Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

So my post posted twice and I don't know how to delete it so this is why this one is here lol
awww kirstie :hugs: im so sorry you're not feeling well!! I know how horrible the flu is, I couldn't imagine it while pregnant and having MS all at the same time! And I HIGHLY doubt you look at bad as you think you do!! it'll definitely be nice when you can go to melbourne and get some help!

As for the doctor, I think its a great idea to try other techniques to help you with your anxiety/depression before you jump right into the medication. especially since you guys only did a phone consultation so far. Im not one for drugs or medication, I've always been a self-medicating type of person when it comes to anxiety and things like that, but I think during pregnancy it can just be a bit more serious. But I think its definitely worth it to try other things first before the medication. And it sounds like you have a great doctor thats willing to help in any way she can which is exactly what you need, not somebody to just throw you medication ya know. And I definitely agree, the things we have both went through in the past month are NOT helping whatsoever.

and don't worry once your little one gets here, all the worrying and anxiety and all of this will be totally worth it in the end! As for you finding out the sex, if you think it will help you bond then I say go for it. For me personally, I don't think I would've been able to bond as well if I never found out he was a boy. Either way I think you'll make the right decision for yourself :)

AFM Josh went to his first outpatient appointment today. This was more paperwork and him answering questions about his childhood , growing up, how longs he's been doing it for, etc. The one question he remembered to tell me about was if there was any sexual abuse in our relationship, he told me he wanted to reply with, "well my girlfriend likes to be tied up" :rofl: lmao. He didn't say it but I thought it would've been pretty funny if he did haha. So tomorrow he goes to an actually first meeting. He'll have them every monday tuesday and thursday for 2 1/2 hours each time. After 6 weeks of the group meetings they then do individual meetings with just him and the specialist. I really am proud of him and I hope this is just what he needs. He already told me he has way too much to lose to fuck up again like he did. well see how it all goes!

well i hope your day got better since the last time you posted! Im here if you need to vent or talk :hugs:
I'm definitely feeling better now! My nose is still really congested but I can deal with that its just the fever and feeling so crap I can't handle! Lol I was having a bit if a meltdown last night being on my own sick with hunter and mick at work but oh well I think haven't to deal with those things only makes me stronger.

I definitely agree about my doctor she is great and I am taking her advice over a phone consult I think it was really bad of the community nurse to suggest that.
Even just talking about it and coming out and saying how awful I am feeling about the pregnancy is making me feel better and I have spoke to a few other people on here that have also had prenatal depression and had the same feelings as I do so I don't feel like such a bad mum. It's starting to get a little easier to accept that we are having another baby, I think I was trying to lie to myself that I was excited and that if I said it enough and pretended my feelings would just go away but that was definitely the wrong way to go about it and it feels good to admit that.

Lol about the sex question at Josh's meeting I would have wanted to say a few funny things also it would be hard to resist. It's good that he is making the effort some times people just so some really stupid things and its a cry for help to get out of the situation they are in.

My day was pretty good I am in such a rut at the moment with feeling depressed and what not buy I was determined to get up and do some stuff today so I did 3 loads of washing, cleaned the kitchen and did a stocktake for hunt and seek. We are closing down next week as its just got to much for Zoie and I with me being pregnant and her with the kids so we are going to be having a huge sale so need to get ready for that.

How are you feeling? Are you starting to get nervous about labor yet?
good for you for getting up and getting some things done! i know how hard it is when your depressed and not feeling it, just gotta get up and do it! hows the flu are you feeling better now?

have you went to your doctor at all to talk about everything thats going on yet? and hows mick handling everything? hopefully he's there for you and making you feel better :hugs:
did you guys decide if you're going to find out the sex to help you bond?

Im not really too nervous about labor right now. Im sure once I hit like 36/37 weeks and know he could come anytime I'm probably going to start to freak out lol but I'm honestly not that scared right now. I think because I still have a lot of stuff to get ready and setup that I'm just worrying about all of that right now.

Sooo tmi but is it normal to have cramp contractions after an orgasm at this point?? it happened to me last night and i knew they weren't bad enough to do anything about but it still freaked me out a little bit i was curled up in bed for like an hour until i fell asleep and felt better this morning.

im so over working, vacation was sooo nice and to come back and have to go to work is the worst haha. i want maternity leave :brat:
Heyyy!!!!! Yeah flu is almost gone still bad at night but feeling good today! Hunter michaels brother and I are on at little road trip today we were bored so decided to go out of town for the day! Take away here we come lol omg I can't wait to eat a cheeseburger!!!!

