Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

I know mick has really been great!!!

Glad the meeting went ok. It's a hard decision with those things because essentially your not working for yourself your a branch out from a company on your own. But it could still be worth it!!

I have my doctors appointment tomorrow yay I get a scan!!! Can't wait to see my little bean I have been having crazy dreams every night that its twins and I sooooo don't want that lol so hopefully there's only one bean in there.
I'm bleeding now - my bean isn't sticking...just another one to add to the books for me

hope everythings okay izzy :hugs: hopefully it is just little bean getting nice and comfy. how heavy is your bleeding? please keep us updated!

I know mick has really been great!!!

Glad the meeting went ok. It's a hard decision with those things because essentially your not working for yourself your a branch out from a company on your own. But it could still be worth it!!

I have my doctors appointment tomorrow yay I get a scan!!! Can't wait to see my little bean I have been having crazy dreams every night that its twins and I sooooo don't want that lol so hopefully there's only one bean in there.

It really is a hard decision with these things! part of me wants to try it out but the other part is like how the hell am i going to get people to buy from me ya know? eh maybe ill go to an actual meeting on tuesday to learn a bit more about it.

excited for your doctors appointment!! eeeee I want twins so bad!! I'm hoping next time we get twins...they run in my family too :) can't wait for some pics if you get any!!
I really hope izzy is ok the poor thing!!

Yeah I think go to a meeting and make your choice from there it can't hurt to go and you may have something to gain from it!

I can't make it to my doctors appointment today I think I either have gastro or good poisoning I was up all night with the hot and cold sweats and upset belly :( so its a day on the couch with a dooms for me.
But on the brighter side at least the baby will be bigger when I actually do I lol.

I hate days like today when all I want to do is lay in bed and not move but I still have to keep on top of hunter he has already pulled every DVD out of cabinet lol but today I am just going to let him go.
I am hoping he wil have lots of naps today and so can I lol.
i know i hope izzys okay too!! :hugs:

hope you feel better soon! i don't want to say its probably gastro but usually it takes a couple days to pass to another person so it most likely is since hunter just had it :( hope you got to sleep for a little and hunter took a lot of naps for you! and good way to look at it you'll probably get a nice look at bubs when you finally get to go for your ultrasound!

nothing really new on my end. i had to buy a pretty expensive pair of shoes because my feet were hurting sooo bad at work...and now they hurt even worse because I'm breaking them in! i thought i was going to cry at work today haha. hopefully they start working soon!
Well I think it may have just been a tummy bug or something because I feel so much better now. I still feel sick but I think that the ms thank god I felt so awful last night! It also could have something to do with my anxiety it has been really really bad ever since I found out I was pregnant I am so nervous about having two and it's playing on my mind so much I think I will talk to my doctor about it when I have my next appointment because there have been a few days where I feel like I am going to have a panic attack and I haven't had one in years so maybe with how crazy my hormones have been this time it's making my anxiety high but either way it's definitely not a good thing with being pregnant. I could feel myself going down hill all I have wanted to do is sit on the couch all day I haven't been doing anything around the house at all and I have hardly cooked dinner so I think it's time to get my ass into gear.

Ahhh new shoes are the worst but hopefully they will be better in the long run!!
You been feeling many kicks lately?
i hear ya with the anxiety! I've delt with bad anxiety for a long time and since I've been pregnant is been kind of worse. i just get these bouts of "fear" is the best way i can describe it. scared I'm going to be a bad mom ... things like that. i know its normal but its scary and i hate anxiety its the worse feeling ever. I'm sure you'll feel better when you can get an ultrasound and hopefully only see ONE bubs in there!!

shoes still aren't entire body hurts :( i want to cry it hurts so bad!

I'm feeling tons of kicks! not so much during the work week though. when I'm on my feet all day i think he gets rocked to sleep :cloud9: well thats what I've heard happens and it seems to be true since i don't feel him much at work. but once i get home from work he's kicking away again. i can see my belly jump from the kicks now too its such an amazing thing to see!

its okay to be a little lazy right now! i know i sure was in the first tri haha it was horrible! feel like i need to rush now to get a lot done before 3rd tri comes and all my energy is gone again!
It's so good to no I am not alone!!!! It was definitely good after talking to mick about it all I feel much better!!! But I am still having my moments of high anxiety but I am sure I will get past it.... I hope lol. I threw up twice today but funny enough it was actually a good thing because I felt quite good today I got out of the house went for a walk got hunter and I some lunch and I didn't feel like I wanted to crawl into a whole lol. I prefer the vomit much more to the nausea, I think nausea is really draining and it's a constant yuk feeling where as the vomit it just happens and you feel instantly better.

