Hey!!! Glad you had such a good time away it sounds like it was a great break for you!!
Loki think everyone tends to go overboard with buying for the first baby I know we definitely did!! Hunter has an awesome range of shoes and beanies lol I love his little shoe collection! He has 3 different pairs of gumboots alone even though it doesn't rain that much here haha.
It was really good having the in laws here hunter had a ball with them, but glad they are gone now they are a bit much to handle sometimes lol but it was definitely a lovely surprise.
Yeah it's hard to keep your cool all the time when the trust is broken and I feel as though I have lost a lot of respect for mick so I find it hard sometimes to be nice lol that sounds bad but it's the truth.
Lol how funny it really does feel so much better though! I am shattered I put it off that because so much had to be cut off but oh well hopefully it will grow quick like it did when I was pregnant with hunter. Have you noticed your fingernails grow really quick and strong while pregnant? Mine are usually really fragile but while pregnant they go really strong and grow like crazy!
Yay for seeing chase and lol for being a cheeky monkey! At least you know he isn't going to be a big bubba hunter weighed 5 12 I think it was at 32 weeks they told me he was going to be about 9 pounds haha but he didn't even weigh 8. So cute about the chubbyegs I love bubbas with those Rolly polly legs and arms there so cute!
So I don't know if I mentioned it before but I have been having really bad anxiety this pregnancy, I suffered with it really bad before hunter but I had it managed and it completely disappeared while pregnant but this time it has gotten worse!! I have been having panic attacks and now it's starting to feel like depression and it doesn't help with what happened with mick. So I went to my community midwife who recommended I make an appointment with the community mental health nurse so I called her today and she told me she thinks I need to be put on antidepressants
she rang my doctor and spoke to her to prescribe them at my next appointment. I am really sad I never wanted to have to be on anything like that but I feel as though it will carry on to after bubs is born and I will have post natal depression really badly. She said to me if I don't do something about it now it will be to late and it will continue after labor I am really scared. I think I might tell mick that I want to find out the sex just to try and bond a bit more with the baby I don't know I am a bit lost and I feel awful because I have always seen pregnancy and bringing a child into the world as an amazing and beautiful thing but I just can't seem to be happy about being pregnant
it sucks.
What do you think to the anti depressants? She said they are completely safe while pregnant and alot of women need them so it's nothing to be ashamed about but I can't help but feel like I am letting the baby down by needing something like that.