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Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Yes 7 weeks he was still home but for only am hour every day before he would go to sleep so pretty much like not seeing him at all :(

It definitely plays a huge part! Stress is one if the key factors for irregular cycles or missed periods and what's even worse is that the women is so stressed about falling pregnant af is then late and then she is getting excited then af shows and there is more stress it is just a very vicious cycle!! But positive mind causes for a positive life!

Haha I took photos every week also I looked bigger around the 6-8 week mark than I did when I was 10 weeks due to all the bloating. I was so skinny at 10 weeks though! I was so sick and lost so much weight from all the vomiting!
thats what I keep hearing! all these girls saying they were bigger at 5 weeks than 8-10 because the bloating calmed down and they couldn't stop throwing up haha...just waiting for the m/s to hit me one of these days!!

and that had to have been so hard only seeing him for an hour a day!!! I really don't know what I would do!! and omg your right it really is a vicious cycle!! You seem to be much more positive and relaxed this time around I must say and thats great!! :) :)
You never know you might be a lucky one that doesn't get it! My friend is almost 11 weeks and has only thrown up once. I didn't mind though all the throwing up was so worth it!!!

Yeah I definitely am a lot more relaxed and I am really enjoying myself at the moment getting ready for hunters party and everyone coming at Christmas and losing the weight has kept me positive! And it is great having mick home to I was so sad without him here. I am so glad it has worked out perfectly as well that he is off now and I am ovulating! Which I am pretty sure on as well yay!!! I am getting opks tomorrow while we are out shopping so I will so one tomorrow but I'm sure we will :sex: like mad over these next 2 days lol
hehehe let the :sex: begin!!!! woohooo!! :dance: :happydance:

and what perfect timing!!! so exciting!

well I'm back to work today. On my little break right now. Im off again tomorrow though! me and another girl are going to pick my friend up from the airport thats flying in from seattle! havnt seen her in probably 2 years I'm so excited!! the other girls going to have us over for dinner and then she will be staying at my house most of the week!

I can't wait to see pics from Hunters bday! how is he feeling now btw?
Lol yes well mick was super tired last night and was asleep at 7:30!!!!!! I was so bummed but I don't want to force it this month even if things are looking good. But oh my lord hunter is soooo sick!! He barely slept at all last night and every time he woke up he was hysterical! I think maybe he has a sore throat so when he wakes up its painful because he just sobbed and wouldn't feed wouldn't take the dummy his dummy nothing and then at 2:30 it was all over he cried for like half an hour and the only thing that calmed him down was me putting on happy feet 2 (he loves that movie lol) and even then every 5 minutes or so he would just start sobbing! It was an awful night I didn't end falling asleep till 11 then between 11 and his big wake at 2:30 he woke about 5 times for about 15 minutes each time and then the 2:30 I didn't get back to sleep till like 4! I am so tired!! Lol but hey that is the job of a mum well when bubs is sick anyway!

How exciting for you to have your friend coming!!! I bet you can't wait!
How are you feeling??
yeah good idea not to push it this month :) even though I bet you'll jump on him tonight!! :ninja:

aww poor hunter! I was hoping he was getting better! hopefully tonight is a little easier for you and you can hopefully get some sleep and him get some sleep too!! keeping my fingers crossed that he is better for his party :)

very excited to see my friend! its gonna be fun :) Im feeling okay. I think I had my first hormonal cry today lol. I think it was the stress of quitting smoking...working and me just being exhausted today! My hormones were just all over the place. Got a good cry out to OH and feel much better now lol. I was never one to cry a lot so it was kind of weird for me. Im really enjoying being pregnant though :) I can't wait to have a little bump showing and to see my little bean at the first ultrasound! Its going to be such an amazing feeling.

Hows everything going for you today? did you get to take a nap at all and hopefully catch up on some sleep from last night?
well its 1:30 am here....think its time for bed :sleep: even though lately I seem to just toss and turn for an hour or so before I finally fall asleep :wacko:

goodnight talk to ya in the morning!! :friends:
Well definitely no jumping on him tonight lol he was asleep at 7!!! But I understand he is exhausted!
He has this really bad sleep problem where he has sex with me in his sleep lol I can usually tell when he is still asleep because he like half ass tries to fool around and then starts snoring :haha: but sometimes he is really into it so I think he is awake and I sometimes even ask him if he is awake and he isn't and he will wake right at the end and be like oh yeah right it's happened again!!! It is so frustrating!!! He did it last night and then hunter woke and started crying so I got up and tended to him and mick went back to sleep and I was like so were not finishing then? And he says I only just woke up when hunter cried and realised what was happening so no I am going back to sleep I was gutted lol.
I am use to it though it has happened some we first got together its so weird in glad he has never had to sleep in the same room as another girl!!

And by the way love the little ninja makes me smile every time!

