Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

oh thank god for dopplers!!! good I'm so glad you heard the heartbeat. let me know how your results are!! and yeah i totally get it on needing the money...josh worked overtime tonight and will again on sunday! his insurance finally kicked in for his new job so they're taking extra money out now so he needs to work more to keep his check up!

AFM I'm feeling pretty good. been pretty tired the past couple of days and my bodies just sore all around. I've been getting this horrible pain above my belly button for the past couple weeks...i thought it was just skin stretching at first (thats what the doctor said) but it almost feels bruised. I'm really not sure what it is. it only happens when I'm standing up for long periods of time at work...but its honestly pretty painful. I'm starting to wonder if he's pulling on the umbilical cord or something? i dunno :shrug: I try to push on it to see if i can move him, if it is him, but then i feel like i just make it worse lol. my days off were good though! relaxed for the most part and cleaned a lot :blush: haha. i made an appointment for a prenatal massage on monday though!! finally!!
Had a little bit of spotting yesterday but nothing to worry about I don't think. I know thank god for dopplers hey! I have an ultrasound on Thursday with the sonographer that comes up from Adelaide which will be good I will be able to get a good picture, I just hope baby is still ok in there!! I didn't get my blood test results as they are closed on weekends but the doc said if I am still getting clear urine positives then the baby is fine which I am so fingers crossed!! I am pretty over feeling like shit and having bad sleeps though! Hunter has been so bad the last few nights sleep and it's so hard when I wake up to resettle him and all I want to do is throw up I have been giving in and bringing him into his cot which I know I shouldn't do it's just do hard :( I think I am going to go to sleep at like 8 tonight and then hopefully I will get some good sleep and no more sugar!! This pregnancy is the worst for it all I want all day is sweet things it sucks!!!! I am going to throw everything out of the cupboards and fridge that is sugary and not buy anymore next shop it is getting ridiculous because I'm sure it's not helping the sick feeling!

Grrrr money I hate thinking about money! Micks earns quite alot but we have so much debt it doesn't make a difference! And he is so bad with spending but not getting into that again lol. Although when I had a little break down about him spending he has had his spending money both weeks and not asked for a single cent more which is amazing!
And very excited he bought champex which are tablets to quite smoking, they are a prescribed one which he started them a few days ago and you have a 2 week quite date so hopefully this works for him! I really hope so anyway he has such a bad chest from smoking and I really don't think he would have been that far off irreversible damage at a young age! So I have all my fingers and toes crossed this works for him.

That's no good about the pain in your belly that must be very uncomfortable!! It could be internal brushing from chase moving around in the one spot. I use to get really achy parts that felt bruised from hunter bum he use to poke it out all the time it hurt so bad.
If it gets worse I would mention it to your doctor again just in case.
I have no idea about the umbilical cord part it's crazy the things you think up when your pregnancy it's such a worrying time!
I'm glad you had a good few days off and good for you I'm glad you finally booked the appointment you will feel so much better when you have had it!
i totally forgot about my massage today!!! :dohh: who does that??? lol. i had a friend call me this morning at 9am because an ex best friend of hers sent her a text a 4am last night with a picture of her ex boyfriend and a girl that we work with (that she's friends with) laying with each other naked... it was sick and twisted that another human being could be so cruel to do something like that. i couldn't believe it. its a long story but thats the short version so we went out to breakfast today and hung out to get things off her mind and then my appointment completely slipped my mind!

thats good mick is getting better with spending! i think i need to start giving josh an allowance because he really just doesn't get it lol. he's getting better but i wish he would still be more cautious. and yeah now that i think about it it does seem like chases butt poking out right there where I'm having the pain but its still hard to tell. if it gets worse ill bring it up again.

can't wait for thursday for you so you can your little one again and make sure everythings okay! but like your doctor said as long as your still getting dark tests then everything should be you heard the heartbeat too. glad you're going to get some good pics though!!! how was your mothers day??! i hope good! i don't know if you celebrate it the same day we do or not? i got my first mothers day card in the mail from my mom i almost cried haha :)
That is awful about your friend!!! Some people are so horrible and sick in the mind! What kind of a person even thinks about doing those things! How was breakfast? Did she seem better afterwards the poor thing!