That's really no good about your feet but you are getting further along in your pregnancy and your job is quite full on! It's only going to get harder from now on in so hopefully your shoes start wearing in! Maybe go and get yourself a massage or every night you get home from work take a long bath and soak your muscles it might help.

Yay about all the kicks I can't wait to get to that stage!!! It feels like its going to be a lifetime away lol they say that when the baby sleeps in the womb is the routine they will have when there born but I think it is a load of crap it's a pretty exhausting and strange experience being born so I think that stuffs up any sleeping habits they had inside hehe just my theory. Oh and it really is amazing isn't it! It's such a strange concept that that is actually your baby inside there and in the matter of a few months you wil be seeing it move around right in front of you. It's a crazy yet amazing thing I think.

Yeah I really don't remember feeling this tired last time although I was really sick last time so maybe that masked how tired I was lol I am hoping that once I get over this downer stage all my energy start to come back! And yeah it's good to have things done before 3rd tri because it becomes very difficult to do things with how big you get lol that belly becomes mighty awkward.
heyy! yeah you're definitely not alone! the anxiety hits me out of nowhere too...sometimes i wonder if its depression I'm having a hard time telling the difference right now for some reason but it just hits me and i have to really talk myself out of it. its the worst! I agree with the nausea vs vomiting thing. when i was really nauseous in first tri sometimes i wanted to just throw up to feel better but i HATE throwing up. it probably would've been much better though haha!

I'm thinking about going to get a prenatal massage on tuesday. i keep bugging Josh not to spend money though so i feel bad going and spending it on myself but i really feel like it need something to make my body feel better! I can't believe its been almost a month already since my last doctors appointment is on april 29th already! when do they start doing them every 2 weeks?

a lady at work told me that too about the routine thing! I'm not sure i believe it! if its true ill know my baby boy will be awake at 2am on the dot every night hahaha. i can't wait for you to start feeling kicks again!! I'm sure it'll be much sooner this time for you than with hunter being your second pregnancy!! hows your bump/bloat coming along?! :) people kept telling me how small my bump is ...i think I'm huge ! :rofl:

how was your day today? anything new and exciting? have you bought anything for bubs at all or do you still have a lot that you need from hunter?

i saw an old friend of my brothers today who was practically like my brother when i was younger. it made me kinda sad because he started asking me if my brother has tried talking to me at all. i told him no...havnt heard from him since i told him i was pregnant. he didn't even say congrats on us having a boy or anything. he's so stubborn. i don't know if hell ever come around! and the girl that caused most of the drama between us he apparently isn't friends with you'd think he'd get the point that she lied. how are things between you and your sis?
Yeah I kinda feel like mine is depression but its definitely getting better as the days gone on and talking about it more!
Day number 2 of throwing up today lol but I felt so good today I walked to my sister in laws and then to the shops and home again which was good but definitely think my vit d and iron are low because I keep getting really light headed and tired which is what I got with hunter.

I would definitely go for a massage I wish I had of with hunter and even after because my body is knackered from not doing it! I will be going for them regularly this time I think. And I think josh will understand your body is going through quite alot and it's something you need not want!
It's usually between 32-34 weeks depending on your hospital and I think at 36 onwards you go weekly but it might be different over there.

Yeah I don't know how much I believe of the sleeping thing either really lol. I felt the first flutters with hunter at 15 weeks and then proper movement at 17 weeks so hopefully it will be alot sooner. Hehe your definitely not huge but there is a nice bump for half far along you are but it is a lovely bump!

I had a great day today other than being super exhausted and not being able to sleep but oh well I'm sure that's going to happen loads lol
I have only bought 1 thing so far

It's a pram liner with a matching blanket and strap covers for both the seats for my pram. It is so cute!!! I am so in love.