Hunter went to sleep really easy tonight so I am hoping for a better night but not to sure when I will get to crawl into bed because I have soooooo much to do before I pick up all 7 family members tomorrow at all different times!!! I am so stressed it sucks! And I am frustrated because micks not helping but at the same time I know he is exhausted from his 7 weeks on its just a sucky situation but I will keep my head high and move on!
I has delayed also I think because I am stressed now but that is ok I will just take it as it comes!

Lol about the hormonal cry one thing you will learn when your pregnant is don't hold it back if it needs to happen just let it especially as its the one time you can get away with shit you wouldn't normally :haha: I remember but to sure why but I decided to start watching greys anatomy (I had never watched a single episode) while I was like around 20 weeks I think and seriously every single episode I sobbed and sobbed lol I even cried at adds and I was so not a cryer! But that is one thing that has stuck with me because I still now cry at shows and sometimes even adds it sucks!

It's quite common to be so restless during first tri and then second tri well most people you get an abundance in energy so when your head hits that pillow at night you are out cold lol I had never slept so good when I was in the second tri it was heaven although mick didn't think so as I snored really bad while pregnant (most women do) do strange.
It really is such an amazing feeling and the first time you feel a little flutter or kick it is just incredible!!! It's so good reminiscing back its such a wonderful experience enjoy every minute of it!!
How many kids do you plan on having?

No nap for me today but that's ok because hunter has always been a bad sleeper so I am use to very little sleep I can fully function in 3 hours sleep lol.

We got all our Christmas shopping done today and got all I need for the party so all sorted that way just need to clean and set up!
I can't wait to show you photos.
I would probably say I won't be on tomorrow or Saturday unless its when I go to bed actually who am I kidding I will be checking when I go to bed lol but I'm sure
You will be busy spending some good quality time with your friend anyway. Hope you have a great day!!
I just got into bed after doing all the Crap I needed to and hunter had been asleep for 3 hours without a stir I get into bed he crawls over to me puts his head on my chest and starts snoring this is going to be interesting to get to sleep lol
omg thats so funny what your husband does! lol i can understand why its so frustrating to you because you just don't know if its real or not! but it still would make me laugh! I'm sorry he didn't wanna finish though :( I can say that when Josh (boyfriend) gets way too drunk and tries to have sex he usually ends up either just stopping in the middle .. goes pee...and then goes to sleep hahaha. but one time he fell asleep (drunk) while we were doing it..he just started snoring! I was livid lol. I told him the next day Im never having sex with him again when he's drunk hehehe.

Lol and you are just not having any luck with sleeping lately are you? thats really cute though that he just came over and fell asleep on you :)

That doesn't sound like fun at all going to pick 7 people up!! at all different times no less! sorry Mick isn't helping you either :/

lol about the greys anatomy! I havnt ever watched that show either...maybe an episode here or there so I can definitely see how you would cry! and you're so right being able to get away with things we couldn't before! lol love it! Oh and we plan on having at least 2 kids :) I want 2 pregnancies... so say we were to have twins right now...id probably still want another kid..even though Josh says no not if we have twins lol.

Glad to hear you got everything done for the party! The clean up part is the worst part haha. I completely understand if I don't hear from you soon I know you'll be busy and I definitely will be too! Ill ttys :) and can't wait to see pics !! have fun!
just wanted to say hi!!! hope your having a great day with your relatives!! AFM had a pretty long day! drove an hour and a half to pick up my friend! the 3 of us stopped and got dinner and then she headed to my place to put her things away for now :) all and all has been a good day! ttys!
It is a bit funny what mick does lol I do have a good laugh sometimes but sometimes it's kind of embarrassing :haha:
It sucks when they are drunk doesn't it not cool at all!
Hunter slept soooo amazing last night!!!
All the family is here now and we have had a great day!! Got soo much done for the party can't wait!
Hope your having a great time with your friend!
Will post sone pictures and things on Sunday. Have a great weekend!!

Well just read your post lol and glad you had a great day with your friend!! It will be good to have someone to talk to about being pregnant that is actually with you in person :haha:
lol yes I absolutely cannot stand when he's drunk! lol us girls don't act like that!!

so glad hunter got some good sleep last night..finally!!! which means you probably did too!!! yayy!! glad you got a lot done too with the family!! can't wait to see pics!!! :)

and yes its very nice to be able to talk about it with a friend!!
I hope Hunter had a wonderful birthday party and everything went great!!! can't wait to talk to you soon!!!!
Hey hey so hunters party went great!!!! We had an absolute ball and he was spoilt rotten!!
He got a ride on Thomas the tank from my mil and he loves it pushes it around the house and for some reason only sits on it backwards lol. It has been so good having my family here but sooo exhausting!!! Hunter is still sick so has been a bit unsettled but that will go with time. My dad and sister leave today and I am so said its going to feel weird without them here!! And my nephew clay and hunter have got along so well it's so cute! How are you going? How has it been with your friend?

