into town too for the party!! Post pics for me from the party next weekend! Id love to see some! So good to hear your still working out too! And enjoying it! I guess once you really get into it its a whole lot easier to keep doing it! You'll be ready to fall pregnant again soon enough! :) And isn't bartending fun ? haha. I think id enjoy it more if I was just volunteering! it doesn't seem like work then!!

Im feeling pretty good. The heartburn has subsided havnt felt it in a couple days! The cramps and twinges that I feel are so weird! Sometimes it feels like AF cramps and I get worried but I heard its completely normal and that its just little bean snuggling in :) my OH told his boss yesterday. He wanted to "plant the seed" so when he leaves to get a better job it'll be easier for him. Turns out his bosses girlfriend just had a miscarriage :(

I work again tonight from 3-11 but Ill definitely be on later to chat more when I get out!!
No that's ok I thought you would have been busy with work! Sounds like you had a very busy night!! I could only imagine how tired you must have been!

Yeah we love the name to its a bit different well I thought it was I had never heard it before until we had my son and now I know 2 other hunters lol that's always the way though! I can't wait for next weekend it will be so god to celebrate his birthday and to see my family I am really really looking forward to this Christmas!
And yes love bartending I actually love any kind of customer service, I am quite a friendly person so I enjoy chatting to people and interacting with strangers lol.
I really wish we lived some where where there were more places to work the town is so small and there is not a lot of job opportunities at the moment!

That's good the heartburn had gone hopefully it doesn't return for you! It gets worse as the pregnancy goes on most times! I had it so bad it was not fun by the end I felt like I had no skin left in my windpipe it was awful!
That's sad about oh boss and the m/c it's such a heartbreaking thing to go through even more so if your trying. And yeah I felt cramps for about the first 12 weeks and you even get there during the whole pregnancy there called round ligament pains it's your muscles stretching as your uterus does.
I hope tonight isn't as exhausting for you but being your job it probably will. Hopefully you can go home and get a nice foot rub lol.

Hunter has just started figuring out how to turn the tv, Xbox and satellite tv off and continuously does it while I am trying to watch tv or play a game lol I don't mind so much but my husband on the other hand if he is in the middle of a game and hunter comes along and turns it off he is not a happy camper lol I don't mind because its all a part of his learning and if he is learning something then who am I to stop him. But I'm sure it will get on my nerves one day
awww so cute he's learning all that stuff! but I can see how your husband would get mad :haha: Id probably laugh if it was my son/daughter doing that to my OH! even though he wouldn't be laughing id probably think it was hilarious lol. Glad to hear the cramping is normal! Work definitely wasn't as bad for me tonight...not nearly as long as last night was anyway. I told my general manager I was pregnant :) he was happy for me! and said he has plenty of things to give me if I need anything :) And then he kept coming up to me and showing me videos of his son haha it was so cute. I feel a lot better with him knowing now it was definitely a weight lifted off of my shoulders. Im definitely a people person too but Ive noticed myself getting a little irritable with people the past couple days. I don't know if its because Im tired or my hormones are all over the place lol. How was your day? did you bartend again tonight or is that just an every once in awhile thing? hope things are going well on your end!!

ps...I wanted to take another digi again tonight just to "make sure" (i dunno why). well i peed all over the damn thing and the error book popped up lmao. Felt like it was telling me to leave well enough alone haha. Ill probably take my last one tomorrow though anyways but pee in a cup and dip it this time lol. I dunno why I think I just want to see it say it again lol.
Aw that's good you told your boss it will make things a lot easier for you now especially if something does happen and you need to take time off. We have to tell jobs here when they are physical because of liability.
No bartending tonight it was just a once off thing for cricket. But I did enjoy myself.
I had a bit of a productive day today made some short breads with my mums recipe first time I have made them and they were delicious! I also went out for lunch and then cleaned my car. My husband is on nights at the moment next Wednesday is his last day he has done 7 weeks straight so I am missing him like mad!!!! Cd8 today so it will interesting to see when I will ovulate, I think my temps are a little to perfect if that is even possible they are so unbelievably steady it's ridiculous!
The irritability is probably a mixture of both hormones and being tired things are so crazy at first with everything going on in your body!
:haha: the keeping all on the test gave me a good giggle I know what it's like to wanting to keep seeing it. I did a test everyday for a week although I was bleeding so needed to make sure I was still pregnant but it is hard to not wanting to be reasurred all the time.
mmmm short breads! love those!! and I'd say you had a real productive day! my car is a MESS but its just so colddd to want to take the the to clean it right now lol. and its been raining for the past couple days and isn't stopping until tuesday apparently. errr. and yeah I didn't think the irritability could happen this early but I guess I was wrong lol.

So I know your trying to take it easy this month but are you going to use OPKs or anything or just temp? thats great to hear your temps are so steady!! hopefully thats a great sign for you this month!! did you bleed a lot through your first pregnancy?

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