That sucks that you forgot about your appointment though, hopefully you can get in again!
Yeah an allowance is a great idea because they get there own specific money and it kinda shows them how much they really are spending! Like Michael gets his $100 on a Thursday and it is usually gone by Saturday! He spends it on his Tabacco and stuff for his rollies then buys iTunes vouchers for his game on his phone usually, I get $100 as well but I don't need it I don't smoke drink or play games on my phone that cost me money so I usually end up shouting us dinner or lunch with it a few times lol but I don't mind I could save it up and buy something nice for myself but I never think of that.
I think men struggle with understanding money a bit more than women for some reason but not all cases I guess.

It very well could be his butt lol it's not the nicest thing but it could also just be the really uncomfortable stretching and the more you poke it the more it's going to bruise lol. But yeah I would still mention it if it gets worse or doesn't get any better.

I actually have an appointment today because I got my hcg levels and the doctor said it was lower than it should be so I have to have a scan today as well as Thursday! I feel like I am living at the doctors at the moment I'm getting pretty over it!

Mother's Day was fine mick was working so just me and hunter nothing special. That's so cute you got a card! Michaels mum bought me the sound of music limited edition box set when I was pregnant with hunter which was crazy! She always goes over the top but it was nice.
she's doing okay i spent most of the day with her. she's just really upset that he would take it so far (considering last week he was telling her how much he loved her and wished they were still together blah blah blah.) And she has a boyfriend who she's been with for a while now but this ex was her first love kinda thing so i can see why she's so hurt by it. then again who wouldn't be i guess? people are so cruel and mean i can't believe it. to even plot something like that is just crazy to me!

i really hope your levels weren't too too low in a bad way? please let me know how your scan goes today!! i can't believe you'll be 10 weeks soon!!! holy crap !!! hows the spotting since the other day?

aww thats cute about the sound of music! was one of my favorite movies when i was younger!!

and yeah i rescheduled for the same time next week. i felt pretty stupid calling and telling them i completely forgot about it though lol. she said usually they send a bill in the mail for the hour that the person doesn't show up for without calling but i guess somebody walked in and i got lucky she said. I'm not sure how they would've gotten my address though to send a bill?
Yeah the poor thin it is awful and your first love always has a special spot that let's them in easily. He is a heartless awful person! At least she has moved on and found someone better!

Yayyyy just got back from my doctors appointment and I am still pregnant!!!! The baby has grown so much it had little arms and legs and it was kicking and squirming around it looks like a little baby now!!!! Yay so excited! This is the most excited I have been I think it has really sunk in now that I am going to have another little baby :)

Yeah sound of music has always been one of my favourites! I think I might watch today if I get chance!

Aw that's alright then, and they wouldn't have your address unless you filled out a client form which you usually do when you go for your first appointment so they wouldn't have been able to I wouldn't think.

And completely off the subject but had to share this lol hunter loves his hotdogs!
hehehe what an adorable picture!!!! i love how he's trying to shove it all in his mouth lol too cute!!

yayy for still being pregnant!!! I'm so happy everything went good and s/he was squirming around in there!!!!! :)

I'm about to leave and go get my 28 week bloodwork and the first glucose test just want to pop in quick before i go! ill update how everything goes when i get back... hopefully no GD!
well had my treat...wont know results i guess for a couple days? or until my next appointment on may 29th i guess unless something is wrong then they will call! that drink made me so lightheaded and dizzy though i didn't like how i felt after i drank it at all...hopefully thats not a bad sign!
Lol I know he is a guys!!!

How come you went for your 28 weeks blood early? Is that what they do there? We don't usually do that glucose test till we are 28 weeks never before. But I'm sure it will all come back fine!
Hmm that is strange about the drink though! Maybe it was just to much of a sugar rush, I have everything x for you though that everything is fine which I'm sure it will be!

Sooo I was suppose to be having my ultrasound tomorrow so I rang up to see how much it would be because I didn't want to get there and not have enough money (pay day is tomorrow night) and it was $270!!!! We would get $70 back from Medicare (government) but would have to pay it all up front on the day! I am so not paying that so I cancelled! It's ridiculous how much they charge sometimes, I thought for sure $150-$180 so I was pretty shocked when he said that. But I don't mind because I had the scan yesterday and everything was fine so I am happy with that :)

