Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

im so glad other people are where i am... i havent had a period since 8th feb and all tests are coming back negative.. i should get my blood results back tomorrow and im so nervous!

So sorry your cycles are all messed up! It sucks so bad doesn't it!
Is your bloodwork for hcg? What has your doctor said? Has this happened to you before are you usually pretty regular?
Lol sorry for the 50 questions. Hopefully you get some answers with the blood work!
heyyy! hows it goin?! haha i laughed out loud picturing Hunter spitting raspberries at your belly :haha: thats so cute he got to hear the babes heartbeat though! i have a cheap doppler but i could never find the heartbeat (probably because its cheap lol) so i stopped trying. and now that i feel him move all the time i don't really see a point in using it anymore!

awwwww go Mick! I'm glad he's being so supportive for you! and the cute little text messages are always a plus! so cute about the little girl shoes! i have a big feeling your having a girl I dunno why but can't wait to find out in december!

Memorial day here is to celebrate in memory of the soldiers and whatnot who had fought for our country. If you see somebody in uniform and know anybody that served than your supposed to thank them for their service! its turns into a day of drinking and cook outs and weekends away at the beach for most people lol.

$700? shit thats crazy! Is there anyway you can buy from the US and ship it over to you? or would shipping cost just as much anyway? we got ours from a store called burlington coat never know maybe you can see if they ship to you guys? and I've done all of my shopping in stores. i always want to look online for things because usually their cheaper but it seems so much easier and quicker for me to just go buy it lol.

great idea about having somebody go get the outfit for you after the babes born!! :cloud9: its almost makes me wish i kept it a surprise!! and I think if I were you and the tech said "oh wow i can definitely tell what it is" I would probably already automatically think it was a boy..because girl parts just aren't that obvious to say something like that haha

ugh sorry about all the allergies :( we have this really cool store right up the street from us. its really really little but they sell cloth diapers and all organic soaps and nipple creams and things like that. even organic nipple pads! all the organic detergents and stuff too. i want to just ship the store to you ! haha

and yes i have the pregnancy pillow! i bought the boppy and i was really angry at first because it was probably one of the first things i bought and i couldn't use it until like 18 weeks maybe later because it was so annoying to sleep with. i thought i wasted my money but now i can't sleep without it! and yeah josh hasn't been able to come near me at all either because i have the boppy to my left and pillows to my right side too in case i roll over and end up on my back they kind of block me lol.

yayy for all the sales online BTW!! thats great!

We did get a lot done today....everything around the house that I've been wanting to do is pretty much done. I made Josh clean all day with me.. :blush: lol. But we really needed to shampoo the one carpet in the room that all chases things are going in like the pack and play and play yard and rocking chair and stuff like that. so we did that today. moved the bedroom around so we can put the air conditioner in and have everything arranged where we want it for when he comes. and then i cleaned the bathroom top to bottom...and the living room...and the kitchen....i even vacuumed behind the couches lmao. i thought about rearranging all the cabinets but i had to stop myself at some point today and figured i still had time for that later lol. But now I have all day tomorrow to just relax which will be nice!

well I'm finally sitting down after a long day though...its 11 pm here...going to fix myself a cup of decaf coffee and finish watching wrestling lol ill ttys!
im so glad other people are where i am... i havent had a period since 8th feb and all tests are coming back negative.. i should get my blood results back tomorrow and im so nervous!

ohh no how frustrating! let us know how your bloodwork goes...hopefully you get some good news!!
yeah I was the same as soon as I could feel hunter kick last time I pretty much stopped using it. It was much easier to pick up this time though not to sure why but either way I like that I can hear it baby has moved up so quickly to I pick up the hearbeat just below my belly button and now I know why my belly has started getting harder but I just wish it would hurry up and pop properly lol it still looks a bit like flubber guts!

I know right he is pretty cute lol very out of left field it was great!
And yeah I have had a few people say they thing its a girl I honestly have no idea I don't really have a feeling as to what I think it is :( I wish I did. I want December to hurry up so we know!
We started picking out names on the weekend this is what we have come up with so far:
boys girls
levi sapphyr
logan Addison
eeli wynta
porter ruby
rogue but not to sure about that one.

right that's like our Anzac day here we have. I think most holidays end up in drinking cook ups and weekends away lol.

yep very expensive and I have actually just started lookin online in the us to see what I can get and if there is some where with free shipping.
and yeah as much as its cheaper if I still lived in a city I would just be going into shops because you can see it and touch it its just a bit more trust worthy than online unfortunately I have no choice though :(

yeah we though boy and especially after the 3d we thought boy but there is always that doubt when you don't know.

that shop sounds amazing!!! I wish we had something like that close by we have them in the cities but not near me. I did buy shampoo and conditioner while I was away though and it cost me $57 it sucks but I have to pay it other wise I pay for it with allergies!

pregnancy pillows or any kind of pillow support is your best friend while pregnant lol.

well it sounds like you had a very very busy day miss! it feels great when you accomplish so much doesn't it!
tomorrow will be nice for you to sit down and relax if you can stop yourself that is lol.