Hunter and his cousin

My nephew

Hunters came my dad and I made


Hunter with the ride on Thomas.

It was such a good day we all had so much fun! We ended up having a spit later that night as well it was great!! I can't believe he is 1 on Wednesday!!
heyyyy!!!!!! AWWW love love LOVE the pictures!!! Im so glad everything went well and you all had a great time!!!! sorry your parents are leaving already though!!! I know how you feel not having your family close to you!!!

Josh and I got all of our christmas shopping done today!! we were running around for a good 5 or 6 hours but we did really good and actually didn't spend too much money! We ended up in babies R us to buy his niece some things and we started looking at cribs ...I already want to buy baby stuff! not going to though of course its very early. I have my first appointment tomorrow so ill let you know how everything goes! I'm so excited! 6 weeks now...im a lentil bean! hehehe. I bought a scale today too so I can start tracking my weight. I swear I feel like i gained 20 lbs already because of how bloated I am but I weighed myself today and Im 2 lbs less than I was 3 months ago. Of course 3 months is awhile but its the last time I weighed myself. But anyways don't really have many symptoms still just sore bbs still. cramps have tapered off quite a bit! and no MS yet woohoo!

enough about me! whats going on with you?? did you O yet?! (I know your not really set on trying this month but I'm still hopeful for you!!! ) haha. hope to talk to you soon!
Yeah it definitely is hard it was awful seeing then go!

That's awesome you got all your Chrissy shopping done!! And it is so hard to resist on buying baby stuff lol there's just so much excitement that runs through your body it makes the urge hard to fight!

How exciting about your appointment can't wait to hear how things are going!!!
That's good that your feeling great there is nothing worse than feeling shit while being pregnant!

I am pretty sure I am o'ing now but I unfortunately have gastro!!! I was up all night vomitting and well the other yuck thing lol and sleeping all day so definitely think there is no chance of conceiving this month lol but I am ok with that on to next month. We are way to busy to worry about it all anyway.

Hunter has grown up so much in the last few days you can just tell such a difference in his personality, he said no for the first time today but to be honest I think it was a fluke lol. His Aunty asked him if he wanted to go to bed and he turned around and clear as day just said no it was so cute but haven't been able to get him to say it again lol.

Has your friend gone home yet? Did you have a nice time?
ohh nooo so sorry about the gastro!!! it really is the worst feeling! I had the stomach flu 2 years ago on valentines day! it was the worst...and I was working all day so I kept running up to the bathroom puking until they finally sent me home lol. I really hope you feel better soon!!

and lol about him saying "no"! too cute!! has he said any other words besides that? its so exciting to know hell be talking soon!! then he probably won't stop haha!

appointment went well today. They just asked me a bunch of questions about family history and stuff. Then she goes "have you had your flu shot yet?" ....no...."okay well do it now...jab" i was like ohhhhkkkay lol. it wasn't bad at all though it didn't even hurt now my
arms just sore :/. then they sent me down for bloodwork....8 tubes of blood! ahh!! I go back january 8th for an exam and first ultrasound! I should be 9 weeks by then I think!

I really hope you start to feel better soon!

oh and my friend is here till christmas :) she's been hopping around seeing everybody she can while she's here which is good because then I don't feel bad about keeping her occupied while I'm at work!
Gastro has pretty much gone now I think it may of been a bit of food poisoning. But feeling much better now!

Hunter is the big 1 today I can't believe it he is such an amazing little boy and mick and I are so proud of the character he has become!
He says a few words mum, dad, yum yum and we have just starting teaching him ta but haven't gotten that out of him yet I don't think it will be long though.

They would have been checking for all your rebela levels and hep levels and blood group with all blood it's a lot hey! It's different here we only get 3 viles but they do all the same tests so strange how its different from country to country.

Soooooooo I am ovulating today!!! Well I actually think last night those b complex have really really help I have not had ewcm like this ever I don't think.i am hoping that tonight won't be to late to :sex: it sucks having family here because if they weren't here we would just be getting night during the day lol.

That's good that your friend is keeping herself entertained it sucks feeling like you constantly having to keep a visitor occupied.
:cake::cake::cake: Happy birthday Hunter!!!!!!!!! :cake::cake::cake: :happydance:

so happy your feeling better!!! yah id say if it was only for a short period of time then it sounds more like food poisoning !

and maybe you still have a chance this month!!! if your still getting EWCM id say your still in!!!! :sex: tonight!!!! woohooo!!! and yeah its definitely hard when you have company! OH and I havnt really been BDing a lot because honestly I just havnt felt up to it! but now that I feel up to it my friends here and I feel kinda weird haha. but she's staying at her brothers house tonight so hopefully tonight we can :)

oh your so lucky to only get 3 viles! by the 5th one I felt like I wasn't gonna make it haha. of course not eating much def didn't help. glad thats over with!

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