I am getting pretty emotional about the whole morning sickness and no energy with hunter it is making it so hard! For some reason every time I cool dinner I throw up so my nights consist of hunter screaming at my ankles because its like he knows dinner is coming and he wants it right there and then whilst I am throwing up and trying to cool dinner! It is exhausting and I experience this several times throughout the day. Mick has been amazing lately though but I just wish I had more help I am really struggling! I know that if I wasn't throwing up constantly I would be fine, I would be tired but fine it's just the weak feeling from vomitting all the time and then trying to keep up with hunter. In the last week or so he has just had a massive developmental stage, he is saying more words he is getting taller and smarter and more full on I am highly considering going to Melbourne but I have a hard enough time with him playing up when micks on night let alone if I left for Melbourne. He was that bad tonight because its micks first night it took me 3 hours to get him to sleep which consisted of screaming crying throwing himself around trying to play gaaaahhhhhh it sucked! So now I had a headache and I am so frustrated I know I'm not going to be able to sleep wayyyy to much anxiety :(
Lol so sorry rant over but goddddd I needed to get that out!

Things are going to be so hectic in my life from now on I might as well get use to it! I seriously think you either have your kids really close together so by the time the baby comes number 1 has only just started walking and isn't to smart yet or you wait until they will be almost 3 when the second is born so they know boundaries and can entertain themselves lol.

Oh and to top it off the lady have me the wrong date so my stall for the market is this weekend not next and I am completely unorganised and hunters first swimming lesson is on the same day and I can't even take him! This is not s good week lol
yeah he is definitely a guy hahaha! i saw your cute Facebook announcement!!!! and happy 10 weeks!!! you're a prune!! :happydance:

Im really not sure why they don't do everything right at 28 weeks. they like the glucose test to be done here between 24 and 28. And the bloodwork was all on the same paper as the glucose test so i couldn't go and get it at separate times. also they don't do the tests on the same floor we have the appointments, you have to go to another building to outpatient testing, so we just go on our own time. Its kind of weird i think? but i am glad its all done with...hopefully thats the last of the bloodwork i hate needles. not looking forward to the IV in my hand during such a baby when it comes to that stuff lol.

awww I'm sorry it sounds like your really struggling right now ! I'm sure it has to be so so hard with a little one running around and your throwing up all day long :( not long until your in second tri so keeping my fingers crossed the MS goes away for you by then at least and doesn't go longer!! and hopefully this stage with him not going to sleep will change soon too ... big hugs ! :hugs:

i totally would've canceled my appointment too!! our ultrasounds are about 300$ too...its so insane! I'm not sure what i would do if i had to pay it all out of pocket id be screwed! but since you had the scan yesterday then i definitely would've canceled too since you know everything is okay!!!

and i agree with having kids close in age or further apart! me and my brother are 2 years apart and i really liked that. not like we talk but i still think 2 years is always good! (but definitely difficult haha). sorry you can't take hunter to his swimming lesson either! geez you are having a hell of a week!!

AFM im not as interesting as you are at the moment haha. just had my 2 days off. they were nice and relaxing. I'm trying to enjoy them while i can and be around friends and stuff because i won't be able to soon. I am kind of forcing myself to go out be completely content staying home everyday cleaning my house. Im not sure when that happened?? haha. I feel like theres so much that needs to be done in the next 3 months!! we still have to re arrange our bedroom for Chase. get the crib up. we want to get the carpet in the one room shampooed because a lot of baby stuff is going in there. and I'm waiting on my baby shower (which is a surprise) so i can go see what else we need to buy ! My mom got me a little angry yesterday and told me maybe i should go look for a cheaper stroller because she doesn't think anybody's going to get it for us. Its a chico travel system and its like $269 and its a 3 wheeler and i love it. I told her no, if nobody gets it well buy it ourselves. this is our first baby and wed like things that are going to last , as least important things like the stroller! and i don't really think its that pricey? oh well.
well I'm off to work soon....hope you have a great day!!
yeah he is definitely a guy hahaha! i saw your cute Facebook announcement!!!! and happy 10 weeks!!! you're a prune!! :happydance:

Im really not sure why they don't do everything right at 28 weeks. they like the glucose test to be done here between 24 and 28. And the bloodwork was all on the same paper as the glucose test so i couldn't go and get it at separate times. also they don't do the tests on the same floor we have the appointments, you have to go to another building to outpatient testing, so we just go on our own time. Its kind of weird i think? but i am glad its all done with...hopefully thats the last of the bloodwork i hate needles. not looking forward to the IV in my hand during such a baby when it comes to that stuff lol.

