Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Anointed how are you doing today? any luck with OPKs or anything?

So cute what you said about twins and multiples....ive always wanted twins!!


I really don't know. Some ladies in a different forum thought that CD12 was a positive. They were saying how some OPK tests, the test line do not always get dark as the control line. Can you say CONFUSED!??????:confused: So now I don't know. I do know that I have been charting on FF everyday and my chart does not show ovulation yet. So I'm really not sure whats going on. :-( :confused:.
Anointed how are you doing today? any luck with OPKs or anything?

So cute what you said about twins and multiples....ive always wanted twins!!


I really don't know. Some ladies in a different forum thought that CD12 was a positive. They were saying how some OPK tests, the test line do not always get dark as the control line. Can you say CONFUSED!??????:confused: So now I don't know. I do know that I have been charting on FF everyday and my chart does not show ovulation yet. So I'm really not sure whats going on. :-( :confused:.

Sorry, here are my tests results.


  • CD17OPKam.jpg
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hmm they don't quite look positive to me. They're right though I used the answer brand OPKs and they were never quite as dark as the control line but they were extremely close. Your body could also be gearing up to ovulate and then never actually releasing the egg. It happened to me about 4 times a cycle, luckily i was temping to know that I didn't actually OV so its good that your temping along with the OPKs. And according to your temps it doesn't look you did yet
Welcome anointedq wow that is some crazy cycles! I feel your pain though before I had my son I would some times not get a period for 3-6 months!!! And then some months I would have af twice!
Hopefully the clomid works for you and you get your bfp soon!!!

Wow trucky wife hey that must be hard?
My husband is in mining he does 2 weeks on 1 week of but even that is hard sometimes.

As for the temps I agree with Bella I would use your first temp, I also drove myself insane several times with temping twice. It's a vicious cycle lol. Ff will accommodate for the different timing and you should still get an accurate set up from them.

Thanks lady. Being a trucker's wife is hard when you are TTC but I wont complain. Last year, he was out 6-8 weeks at a time so this every two weeks is a good deal for me and him right now.

Yes I hope this clomid works for me too. I saw "bring home multiples" of a show with a lady who had a very similar story to mine. Irregular cycles, decided to try clomid and ended up with triplets. I don't mind twins and triplets or how ever many the LORD bless me with. I just want to be a mom. :crib: :hangwashing::dishes:

I put in my first temp and just recorded the other temps in the notes section just in case I need them.:wacko:

Well that is definitely much better for you! And I have read alot of stories about clonus and multiples but when you want to be a mum so bad anything is a blessing. It took me 3 and a half years to conceive my first and I couldn't have cared if it was quads lol I just wanted to be a mum so bad especially after all our chemical pregnancies and awful experiences.
Like the idiot I am I have googled burning pee whilst pregnant and it can be a heap if things like bv, chlamydia among other bad things lol. I think I will go to the doctors tomorrow. The only weird thing is that when I use the uricleanse drink it goes away.

Yeah it is so strange how its all so different!! A friend of mine here did a registry and it was so much better!!! I wish I had of done it but my sister said no people will find it rude. I even asked her to just put on the invite that if you are planning on buying baby products please only buy the brand Gaia because of my allergies and she said even that was rude which I didn't see how and I ended up getting all johnsons which me and hunter are both allergic to so I had to give it all away and people had just wasted money.

The boppy pillows are called feeding pillows here lol I am definitely getting one this time it makes the feeding so much easier! I just used a normal pillow but a wedge or pillow will be better alot if mums when I was in hospital used them.

Lol I just bought maternity bathers because we have swimming lessons every Saturday for hunter but luckily they are really nice I looked for ages for a pair before I bought them.
That would be nice for you to go out on the boat though!

Yay to getting a scan soon how exciting chase will be so much bigger!! Do they give you a rough estimate of how much they might weigh? I remember hunter at my 30 weeks scan already weighed 5 and a half pounds so he grew just over 2 pounds in 10 weeks.