I think I am going to be off and watch a movie while my little sick man sleeps.xx
flubber guts :haha: don't worry it'll take bump shape probably sooner than you think!!

I didn't have a feeling either in the very beginning...and then after my 12 week scan i pretty much knew hands down it was a boy! I even almost went out and bought boy things right away!

ohhhh i love all your names!! I've always loved logan....and rogue is an awesome name! its so different! and i love addison for a girl :)

Yeah thats pretty pricey for shampoo and conditioner...but i have to admit i pay almost the same thing on redken shampoo and conditioner :blush: but the bottles are huge and last me a good 2 months so i guess its not that bad!

its rainy and gloomy here ... didn't even want to get out of bed because my room was so dark lol. so ill be relaxing on my couch all day watching TLC haha hope you're feeling good!
Lol I hope so.

Well we will see after the scan next week. I have been reading up in the nub theory which I always thought was people just guessing but it is an actual accurate thing lol. So I am going to try and take a sneak peak but I doubt I will be able to see!

Yeah I love rogue because it is so different but at the same time I can't help think of xmen! It was michaels choice that one.
I love Addison for a girl but I can't convince Michael still :( it was our original girls name but he has changed his mind.

Yeah that's the same as Redkin here the shampoo I got was delorenzo which is up with the Redkin and they have a range for people like me but yeah this will definitely not last me 2 months! The bottles are tiny!!

I love rainy and gloomy days! He poured down here for like 2 days last week and our front yard flooded so I put hunter in his gumboots and let him go to town he had an absolute ball but it was god damn freezing though when we took his clothes off to go in the shower his skin was all red from being that cold the poor bugger!

We needed up at the hospital with hunter last night because he has been wheezing really bad and good barely breathing last night, I rang the 24 hour gp line and they said to take him to emergency straight away so off we went! They put him on a nebuliser which helped and then have us ventalin because he has bronchiolitis which is pretty much baby asthma. After all that they he was so exhausted and slept from 11:15-6am which was awesome!!!! He is still really bad today but I am hoping the ventalin is all he needs.
happy 12 weeks!!!!!!!! :happydance: !!!!!

yeah the nub theory is actually pretty accurate! i know mine was clear as day...i posted it on here and everybody said boy lol....cant wait to see your pics!!

and ohhh yeah about xmen...i didn't even think about that until you said it! still a really cute name though!

awww I'm sorry to hear about Hunter :( i hope he gets better soon poor lil guy!

had another appointment this morning. we talked about kick counts and pre term labor! lol it was a step up from the boring ones lately. Also, from now on I start going every 2 weeks! :shock: Got the results back from my glucose test...i passed with a 96 :thumbup: all the bloodwork they did looked good too, no anemia!
Yay I know that is crazy!! 12 weeks has gone so fast! One more week and I am in the second tri!
When I was saying goodbye to my friend on Monday I was like omg I will be 18 weeks when you get back!!! That's epic I don't ever feel like I am going to get that far along lol.

I don't know if I said this in a previous post but I have already started to feel flutters!! I know you feel them earlier with your second but it feels so weird that I can feel it I didn't feel any flutters till 14 weeks last time but I suppose 2 weeks difference is probably normal.

The whole household besides me is sick right now I think hunter must have given it to everyone! I am going to try my hardest to stay non sick but mick thinks I will get it worse than everyone lol. I hope not!

Yay about your appointment it's so much better when there not the boing usual lol. Which reminds me I need to book mine for next week.
Wow every 2 weeks it is getting close to the end!

I think I have to change hospitals as well and go to Melbourne to have the bubs :( the friend I was suppose to be staying with might be moving and 4 weeks of accomodation with cost is a few thousand!!! So I am a bit torn as to what to do because I really don't want to have to do the 17 hour drive again with a newborn and a toddler when I have just given birth!
And what ever hospital I am going to I have to have my 20 week appointment there to be considered for the hospital!

I think might do some searching on hotels and apartments and see what deals I can get.

