Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Did you buy any maternity clothes today? I went today to find a dress for my baby shower on sunday and it did nothing but stress me out! I did get a cute black dress though that doesn't make me look like an oompa loompa haha and it was on sale for 9.99! Hope you bought some things to make yourself feel better today :)

she is allowing kids at her wedding! i know her daughter will be in the wedding and i saw a couple other little ones that will be in it too. plus her fiancé has a pretty big family so I'm assuming there will be lots and lots of kids there. And yes first time being a bridesmaid :) I wish i lived closer so I could help her more with the wedding ... but shes an 18 hour drive away lol .

aww man sorry about Hunter!! he really is doing good though! i mean its not every night anymore so thats definitely a plus! and oh geez i really hope you don't end up having your baby on the drive to the hospital! thats scary to think about! Im flying to North carolina on june 19th and I'm terrified of going into preterm labor on the flight lol

I drove an hour away to my friends house today to visit and she had a huge garbage bag filled with newborn and 0-3 month stuff for us. it was sooo nice of her! but theres so many clothes i don't think well even be able to go through half of it before he grows out of it lol

anyways how are you doing? anything new? is your ultrasound tomorrow??
No I didn't end up buying any money is a bit tight so just thought I would wait. I did buy maternity bathers and shorts though for hunters swimming lessons so I have something to wear in the pool that's accommodating.
Bargain about the dress 9.99 that's is a great deal!
I paid $145 for mine and I didn't even wear it lol.
I will definitely not be buying anything like that again!

That's good she is allowing kids it makes it hard trying to find someone to baby sit especially with how far away it is! We had to take someone with us to a friends wedding that was a 7 hours drive hunter was only 2 months old then I had to keep going back to breastfeed him my boobs were so full and so sore all night lol.

Yeah he is doing really well and he has gone for a wee on the toilet twice in the last 2 days!! I ordered him a little Thomas toilet seat the you stick on top of the normal one lol it's so cute then he will be able to sit on there without us holding him. He is growing up so fast!!

Lol it is a scary thought going into labor in weird places isn't it but June 19th is pretty from your due date isn't it? Hopefully you don't go that early lol.

Ow wow that's so nice of your friend! It's always good to get stuff given!! There were a few things my sister have me that I used over and over again, it's much nicer than spending money sometimes lol.

Yeah I am good although coming down with a cold but oh well it happens. I actually had my doctors appointment this morning and got to see little bubs.

This was one of the best shots because her machine is pretty old. I didn't get any nub shots but I did see a potty shot but I don't want to even start thinking about it and make myself think it is a girl or a boy lol. It was so cute rubbing its face and jumping up and down. He/she has a really fat little belly lol. I can't wait for my 20 week now or even my 16 week in so excited!! Mick will be wrapped when he gets home he said last night he is really looking forward to seeing the photos.
I made homemade chicken and corn soup today and oh my god it was amazing!!! Hunter loved it and now the little tyke is fast asleep!
I am just about to buy some stock and then go for a nap myself hunter slept pretty crap again and I woke up with a massive headache and blocked sinus :(

When are you having your baby shower? And I can't remember if I asked this already but are you doing it or is someone doing it for you? Are you having a theme?
awwww look at your precious little bubs!!!!! so cute!!! I'm glad everything went well at your scan!!

mmmm chicken corn soup that sounds delicious! I was bad and had some ramen noodle soup this afternoon. Ive been trying to stay away from it because of the excessive amount of salt lol oops!