awww I'm sorry it sounds like your really struggling right now ! I'm sure it has to be so so hard with a little one running around and your throwing up all day long :( not long until your in second tri so keeping my fingers crossed the MS goes away for you by then at least and doesn't go longer!! and hopefully this stage with him not going to sleep will change soon too ... big hugs ! :hugs:

i totally would've canceled my appointment too!! our ultrasounds are about 300$ too...its so insane! I'm not sure what i would do if i had to pay it all out of pocket id be screwed! but since you had the scan yesterday then i definitely would've canceled too since you know everything is okay!!!

and i agree with having kids close in age or further apart! me and my brother are 2 years apart and i really liked that. not like we talk but i still think 2 years is always good! (but definitely difficult haha). sorry you can't take hunter to his swimming lesson either! geez you are having a hell of a week!!

AFM im not as interesting as you are at the moment haha. just had my 2 days off. they were nice and relaxing. I'm trying to enjoy them while i can and be around friends and stuff because i won't be able to soon. I am kind of forcing myself to go out be completely content staying home everyday cleaning my house. Im not sure when that happened?? haha. I feel like theres so much that needs to be done in the next 3 months!! we still have to re arrange our bedroom for Chase. get the crib up. we want to get the carpet in the one room shampooed because a lot of baby stuff is going in there. and I'm waiting on my baby shower (which is a surprise) so i can go see what else we need to buy ! My mom got me a little angry yesterday and told me maybe i should go look for a cheaper stroller because she doesn't think anybody's going to get it for us. Its a chico travel system and its like $269 and its a 3 wheeler and i love it. I told her no, if nobody gets it well buy it ourselves. this is our first baby and wed like things that are going to last , as least important things like the stroller! and i don't really think its that pricey? oh well.
well I'm off to work soon....hope you have a great day!!

Lol yay a prune!
Sorry it had taken me so long to get back to you I have been a little busy body.

It's strange how I see that on all the American shows we don't have the iv in here they just keep filing up jugs of water for you to keep you hydrated I would say if you have an epidural you have to have one or if you are in labor a long time then they would I think it's anything more than 6 hours here but I didn't have to have anything apart from blood taken as soon as hunter was born which was strange but it was to check for strep and then I had the vit k shot but other than that no needles. I am so use to them by now I have had that many blood tests and things in my life!

Definitely struggling with the days that are sick but today was a really good day I didn't throw up once and I got up this morning and went to aqua aerobics with a few friends while hunter went into the crèche for the first time ever!!! He cried when I left him but they said he was fine within a few seconds and he had a ball! So I am going to start putting him in occasional care because I actually think he is bored at home now especially because there is nothing for him to do here like play centres or music classes or anything like that.
I just need to save money is all we are so broke at the moment and we have to go to Adelaide next week for hunter appointment and that usually costs is about 600+ just to go there with accomodation petrol and parking. I want to put him in daycare right now but you have to pay a term up front and it's $350 so it's hard to fit in our budget but I might put money away for the next few pays and then hopefully we will be able to afford it!

All good about the swimming lesson mick is taking him now which is good I wish I was there to see it though lol he isn't the most comfortable when it comes to being around hunter (well he has been alot better lately) I think they he wasn't comfortable because hunter was such a mummies boy but now he adores mick and I think that helps!
And yeah the gap thing is a must to think about I think lol.

Lol I think the mothering hormones take over and instincts kick in for the cleaning and what not but I your like me it doesn't last haha. But then again my child is crazy on the go so its hard to find time to clean because its as of he is walking behind me with a trail of rubbish to just dump behind me!
I don't think that is to expensive for a stroller maybe for people to buy it is I don't think any of my friends would have spent that much on me and I don't think family would have either. I didn't even get anything off my dad and stepmom and neither did my sister but that is my spiteful stepmom there! We paid $600 for our pram and a friend bought us a stroller for like $45 but it's crap it doesn't go down at all for him to lay down but for some reason he loves it and he will still sometimes fall asleep in it!
Will you be using your stroller full time and not getting a pram?
I can't believe you only have 3 months to go that is flying by!