I haven't been back to the doctors yet but since I have been taking the fish oil tablets I haven't had a single panic attack and I feel so much more relaxed!! I have opened up to my family about it as well so it's been good to be honest and talk about it with everyone.
Still haven't 100% decided yet if we will find out I don't know why but I feel instinct wise that I am certain it's a girl!! All I think about when I think baby is girl and all my dreams are girl I don't know if that's because I want a girl but I don't care if its a boy either I would love another boy. I think I will just see on the day of my next scan how I will feel and go from there.

You know you might not get nervous I wasn't at all with hunter I was actually looking forward to it! And now that I am not feeling as stressed I am not as scared this time either. It doesn't have to be as bad as everybody says it is it can be a really pleasent experience. If I had any advice I would say stay as active as you can in labor it helps bring the baby down faster rather than laying in the bed the whole time but in saying that some people find it to painful to stand. Don't get me wrong there were times where I almost dropped to my knees when the pain got really bad but I was glad I paced lol.

As for the cramping after o lol I don't really remember if I got it with hunter. I do remember it was uncomfortable. But it could definitely be Braxton hicks because of the friction on your cervix. Mick and I can't have sex at all from now on this time one it hurts like hell because my cervix is so low and 2 we had sex last week I think it was and when we were finished there was blood every where!!! Sorry tmi I know but there was so much and then I bled for like 4 days after. I think I get all the bleeding because my cervix is so low like I would say most of the time it is only as deep as the first knuckle on your index finger so it can be really painful for me to have sex sometimes.

Aw I feel for you you have done so fantastic already to get this far at work you are such a trooper! You'll be surprised how fast it will go now for you. How many days a week are you doing?
And that I'm currently 5 days past ovulation. Check out my chart below. Following doctors instructions, i took provera starting last night.
Sorry. :wave: I hope everyone is doing well. I had an unexpected visit from hubby this past weekend. Normally has home every other weekend but he came home two weekend in a row. And I will see him again this coming weekend.
According to my blood test, I didn't ovulate before CD22. Doctor want me to start provera again on CD35 if AF didn't show. Cd35 was yesterday so I took my first provera yesterday to start my period.
So now I'm confused because after taking my temperature this morning, I apparently i OV on CD31. Hubby and I :sex: evening of CD28 and CD34.
Do you think I can count this as a 'possibly conceived' cycle If FF is right about me ovulating on CD31?
Wondering if I should hold off taking provera? But I already took one. You think that could be harmful if i end up pregnant?
hey anointed! welcome back lol. glad you got to see hubby over the weekend! thats always nice :) looking at your chart I'm gonna say FF might be right but theres still a chance they may move your crosshairs to cd33. I say theres definitely a chance of a possibly conceived cycle! especially if you Od on cd28! fingers crossed!! I don't know much about provera or if its harmful when pregnant. Does your doctor know you've been temping and charting? you should let him/her know that you may have ovulated and see what they say about the provera. I would call first thing if i were you just in case!! hope you get some good news in a little under 2 weeks!!!

Kirstie- thats great you told your family! you need as much support as you can get right now, but its really good to hear the fish oil pills are working!! I think once the doctor asks if you want to know the sex at your next ultrasound you'll know what it is that you want by that time ! :)

and yes i "plan" on doing laps around the hospital when I'm in labor hahaha...well see how that actually goes down! as for the cramps after wasn't during sex so it wasn't my cervix being irritated...tmi he was going down on me lol sorry. I think it was just my uterus contracting cause it went away I'm guessing it was normal!

as for work I'm still doing 5 days a week. Ive been planning on cutting down, but with everything that has happened with money lately I'm scared too, I need to just do it though. Ill only cut 1 day off and just work wednesday through saturday. The manager that does our scheduling just told me yesterday she was pregnant! well she didn't tell me i guessed. I don't even know how I knew...must be a prego connection kinda thing haha. The rest of the management team doesn't even know yet! but I'm excited to have another pregnant person to work with...even though it won't be for very long!