How was your day of relaxation??
I might have PCOS as well. Went to Dr today and haven't had my AF since March 12. 48 days past due. BFN at home and at Dr. Doing blood work to see what's up. Any advice? Ntnp since March
OMG flutters already!!! thats so exciting!!!! I thought feeling them at 15 weeks was early...youll be getting proper kicks by then!! haha.

I hope you don't get sick!! maybe you'll manage to escape it! Im surprised at how lucky i got only getting sick once this entire pregnancy. somehow i managed to not get sick while everybody at work was at least 5 times. so you never know maybe you won't!!

its a 17 hour drive to melbourne??? and thats a lot of money! i would definitely start looking now and if you can book something sooner it might be cheaper for you to stay. its just hard if you book it and then you deliver earlier or later. how far away is the other hospital you could deliver at?

my day off was good yesterday. i did absolutely nothing and it was awesome lol. i really needed it though!

I think i officially felt some braxton hicks tonight. my stomach felt tight for most of the night at work and got some weird cramping down low. It wasn't painful or anything just kind of uncomfortable. I'm guessing it was BH? now that I'm at home relaxing i feel better i just hope it doesn't happen everyday at work now.

Hows the MS btw? getting any better for you? and i need a bump pic!!!
I might have PCOS as well. Went to Dr today and haven't had my AF since March 12. 48 days past due. BFN at home and at Dr. Doing blood work to see what's up. Any advice? Ntnp since March

Hi mamamac :hi: have you always had irregular cycles? sometimes your body can just have an annovulatory cycle every once and while too which is actually normal every so often. Are the doctors doing bloodwork to see if you're pregnant or are they running other tests as well? I know before I became PG my cycles ranged from 35-60 was really frustrating so I know exactly how you're feeling! :hugs: keep us updated on your bloodwork!
It's frustrating because all of this PCOS stuff kind of came from left field and I wasn't expecting it. But I did have irregular periods when I was younger. Went on bc to regulate them and have been on bc for about 12 years now. Maybe getting off of it for a total of two years within those 12. My mom has wonky periods too so I guess it's not that much of a stretch but now that me and dh are ready to start trying for #1 it's kind of disheartening. I want to get into shape and be healthy for when the time comes and the PCOS is definitely a possible factor in my weight problems. Blood work is in two days I'll keep u posted
aww I'm sorry you're going through all is definitely frustrating i know! Being on birth control can definitely be the cause of it too and sometimes it just takes longer than expected to get your normal cycles back. I was off of birth control for almost 2 years i think it was and my periods were still all over the map. definitely keep me posted on your bloodwork and ill be crossing my fingers its nothing serious :)
Mamamac so sorry your going through all of this, I bet it isn't easy you poor thing!!!
One positive thing I will say though is that there are loads of people who successfully fall pregnant with not to much of a drama even with pcos. It takes the average couple up 12 months to conceive and I know that sound like a long time but don't let yourself get stressed if it happens that a few months are going by without conceiving because it is very normal!
I hope that your blood work comes back that you either don't have pcos or you only have a mild case but at least you will get some answers and know what actions to take next, there is nothing worse than being in limbo!
I know it is crazy having them so early. It was cute last night we were laid in bed and mick was rubbing my belly saying is it moving why can't I feel it lol bless him I said they are only flutters at the moment and he wasn't very happy he said "aw that's crap how much longer till I can feel it!" I feel as though he is more excited about this baby that's with hunter I don't think he was really ready with hunter.

Yep managed to escape it thank god!!!
Mick didn't get anything either just one day and that was it! Hunter is still sick though but not to bad.

I decided that Melbourne is the best option, well mick and I both did. If I go into labor earlier than 10 days before my due date and Kevin (who I would be staying with is at work) I would be completely on my own with hunter in Adelaide in labor so it was just safer and better to make sure I will always be around people.
The drive to the hospital from where I stay in Melbourne is 40 minutes and they said to me last time you really need to get to the hospital as soon as you have a contraction because if I wait like I did last time I will be having the baby in te car, it's not always a definite I could have a longer labor but its pretty uncommon. I think we will split our drive up this time though and do it over 2 or so days that way we get plenty of rest where as with hunter we left at 1:30 in the morning when hunter woke and we drove right the way through all the way home and with stopping for breastfeeding (well attempting to at that point) and nappy change bottle feeding and burping we didn't get home till late that night so it took us I think 19 hours! I was so sore after that because I tired with hunter so I was still tender down there. But we are happy with the decision and I feel more relaxed and comfortable now I think!