I felt so awful for michaels cousin she found out the day before me that she was 8 weeks pregnant and she went for her scan today and they told her the baby had been dead since 8 weeks :( the poor thing she is devastated!! She is still young 22 but she was so excited! She does do drugs and a lot of drinking but I don't know if that's what cause it but she didn't know for the first 4 weeks so who knows. I just couldn't even imagine how she must feel! I can't believe they didn't do any tests between 8 and 13 weeks to see how far along she was exactly rather than just saying she was 8 weeks at least if they had of done a scan when she was 8 weeks to make sure that's how far she was she wouldn't have had to go the past 5 weeks thinking she was pregnant and she wasn't, one of the hardest things would have been that she already had a belly and all the poor thing. I hate when things like that happen you just never know what to say.

On a little but if a happier note I have my first market day tomorrow which I am super excited about!!! A friend is helping me out but we have to get up at like 5:30-6 and I am so not looking forward to it, I really hope we do well though eeeekkk I can't wait!

He has such big chops lol
Well I am off to bed now to get some sleep for my big day. Xx
omg he is just the cutest little thing ever!! and he really looks like you a lot!!! I'm glad hunter got to go to his swimming lesson!! did mick say it went good? hopefully you'll be able to make the next one so you can watch him!! i have to ask though...what exactly is a creche? :blush: is it similar to like a daycare center? sorry never heard of it lol. i havnt even started to look into daycare centers...i don't think i really need to right now but from what i hear its crazy expensive!!

another stupid question but i think a pram is what I'm getting? its the whole travel system in one...stroller, infant seat and the base that the infant seat goes on. I'm not really sure the difference lol can you tell I'm new at this? hahaha. but yeah i really don't think its very expensive for everything ill be getting and if nobody buys it thats fine too i don't really expect anybody too. and i totally get the being broke thing!! wed be fine if i had some kind of maternity pay but I'm trying to save everything i can right now for when I'm out of work since i don't get any pay whatsoever. right now we have 4,000 extra and still have 3 more months so hoping to at least have 6,000 by the time Chase comes! fingers crossed!

omg thats so awful about kicks cousin :( :( i don't even know what to say to somebody when that happens! but i agree I'm really surprised that they didn't do a scan around 8 weeks??!! thats when we all get our growth scans over here. well between 8 and 11 i believe. oh thats so so sad :(

but yes on a brighter note how'd the market go today??? i hope it was worthwhile!!

so i decided i absolutely hate my job...having a bit of a midlife crisis i think lol. but i decided I'm going back to school in 2014! i MIGHT and thats a big MIGHT..take 1 class in september to get myself back in the groove of school since I've been out for so long. but I'm not sure i want to put the extra load on myself with the baby. well see. but ill be going for my RN in nursing. its probably going to take me a good 4-5 years because I've been out of school for so long but I figure by the time I'm 30-31 ill be graduated and ill have a real job with benefits! i just can't take the restaurant business anymore. its so unbeleivably stressful. now i just have to figure out how I'm going to work/go to school and take care of a newborn at the same time! haha
I know isn't he lol. Yeah mick said he had a blast but was to distracted about being excited that there was other kids there lol. They have all already done a term so they know what to do so he is a bit behind but mick and I are going to go together this Saturday which will be good! Crèche is kinda the same as a daycare but its in a workplace or gym or somewhere that is only temporary. Alot of companies here have crèches so the children can go to work with them and put in the crèche but they are still close by if needed or some crèches are just for places like the gym that are just for an hour while the parent is doing what they need to. He loved it though!!!! I am going to start going to aqua every Friday so he will become a regular there which I think he is going to love!

Yeah daycare can be pretty expensive. In most cities here its $70 for a full day like 9-5 or what ever and they include nappies and food where as in Roxby it's $75 a day and you have to take your own nappies wipes and food :( so its pretty expensive.

When you say infant seat do you mean car seat?

Here a stroller is something like

And a pram is like this

This is the one I have but I didn't get attachments 2 or 3 I would love to get the bassinet attachment but you can't use it in the double pram which is what I will need. But I have another car seat and extenders so that it can fit in the pram if I need it to.

Yeah that would be hard! Do you not have any government fund that you get? Like here we get whats called the baby bonus it's $5000 paid in instalments for 18 weeks they have actually just about to stop it as of the 1st June and replace it with a lump sum of $2000 but I won't get it we earn to much.

I know it's always so hard to think of what to say to her the poor thing. Here you don't get a scan till 12 and that's the dating scan unless something goes wrong but yeah I definitely though in her case they would have!

Market went great!!! Really really quiet for the first 2 hours but we ended up making $186 which considering I had hardly any stock was really good. It was freezing out though I had 2 singlets a long sleeved top a jumper and a scarf lol it's getting cold here!!

