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Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

kirstie!!!!! i am sooo hoping thats not an evap and thats the start of your bfp!!!! The thickness is good but it looks like theres 2 lines on the outside and no color on the inside which is kinda weird. ahhh I hope it gets darker!!!!!!!! sorry i missed all these...i was on the previous page when I replied and didn't see the rest!
Well I am testing again with an frer so I wil let you know but I honestly think it is an evap for that reason!! No hopes at all at the moment
Kirstie stay positive!! That's my motto this cycle!! I'm 9dpo today and it took everything I had to not test this morning - I didn't, though! I'm going to use my first IC in the morning:wacko: I had really bad heartburn from like 3dpo to 6dpo then it kind of subsided - now I just have really sore boobs, and I had that little wave of nausea last night - I've never been so excited to have nausea, lol!! Bella, thanks for your support! I hope your nausea doesn't get too bad:/ Kirstie, can't wait to see your FRER!!! FFXX!!
Alright so I took an frer but after only a 2 hour hold and I'm pretty sure it's evap well that's what I am taking it as :( but I wil post anyway it was silly to test but I couldn't help myself hopefully the morning one will give me a proper answer!!!


And i am trying to stay positive but I hate the dissapointment that comes with that if it ends up bfn :( we have both had such great signs though!! The last 2 days since I had my dip I have had pinching and pulling really low in my uterus!
So it's midnight here and it sucks that none of you ladies are online lol but my boobs allllllll day today have felt like there is bricks in them!!! They are so achey!
Yay!!! That's a good sign! I've been feeling the same thing:happydance: And my gums started bleeding this morning when I was brushing my teeth - isn't that a possible sign? Ah! Going crazy over here!:wacko:
Omg how frustrating I was so excited to test this morning and of course it's a dud test :( the control line didnt even come up till about the 2 minute mark and now at the 5 minute mark there is starting to be a second line but i dont know if it has colout i am not counting this at all grrr how annoying!! And that was my last test :( I really think I am out though after yesterday's tests if they were positives this morning would have been really clear :cry: I know I'm still only 10dpo but still. My boobs are still very sore but that could just be an af sign considering I rarely ovulate I don't really ever get any Lms type af symptoms.because of the lack if hormones so maybe all these things I am feeling are from the higher hormones than usual :shrug: I don't know I am a bit down now! Well we will soon see in 4 days if af shows or what not
kirstie the line on your frer looks pink to me though!!!! and does it matter if the control line popped up later? as long as it shows up it doesn't make it a faulty test right?? and your getting lines on all your tests so far!!! ohhh please please please don't be evaps!!!

izzy can't wait to see when you start testing!!! i think this month is going to be it for both of you!!!! fingers are super super crossed!!!
and izzy gums bleeding is definitely a sign!!!!
I wish they weren't either but I really think they are :( we shall see I guess. Izzy I want you to hurry up and test so bad lol I think you are as well. When are you testing?
Lol no chickening out!!! I tested again today after my dodgy test and bfn I feel like af is coming also this afternoon so I am just going to wait now! But I am not sad at all I start my progesterone treatment this month so hopefully it will be a quick conception lol!!!
nooooo af!! but if af does come hopefully the progesterone works right away for you!!!!!! and you never know kirstie maybe your urine was too diluted. Im still getting AF cramps! lol
I hope you dont mind me jumping in here (fellow long cycle girl, currently on CD65 :wacko:) but just wanted to say that those lines are exactly how mine start out Kirstie.

Good luck to both you and Izzy x
hi tasha we don't mind at all! I'm sorry to hear about your long cycles...trust me we all understand! are you taking anything to try and shorten them at all?
Thank you bella, and congratulations on your pregnancy.

No I havent done, is there anything you girls suggest and I will get it okayed with my professor as I have to have other meds (progesterone from 7dpo, steriods, clexane and aspirin from BFP) so I am not sure what I am allowed to do with it. Do you girls mind if I stick around? So frustrating when people are having two to three cycles in the time you have one and dont 'get it'?

My story is complicated. Two earth babies (8 and 7), followed by a stillbirth at 36+6 (she would be six in May) due to medical negligence, another earth baby (361 after her angel sister, so five in May), seven first tri miscarriages between August 08 and September 2010, November 2010 I got pregnant again and she was stillborn at 24+3 (she would be two in April) again due to medical negligence, and since May 2011 I have gone on to have five more first tri loses. So yeah that is me, and why if I try anything I should probably check with my doctor first.

How are you all doing?
oh my gosh tasha I am so so sorry to hear about your story. big :hugs: to you!! you are so strong to be able to go through all of that!

and you can absolutely stick around! these girls are lovely!! :)

progesterone is definitely a good thing which your already going to be doing. have you talked to your doctor about clomid at all to help you ovulate? and i know kirstie is doing the b complex right now to help lengthen her luteal phase and it seems to have already worked for her but I'm pretty sure b6 also is supposed to help regulate your cycles. are you charting or temping or anything?

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