Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Yeah vomit/nausea is pretty shit! Mick did stay home today which was good I got to have a nap on the couch for an hour which was good and even though he made me make breakfast he cooked lunch for us all which was good!

Yep scan tomorrow I'm pretty excited!!!

Yay I bet you can't wait to be off!! It will be good for you to get some rest and winning on the dinner lol. I personally wouldn't drink whilst pregnant but then again I don't drink any kind of wine at all I know a lot of people do but yeah like you said every day is definitely to much!
i swear I'm losing my mind...i thought i replied to this already!! lol. how did your scan go???!!!! i know its today but I'm not sure what time today for you!!! i really hope all is well and you got a good pic of your little bub!!!

aww so glad mick stayed home with you and cooked for you too! what a sweetheart!

i went over to a friends house tonight for dinner. she has an 18 month old and her cousin was there with her 1 yr was kind of like a taste of whats to come lol. her cousin kept walking away and throwing her 1 yr old on me it was funny.

hows hunter doing? still sleeping in his own bed?
hey hun all good I thought that might have been the case lol I have done it a few times myself!

Scan was good didn't get a great picture because the scanner she uses is really old so not as clear as your but here it is.

even though I have the perk of seeing the baby everytime its not the best pics lol but I got to see the little heartbeat and yep her machine is that old there is no way of hearing it haha its pretty ancient.
But babies due date is December 12th which is one day off what I though so pretty close!

Aw I bet it was good to hang out with some mummies lol see what your future holds! it can be a bit daunting sometimes but it is great.

As for hunter the poor thing is a mess! He has 6 teeth coming through all at one and has the runs really bad because of it so not only is he in pain from his teeth but his poor little bum is so blistered and red raw its not funny!
I just went out for lunch with a friend and all he did the whole time was sook and want to sit on my knee and then for like half hour straight just screamed we left and went to the chemist and the whole time I was trying to talk to the pharmacist he was screaming the whole place down it was awful he has never done anything like that before :( he cried so much he crashed straight away on the work home but it was by no means a nice lunch lol I felt so bad for my friend she looked so embarrassed!
and has been in our bed well in our room in his cot because of the teething and diarrhoea he is not sleeping at all.

I on the other hand feel great today no nausea at all! the doc gave me a prescription for some tablets for it but didn't get chance to pic them up today I think that will have to wait till hunter isn't in so much pain.

how are you feeling? are you off now?
ahhhh look at your beautiful baby!!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: I'm so glad everything went good!!! and theres not two in there haha. thats okay about the ancient machine at least you get to see him/her every time !!

ohhh poor hunter! 6 teeth at once???!! thats crazy! he has to be in so much pain! :( is there anything you can give him to help the pain at all?

i dont wanna jinx it but yayyy no nausea!!! lol. hopefully it stays that way now for you but at least you have the tablets to help if it does come back.

I'm feeling good...yeah i was off yesterday and today I'm off. I'm starting to feel my body getting more tired again as 3rd tri creeps up but nothing nearly as bad as first tri! other than that i feel great. probably just going to relax at home for the day!

i went out yesterday and bought some arugula and spinach to make a salad. i got strawberries to cut up in it along with caramelized walnuts and feta cheese! and then a honey balsamic dressing mmmmm its gonna be so good!
I know thank god there is not 2 in there lol I would have cried for sure!

Yeah I have been giving him panadol and neurofen as well as teething gel which he hates! And I got cream for his bum from the chemist as well as pinetarsel to put on him in the bath and its all helped much more. He seems alot happier this morning so I am hopefully putting him in his own room tonight but seriously sleeping in the same bed as mick is just as bed he is so annoying to sleep with! He smothers me and takes up so much room!

Well I threw up last night after dinner but I don't feel that awful yuck way I have been which is good.

That's good your feeling good and as 3rd tri does creep up you will just get more and more tired well usually lol I actually didn't because I stayed so active so maybe you won't. Don't get me wrong at night time I would fall asleep easy but I would say 1st is still the worst for being exhausted.