Wow go you that's very exciting! Very nerve racking but exciting and I am sure you will find some way to manage it all! I have a mum from my mothers group that is studying full time and does 5 days of I think 4 swimming classes that she teaches as well as raises her son so it's definitely possible Hun you may be exhausted for a while but it will be worth it!

I am feeling so shit lately I just feel like I am becoming a whale!!! I have only put on a kilo but I feel and I think I look like I have just puffed out in the face massively!
I am going to have to start a really serious health kick tomorrow! And make sure I am walking every night as well as the aqua I can't afford to put on lots of weight and personally for self esteem I can't and don't want to!

Poor hunter he misses Michael so much while he is on nights!!! He has been so out of sorts the last few days he doesn't or won't for that matter sleep anywhere but in my arms or in my chest! It sucks my back and neck are killing me but its so cute how much he lives his dad! Mick came home from work this morning he took hunter down the park for 2 hours and had a BBQ with some guys from work and I got a sleep in it was great! Although I can't sleep now lol which sucks!

Michaels brother moves in tomorrow as well so we will have a house full again!! Which should be interesting! But hopefully he is not to much hassle he's pretty easy going!

Well I suppose I should try and get to sleep lol.

Hope you and baby chase are well Hun xx
heres the link to the travel system that i want to get....I think you guys would consider the stroller part a pram where you are. we just call everything a stroller for the most part. and then what you guys would call a "push chair" i think would be an umbrella stroller for us which is made for more a 2 yr old. but i won't need to buy anything else for awhile if i get this one i don't think!

we don't get any kind of government fund unfortunately...maternity leave really sucks over here. restaurants don't offer anything. they only have to hold my job for up to 12 weeks. and people that do get maternity still also only get 12 weeks. its really going to be nice to have the time off though!

thats great you guys made some money at the market!! hopefully it just keeps getting better and better for ya!

and I'm sure that you don't look like a whale!! i remember the first thing i noticed getting bigger was my face too. i thought to myself "great if its already getting fatter what is it gonna look like by 40 weeks" lol but it didn't get much rounder so its probably just you getting used to your changing body again! I'm sure you look beautiful!!

how'd it goes with michaels brother moving in? is he staying for awhile? hopefully it goes okay with him living there!

its my bday today..26 omg i feel old! josh is making breakfast for me right now as i type...scrambled eggs with cheese...bacon ... diced potatoes , toast and a cup of coffee :) later a couple of friends and I are going to grab dinner up the road at this cute little place! oh and its like 85 degrees out today!!! i know you love the cold but I'm loving this warm weather !

hope you have a great day and are feeling good!!
hiiii!! i had to tell somebody! i found 2 dried up white spots in my bra where my nipples would be! do you think I'm leaking??? i tried squeezing my nipples to see if more would come out lmao but nothing did. and havnt seen more :shrug: is it weird I'm excited about this hahaha

hope your feeling okay! i saw on fbook your MS is still bad :(
heres the link to the travel system that i want to get....I think you guys would consider the stroller part a pram where you are. we just call everything a stroller for the most part. and then what you guys would call a "push chair" i think would be an umbrella stroller for us which is made for more a 2 yr old. but i won't need to buy anything else for awhile if i get this one i don't think!

we don't get any kind of government fund unfortunately...maternity leave really sucks over here. restaurants don't offer anything. they only have to hold my job for up to 12 weeks. and people that do get maternity still also only get 12 weeks. its really going to be nice to have the time off though!

thats great you guys made some money at the market!! hopefully it just keeps getting better and better for ya!

and I'm sure that you don't look like a whale!! i remember the first thing i noticed getting bigger was my face too. i thought to myself "great if its already getting fatter what is it gonna look like by 40 weeks" lol but it didn't get much rounder so its probably just you getting used to your changing body again! I'm sure you look beautiful!!

how'd it goes with michaels brother moving in? is he staying for awhile? hopefully it goes okay with him living there!

its my bday today..26 omg i feel old! josh is making breakfast for me right now as i type...scrambled eggs with cheese...bacon ... diced potatoes , toast and a cup of coffee :) later a couple of friends and I are going to grab dinner up the road at this cute little place! oh and its like 85 degrees out today!!! i know you love the cold but I'm loving this warm weather !

hope you have a great day and are feeling good!!