I would say yeah they are Braxton hicks and you may get them quite frequently . I did with hunter because I was so active all the time I had them from about 20 weeks but I was still jogging then I think that's why. You will know the difference between labor and Braxton hicks though. As you get further along Braxton hicks get pretty close to the either labor pains you feel sometimes they can be really nasty.

Ms has pretty much gone I am having the odd occasion where I feel yuk but pretty good considering the last 8 weeks. Thank god! I am so happy that it's over like it would be for a normal pregnancy I just hope it's not to good to be true and it comes back with vengeance.
I just found out yesterday that I friend of mine is pregnant and she gets really sick while pregnant she has to go on the medication they give chemo patients for there nausea and it costs her $50 a week just for the tablets the poor things already been hospitalised 3 times because if dehydration. She has such a rough time! And she has a 23 month old nd is still breastfeeding quite full on so she is completely drained.
I'm so glad hunter has weened because that took so much of my energy.

Yay only 3 more days and I get to see the little one!!

And what giant belly lol it is huge already!!!

Mind my hideous double chin :rofl:
Ill reply properly later because I'm getting ready to leave for a wedding soon but look at your adorable bump!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it!!!! thanks for sharing :) :)
Lol I still just feel far :(
I hope you had a great time at the wedding I saw the photos in Facebook your bump is so cute and one of those perfect belly bumps all baby!!
Can't wait to hear all about it the wedding
you don't look fat at all!!! you look like you just have a little baby bump!!

the wedding was a lot of fun! it was nice to see amber ( the bride) we used to be best friends in high school but we kind of drifted apart so it was a little awkward because all of her bridesmaids and maid of honors were girls i used to be friend with. but it was still nice to see everybody. it was so so hot out though ... like 94 degrees hot.. so even though we weren't outside much my ankles started to swell :growlmad: and people kept asking me to dance but i just felt weird being pregnant and dancing around with my belly haha.

the picture you saw on Facebook my best friend from florida sent me the shirt in the mail with a letter that said "will you be my..." so i had josh take the picture to respond to her. i thought it was so cute how she did it! her weddings not until may 2014 so me and josh will get a little vacation to florida and it will probably be Chases first trip too! hell be 9 months by then!

glad you made the choice for a hospital! I think its a good idea that you'll be closer to people for when you do go into labor! that really is such a long drive though ! :wacko:

aww sorry to hear about your friend that sounds awful!! i hope the medication at least work some wonders for her...i couldn't even imagine what she's feeling like right now!

ugh i dont wanna work today! it was so nice having a saturday off for once i felt like a normal person haha
I think I just feel day because I didn't have to go into maternity clothes last time really at all I only have 1 pair of maternity pants so all my clothes don't fit me. I think I am going to go online today though and buy myself some new maternity clothes so I am not feeling so depressed.

Right so you weren't a bridesmaid for this wedding lol I got confused. It is definitely awkward having a belly and dancing I remember I went put to the club here when I was pregnant with hunter and it was just really awkward I went home really early because mick said as soon as it starts to get a but crowded I had to leave and in my way out I got pushed by some guy bless my sister she lost her shit at him. No good that your feet swelled its an awful feeling isn't it! And the bad part it only gets worse as you get closer to the end I'm definitely not looking forward to that. Although I barely swelled with hunter only when I went for my walks so hopefully it's the same.

That's a really cute way to ask you to be a bridesmaid very creative!!! Will it be the first time you have been a bridesmaid at a wedding? It's so much fun!!
Yay he will be at such a good age to take on a holiday not old enough t run around but old enough to take everything in! Will he be aloud at the wedding? Alot of people here don't allow children at weddings.

It definitely is a long drive but worth it I think because I definitely would hate to go earlier than when mick and family would have got to Adelaide and Kevin be at work and be all alone with hunter going into labor he would be so scared. I am a little worries though because even the car rode takes 40 minutes in good traffic so if I go into labor in bad traffic the baby will be born in the car if my labor is as short as they think it will be so in a bit nervous!!

I know I feel awful for her but she is a trooper she is still going to work every day which is crazy! I know I wouldn't be I would be saving all my energy for myself and my kid. Her son is 2 next month so she has her hands full a bit.

Aw you poor thing I bet you don't! Not long to go now though only 8 more weeks at the most! Wow that's pretty exciting to think that you will be finishing up work that soon!

Hunter has been sleeping so well the last 5 nights the most he has woken is 3 times and has slept in his cot almost the entire night and it has been great and then bam last night 10 times and wouldn't sleep any where but in my arms it sucked!!!! My back is killing me. Now that I am starting to get more and more normal sleep I don't know how I have let myself be in this much pain for so long! It sucks lol

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