Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Yikes! Sending positive thoughts Mick's way for no infection, that last one sounds dreadful!

Kirstiedenman how do you deal with morning sickness? I think of all the things with pregnancy/babies that's the one I'm most terrified of!! I'm awful at being sick:nope:
Thanks Hun I am also hoping he doesn't get an infection but he doesn't take care of himself like he should unfortunately :(

Ummm it depends with my first I threw up all day every day from 7-24 weeks I was put on tablets and I was given injections at one point to stop it otherwise I would had to have been hospitalised because I lost a lot of weight the things I found that helped was having dry biscuits beside my bed and before I even laid up in the morning I had a biscuit or two to help with the vomiting and some mornings it stopped me other mornings it just helped me have something in there to throw up lol. Eating frequent small meals helped alot. This time I haven't had it as much I have thrown up a few times but its mostly been nausea (which I think is worse!!) at least with throwing up there is a relief but nausea I really dislike lol but there is also tablets you can get for the pharmacy for that. Also foods high in fat make it worse!

But in saying all of that not all women get it and if they do its usually gone by 12 weeks :)
oh geez i hope everything turns out okay with Mick and doesn't get an infection again!! why does the whole crew get pay docked if an accident happens? thats so stupid! things like that happen thats not fair!

i do have some non prego friends i can walk with but ill feel bad if i can't keep up with them while I'm huffing and puffing haha. and yes I'm already nesting !!! the house even being a little messy drives me nuts right now! but i usually let it go until a day off so i don't wear myself out from working and then coming home and cleaning lol.

im so excited for your scan! i can't believe your over 7 weeks already!! not long until you can announce :happydance: !!!

as for me Ive had a pretty bad day. my nana has been bleeding "down there" for probably almost 2 years now. she's old so she has this stubborn way of thinking that doctors won't help her and she's fine and theres nothing wrong with her. well she was complaining of some pain a couple weeks ago so my aunt took her to get an ultrasound and they found a Mass in her abdomen area. she had to go back to get it looked at today (on my moms birthday of all days) and it turns out she has uterine cancer and needs a hysterectomy :cry: they still have to get her back in for the surgery obviously but to also see if the cancer has spread or not. I'm really praying it hasn't spread but she's been bleeding for awhile without ever going to the doctor I'm not sure how good its looking right now :(
Aw no Hun I am so sorry about your nan!! The older generation are very stubborn with doctors and things! I really hope it hasn't spread for her! Michaels nanna in the past 2 years has had a full hysterectomy due to uterine cancer and has had a Timor removed from her bladder and she is cancer free so it can definitely happen Hun my thoughts are with you guys and I will have everything crossed for you that it hasn't spread.

Yeah it is really bad that micks whole crew would get docked!! His leg actually seems really good but he had it bandaged and dressed with betadine every day at work so I think it's going to be fine!

I knew so exciting about the scan I will be 2 days off being 9 weeks when I go!!! So there will be something nice to see I think!

The nausea tablets I bought yesterday seem to actually be working! I hope so anyway!!

I went to the park today with a friend and her daughter and hunter fell off the top step on the play equipment!!! I was right behind him on the next step and he turned to look at me just just slid straight through the railing and of free edge! The poor things has scratches all over his face and I hash in the ton of his head where a piece of bark got him! I felt awful but there was no time to catch him it happened so fast!
Luckily it's not that high but still have him a good scare and me! It's awful when they fall you feel like such a bad mum for that split second lol even though there was nothing I could have done to stop it I was doing the right thing by going up with him but these things happen and we can't prevent them!

Lol about the walking I'm sure they would understand!
I wish I was nesting already my house looks like a toddler bomb has gone off every day! I am just sick of cleaning up after him at the moment lol I do one room go back to the other that's clean and it's worse than the other! It's a vicious cycle at the moment with him!

All my friends are out at the pub tonight for one of our friends going away and I am the only one not there :( it sucks sometimes not having anyone to babysit! But oh we'll I have a date with my bed and Harry potter lol.