Im so sorry I haven't replied yet Hun things have been pretty busy and sick around here :(

I think you are right about all of the above with the pram stroller and umbrella stroller lol. I looked at yours as well it's really nice!

That sucks there is no government funding but you are right it will be nice for you to have that time off!! I have been highly considering putting money aside and doing some short courses to try and get a reception job on the mine when bubs is about 4-5 months we really need the extra money but we will see.

Yeah I think the next market will be much better as I will have more stock then so looking forward to that one!

Naw that's Hun lol I am starting to feel a bit better about the whale thing lol it's hard because I was bigger this time falling pregnant which sucks but hopefully once I am feeling like a human again and stop throwing up I can get back to walking everyday.

Yeah it was fine him moving in I'm not to sure how long he's staying for I don't really mind he works the same as mick so he won't be home much anyway. He keeps to himself alot to which is good.

I know I already wished you happy birthday on Facebook but happy birthday lol. Your scrambled eggs sound epic I bet they were delicious!! That was lovely of josh! How was your dinner??

As for the booby leakage it is pretty common and that is very exciting that all things are working in that department lol

Afm: nothing out of the ordinary here still throwing up lol I have good days and then awful days! Hunter is sick as well at the moment with it being cold here so the poor thing is very sooky :( mick is doing really well with his smoking he is down to about 4 a day now which is awesome! Mick had the weekend off so we have got to spend some time together as a family which has been really nice I can't remember the last time we got to spend the weekend together that wasn't because I was sick or hunter was sick or something lol
I hate saying this but I am so over this pregnancy already! I always hated how women complained when they were pregnant and they should just appreciate that they are able to have a baby but boy am I eating my words now lol I am just not enjoying it at all and I feel terrible!

I love!!!! Your cot set up! I want to get new furniture for this baby so bad! It's so expensive here though! How much was your cot and change table?

I think I am going to start looking at baby things even though I already have a lot from when hunter was a baby I need to get the bassinet out of storage and give it a really good clean and I need to get a new set of draws and room decor. I think when it gets closer to the time even though I won't know what it is I will wash some of hunters old baby clothes just in case it's a boy at least I will have some stuff at the hospital with me to dress bubs in. I can't wait to know on the day if we have a little girl or boy. I would really love a girl! But we will be happy with what we get :)

Aarrrgggghhh we waxed my legs last week and I didn't realise but I am allergic to the wax and oh my god my legs are so itchy! There are covered in dermatitis it sucks I have scabbs every where its bit a pretty site.

How are you feeling that bump of yours is getting quite impressive!
I can't remember if you already said of not but at how many weeks do you plan on finishing up work? I bet your counting down the days lol
no worries about not replying...i know you're not feeling well and are busy! BUT you're almost in second tri already!!!!! hopefully you start to feel better soon and start enjoying your pregnancy. although i can't say I've fully enjoyed mine either to the point i wish i could have! do you have your 12 week scan coming up soon???

sorry poor hunter is sick again :hugs: and thats great to here about Mick smoking! he really is doing great!! and it mustve been nice to spend a whole weekend together! me and josh finally have our first day off together tomorrow in over 3 months! i think were going to a memorial day picnic and then were working on more stuff to get ready for Chase!

Thanks :) Our crib was about $350...after taxes it was almost $400 but the changing table came with it and its also the 4 in 1 so thought it was a really good deal and i fell in love with it when i saw it! Josh actually went out yesterday and bought all the bedding too as a surprise....i was so happy when i got home! its been giving me anxiety that theres so much to do so i felt a lot better when he got that up!

we also need to tear apart the bassinet and clean it real good...i have to go out and get some baby detergent first to wash everything in.

awwww a little girl would be so precious!! i admire you for not finding out the sex! i would definitely buy a boy and a girl goig home outfit fro the hospital just in case haha

i wonder if you're allergic to the wax because your skins more sensitive while your pregnant? or were you always allergic to certain waxs and things like that? thats the worst though you must be so itchyyyy :wacko:

Im feeling pretty good for the most part. besides my feet killing me all the time i really can't complain. and sleeping is getting a bit harder now too and uncomfortable! but otherwise I'm good. i plan on working honestly as long as i can. maybe around 38 weeks ill stop...but then i don't want to incase he comes late? i dunno I'm just going to take it one day at a time and if i feel i can't work anymore at one point than ill stop

ttys love!
im so glad other people are where i am... i havent had a period since 8th feb and all tests are coming back negative.. i should get my blood results back tomorrow and im so nervous!
I know I can't believe it it is flying by!!!
I am hoping I start to feel better I think I am it's just the not gettin enough sleep that is killing me now I think!
I have my next appointment next Tuesday where she will scan me but I don't have an actual 12 weeks scan well a proper one anyway. I am so excited to see baby though it is going to be huge! It was so cute the other day we were listening to babies heartbeat through the Doppler and we put it to hunters ear he loved it! He didn't want to let it go :) we are trying to teach him to say baby and point to my belly all he wants to do though is blow raspberries on it lol.