That sucks about your brother I actually don't have much to do with my brother (who is going to jail) either. It's pretty shit that he hasn't gotten over what happened between you guys yet especially at a time like this it's ment to bring families together! Hopefully he comes around soon or even when the babies born, there is nothing worse than having that over your head!
My brother has never even met hunter :( I have asked him a bunch of times to meet up with me when I go to Melbourne and he says yes and then never answers my calls. I don't know how people can be so heartless
Omg tonight sucks lol hunter took 3 hours to go to sleep!!! He had an upset belly from something and wouldn't sleep and now that he is finally asleep mick is snoring like a beast in my ear because he is sick and he is drilling with sweat and it is disgusting he keeps rolling into me and makes my leg wet aarrrgggghhh it's so gross oh and not mention the farts between the 2 boys!! I am destined to get no sleep lol.

On a different note did you see any of the meteor shower? I haven't seen it I went outside a few times and we have crystal clear skies but could see anything :( I was really hoping to see a little something.
Thanks for the support, girls....glad to hear you both are doing well with your little beans. I'm doing ok, still very was a full on miscarriage, and I'm still bleeding - today is day 6 of it:( We are not doing the femara this cycle, but my doctor said that the fact that I did get pregnant on it was encouraging, and I think I will probably try again next month. I just need a month off:/ I'm just hoping this sadness goes away a little bit every day. I really appreciate the support, and I TRULY am happy for you guys!:flower:
izzy im so sorry to hear that hun :( i hope you feel better soon :hugs: if you need to talk at all were both here for you ! i definitely don't blame you for taking some time off I'm sure you need it :hugs:
kirstie i love the pram cover!! so adorable!!

lol i didn't mean to laugh but it was funny when you said mick was sweating and getting your leg all wet..hahaha. josh does the same thing! and the snoring !! ahhh! hopefully you get some better sleep tonight and hunter too!!

i didn't see the meteor shower...i actually completely forgot about it until you just mentioned it!! dammit! the last one we had we went to this big open field and watched it and it was really awesome we actually saw a lot!

yesterday i had the WORST gas pains ever. they lasted all day long. thats never happened to me before so i was almost contemplating going to the hospital because i didn't know if i was having contractions or something! but i got home from work and just passed out on the couch. i feel a little better today though. but my little nap on the couch last night i mustve started dreaming about the in my dream i went to the ER. but the ER had these exercise machines and to see your baby on the ultrasound you had to walk on them? lmao. so i started walking and sure enough there was my baby on the screen in front of me! the band Queen all of a sudden came on...the song where they say "mamaaaa" in it. well every time that word was sang my baby started dancing and singing to the song ... i woke up like WTF??!! hahahaha
Aw izzy I'm so sorry!!! Your doctor is right it is definitely encouraging that you fell pregnant. I really hope that each days gets easier for you and you have the time to yourself that you need! Fx for you that you don't have to wait long at all for your sticky bean! We will be thinking of you and are hear when ever your ready to join us again xxx
I ended up waking him up and making him go sleep in the Spain room I couldn't handle it I wasn't going to get any sleep other wise and with him gone I got 5 1/2 hours straight at one point! I actually didn't think hunter woke at all but mick said he did he cried real bad at 1 lol I don't remember but I do remember waking up and I was feeding him lol I must have tended to him in my sleep because he had rolled out of the cot into our bed.
But I think I might try putting him in his room tonight because he always seems to sleep better when he has more space. Fx it starts to turn around I said to mick last night I can't do it anymore getting up to him a million times a night I'm really frustrated and exhausted (god your probably so over hearing about my lack of sleep haha)

So shattered we couldnt see the meteor shower I bet it was amazing to see when you did!

Bahahahahaha what a crazy dream lol I love the queen part that is hilarious!! That's no good about the gas pains! It gets harder and harder as there is less room drink prune juice if it happens regularly it well help your bowels function properly.
It definitely must have been something in the air because I also had a strange dream that I packed up all my stuff and left mick because he was smoking marijuana and taking drugs lol I woke up with quite a lot of anger towards him haha I told him and he said well aren't you glad you know that will only ever be a dream!