I've been really lazy lately on my days off but i managed to start washing the rest of the baby clothes I got in north carolina on my visit with my parents. now i have to find the motivation to put them away and stick another load in. hopefully i have some more energy tomorrow !

hope everything is well with you ! :hugs:
Anointed: I agree with Bella I would say there is definitely a chance if conception and would stop taking provera until after you are safe to test. Provera I think is the hormone that you need for af which is definitely not ment to be that high in pregnancy. I would think one tablet wouldn't do much but I would still ask your doctor just in case.

Mandi: it has been great talking to my family about it I feel as though a huge weight has been if thing and I don't have to put up a happy front anymore! I think I have definitely made the choice to not find out but we will see at the scan lol.

Haha at least your getting some! I am so unbelievably horny yet can't do anything because of bleeding :( it sucks!!!! I just want to jump his bones constantly.
I would say its probably common and don't forget you are almost 34 weeks so Braxton hicks will start to get stronger and stronger and after 34 weeks it's any body's game really labor could happy at any time the further along the better obviously.

Gosh 5 days still!!!! You are a tough cookie but if you can do it and feel fine I don't see the harm in it. That's really exciting about your work mate being pregnant and they do say preggo women can always sense other preggo women it must be the hormones :)

Lol lazy I swear is my middle name these days lol but I am slowly getting motivation back now that I am feeling better.
It is so fricken cold here tonight 4c right now which is 39.2f and we have no heating in the house!!!! I don't know how hunter is always so warm, I have long sleeved pjs and a blanket and I am still so cold my face is like ice!! I only have a little portable heater which doesn't do much. It's usually about 35.6f here in the mornings when I get up bbbrrr I know I shouldn't whinge because when it snows I'm sure it's colder lol but it does get down to 19.4f sometimes overnight here which I usually have 3 Doona's and I am still breathing dog lol

I went to watch my dance school today that I was dancing with when I found out I was pregnant and poor hunter face planted off a chair and smashed his face so bad blood nose and all :( he was all dizzy couldn't walk straight the poor thing! I dont think there will be much sleep tonight he has a bruise across his nose and a black eye :(
Bella and Kirstie, thank you for your responses and optimism. I will call my doctor today.
ohhh no hows hunter! hopefully feeling better today poor little guy! hope you got to sleep a bit!

ugh that sucks about the cold..but you wanted it! lol. Im not looking forward to it getting cold again AT ALL. Although this heat is pretty unbearable while pregnant!

and if it makes you feel better i didn't really want to get any at all...i havnt wanted to this entire pregnancy :rofl: but i figured id give it a try again hahaha considering we can't do anything for at least 6 weeks after the baby comes. he's been so patient with me though, not pressuring me at all. Im sorry your kinda forced to not be able to though! Id probably want it more if I knew I couldn't have it.

Well I sure wasn't lazy today...the entire house is clean and organized. All the baby stuff is washed and put away except for the crib sheets which I'm saving for next week lol. I even cleaned the lamps in the living room....I never do that haha.
yeah hes all good been a bit clingy but that usually happens when he has a big fall :(

lol I know I always whinge when its hot and now I have the cold I whinge haha it wouldn't be so bad if we had heating in the house other than the small heaters we have! I am definitely not looking forward to summer I will be at my biggest and it will be about 49c :( I am going to be a sweaty whale hahaha.

I don't think it would be so bad if I could have it we always want what we cant have haha well at least I do!
Good for you for getting some though it can be not the most pleasant through pregnancy for some people I have a friend that would not have sex with his gf at all while she is pregnant he finds it weird lol the poor thing.

lol go you!
I also had a bit of a cleaning day today did some washing cleaned off the dining table of the abundance of shit that was piled high lol and cleaned the kitchen.
grrrr michaels brother is annoying me though like tonight mick is on night hunter and I had already eaten dinner and I had cleaned up from us stacked the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen all he had to do was put his dishes in the dishwasher and I come out from bathing hunter and sure enough his plate and cup are on the side of the sink! He does it all the time it is so frustrating and he hasn't changed his sheets once since he has been here in 2 months!!! his room stinks not to mention they are our sheets!

as for me no real news other than heartburn is a bitch at the moment!!! I remember by 20 weeks with hunter I was carrying around a bottle of Mylanta permanently in my handbag and drinking it like water lol I also think baby is layed funny because all day I have felt like I have a pinched nerve in my lower back the keeps shooting pain into my hips :( I wish I was more fit this time round its a lot harder on the body when your not fit I was really fit when I was pregnant with hunter and I had none of this my body just aches!