$145?? the most i was going to spend on a dress was $60 lol. $9.99 made me a happy girl haha.

sorry your sick now! i wonder if its from when hunter and mick were sick and it just took you a while to get it. try and rest when you can i know its hard :hugs:

I went out and bought some baby detergent today so i can wash this heaping pile of baby clothes we got! first i have to sort it all. I wanted to get it all done today but i havnt even started it haha. I think I pulled something in my back last night when i was sitting on the floor showing Josh all the clothes. when i stood up ouuchhhhhh! i was hoping it'd be better by this morning but nope hurts even more . so that sucks a little right now!

and i have 3 friends that got together and are throwing it for me. They offered to do it and i kept asking if they were sure and they said yes. come to find out joshs mom had to take over so many things because they literally did nothing! i was so angry when i found out. not because i want this huge glamorous baby shower but because his mom could have just planned it the whole time if they couldn't handle it ya know. So well see how it goes....its this coming sunday. it was supposed to be a surprised but but they "forgot" to put that on the invitations so i had a friend text me saying she couldn't make it next week lol. they also forgot to put an rsvp by on there. and they only put the address to where the place all the grandparents and older people that don't use cell phones or gps have no clue how to get there! so joshs sister had to print out directions for people in the family. errrrrr

well off to do some laundry...hope you're having a great day!
Yeah the soup was delicious!

I know I would never pay that now lol I had a lot of money back then and was stupid!!!

That's no good about your back hopefully it starts to feel better soon there is so much more added pressure and things at the moment it's so easy to injure yourself.
Almost every time I get up out of bed or off the couch these days I feel like I pull a muscle in my stomach it sucks!

That's pretty Shitty of your friends!!! They could have just been truthful and said it was to much! I have some friends that use to do things like that then I would be the one to plan everything and they would take the credit! But at leat your having a shower I guess lol. And how exciting that its this Sunday!!!! You better post pictures!!!!
We are just having a baby bash again here with partners and kids as well we will just have a big BBQ or spit I would say. I don't like having a second baby shower but I have been told I have to lol by my sister in law!

Yay baby washing how exciting i remember doing baby washing it was such an emotional moment for me lol it makes it so real. I have been thinking about going through all the clothes and sorting them out ready and packed to take to Melbourne but I still have 22 weeks lol plenty of time!!!
omg I know I feel the same way every time I get up or move!! its the worst at night when i get up to pee 5 times haha. Are you peeing all the time yet btw???

yeah I was a little upset when Josh told me everything that happened. I wish they would've just told me they couldn't handle it all themselves and I would've just had joshs mom do it but oh well! A BBQ sounds fun by the way!!

haha Id say you have plenty of time for baby washing!! I ended up not washing anything last night...I figured it'd be best to just rest my back up this week and ill do it all next week. I want it all done before I leave for North carolina to see my family!

I started stashing money in my drawer so its not in the account and josh can't spend it :haha: We get tip out envelopes every night from the servers for making their drinks so I decided I'm just going to save all of those from now until I stop working and should have a good amount by the time Chase comes and we can use that for gas and diaper money and stuff like that instead of digging into the account.

has little one started moving anymore or is it still flutters?

I have some bump pics too i wanna post...tomorrow ill transfer them onto here and get them up for you!
Omg yep 3 times a night I get up it is awful but I have been getting urine infections pretty frequently!! I am drinking cranberry juice and taking urickense which is a cranberry formula and it goes away and then comes back :( I think if it comes back again this time I will have to go on antibiotics but I have been trying to avoid it!

Yeah it always sucks when stuff like that happens :( at least it will still be a nice day for you now that Josh's mum took over.

Yeah I've definitely got loads of time lol. How is your back?

Lol good idea!!! Mick just doesn't have any bank cards so he can't access any money anyway!! You seem like you have a good plan set up though.

I'm not really sure I'm definitely still feeling flutters but the last 2 days it has felt a little stronger so I think in another week or so I will feel proper kicks!!

Aw yay bumps pics can't wait!!!

