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Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

I know 10 days is not a long time at all!!
That sucks that your working so much but at least you will hopefully have Christmas off!
We are just having a family BBQ which is very nice! Everyone is here having a few drinks, although mick is smashed!!!! Lol but he hasn't in a long time so I am glad he has had a good time!
yeah it sucks working a lot but holiday season is when we make money so its okay :D hope you had a good time at your family BBQ!!! sounds like a lot of fun! especially with hubby getting smashed! haha hopefully he remembers having sex tonight :wink: lolol

so I'm happy to say the world didn't end today!!! lol
Yeah true someone has to work it!!
He got a little too drunk unfortunately and we had a bit of an argument which I felt terrible about this morning he didn't speak to me for a while this morning he said he wished I trusted him with his alcohol a bit more (he has done really really stupid shit in the past so it's a bit scary for me when he drinks) but I wish I had of given him the chance to prove he has changed I felt like such a bitch in the morning!!

Me also I am glad I will now still get to have another baby and you experience a first!!!
Well I am 3dpo only 9 more days till testing lol. I was going to buy some today ready for testing but I withheld my temptation I know if I have it in the house I will test early for sure!
How you feeling? Almost 7 weeks already I can't believe how fast it is going!!!
aww don't worry I know how that feels. OH has done some pretty stupid things in his past too and I also get into those phases where I don't trust certain things and kinda freak out a bit and we end up fighting too. and its the worse when you feel so right about it the minute your arguing and then you wake up the next morning and feel like shit about everything. don't worry we all go through it !

and i know i can't believe it!! I think I am only 6 weeks though. I have my ticker based on my lmp but I know i ovulated late (cd22) which puts me at 6 weeks and not 7. Im just keeping it at 7 for now until my scan to see how the baby measures. Im feeling pretty good though. except i don't think I've gone number 2 in like 2 days (sorry tmi) i just can't go! lol. and I'm still extremely exhausted all the time but not much i can do about that! thankful for no MS yet. I keep worrying I'm going to miscarry though...I think reading all the threads of other girls going through it gets to me. Is it normal to be so worried about it?
and i always think its a good idea to wait until at least 10dpo. thats just my personal opinion though...id rather not see a chemical pregnancy if it happens i think it'd be more upsetting than just getting a bfn ya know?
Omg I have been trying to post back for f$&@ing ages lol and I keep accidentally getting out of it or it says submission not completely grrrrr so frustrated!

I am glad I am not one with the stupid drunken partner lol it sucks to be a wife or girlfriend sometimes!!

Even 6 weeks has gone fast!! I know it's technically 2 but still feels like it is going fast!!
Constipation goes hand in hand with first tri for most people!
I am glad you haven't had any ms I am hoping I am that lucky the next time round!
It's very normal to worry a lot with your first but the first time you hear that babies heart beat it starts to ease!
How are you going with the quitting??

I definitely won't be testing any earlier than 10dpo it isn't worth the unnecessary dissapointment!

It's so good having the family here and having a good laugh but it is also frustrating because hunters routine has been so out of wack because they want to cuddle and play with him constantly even at bed time!! He ha sheen so out of sorts and I think he is very overwhelmed so he had been so sooky! I don't usually pic him up straight away when he is just sooking but micks mum is like straight away or come to nanny and its very frustrating!!! I don't want to say anything to her because she takes things way to personal but it's making things a lot harder for me! Lol rant over!!
So my O date was 12/19 - 3dpo now!!! FX, double and triple times!!! I'm going to try to hold out until 12dpo as well to test - if I never see a BFN again it will be too soon..
lol kirstie it would've been 5:55 in the morning if i waited up for you to be able to post haha! and yes its definitely going fast!! ultrasound appointment is coming fast too!! :)

I'm doing pretty good with quitting...havnt quit completely yet but I'm down to 2 day a day (sometimes 2 1/2) lol. i should be down to 0 soon its getting easier and easier.