I think I am going to find out next week what we are having I don't know why but for some reason I feel 100% that its a girl and I really don't want to be disappointed after the birth if its a boy that sounds awful but I would rather have the time to accept that its a boy than have the risk of not bonding well because I thought it was going to be a girl and it kinda feel like I lost a girl which may sound silly but I have heard stories about people feeling that way so I would rather not put me or the baby through it I think. Even though my sister didn't find out with her 2 she said to me on the phone today you should totally just find out lol everyone is pro find out for us this time. I was also saying to mick and my sister that when hunter was born there wasn't one outfit that I had bought for him personally :( because I didn't know everyone that would came in bought him clothes and I didn't get to buy him anything it sucked and it upset me that there wasn't something that I had personally bought him to go home in and I would like to do have that this time.

well i best be off to get some sleep hope you are well xxx
Omg I am so sad!! I was in the supermarket today doing grocery shopping and I fainted so we went to the doctors and me and baby are fine but I have a low lying placenta!!! I am so lucky I haven't had a placenta rupture or anything with all the bleeding but I am so sad because it means I will have to have a c section if it doesn't move up! I am just so devastated and annoyed at the lack of facilities here if I was back in Melbourne they would have seen it a long time ago!
So mick and I have decided that if I am no better vomit and bed rest wise in 2 weeks it's best if I go to Melbourne for the remainder of the pregnancy :( it's to hard on mick having to take time off work to look after me and losing money but its also to hard on me with the shifts he works trying to look after hunter when I am on bed rest and so sick all the time. I am really sad as I will miss him but we both know its the best thing to do.
When I was pregnant with hunter I was 5 weeks when I left here and I didn't return till I was 14 weeks I then left again at 19 weeks and didn't go back till I was 24 and then left again at 32 lol so I have lasted 17 weeks here this time which is probably more than what I was the whole pregnancy with hunter just split up. It will be so hard on hunter not seeing him he misses michael so much even when we are home and mick does over time so that will be hard but hopefully I can do loads with him so he keeps occupied.

Lol when you come on here you will have so much to reply to haha.
Only a little bit but something I noticed. Just an update on what's going on with me. My temp have not dropped below cover line but I'm still holding on to a little bIt of hope for this month. It normally takes three days after my last dose of provera for AF to show up. That will be on Monday for me. I'm hoping she does not show and I get a BFP. Smile. I know it's a stretch but a girl can hope right? It's only my first month trying with assistance of provera, metformin and clomid. I'm currently on CD41 and 10 DPO according To FF. I'm suppose to test 19DPO. We will see if AF comes on Monday. If not, I look forward to 19DPO to test. FX
hiii!!!! omg I'm sorry i havnt had any time to reply or really get on here the past couple of days! i have the next couple of days off now though!!

Im so sorry to hear about your placenta! Im glad they at least caught it...I know it took longer than expected but at least you know about it now and they can hopefully give you the proper treatment and keep watch on it. Is the only thing they do is watch it to see if it moves up? are you on bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy now from it? sorry i don't know too much about it, I've just heard a few girls talk about it on here before. I'm so glad to hear that you and the baby are okay though after you fainted...thats so scary :hugs:

I know it'll be hard if you need to go to melbourne and be away from mick but if you can get better care there then its obviously for the best ! So I take it your morning sickness isn't getting any better either?

eeeek i can't wait to find out what you're having! (if you decide to still find out when the time comes!) But yeah I can see how gender disappointment would kick in when you really feel it could be a girl! and being able to personally buy things is such a great feeling!!

sorry if i missed stuff I keep going back up and re-reading so i can reply to everything lol.

AFM its hot as balls here! its been almost 100 all week long and I'm dying!! no swelling yet though which I'm really surprised about! I think Chase is engaged...or at least popping back and forth because some days I feel tons of pressure down there and others not as much. and I'm peeing wayyyy more than I was before which i didn't even think was possible lol. I have my 34 week appointment tomorrow...I wonder when they start to do internals to see if I'm dilated? my guess is 36 weeks...i dunno :shrug:

Really hope you're doing well!!! sorry it took me so long to get on and respond!!
anointed!! yayy your chart looks great! do you know how long your luteal phase is? Ill be keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you and hope to see a BFP soon!!! You have quite some patience waiting until 19dpo btw! lol I think I started testing at 9dpo :blush:
Anointed gosh 19dpo I couldn't wait that long at all! Are you still taking provera? Did you speak to your doc about risks of taking if you are pregnant? Your chart looks good as well I would be testing already haha
Hey mandi all good it gets busy sometimes and bomb isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind when you have a spare 5 minutes lol.