Afm: I took hunter to the speech therapist today and she said he is behind in his talking :( which I already knew but hearing it from a professional makes it more real! So she gave me a heap of exercises for him to do but she wants to see us once a month now and see if he improves.
Other than that I don't really have much news lol
ick sorry about the urine infections!! hopefully they go away and you won't need antibiotics! Ive had 1 bladder infection/UTI (not really sure which one lol) my whole life and it was the most uncomfortable thing ever

my backs better but now my hips are starting to hurt. lol I'm just accepting its all part of the experience ! I just laugh it off and limp around my house at the end of the night haha

Josh doesn't have bank cards either but when he cashes his check god knows what he does with half of it. I told him he's giving me the entire thing this week and thats that because the past couple weeks he's been really bad and barely handing me any money. don't wanna talk about that right now though cause ill just get pissed lol. he's been working loads of overtime though so I'm happy about that.

As for Hunters speech try not to worry too much. Some kids just talk sooner than others and Im sure with the exercises and stuff he will catch right up. I know its hard hearing it in person but try not to let it bother you he will get where he needs to be :hugs:

heres a couple bump pics as promised :) bother were taken at 29 + 6... and a pic of my kitty bella when she was laying on me the other morning lol. Its weird how different my belly looks with/without a shirt over it


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Well I am pretty sure I suffer from cystitis because I have had them so many times since my teens it's not funny it sucks! But I think those drinks are helping me I might just have them regularly.

Money sucks with men that's all I have to say lol.

And so true the aching bones and muscles are all a part of it you take the bad with the good but the good definitely out weighs the bad!

Yeah I'm sure hunter will pick it up in no time I know that even in the past 2 weeks he has started communicating more. It's only a matter of time I guess.

Naw look at your bump! It actually looks quite low which is a good sign! Already hunter was engaged at 32 weeks and I went over by a week lol. What's your policy with being induced how long do they let you go over?

And your fur baby is so cute!!! I love my fur babies and so does hunter he gives them lovely cuddles all the time.
I actually think my bump might have just been really bad bloat because it seems to have gone down lol but oh well either that or I have lost weight I guess we will see in the next few weeks.

This is hunter and 2 of our fur babies today
Hi :wave:,

Congrats :happydance:to all those with a little nudger! I'm so happy for you. I'm waiting on my own little nudger. DH and I have been NTNP since 2010. We had :sex: enough to have gotten preggers but :nope: except for losing Charity :angel:to a tubal pregnancy in 2010:cry:.

Was originally on BC to regulate my cycles which has always been :wacko:. Stopped BC in June 2008 after :wedding:. AF visited 4-5 times yearly after that up until 2012. I actually had 7 very long visits from AF that year. This year, AF has been affected by Norethindrone and Provera so I have had three AF visits this year, the first one was stopped by Norethindrone, the second one came and went on its own, short for me, only 8 days of AF, and the third one was started by Provera where AF was here for only 4 days. :happydance:.

To sum it up, my cycles range from 21-82 days, with an average of 47 days.
Like I said, :wacko:

I'm currently on my first Clomid round CD14 of the Provera AF visit waiting for OV. My focus at this point is to see if and when I ovulate so that I can create a better Baby Dancing schedule with my trucker DH whom I only see twice a month for 3 days each. :juggle::saywhat:

I hope its okay for me to join this forum as it would be nice to chat with others who have :wacko: cycles as myself.


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awww kirstie look at your little pups!!! so freakin cute!! and of course hunters always cute hehe!

how is your infection doing? hopefully the drinks are helping! I never really suffered from bladder infections but I did suffer from BV a lot which was so annoying. Its been awhile since I've gotten it though which I'm thankful for because the antibiotics they give you taste so bad they make me puke :green:

sorry It took me so long to reply I've had a very busy 2 days!! My baby shower went great! I was worried people wouldn't come but it ended up being a great turnout and a lot of fun! we got tons of clothes and all the big things we need so I'm very thankful. I would post pics but I think you already saw them on Facebook lol. One of my favorite things I got was the photo album with the adorable saying on the front. Joshs Aunt made it and I thought it was so adorable I almost cried reading it!! She also made that huge clothesline which i thought was so awesome!