Omg your salad sounds amazing!!!!! I am sooo unbelievably jealous!! I am going to have to make something incredible for lunch now lol we don't have anything like what you described in our shop but hopefully I can whip something up!
Enjoy relaxing its always good to have a few slow days! I think I might take hunter to the park today! When he had his break down yesterday he slept for 3 hours straight after it he must have been so exhausted from all the crying so I jumped into and slept as well lol. I have been finding that if I don't sleep during the day when hunter has a nap then I am absolutely wrecked by the time 5 o'clock comes and then by the time bedtime comes I am over tired and can't sleep :( so naps during the day for me it is lol it sucks because I like that time for some mummy time oh well.
Kirstie congrats on a beautiful scan!!! I have been dtd so my body can feel free to start ovulating anytime soon! Although I secretly hope I do not get pregnant in the next month to space their birthdays apart! I said to my hubby meh, I'm pretty infertile anyway
thanks hopeful it doesn't really look like much lol but it was great to see the little heart flickering away!
well hopefully all the sexy time tells your body its time to get into action!!! and yeah I wish we hadn't have fallen pregnant that I did the due date with this one and hunter is 1 day apart, hunter was 6 days late so I am hoping this one is on time otherwise my poor little man wont have much of a birthday.
I am going to tell mick though that if I happen to be in hospital when its his birthday to take him to the zoo for the day and try and celebrate some how and then they can just come to the hospital for some dinner or breakfast and we will open his presents. They have a nice outdoor area with a massive play area but I am hoping it wont have to come to that. I would love to be out of the hospital so we can all go to the zoo depending on how the labor and baby goes.
hopeful heres to Oing soon! (but not in the next month ) lol . it would be when you don't want it to happen though!!

kirstie i hope little one comes on time so hunter has a nice bday to celebrate!!! how are you feeling today? thats awesome that your hospital has the outdoor area and play areas though just in case!

did you take hunter to the park? and yes probably a good idea right now that you sleep when he sleeps until 2nd tri when you get a lot of your energy back!!

I'm going to have to update with a bump pic starting to feel huge now and getting annoyed because i don't fit in any clothes and really don't feel like wasting money on maternity clothes haha.

hows hunt and seek coming along? you seem to have a lot of customers now which is awesome!
thanks hopeful it doesn't really look like much lol but it was great to see the little heart flickering away!
well hopefully all the sexy time tells your body its time to get into action!!! and yeah I wish we hadn't have fallen pregnant that I did the due date with this one and hunter is 1 day apart, hunter was 6 days late so I am hoping this one is on time otherwise my poor little man wont have much of a birthday.
I am going to tell mick though that if I happen to be in hospital when its his birthday to take him to the zoo for the day and try and celebrate some how and then they can just come to the hospital for some dinner or breakfast and we will open his presents. They have a nice outdoor area with a massive play area but I am hoping it wont have to come to that. I would love to be out of the hospital so we can all go to the zoo depending on how the labor and baby goes.

Lol. I said to hubs if it happened at the same time and the kids ever bought it up I'd say "that's because we only have sex once a year" lols.

I saw doctor today, he said when I'm ready hell prescribe clomid again so I'm thinking when Jace is 10 -12 months :) bearing in mind we aren't SERIOUSLY TTC at the mo just NTNP as I had a cs so ideally should be at least 6 months, and my doc said he'd like to see 9-12
hopeful heres to Oing soon! (but not in the next month ) lol . it would be when you don't want it to happen though!!

kirstie i hope little one comes on time so hunter has a nice bday to celebrate!!! how are you feeling today? thats awesome that your hospital has the outdoor area and play areas though just in case!

did you take hunter to the park? and yes probably a good idea right now that you sleep when he sleeps until 2nd tri when you get a lot of your energy back!!

I'm going to have to update with a bump pic starting to feel huge now and getting annoyed because i don't fit in any clothes and really don't feel like wasting money on maternity clothes haha.

hows hunt and seek coming along? you seem to have a lot of customers now which is awesome!

Yep I he everything crossed that this baby is punctual lol.
Not feeling to bad at all just still tired but other than that cruising along. Loads of cramps though which I am not enjoying but common for 2nd pregnancy.

Didn't end up taking hunter to the park his diarrhoea is way to bad the poor thing pooed all over his bed this morning and then say on the plug hole in the shower and flooded the bathroom lol. He are all his breakfast and most of his lunch today though so I am hoping its going to come to an end changing like 10 pooey nappies a day is not fun!

Yay I love bump updates I bet your belly has shot up since last!

Yeah it is going ok we are having a bit of a quiet week with me being so tired and Zoie and her kids are sick so we are just relaxing and will get back into it next week I think. sorry I'm picturing the bathroom being flooded haha...i know its not funny but picturing it in my head made laugh lol. mustve been a hell of a day for up all the poo and the flooding lol. sounds weird but i really can't wait for those crazy days!!!

i didn't know more cramping was common in 2nd pregnancies. is it more painful or just more in general? I'm still getting cramps every so often I'm guessing its just growing pains. my belles definitely bigger but i think its just growing out now! not upwards! if that keeps up my back is going to be in for it soon! sorry I'm picturing the bathroom being flooded haha...i know its not funny but picturing it in my head made laugh lol. mustve been a hell of a day for up all the poo and the flooding lol. sounds weird but i really can't wait for those crazy days!!!

i didn't know more cramping was common in 2nd pregnancies. is it more painful or just more in general? I'm still getting cramps every so often I'm guessing its just growing pains. my belles definitely bigger but i think its just growing out now! not upwards! if that keeps up my back is going to be in for it soon!