I am still bleeding a bit last night during the night was bad it woke me up at one stage because I could feel it. It sucks I just wish it could be easier!
I have taken a few days off from hunt and seek and I am just on complete bed rest for the next 3 days which is hard for mick with hunter but I gotta do it I guess. I don't know if we will go away now I will have to see how the bleeding goes.
oh googling! its the worst!! lol. No but if you had BV or chlamydia you would know it. BV has a really nasty smell to it..fishy (sorry for the tmi) and you'll get gross discharge too along with a little stomach cramping. So if you have those symptoms along with the burning pee then its possible it could be BV. I guess chlamydia are pretty much the same symptoms but i really have no idea. Maybe just watch for smelly discharge?

sorry about the bleeding...i really hope everythings okay with little bubs :hugs: Maybe its just the infection you have thats causing the bleeding

that sucks she wouldn't let you put your allergies on there. people may find it rude but at the same time they're wasting their money. I would want to know so then I wouldn't buy it knowing your just going to take it back or give it away

Chase is going crazy in my belly right now haha. I love when he's wriggling away in there it makes me laugh. Yeah he's gonna be so big at the scan! i can't wait! I just hope we get some good pics. Im pretty sure they give an estimate of weight but I really wouldn't know for sure. Id assume so though. Im interested to see how much he weighs considering when they did the finger prick at 20 weeks they said they tested for 5 hormones also and 1 came back that I will have a small baby. They told my friend that too and her daughter ended up being over 8lbs lol so well see

Well I'm going to go take a little nap before work...try to at least. Josh and I got up early to go look at this 3 bedroom townhouse for rent. It was horrible lol. I don't even think they repainted or cleaned for that matter. Things were broken...the bedrooms were so tiny. The window was leaking in the basement. The only good thing about it was the fenced in backyard but he told us the gate needed to be fixed if we were going to let our dog run around out there..ummm thats your job to fix dude not ours! and then he told us the tenants before us got evicted for not paying rent so when the landlord went to give the eviction notice they weren't home so he just went inside and found like 10 garbage bags just sitting in the house, so to let whoever he showed the house to know that he will come over and check out the house to make sure that doesn't happen again. Im like nooo I don't like people just coming into my house sorry. Ill stick to my landlord that doesn't ever bother me, doesn't do credit checks, didn't make me sign a lease, and will fix shit if i need him too. Were not all for moving right now but eventually within the next year we need to get a bigger place since ours is only a 1 bedroom. We have plenty of room now but I want chase to have his own room at least before he turns 1.
Lol well I have none of the other symptoms and today it did not burn once when I peed yay! I must have just have a slight infection or the only other thing I can think of is the day before it started mick and I got jiggy and it could have been scratched in the process and then there was just irritation but it hurt in my actually bladder as well so that really rules that out lol but I am glad that I am feeling better down there now!!

Bleeding has almost stopped as well but still getting really bad stomach and back pain :( I just wish it would go away!!

Yeah it definitely sucked about the allergies thing and I hate that people wasted there money but luckily alot of people know so if they do happen to buy something this time they will know what not to.

Yay for lots of movement!! I love it when they squirm about! I was actually told I was going to have like a 9 pounder and hunter was only 7.13 it's funny how they can be so wrong sometimes. Thank god for me he wasn't that big! I didn't even know they did hormone tests for size that's quite interesting I wonder if they do the same here.

That sounds terrible about the house!! I don't know they get tenants sometimes! Some of the houses we looked at here were the same and they wanted an arm and a leg for them. Hopefully you can find something decent when the time comes.
Did you end up getting to have a nap?
I am so tired right now!! It's 12.15am and I have only been in bed about 20 minutes. We were at micks sisters tonight and out of no where mick gets this rash on his face and neck and then his face swells up and the rash spread all down his arms his chest and half way down his back. His neck was that covered it looked purple in some spots!! So I rushed him to the hospital and they admitted him straight away and have him a allergy shot but he has no allergies that's what was really weird. We hasn't eaten anything out of the ordinary today it touched anything out of the ordinary. So I have been there all night with him and hunter which did not like it there at all because he couldn't touch mick or run around the poor thing. Then where they have mick his allergy shot in his leg he was in absolute agony and couldn't sleep from the pain :( in the end they decided to keep him in and start him on steroids so I went home which won't make a difference I'm not going to be able to sleep anyway. And it is fucking freezing here tonight!!!! Brrr I am so damn cold!!!

Well I best be off to try and get some snoozing in just in case they call if anything happens. Night night xx
Hey i am fairly new and planning on trying in september but really consdering coming off the pill next month, i have never had regular periods, the doctor hasnt said if it is due to the cyst on my ovary or not, i was wondering if things like vitex work or if there is anything i can get to help regulate them?