Today Josh took a personal day and we spent the day sorting clothes and washing and hanging everything. Well I pretty much did all the hanging and putting away lol but thats okay. Next wednesday (the 19th) I leave to go see my family for 5 days and there throwing another baby shower ! Im a lot less stressed now about needing more things but we still do need quite a lot. bathtub, hooded bath towels, bumper, boppy, diaper bag, extra crib sheets, changing table sheets, receiving blankets, more socks, scratch mittens ahhhhh.

Thats about it with me ! how are you feeling/doing? Did your bloat stay away or is it turning into a bump again ? :)

Im not actually sure what they do with inducing. If they don't say anything at my appointment on wednesday Ill probably wait until I get back from my trip to talk to them about it. I definitely want to push for them to induce if I end up getting to the point where I'm a week past, I don't want to go longer than that but well see!
Hi :wave:,

Congrats :happydance:to all those with a little nudger! I'm so happy for you. I'm waiting on my own little nudger. DH and I have been NTNP since 2010. We had :sex: enough to have gotten preggers but :nope: except for losing Charity :angel:to a tubal pregnancy in 2010:cry:.

Was originally on BC to regulate my cycles which has always been :wacko:. Stopped BC in June 2008 after :wedding:. AF visited 4-5 times yearly after that up until 2012. I actually had 7 very long visits from AF that year. This year, AF has been affected by Norethindrone and Provera so I have had three AF visits this year, the first one was stopped by Norethindrone, the second one came and went on its own, short for me, only 8 days of AF, and the third one was started by Provera where AF was here for only 4 days. :happydance:.

To sum it up, my cycles range from 21-82 days, with an average of 47 days.
Like I said, :wacko:

I'm currently on my first Clomid round CD14 of the Provera AF visit waiting for OV. My focus at this point is to see if and when I ovulate so that I can create a better Baby Dancing schedule with my trucker DH whom I only see twice a month for 3 days each. :juggle::saywhat:

I hope its okay for me to join this forum as it would be nice to chat with others who have :wacko: cycles as myself.

hi :hi: ! You're more than welcome to Join the thread! Its pretty much just me and Kirstie in here now and a few people pop in now and again. Im so sorry to hear about your loss hun! :hugs:

Your cycles definitely seem to be all over the place! Have they ran any tests to see what could be the problem at all? Have they ruled out PCOS? that has to be so frustrating! The longest I went without AF was 60 days one time and it was the worst so I definitely understand how you feel!

I know its probably a pain in the butt with longer cycles but did you sign up for fertility friend and start temping and charting? and how are you tracking ovulation...are you using OPKs or going to the doctor to confirm it at all?
sorry just noticed your pics of OPKs at the bottom there :dohh:

doesn't look like O time yet...but feel free to post pics when you think its positive and we can offer a second eye !!
sorry just noticed your pics of OPKs at the bottom there :dohh:

doesn't look like O time yet...but feel free to post pics when you think its positive and we can offer a second eye !!

Smile. Thanks for the welcome. No O yet. I read that people on Clomid don't have much success with OPK tests so I'm hoping thats the case if I don't see a positive OPK test soon.
I do have a question, hoping to get some insight.

Hubby was home the last three days. He left this morning and I did not have a positive OPK while he was here. :cry:

I'm not TOO upset about it. Today is CD16 for me and still waiting for OPK signs on my chart. I know you are suppose to check you BBT everyday at the same time. I've been doing 7:30 am. This morning, I was thrown off because I had to wake up at 4 am to drop DH at his truck. I did take my temperature at 4:00am and it was 97.46. My temperature has been 97.something for the most point so this 4 am temp seemed fine. But at the same time, I knew it was a bit early so I wanted to temp again at my normal time, 7:30 am.

I arrived back home and was in bed at 5:49 am. Woke up a little later than 7:30, at 8:15am took my temperature and it was 98.24. I took it at the 4 hour mark after reading that your body should be at rest for 4 hours before BBTemping. It was 98.56.