I have planted veggie and put grass seed down out the back and we have 3 tomatoes and 2 chillies growing so far and we have so much grass starting to grow its so exciting!!!! I love growing veggies and things! We also have some herbs coriander and parsley :) I call them my children lol.
Thanks Hun I am also hoping he doesn't get an infection but he doesn't take care of himself like he should unfortunately :(

Ummm it depends with my first I threw up all day every day from 7-24 weeks I was put on tablets and I was given injections at one point to stop it otherwise I would had to have been hospitalised because I lost a lot of weight the things I found that helped was having dry biscuits beside my bed and before I even laid up in the morning I had a biscuit or two to help with the vomiting and some mornings it stopped me other mornings it just helped me have something in there to throw up lol. Eating frequent small meals helped alot. This time I haven't had it as much I have thrown up a few times but its mostly been nausea (which I think is worse!!) at least with throwing up there is a relief but nausea I really dislike lol but there is also tablets you can get for the pharmacy for that. Also foods high in fat make it worse!

But in saying all of that not all women get it and if they do its usually gone by 12 weeks :)

Eek, I hope I'm in the category of it being gone by 12 weeks. I'll have to avoid fatty foods, which isn't hard. Ick, I'm such a wuss when I'm sick:blush:

oh geez i hope everything turns out okay with Mick and doesn't get an infection again!! why does the whole crew get pay docked if an accident happens? thats so stupid! things like that happen thats not fair!

i do have some non prego friends i can walk with but ill feel bad if i can't keep up with them while I'm huffing and puffing haha. and yes I'm already nesting !!! the house even being a little messy drives me nuts right now! but i usually let it go until a day off so i don't wear myself out from working and then coming home and cleaning lol.

im so excited for your scan! i can't believe your over 7 weeks already!! not long until you can announce :happydance: !!!

as for me Ive had a pretty bad day. my nana has been bleeding "down there" for probably almost 2 years now. she's old so she has this stubborn way of thinking that doctors won't help her and she's fine and theres nothing wrong with her. well she was complaining of some pain a couple weeks ago so my aunt took her to get an ultrasound and they found a Mass in her abdomen area. she had to go back to get it looked at today (on my moms birthday of all days) and it turns out she has uterine cancer and needs a hysterectomy :cry: they still have to get her back in for the surgery obviously but to also see if the cancer has spread or not. I'm really praying it hasn't spread but she's been bleeding for awhile without ever going to the doctor I'm not sure how good its looking right now :(

I'm so sorry to hear about your Nana, I pray that she has a speedy recovery and that no cancer has spread. :hugs:
Yeah I am not one for vomiting either but it's alot better than constant nausea! The nausea can be quite draining especially as I have a 16 month old to run around after constantly!!!
Yeah I am not one for vomiting either but it's alot better than constant nausea! The nausea can be quite draining especially as I have a 16 month old to run around after constantly!!!

That's very true. I hope that your morning sickness clears up soon, I can only imagine how tough it is with a LO that's ready to go!
Thanks I think I am on the better side of it now thank god!! I haven't thrown up in a few days and the tablets I got really seen to be working so hoping it had shown its ugly head for the last time lol.
thanks guys for the prayers and well wishes :hugs: ill keep you both updated when i find out more!!

dragonfly you should be ovulating soon right? thats what your ticker says!!! i hope this is your month! :)

kirstie i hope hunters okay!! at least it was only could've been worse! and don't feel like a bad mom these things happen like you said! glad your nausea tablets are working! hopefully it stays that way! i got so nauseas today at work for the first time in a while. i didn't have time to eat much after about 4 so I'm sure thats why. I'm finally home now eating some cereal i feel a little better. hows mick feeling btw? no infection yet hopefully!

so cool about your garden! i wish i had the time to do something like that! a couple of us were actually talking about it at work the other day...a guy there grows all his own veggies and stuff too. I love homemade Mint tea straight from the garden its sooooo good!

ps hope you're date with harry potter went well hehehe.

well ladies I'm off to bed...have to be at work again in 8 hours :(
Yeah he is fine he actually woke up with no scratches this morning so they must have just been surface marks.