and that definitely must be frustrating with Micks mom! especially when you've been doing things certain ways for the past year and she comes and starts doing things her way. Then Im sure hunter gets confused too and will expect you to come right away too when he gets like that because she did. and rant away!! i did lol :)

Izzy!!!!!!!! 3 dpo !!! :wohoo: !! you and kirstie are going to be testing around the same exact time!! my fingers are quadruple crossed for you!!!! you better keep us updated on symptoms and testing!!!! :happydance:
Thank you so much!!!:blush: I tried to time it with the EWCM, because that's always super obvious for me (sorry TMI!) Of course I was working night shift when I was waiting for the temp spike - I'm pretty sure it was the 19th but it could have been the 20th - I'm hoping for the 19th!! Do you know if you have just as good of a chance conceiving with BD the few days leading up to O as on the actual day of O? I know the little guys can live for a while, so that's giving me hope!! I have felt a few lower abdominal "twitches" in the past couple days, but that could be because of ANYthing, lol! Oh how I'm hoping for a New Year's gift:flower:
And I think I'm going to stop checking CP...mine is all over the place!! It has seemed HSO all cycle!??
Im pretty sure you actually have a better change conceiving when you BD before O!! that way they are already waiting there for the egg to release!!! abdominal twitches are a great sign! I had a lot of those in 2ww! and definitely stop checking cp...Im pretty sure at this point it can't show you anything about pregnancy except for it being closed :flower:
We will be testing the same time I o'd on the 19th also!! Yeah bding the few days leading up is good because they wait like a little army for the egg lol they say if you bd before o and that is what made you fall pregnant if is usually a girl they live longer but if its on o it's a boy they are faster swimmers. I bd on o only when I fell pregnant and I got hunter so I guess the experts are right at something.

That is sooooooo amazing about that quitting you are doing so so well!!! So proud of you, you must be feeling so good about it!

It would definitely be confusing for him the poor thing! But oh we'll bite my tongue till they go home!

I am so excited only 2 more days till Christmas! There is so many presents under my tree!


I love my Christmas tree!
So I was not going to symptom spot at all this month but yesterday I was all crampy and it felt like my uterus was throbbing! And in the middle of the night I woke up busting for a pee! I really hope this is a good sign!!!
sorry I was MIA for a little bit!! been working my butt off over here lol! woohoo look at your beautiful christmas tree!!!!! and all the presents!!! love it!!!

and i have to say thats what my uterus felt like!! still does actually haha! eeeek i hope these are all real signs for you!!!! only 5 more days until testing for you wooohoooo!!!!!!
I know I so hope so!!! It would be a great late Christmas present!!!!! I have been so busy today making all the food for tomorrow. My menu for Christmas dinner is huge lol we are having

Prawns in garlic and herb marinade
Honey mustard glaze ham
Sea salt and rosemary crackle pork
Turkey breast with garlic and herb stuffing
Roast potatoes in duck day (sounds awful but it's just using the duck fat in place of oil)
Veggie bake

Choc ripple cake
Choc mouse
Mini meringues with fruit and cream

Sheesh it is going I be a mad house here tomorrow!!

I thought you would have been busy with work when you hadn't been on for a bit!
You make sure you put for feet up and find some you time to relax you are a mumma in the making now you deserve it!
Well it's Christmas Eve here so I probably won't be on till Christmas night! I hope you have a great Christmas Day!!!!!
Omg only 4 more days till testing can't believe it! So nervous and excited!!
I can't remember if you told me or not what you though about pain relief and birth type?
Good luck kirstie!! I'm 5dpo today...been having crazy heartburn and really vivid dreams. Also been really gassy, lol! I have been trying the pineapple core thing too. ..anyone ever heard of that helping with implantation? I figured it was worth a shot! We also used preseed this cycle. ..hoping its our time!
Yeah I have heard a lot of women using the pineapple core and a few have been successful!! Pressed also has a great reputation!
I am so hoping it is our month also!! Last night was the second night in a row that I have been woken in the middle of the night to pee which does not happen!!! So I am keeping my fingers crossed! I hope you get your New Years bfp!

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