Do you think any of these temps are valid? Explain please
This happened to me once too! I learned to never take my temp twice because it just drives you insane. Most likely the very first temp that you took was the accurate one as long as you were asleep for 4 hours before waking to drop hubby off. It might even be a little off since I wasn't in the same time frame...but I would mark your first temp and just make sure to put the actual time you took it at. FF should still be able to determine O even with a wrong temp!
This happened to me once too! I learned to never take my temp twice because it just drives you insane. Most likely the very first temp that you took was the accurate one as long as you were asleep for 4 hours before waking to drop hubby off. It might even be a little off since I wasn't in the same time frame...but I would mark your first temp and just make sure to put the actual time you took it at. FF should still be able to determine O even with a wrong temp!

Yeah, I think I will just use the first temperature. Thanks
Welcome anointedq wow that is some crazy cycles! I feel your pain though before I had my son I would some times not get a period for 3-6 months!!! And then some months I would have af twice!
Hopefully the clomid works for you and you get your bfp soon!!!

Wow trucky wife hey that must be hard?
My husband is in mining he does 2 weeks on 1 week of but even that is hard sometimes.

As for the temps I agree with Bella I would use your first temp, I also drove myself insane several times with temping twice. It's a vicious cycle lol. Ff will accommodate for the different timing and you should still get an accurate set up from them.
Welcome anointedq wow that is some crazy cycles! I feel your pain though before I had my son I would some times not get a period for 3-6 months!!! And then some months I would have af twice!
Hopefully the clomid works for you and you get your bfp soon!!!

Wow trucky wife hey that must be hard?
My husband is in mining he does 2 weeks on 1 week of but even that is hard sometimes.

As for the temps I agree with Bella I would use your first temp, I also drove myself insane several times with temping twice. It's a vicious cycle lol. Ff will accommodate for the different timing and you should still get an accurate set up from them.

Thanks lady. Being a trucker's wife is hard when you are TTC but I wont complain. Last year, he was out 6-8 weeks at a time so this every two weeks is a good deal for me and him right now.

Yes I hope this clomid works for me too. I saw "bring home multiples" of a show with a lady who had a very similar story to mine. Irregular cycles, decided to try clomid and ended up with triplets. I don't mind twins and triplets or how ever many the LORD bless me with. I just want to be a mom. :crib: :hangwashing::dishes:

I put in my first temp and just recorded the other temps in the notes section just in case I need them.:wacko:
awww kirstie look at your little pups!!! so freakin cute!! and of course hunters always cute hehe!

how is your infection doing? hopefully the drinks are helping! I never really suffered from bladder infections but I did suffer from BV a lot which was so annoying. Its been awhile since I've gotten it though which I'm thankful for because the antibiotics they give you taste so bad they make me puke :green:

sorry It took me so long to reply I've had a very busy 2 days!! My baby shower went great! I was worried people wouldn't come but it ended up being a great turnout and a lot of fun! we got tons of clothes and all the big things we need so I'm very thankful. I would post pics but I think you already saw them on Facebook lol. One of my favorite things I got was the photo album with the adorable saying on the front. Joshs Aunt made it and I thought it was so adorable I almost cried reading it!! She also made that huge clothesline which i thought was so awesome!

Today Josh took a personal day and we spent the day sorting clothes and washing and hanging everything. Well I pretty much did all the hanging and putting away lol but thats okay. Next wednesday (the 19th) I leave to go see my family for 5 days and there throwing another baby shower ! Im a lot less stressed now about needing more things but we still do need quite a lot. bathtub, hooded bath towels, bumper, boppy, diaper bag, extra crib sheets, changing table sheets, receiving blankets, more socks, scratch mittens ahhhhh.

Thats about it with me ! how are you feeling/doing? Did your bloat stay away or is it turning into a bump again ? :)

Im not actually sure what they do with inducing. If they don't say anything at my appointment on wednesday Ill probably wait until I get back from my trip to talk to them about it. I definitely want to push for them to induce if I end up getting to the point where I'm a week past, I don't want to go longer than that but well see!