I really think the nausea is clearing thank god!!!
Micks leg is fine healing really well but he has actually been taking good care of it!

Nausea definitely leaks when you haven't eaten like today I are lunch 2 hours later than usual and I got nauseous but was fine when I ate you will probably find that throughout your whole pregnancy if you don't get chance to eat regularly.
I get really light headed as well if I don't eat but I think that's because I am breastfeeding as well as growing a baby lol I myself am getting next to no nutrition!

Yeah it's great knowing that the veggies will be home grown! I really want to make a huge garden for it out the bak but I know the dogs will eat them once they grow so I think in a few months after I have saved a bit I will get mick to build me one at the moment they are just in pots so I won't be able to grow potatoes or anything :(

Yes my last 3 nights have been Harry dates lol I am watching them all over again I use to love Harry but I have actually found that I think I have grown out of them lol I'm a bit sad about that!!

Not really much else new here at all!
I can't wait till our road trip though the end of the week should be a good family day! It's a long 3 and a half hour drive but it will be good to get out of town and get a few things that are cheaper like meat and nappies and things. It's so bad that our town charges so much for everything!
All our products in our supermarket are about 20% than normal towns and all our clothes are about 50% more expensive and the meat is even worse! Some times you will pay over $10 for 1 steak!!! So when ever we do a trip out of town we stock up and not to mention get take away lol we don't have a Maccas or KFC or hungry jacks in town the nearest one is the 3 and a half hours to this town so we make the most of it haha. I can't wait to have McDonald's I have been craving it soooooo bad!!

Do you ever remember getting anything called the night sweats in your first tri? I didn't have it with hunter but I have had it a few times this time I wake up and I am drenched in sweat and feel like I have a fever and a bit disoriented I have read that it is common but I had never heard of it! It's definitely not nice at all! Lol I seriously have the worst luck with pregnancy haha oh well it happens people have worse than I do I guess!
hey! hows its going? just got back from my 24 week appointment. uterus is measuring at 25cm and his heartbeat is in the 140s :thumbup: next i have all the 28 week bloodwork , glucose test and shyphillis test...yay...cant wait ](*,) lol

i can't believe how expensive everything is there! why is your town so different? but thats exciting going on a road trip!! and lol about the mcdonalds...i had their breakfast this morning for the first time in a while! mmm it was sooo good !

as for the night sweats i actually got it in the second trimester. it was only for like 2 days or so but i literally woke up sweating everywhere. under my boobs were even soaked it was gross lol. i heard it was normal in first tri though .. I'm not quite sure why i got it in second but it hasn't happened since. and i agree theres much worse that other people have to go through!

glad to hear the MS up is clearing already! well hopefully anyways!

Im watching the original parent trap right now. have you seen it? it made me tear up already watching the twins get reunited with each other lol. this movie never made me cry before!!

your appointments creeping up!! eeeeeeek! oh and i saw the adorable video of hunter on Facebook!! he's too freakin cute!
yay im glad all went well at your appointment!! I hated the glucose drink! It tastes like really really bad flat lemonade and I hate lemonade in general but some people really like it!

Everything is more expensive because we are a mining town rent electricity everything is really expensive its because they can charge it because we earn more and because it has to travel so far to get to us so I would guess they would put those costs into the price.
like we pay $480 week rent for our house and that is really cheap a year ago it would have been $700 a week! its ridiculous.

I know pretty excited about the road trip there is a few things we need to get so its always good. Not looking forward to picking up the tv as we really cant afford it but Michael always gets what he wants!!

Im glad im not the only that gets them it kinda freaked me out a little but since I have been sleeping with the fan on and not so much doona its been better!