Lol it's fine laugh away I would have found it funny also if it wasn't me. And yeah as much as there gross and full of vomit and poo you wouldn't replace them for the world!

Yeah with each pregnancy the cramping gets worse apparently my mum said by the time she was at the 5th pregnancy she was in agony!

But I guess my cramping has been for a reason because I started bleeding tonight :( I knew something wasn't feeling right I have had really bad sharp pains all day today and then I just had a feeling so went to the toilet and sure enough I started bleeding. It's not heavy just light but I am straight on rest and mick is taking tomorrow off I don't want to risk losing the baby. :( I just wish it was easier for me :(

And yeah you usually grow up and then out and it does get hard on your back but hopefully you still have a few weeks before that happen.
oh nooooo with the bleeding :( :( is it heavy or just spotting??? please rest and take it easy today!!!!
It was just like spotting yesterday but woke up this morning and its bleeding the heaviest I have bled through both pregnancies :( I really hope I don't lose the baby!! I am going to the doctors today to get a scan and see if I need another anti d because I think it only covers you for 3 weeks. It sucks because doctors around here are hopeless! It I was in Melbourne they would send me straight to the hospital with a letter and call ahead so I got in straight away to have my hcg progesterone and scan but here I just get told things like no don't worry about your progesterone in sure it's fine or there's nothing we can do if your going to lose it your going to lose it just go about your normal daily activities its so frustrating!!!!!! Sorry just a little emotional right now!
It's so hard to rest when I have hunter all day long climbing over me and jumping on me and what not. I think of I don't stop bleeding I might have to go to Melbourne so I can have help if I need it because I don't have anyone here that doesn't work that can help me :( it sucks being away from family sometimes
oh nooo :( please please please still be a sticky bean in there!!!!! i know its only been a couple hours since you posted but did you make it to the docs today? oh i really hope its just some old blood and not something more keeping you in my thoughts kirstie and really hope everything is okay!! i understand its hard to rest with hunter but i hope you at least got to take it a bit easier today. that really sucks that around you they just let things go and don't look into it any further ! if i was there id drive you to melbourne!!!
I ended up passing 2 little clots and then bleeding pretty much stopped but went to the doctors and had a scan and the sac is only measuring 7-8 weeks and he couldn't see a baby but in saying that he is a dickhead doctor and he did say I just might not be able to see it. And every other time I have been for a scan they push quite hard and all he was doing was barely running it along my skin so I am not taking it as a 100% looking bad but I have to wait till Tuesday to get any sort of answer!! I am going to drive to port augusta in the morning though I think and hopefully get some answers!

And lol thanks Hun its a long way to drive! But hopefully I can get the answers from port augusta.
What a jerk! Does he know that you just had a scan not to long ago when you were over 8 weeks and there was definitely a baby there!!! Hopefully the clots were nothing and everything is okay! Tuesday feels like forever away !! I'm glad you at least got in though. Could he find a heartbeat or anything?
Yeah I told him we saw a baby and a heartbeat this week but he said wel I can't see anything but I could be wrong. He is a dick though not many people in town like him! I have to go back to the doctors today to get my hcg results because I can't go to port augusta anymore as there is no one there that does scans on a weekend!!! It's all so fucking stupid! But if I go Monday then I will be able to get one, well hopefully I can get in and there not fully booked!!! I hate living in a rural town for this kind of stuff! But we have a sonographer that comes up everything Thursday as well so if I can't get in there then hopefully I can get in with him. I haven't had any bleeding since yesterday afternoon now though so I am hoping that its all ok.
what a douche. hopefully you won't have to see that doctor again! I'm glad there hasn't been anymore say thats a really good sign in itself! did you get your hcg results yet? hope they turned out good! and hope you can get in moday too! but thats nice you have thursday as an option if not. I know its hard with Hunter...but TRY to take it easy :)
no haven't got my results yet off to the doctors in halfa but I just used my Doppler and picked up little babys heart beat straight away!!!! I think that maybe my cervix just had an irritated day and who knows with me checking it whilst I bled the night before I could have scratched it or something and that's what caused the extra bleeding but still strange about the clots. I really do think everything is ok now though I am not stressed! I heard the heart beat so I know there is a baby in there!

How are you feeling! How were your days off? And yeah I will try and ret as much as I can I have told mick to go back to work tomorrow there is no point him being here now and we need the money.

And where is my bump pic missy.

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