I am feeling loads better I am starting to just take the suck it up approach lol the more I mope about it and feel sorry for myself the worse it's going to be I think so as much as I feel like shut constantly I am just going to pick myself up and move on!
As for the placenta they will just reassess at 20 weeks to see if its moved up and if it hasn't look again at 28 weeks and again at 32 but if it doesn't love up altogether then c section it is :(
We are definitely finding out. We are on such a strict budget this time and if its a girl I want to be able to spread the cost along the pregnancy bonus if its a boy we don't have to buy anything but if its a girl then it makes more sense for us. There is still a part of me that doesn't want to but money wise it's the right thing to do.
Morning sickness is still bad I am not throwing up all day but I am nauseas all day and throw up once or twice :( but oh well like I said I have to pick myself up and get over it.
I will be finding out the gender next Wednesday if baby cooperates so not long I can't wait. We are going to do a gender reveal but haven't decided how we want to do it yet lol but can't wait!!

Aarrrgggghhh I'm so not looking forward to the heat it's so uncomfortable hey!!! I was lucky that it was a cool summer when I was pregnant with hunter but I don't think I will be so lucky this time. That's awesome that chase is getting ready for labor! I remember hunter bobbed up and down from 32-36 weeks until he finally set in for the long wait at 36 hold on to a comfortable vagina as long as you can lol it's awful I felt like my foof was seriously going to drop off! It's so funny how you guys get internals over then we don't get anything at all we don't even get stretch and sweeps till we are a week over due I was one day off that. I am actually glad we don't its uncomfortable enough with a bowling ball between your legs let alone someone poking at your cervix lol but it would be nice to know at the same time if you were in any progress.

I have so much to do before baby comes!!! I have a million and one boxes of crap and boys every where in both hunters room and the babies room that I need to clean out. I went to find something I hunter wardrobe today and omg there is shit everywhere!!! So I think I will be getting onto that before I go down to Melbourne for my first appointment just in case I have to stay I also need to wash all the baby stuff before I go otherwise I will be having to do it all when I get back mick works to much to have time for washing and things and he will be doing as much over time as he can so we can try and have a fair bit of money put aside for when he has holidays because they only get paid for 8 he days instead of the usual 12 and they don't get bonuses so they loose about 700-800 a week when they go on holidays it sucks!
Well as you saw on Facebook I think I am over the worst!! I had such a good day yesterday I did so much house work, sorted out all hunters baby clothes in case we have a girl to get rid of them and got out all the neutral stuff which I didn't realise how much I actually had so I put some of that up for sale on Facebook and have a lady coming to look at them today. I cooked an awesome dinner I just feel loads better I think being depressed was making it all so much worse as well mick said yesterday was the first day since I found out about him that he saw me truely happy and it felt that way I thought I was ok but not until I felt how happy and positive I did yesterday and today yayyy lol I am so glad to be feeling good I just hope it lasts!!
aww im soo happy you're feeling better and being more positive!!! lets hope it stays that way so you can start enjoying your pregnancy just like you said!! fingers crossed!!

yeah Im totally not looking forward to the internals. maybe we don't get them? the doctor hasn't mentioned anything to me about doing one or even doing a sweep or anything I think I just assumed that they start around 36 weeks because I saw so many other girls on here from the US talk about it. But at my appointment today she still didn't mention anything. I did set up my appointment to check in at the hospital on july 27th and do a tour on august 5th ( a little late but thats all they had open!) shits getting real now haha

when does summer start for you guys over there? I feel like it just got cold for you guys! hopefully you don't have to deal with the heat for too much of your pregnancy! I need to borrow somebody pool over here or I'm gonna die!!

So my fundal height measured 33cm today...she said it was right on track but I'm 34 weeks and 4 days so i was kind of confused why she said it was on track. I heard within 2 weeks range is okay I still got a little worried though

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