I don't mind it to much when hunter is sick because he will still play and be happy, he will have his sooky moments but he is generally pretty good so I can't complain to much.
Yep very proud of mick with the smoking he is doing amazing and he has been so lovely lately he has been helping heaps and just different I think he is starting to realise that I am struggling a little with no help and this time I didn't even have to say anything. It was so cute on Sunday night we were say on the couch and he looked at me stroked my face and said are you going to be ok tomorrow, I asked him what he ment and he said you know because you've been having a hard time lately and you'll be alone with hunter again tomorrow with no help will you be alright, it nearly made me cry it was so sweet lol. And last night I was cooking dinner and I just get a random message from him saying I love you wife which never happens I must say I could get use to it :)
Gosh 3 months it's a long time!! It sucks doesn't it but at the same time oh have to do it because its whats the best for your future.
What's Memorial Day to celebrate there? We all have such different holidays.
Did you get anything else done for chase today?
I bought a little pair of girls shoes yesterday in case it's a girl hehe if not I will just sell them.

Wow!!!! The crib you bought is a minimum of $700 on its own here!!! Also I did find a cheaper version for $285 on eBay which I think I am going to get even though we already have one but I always wanted a dark wood theme so I will probably sell the old one and use the money to but the new one. I paid $1800 for the cot draws and change table for the last lot.
That's lovely he went out and got the bedding for you! Men are full of surprises aren't they!

There is so much to do to get ready sometimes it's a little daunting! My friend has her last day in town today she leaves tomorrow to go back home to have her baby (we have to leave town at 36 weeks because there is no facilities to labor close by here so they make you leave early just to cover preterm labor) it feels like it has gone so fast for her and she was saying yesterday how she was packing her bag and the babies bag for the hospital and it just made me remember all the preparation you have to do.

Yeah I am going to choose a boy and girl outfit and when bubs is born send who ever is there to go buy what ever sex it is. I don't want someone else choosing it for me lol it will be summer here as well which I hate I love seeing babies all snug rather than in summery clothes when they are new newborns.
And trust me its hard not finding out lol but once I say no at the 17 week scan its all over its not that big if a deal for me, don't get me wrong I try to accidentally see at every scan haha but I still like that I have no idea what I'm looking at so it will still most likely be a surprise. I remember when I was pregnant with hunter and at my 17 week scan she said oh wow yep I can definitely tell what it is would you like to know and it took everything in my power to say no.

I have allergies to loads of things unfortunately I have to use all natural everything in my house laundry detergent, dish liquid, soap shampoo everything same with hunter it sucks but I remember last time my allergies were worse while I was pregnant but I think next time I will have to buy my wax on the net for sensitive skin. It's definitely frustrating I can use any nice smelling stuff :( and just of recent I can't even use exfoliates or certain foundations because I get dermatitis on my face and really dry skin!!! It definitely sucks.

Yeah the feet and sleeping is pretty normal, do you have a pregnancy pillow? I spent $100 on one when I was pregnant with hunter and it was the hardest thing ever I was spewing becAuse there were cheaper ones that were nice and soft :( I think I will buy another one this time and make sure it is soft because sleeping with a pillow between your legs and under your belly is amazing lol poor Michael last time could never get near me because I had pillows stuffed in every angle haha.
If you can do it I say go for it! It's better to keep active anyway I think as long as your not straining yourself but you will know your limits!
I am really hoping to be start walking again this week I am going to give tomorrow night a go its nice and chilly on a night now so it's lovely to walk in!

I am feeling pretty good today so far, tired but that's because hunter was up all night coughing and throwing up from all the flem the poor thing!
We had a great night on Facebook last night we made $180 in sales from just one person!! She bought so much stock it was crazy! And we just ordered some great new stock I can't wait till it comes in I think it will sell really well!
Do you buy most of your stuff online or in stores for bubs?

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