My plan at the moment is to come off the pill, buy a tonne of cheap ovulation tests from ebay and test everyday until or if i ever get to ovulation, but im so scared they will be really irregular and it will take me forever or i might never be able to get pregnant.

I dont want to tell my doctor that i am trying because i know they wont do anything to help, they said there is a tablet that you can take to regulate your periods but you have to take it 3 times a day for so many days, it would be better for me to be on the pill to regulate them but that doesnt really help me now i'm planning to try, i know they will just say wait a few months and see what happens they might regulate themselves which i know they wont, i was lucky to get 5 periods if that one year.
Hey Kirstie hows it going? Sorry Ive been M.I.A I've had a really bad couple of days. I found out josh has been lying to me about a lot of things involving drugs and money etc. I don't know what to do I've been crying for 3 days straight and I'm so stressed out beyond belief. They sent me home from work saturday cause I couldn't stop crying. I don't really know what to believe because he's saying its nothing like I think it is but I really don't believe him. He even lied about giving his mom money to order me a birthday present. I don't want to get into too much detail on here but I did tell his parents...their pissed. We changed his number and he deleted all contacts he has with those kind of people. I havnt been talking to him I just keep finding out more and more and he just keeps saying its lies. He says he's willing to do whatever it takes to prove himself and get my trust just not sure its worth it at this point :(

anyways i hope you're doing well I saw on fbook your morning sickness came creeping back. I hope you're feeling better.

Im leaving for North carolina on wednesday and Ill be there until sunday...not sure yet if ill be bringing my computer or not but I probably will. It'll be a much needed break away and time to think about things while I'm gone.

PS true blood was awesome! did you get to watch it yet??
Aw Hun I'm so sorry it's definitely hard finding out awful things about your partner! I can hugely sympathise with you at the moment I found out 2 weeks ago that mick kissed one of my friends last year which was devastated so I know how you must be feeling on the betrayal and trust side of things it's very crushing it makes you feel like everything they have ever said was a lie!
It's such a hard decision to make what's best for you and the baby! I hope that you start to find some peace in what ever decision you make and a break to your parents with do you some serious good it will be easier to make up your mind on what you want to do without the influence of go guilt that they like to put on you even though they did the wrong thing!

Yeah morning sickness has creeped its way back into my life :( it's not as bad as before but the last 2 days I have felt so yuck!! Thank god it's been micks week off he has helped me so much while he has been home it's been great! It was definitely hard to forgive him for what happened and I still sometimes question myself if I've made the right choice but we had been so happy the happiest we had been in like 3-4 years it just wasn't worth tearing my family apart but I don't know it's hard there is still a part of me that is saying he doesn't deserve hunter and I. Aw who knows!!!

I hope you start to feel better Hun there is nothing worse than feeling miserable especially when your pregnant the emotionals are running so much higher!
thanks hun and I'm sorry to hear about mick also!! especially with one of your friends that has to be really hard!! josh finally admitted to me today what he's been doing. He's going to a meeting on saturday and then he's going to talk to a specialist to hopefully help him and get him where he needs to be. I know he feels terrible about what he's done and lying to me and everything but it still doesn't change everything. Ive decided to be here for him and help him through this because I know he can get through it...I just don't know if I can handle it happening again down the road. All the trust is broken and he knows it. He says he's willing to do whatever it takes to prove to me. So I guess well see what happens and go from there. If there wasn't now a child involved my decision would probably be different. we already changed his number and deleted all the people that he could contact. His paychecks will now be going straight to more him cashing them and keeping the money on his days off and then giving me the rest. he's prob going to delete his fbook for now so nobody tries to contact him on there either. This all just sucks but the fact he's willing to do all this and get help makes me think he wants the help.

Im sorry to hear about the morning least its not as bad as before but i know it still sucks !! and again I'm sorry to hear about the whole mick situation too! I now understand what you mean by its not worth it to tear a family apart! :hugs:
Well that all sounds so positive Hun and as much as he lied about it all at least he is now asking for help. When it comes to drugs there is so much lying and stealing that goes along with the actually drug taking unfortunately they come hand in hand! :(
But hopefully you can nip it in the butt now and he recovers and starts being the partner you need. Xxxx lots of :hug: to you hun
Oh and yeah sucks about the morning sickness but oh well I guess I will have to suck it up and keep the hope that it will go away soon.