I sure have seen the original I love old school movies and I really like that movie I think some of todays stuff is not real acting there was so much more depth and emotion back then! it is really ridiculous about the tearing up isn't it it happened to me twice today and if it continues this way I am definitely going to be crying at the birth of this baby lol I didn't with hunter but I definitely think I will this time especially if its a girl!

I know I cant wait!!! it will be so good to hear a heart beat and to see a little baby in there, and I know isn't he lol he lovvvvveeesss to dance! he could listen to music all day long that kid no matter where we are in the supermarket anywhere and he hears music he is sure to bust a move lol

He is doing so unbelievably amazing with his sleeping and we are down to one booby feed sometimes 2 a night its incredible! the last 3 nights he has done 4-5 hours straight and has started resettling himself if he stirs its crazy I am so happy it has been easier than I though!
My last cycle was 48 days. had my LMP march 4th
today I am on CD 58. I want to test. but I am so scared. I dont want to see any more negatives. I dont want something to be wrong with me :(
My last cycle was 48 days. had my LMP march 4th
today I am on CD 58. I want to test. but I am so scared. I dont want to see any more negatives. I dont want something to be wrong with me :(

aww hun I'm sorry! but you're pretty late maybe go buy a cheapie for some piece of mind? have you always had irregular cycles and have you spoken to a doctor about it at all yet?
kirstie 700 a week?? holy crap id shoot myself lol ! thats insane!!

yayyy for hunter doing so well with sleeping!!! you must be so happy! so glad its working out !

i totally agree with some of the movies they have out today!! bad acting! and seriously the crying is getting ridiculous ...i was thinking about it today how much i cry over the most stupid things!! i was never a cryer before so i don't like this lol.

im so excited joshs sister gave us her bassinet and we also have a rocking chair with ottoman use when he feeds ! its so comfy! and she gave us a swing not sure why because i have the one picked out on my registry that i want but i guess it can't hurt to have 2? lol

i can't believe what i did today.... it was so nice out so i wore a summer dress while i was running around doing errands and stuff. well when i finally got home i had to i sat down and after i peed i felt this like pressure and i didn't know what it was and i got i felt down there haha and i forgot to pull down my freakin underwear!! i peed right in them!! :rofl: :rofl: how stupid is that?!! hahaha
My last cycle was 48 days. had my LMP march 4th
today I am on CD 58. I want to test. but I am so scared. I dont want to see any more negatives. I dont want something to be wrong with me :(

I agree with Bella Hun I would test I know it's disappointing seeing negatives but it may put your mind at ease because if its positive yay very exciting but even if it isn't then you can find other avenues as to what could be causing it.
Lol yeah I'm not much of a cryer either so it's not nice but I cried when I was pregnant with hunter but it was much later on.

Yay to get the baby stuff!! I love the rocking chairs! I have one they are gods gift!! And what kind of swing do you mean? Like the ones they strap into as a baby like a little bed thing that rocks? They are great hunter loved his! You definitely won't need 2 lol or maybe you could have it as a back up one that you can take with you when you go to people's houses to keep him occupied I don't know haha.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: that is a Pissa!! Aw you poor thing it's awful when that stuff happens! And the pressure will happy quite a lot just keep an eye on it and if it worries just make sure you tell your doctor.

I feel like crap today! I had a great sleep last night but I have woken up feeling terrible!!! Mick had his last night last night yayyyy I have missed him so much this block so it will be good to have a few days together before he starts his over time! He works so much but for good reason hunter and I just miss him it sucks it gets pretty lonely sometimes. Poor hunter every night for the whole week he was on night shift he cried when mick left :( it was so sad.

I can't believe I am 8 weeks already! Time is just going so fast!!i hope it goes this fast the whole time!
15.5 weeks post partum, still no period :( day 3 of my diet

Have you asked your doctor why they think you don't have your period yet? Especially as your not breastfeeding.
Congrats on starting your diet!

I have pcos so before having my son I didn't have one for 4 months after stopping pill then I conceived on clomid. Then I was pregnant and I haven't had one still.
So its been a year and a half :(

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