I having a bit of a battle with myself at the moment I really want to find out what we are having but I also don't lol I know mick will never let me but still it had been playing on my mind so bad!!
good idea on sending him to the other room!! since josh stopped getting sloppy drunk like he used to on occasion his snorings definitely been better but sometimes i have to practically roll him over on his side so he stops or kick him onto the couch so i totally get how annoying it is!! and definitely not annoyed at you talking about your lack of sleep lol you have to hear about my gas pains so i think were even ! :haha:

lol seriously it was the funniest dream ever I've still been thinking about it all day and i just crack up laughing because i can still picture his face. it mustve been something in the air cause a couple girls on the august forum i go on also had some pretty wacky dreams last night! hey at least you know your dream about mick won't come true!! but funny you woke up mad at him hehehe

have you talked to him about finding out the sex this time? who knows maybe hell change his mind too! i would've love to keep it a surprise but i just couldn't wait that long i had to know I'm impatient haha

finally got the closet cleaned out! well one them haha. now have to work on mine but i have so much clothes that are packed away and need to go in the basement until i can fit in them again :/ ill post a pic of the start of the baby closet. theres not much in it yet though lol. and sorry about the weird lighting i couldn't get a good pic for some reason it was all foggy on the one side


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Haha I don't know why but just the words gas pains makes me laugh even though it is definitely not a laughing matter!!!

Maybe it was the meteor shower send crazy juju over the world lol they say its all connected (not that I have ever been that into that thing) but sometimes it makes you wonder!

Yeah we have talked about it a few times already and he still sticks by not knowing! It was actually him wanting to find out with hunter and I had always said I would never find out when I fall pregnant and then it came to it and because I had drilled it in his head for so long it ended up being him at the 29 week scan saying no we don't want to find out and I was questioning lol but I know I will be happy at the end when I find out in delivery.

Yay look at all bubs clothes naw how exciting!!! I bet you guys can't wait!! It really isn't that long now!! You only have 17 weeks!!! I can't wait to see what he looks like! I hope you have a good labor I hate hearing horrible labor stories I feel so sorry for the women so I will have everything crossed tightly for you that it all goes smoothly!

Well I didn't vomit once today yayyyy lol but I have felt sick lots but not as bad as I have been I really hope it all goes away and I have a smooth pregnancy lol but I had such a bad pregnancy last night and a great labor I'm worried if I have a good pregnancy I will have a bad labor haha I know it's very superstitious but oh well. I also have an amazing 2 hour nap with hunter this afternoon.

I used johnsons body wash on hunter the other day just to see if his skin is getting better with being sensitive and his whole body has broke out in eczema :( the poor thing I feel so bad!

What kind of things do you guys eat for dinner? Like what would your weekly meals be lol I know random question but I am looking at new things to cook and want some variation as to what other people eat
lol now that i think about it gas pains makes me laugh too :haha:!

apparently we could see the meteor shower here around 2am last night? i thought it was the night before :shrug: i didn't go outside to look though.

it'll be better keeping it a surprise anyways! it has to be such an amazing thing to hear after giving birth the doctor telling you if its a boy or a girl!

yeah i am terrified of having a bad birth or an extremely long birth! but I'm excited for the experience! now that you said that, I've had a pretty easy pregnancy so now i probably will have a bad birth! lol

It was so exciting hanging up all his clothes!! it made me realize how much more i need though. and I'm not looking forward to washing them all before he comes haha.

hmmm its hard to say meals because we don't cook much at home right now. with our schedules we both can't sit down and have a "normal" dinner. I usually eat at work. We did get a taco kit the other day and made tacos! and the next day we used the leftover meet and everything for taco salad! since its so late when i get home from work i try to just eat a salad or a sandwich. sorry can't be much help there :shrug: lol
now I'm sitting here trying to think up good meal ideas for you haha...

do you guys have quinoa over there? its soo good! you can make it hot with like mushrooms garlic and parmesan cheese if you want or you can make it into a cold salad with different fruits and such in it! its healthy and its filling :thumbup:

hummus and pita is great for a snack at lunch ... maybe add some cheeses and fruits with it !

i don't like much fish but tilapia with lemon butter is delicious. I like chopping up artichokes into smaller pieces and sautéing them and then adding some lemon to those as well to go with it!

I'm trying to keep it healthy here but right now I'm heating up cinnamon buns with icing :blush:

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