Children definitely play a huge role in how you look at things than before when it was Just you guys
hey chick! just dropping in to say hi! hows everything going? hope you're doing well!

Im having a great time in NC. My mom and I went to a cute baby consignment shop today and bought a couple cute things...the hats i posted on Facebook and some baby books to read to Chase. Some nuks and cute teething toys :) and a bunch of girls she works with got my some gifts and well be having my little shower on saturday so I'm excited!

things with josh are going pretty well. we've talked a lot about everything and he made an appointment with the specialist and also is going to a meeting on saturday. I think he knows what he needs to do and I just hope we can get him the help he needs.

hope you, Hunter and Mick are doing well!!
Hey Hun I'm good how are you feeling?

I had the in laws drop in unexpectedly on Wednesday as a surprise which was pretty cool so they are here till Tuesday so just been spending time with them going here there and every where. Hunter has loved it!

Im glad your having a great time with your mum it must be a nice break for you and even better to be spending time with family!
I did see the hats on Facebook they are pretty cute! It's so exciting getting all the clothes and things and imagining how cute they will look in them! Exciting times for you tomorrow for the baby shower more gifts to take home with you lol. It's crazy how much stuff you get when you expecting a baby!

I'm so happy for you and josh to that things seem like they are going to get better. It will be great once he has been to the meetings and starts to turn around.

Things between mick and I are really good! I am still sad about everything that happened I have my good days where I don't thing about it and not so good days when I can't get it out of my mind but hopefully that will fade with time!

I just went and got my hair cut today for the first time in a year!!! It feels so light and weird to have no hair lol my hair is ridiculously thick there was so much hair on the floor yet I still have so much hair it was getting so knotted and matted it was doing my head in.
heyy!! sorry I havnt been finally home though, got in last night around 10pm. Those 5 days away were awesome! much needed and it was great to see my family. My mom has to ship half the baby stuff up here though because we went a little overboard haha.

Thats great your inlaws came and surprised you! hope you're having fun with them :)

I know how you feel about the good days and bad days. I definitely feel the same way. And I'm having my moments where I freak out on Josh occasionally cause i can't help but think he's lying to me all the time now :( it sucks but things will get better eventually. and if they don't, well...Ill do what I need to do at that point in time.

Thats funny I just got my haircut too for the first time in over a year! Its been growing like a weed since I've been pregnant and i was long overdue! it feels so short now!

We got to Chase this morning :) he was stubborn when she tried to get a picture of his face for us. He had half of it smushed up against my placenta and his arms were up in his face too. But other than that the doctor didn't even need to come in and look over everything, he said everything looked great. We saw his little mouth moving too and he weighs 4lbs 10oz. I was honestly surprised :) she told us he has chubby little legs hahaha so cute!

well I'm off to my other appointment...the boring ones lol talk to ya soon!
Hey!!! Glad you had such a good time away it sounds like it was a great break for you!!
Loki think everyone tends to go overboard with buying for the first baby I know we definitely did!! Hunter has an awesome range of shoes and beanies lol I love his little shoe collection! He has 3 different pairs of gumboots alone even though it doesn't rain that much here haha.

It was really good having the in laws here hunter had a ball with them, but glad they are gone now they are a bit much to handle sometimes lol but it was definitely a lovely surprise.

Yeah it's hard to keep your cool all the time when the trust is broken and I feel as though I have lost a lot of respect for mick so I find it hard sometimes to be nice lol that sounds bad but it's the truth.

Lol how funny it really does feel so much better though! I am shattered I put it off that because so much had to be cut off but oh well hopefully it will grow quick like it did when I was pregnant with hunter. Have you noticed your fingernails grow really quick and strong while pregnant? Mine are usually really fragile but while pregnant they go really strong and grow like crazy!

Yay for seeing chase and lol for being a cheeky monkey! At least you know he isn't going to be a big bubba hunter weighed 5 12 I think it was at 32 weeks they told me he was going to be about 9 pounds haha but he didn't even weigh 8. So cute about the chubbyegs I love bubbas with those Rolly polly legs and arms there so cute!