Lol thanks he is pretty precious!

Well I actually ended up going to the doctors because yesterday I had what felt like my waters break!! I felt really wet and when I went to the toilet and my undies were drenched with fluid and blood well that's what it looked like. It freaked me out so bad there was so much!
So mick came home and I called the hospital emergency and she says oh ill just book you in with the doctor for an hours time because that's who will have to come and see you in emergency anyway and you might be waiting that long for him to come which I was very pissed about!!!
Anyway so went into the doctors and he says are you sure you didn't just wet yourself and I'm like I think I would have none the amount that came out you can't mistake that if you were wetting yourself. So he did a scan and baby was fine and he said fluid looked fine even though he didn't measure it or anything! So he tested me for a uti and said it came back negative but I don't understand because I have that burning sensation every time I were so what else could it be! So he sent it away and I get the results on Friday. I am still bleeding a bit but not much. It gave me a good scare though how much there was when I went to the toilet. If it wasn't my waters it must have just been really watery blood.
I am so sick of the hospital being unhelpful here though its so frustrating! It's a babies life I don't understand how they can be so hmm what ever about it!

Yay how exciting about your baby shower I'm so happy for you that it went well!! And awesome for getting most of the things you needed it's so good to have things checked off the list and having less stress! What is a boppy? I haven't heard of that. That's exciting that you leave to see your family soon and get another baby shower lol I was thrown 2 as well it was nice to be spoilt a little. I love that you guys have registries people here think its cheeky but at my baby shower I got so much of the same stuff and it never got used!

I saw that you had lots of clothes hung up on Facebook it starts to make it all so much more real!!! It's really not that much longer for you! I can't wait till he is born and we get to see pics!

Afm: I'm not feeling that great really tired again and now with the bleeding just trying to take it easy.
Our real estate agent is a massive bitch and I emailed her yesterday afternoon when I was going to the hospital explaining the situation and to reschedule our inspection today and her reply was I have alot of maintenance issues that I need to look at so that is completely impossible I can just let myself in. What a duck head sorry lol but grrrr she made me so angry what if I had of lost the baby and definitely don't want people I don't fucking know walking around my house!
There is heaps wrong with our house and they were suppose to have it fixed when we moved in and never did! But oh well.
She actually just came then and she was quite nice lol a bit strange.

Mick is off now so we might be going away next week for a few days which will be nice. We haven't decided where we will go yet but somewhere near the beach I think. Even though its really cold here I still very rarely see the beach and hunter loves it.
awww kirstie look at your little pups!!! so freakin cute!! and of course hunters always cute hehe!

how is your infection doing? hopefully the drinks are helping! I never really suffered from bladder infections but I did suffer from BV a lot which was so annoying. Its been awhile since I've gotten it though which I'm thankful for because the antibiotics they give you taste so bad they make me puke :green:

sorry It took me so long to reply I've had a very busy 2 days!! My baby shower went great! I was worried people wouldn't come but it ended up being a great turnout and a lot of fun! we got tons of clothes and all the big things we need so I'm very thankful. I would post pics but I think you already saw them on Facebook lol. One of my favorite things I got was the photo album with the adorable saying on the front. Joshs Aunt made it and I thought it was so adorable I almost cried reading it!! She also made that huge clothesline which i thought was so awesome!

Today Josh took a personal day and we spent the day sorting clothes and washing and hanging everything. Well I pretty much did all the hanging and putting away lol but thats okay. Next wednesday (the 19th) I leave to go see my family for 5 days and there throwing another baby shower ! Im a lot less stressed now about needing more things but we still do need quite a lot. bathtub, hooded bath towels, bumper, boppy, diaper bag, extra crib sheets, changing table sheets, receiving blankets, more socks, scratch mittens ahhhhh.

Thats about it with me ! how are you feeling/doing? Did your bloat stay away or is it turning into a bump again ? :)

Im not actually sure what they do with inducing. If they don't say anything at my appointment on wednesday Ill probably wait until I get back from my trip to talk to them about it. I definitely want to push for them to induce if I end up getting to the point where I'm a week past, I don't want to go longer than that but well see!

Lol thanks he is pretty precious!

Well I actually ended up going to the doctors because yesterday I had what felt like my waters break!! I felt really wet and when I went to the toilet and my undies were drenched with fluid and blood well that's what it looked like. It freaked me out so bad there was so much!
So mick came home and I called the hospital emergency and she says oh ill just book you in with the doctor for an hours time because that's who will have to come and see you in emergency anyway and you might be waiting that long for him to come which I was very pissed about!!!
Anyway so went into the doctors and he says are you sure you didn't just wet yourself and I'm like I think I would have none the amount that came out you can't mistake that if you were wetting yourself. So he did a scan and baby was fine and he said fluid looked fine even though he didn't measure it or anything! So he tested me for a uti and said it came back negative but I don't understand because I have that burning sensation every time I were so what else could it be! So he sent it away and I get the results on Friday. I am still bleeding a bit but not much. It gave me a good scare though how much there was when I went to the toilet. If it wasn't my waters it must have just been really watery blood.
I am so sick of the hospital being unhelpful here though its so frustrating! It's a babies life I don't understand how they can be so hmm what ever about it!

Yay how exciting about your baby shower I'm so happy for you that it went well!! And awesome for getting most of the things you needed it's so good to have things checked off the list and having less stress! What is a boppy? I haven't heard of that. That's exciting that you leave to see your family soon and get another baby shower lol I was thrown 2 as well it was nice to be spoilt a little. I love that you guys have registries people here think its cheeky but at my baby shower I got so much of the same stuff and it never got used!

I saw that you had lots of clothes hung up on Facebook it starts to make it all so much more real!!! It's really not that much longer for you! I can't wait till he is born and we get to see pics!

Afm: I'm not feeling that great really tired again and now with the bleeding just trying to take it easy.
Our real estate agent is a massive bitch and I emailed her yesterday afternoon when I was going to the hospital explaining the situation and to reschedule our inspection today and her reply was I have alot of maintenance issues that I need to look at so that is completely impossible I can just let myself in. What a duck head sorry lol but grrrr she made me so angry what if I had of lost the baby and definitely don't want people I don't fucking know walking around my house!
There is heaps wrong with our house and they were suppose to have it fixed when we moved in and never did! But oh well.
She actually just came then and she was quite nice lol a bit strange.

Mick is off now so we might be going away next week for a few days which will be nice. We haven't decided where we will go yet but somewhere near the beach I think. Even though its really cold here I still very rarely see the beach and hunter loves it.

omg I hope your results come back okay on friday! thats scary! and why do doctors talk to us like were idiots? Obviously if it was pee I wouldn't have called you to check my fluids you idiot! errrr! anyways have you had anymore fluid or blood come out? I do get gushes here and there too and it freaks me out but it usually looks like a lot of gross CM :blush: so I usually let it go especially since it doesn't continue to leak out constantly.

thats good that you don't have a UTI though, but weird it doesn't explain the burning your getting?

thats annoying about your real estate agent! i don't like when people are in my house when Im not home, especially if I leave for an emergency! hopefully you get stuff fixed soon too!

Yeah im so excited about everything we got! I think its so strange no other countries do registries! I was talking to a girl at work thats from Ireland and they don't even do baby showers over there! Boppy pillows here are like the U shaped pillow to put across your stomach to feed the baby or the baby can lay on them.

that'll be fun if you go to the beach!!! Im hoping my parents have their boat up and running when I go down to see them so we can go on the lake! Then again, I don't feel like buying a maternity bathing suit :dohh:

Im so excited 12 more days until my next ultrasound! i hope we get some good pics this time and see if baby is head down or not!
Anointed how are you doing today? any luck with OPKs or anything?

So cute what you said about twins and multiples....ive always wanted twins!!

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