So I don't know if I mentioned it before but I have been having really bad anxiety this pregnancy, I suffered with it really bad before hunter but I had it managed and it completely disappeared while pregnant but this time it has gotten worse!! I have been having panic attacks and now it's starting to feel like depression and it doesn't help with what happened with mick. So I went to my community midwife who recommended I make an appointment with the community mental health nurse so I called her today and she told me she thinks I need to be put on antidepressants :( she rang my doctor and spoke to her to prescribe them at my next appointment. I am really sad I never wanted to have to be on anything like that but I feel as though it will carry on to after bubs is born and I will have post natal depression really badly. She said to me if I don't do something about it now it will be to late and it will continue after labor I am really scared. I think I might tell mick that I want to find out the sex just to try and bond a bit more with the baby I don't know I am a bit lost and I feel awful because I have always seen pregnancy and bringing a child into the world as an amazing and beautiful thing but I just can't seem to be happy about being pregnant :( it sucks.
What do you think to the anti depressants? She said they are completely safe while pregnant and alot of women need them so it's nothing to be ashamed about but I can't help but feel like I am letting the baby down by needing something like that.
I don't see anything wrong with taking antidepressants when your pregnant, as long as they are safe obviously. I feel like the nurse is right and tons of women do take them when they are pregnant and I havnt ever heard of anything bad happening. Don't ever feel like you're letting the baby down, if anything you'll be helping your baby by being a happier person! and you really don't want it to get worse after labor either! Im sorry you're feeling this way, you did mention the anxiety to me before, I also have it. Lately its been out the roof and I've also been thinking about talking to my doctor about it but i feel like it might be too late :shrug: I think it has a lot to do with what happened with Josh too because I was fine pretty much my entire pregnancy. Let me know how you get on with the nurse though, and I'm here too to talk I know exactly how you're feeling :hugs:

I love how you guys say the word "cheeky", we don't say that here and i think its so cute haha! "stubborn" if boring compared to that lol. I was going to ask you what you thought of his weight too! i got scared I might have a 9 lb baby or something haha so that makes me feel better.

well I'm off to run some errands and then come back clean the house :laundry::dishes: (since guys sucks at cleaning). and I'm going to sort through all my new baby clothes and hopefully get that washed today !
I saw my doctor today because I am sick at the moment and talked to her about the antidepressants and she said she was not comfortable prescribing them to me just after a phone consult which I agree. She asked how I felt and what I wanted to do and I said I would wait till after the appointment. She also said they have a psychologist at there clinic who is great and tries alot of techniques before results to medications so I think I will be making an appointment with him as well. I think the things we have both gone through lately are definitely a big culprit of our anxiety! I just feel so anxious and scared about everything the sleeping, our relationship, for some weird reason the labor even though I have been through it before, how I'm going to deal with the baby afterwards even though I have done it before I am just so not ready to go through another 2 years of my life with no sleep if this one sleeps as bad as hunter :(
I think I am going to find out what we are having to maybe bond with the baby more I don't want to ruin my surprise but I also think it might help what do you think?
I would still maybe mention it to your doctor about your anxiety just in case. It is normal for mums towards the end get anxious but people with anxiety have an increased risk of it going further.

Lol it is a cute word I have never thought of it like that though. We had a scan today but little bubs was laying on its belly with his/her legs tucked in lol so we couldn't see what it was even if we wanted to!

God I need to be doing housework but I am a ball of snot on the couch lol. There is so much to do sooooo much washing and mess from when the in laws were here but I am just to exhausted and snotty haha.

It was so cute t the doctors today hunter grabbed the baby from under the scan machines and was carrying it around cuddling it lol have me a good idea of how gentle and loving he will be.
OOOOMMMMGGGG I am sooo over feeling shit!!! Having this flu is making my morning sickness so much worse!! I am so dizzy and can just constantly feel vomit in the back of my throat ready to go!! I've just had enough already December could seriously not come sooner! Michael is on nights now for a week and I am so sick seriously if you saw me it is almost enough to make a person scream in fright I like that much of a state. I have the biggest bags under my arms my lips are all cracked my eyes are piggy because my sinus are infected and Michael sad I looked like hell today :( I am so ready to go bad to Melbourne just so I can have some help, I think if when I go in August I am still struggling I am going to stay for a while. But on a bright note I had a friend of a friend come round tonight to pick up something from hunt and seek and we had such a good chat it was great and she is in need of support and a friend as well so we will hopefully catch up next week when I'm feeling better its starting to get so hard having no one :( lol I needed to rant and micks not here to whinge to! When I'm sick like this the only thing to help is lay in bed for a whole day but I can't do that aarrrgggghhh the trials of being a mum!

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