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Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

She is 22 in 3 weeks so definitely no excuses. She had a bf a year or so ago that got her heavily into drugs and was a abusive but she left him and moved to another state which is where I lived and she was doing so so well for herself. But for some unknown reason when she went back to Melbourne where the ex is she went and saw him and they are back together, now she is just the same as she was before and she is just awful! My brother is a druggy and we have only seen him once or twice in 3 years and she is very much so like him. I usually don't let her get to me that bad but I had such a good birthday it just ruined it!!
That really sucks about your brother and I really dislike partners of your sibling that turn them on you it's not nice, that's exactly what happened and is happening again with my sister, some people just don't understand that family is permanent and you shouldn't shit on your family for a partner because when something happens your family is always the one you go to to help you pick up the pieces. And especially over a rumor how about a phone call asking you what is going why these things were said or if you even said them its a bit immature of her I think!

I am really hoping it is a good thing! Fx for both of us and how exciting we are so close on testing days!!

My michelle bridges thing I have been doing the other day was awful the exercise absolutely killed me lol I don't think I have ever been that sore before in my life!!
omg I'm sorry. Im not one for drugs...I never have been really. It makes me really really sad when I see people I know (and theres a lot of them now) going to rehab for prescription pills and heroin! Theres so many people I know that are doing it now its unreal! (Not saying thats what your sister is doing obviously I don't know.) It just makes me sad...I wish we could just smack some sense into people sometimes and make them wake up and realize theres more to life than being high all the time! I think your sister will come around. Eventually she's going to hopefully A) grow out of the drug phase and B) Realize that her boyfriend is abusive and that she doesn't need to put up with it and hopefully be able to just walk away from it all. Sooner or later every girl gets to their breaking point...it will happen.

And I completely agree my brothers wife was completely immature about the whole situation. you don't just listen to some random rumor without confronting me about it first. And I tried telling my brother that family will always be there no matter what and I will always be there but he's just too stuck in her ways I guess I don't even know :shrug:

We are really close on testing days!!! yayy!!! Lol about the exercising! I think thats part of the reason I don't do it...I hate being sore like that lol
I did drugs for a while just after high school and it was such a low point for me!!! I don't like to think about that part of my life but I am do glad I turned it round and I have the things I have to be greatful!! And you are right there is sooo much more to life and I know that first hand when your on drugs your in a really big haze and you aren't really living at all! The biggest thing I don't like about her being back with her ex is that he is 34 and very set in his ways! He doesn't think that a life of drugs is bad even his mum makes him hash food and condones him smoking it!! My sister has had 2 abortions to him once because he didn't want it and the second she was already 14 weeks and decided she wasn't ready to give up the party life!! I'm so disappointed for her that she had come so far only to fall back! But only time will tell if she wants better for her life than what she's doing! The one thing I am really worried about is that she wants a baby so bad because if the ones she got rid of that I think as soon as she moves back to Melbourne to be with the boyfriend she will fall pregnant and still be in a bad situation with the drug lifestyle!!

That's sad about your brother, hopefully he wakes up soon to it all!

I actually enjoyed it in some weird way I think because I know I need to lose the weight really badly! I have a friend joining me tomorrow who is very very overweight so it will be really good to help her out and be a part of her weightloss journey!
We had our volleyball semifinal tonight and got smashed I am so disappointed!!!
Omg seriously the hatred for the tww has just hit me today!! It sucks lol I am only 7dpo and I still have to wait another 4 days before af is due apparently my luteal phase is only 11 days so we will see
Don't get me wrong...I did drugs too back in high school. I started kind of early I was like 15 when I started...by the time I was 18 for some reason I just grew out of it. I partly blame it on my dad. when my parents were separated (they're now married again) I was living with him and he pretty much let me do whatever I wanted to do. He was a truck driver so he wasn't really around too much at the time. He told me as long as I didn't get in trouble .. do whatever you want..so I did. Honestly I think it took all the fun out of it for me. I think he did it on purpose lol. All I do now is drink and smoke cigarettes. which I wish I could stop smoking but it really is so hard. I always told myself when I got pregnant I would quit. Now I'm TTC/NTNP whatever you want to call me I don't even know anymore haha and its starting to worry me if ill be able to stop or not! My OH was very bad with prescription pills before he and I started dating so I know all about the hard drug scene mostly because of him. (he doesn't do anything anymore thank god!) I made it very clear when we started dating that drugs is nothing I want any part of in my life. Im 25 and I just don't want that for myself at all. Sorry I feel like I'm just rambling right now lol.

And I totally know what you mean!! FF still hasn't given me crosshairs and I already want to test :( I don't get it my temps dipped and they've been up now for 3 days and still no confirmation on O? Maybe tomorrow ill get my crosshairs? I hope so!!!
I think most people try it and you either stick with it or you realise it's a bad lifestyle!!!
I also use to smoke but I have up when we started trying as it was just another adding to my bad habits that I wanted to get rid off to help my infertility but I did still occasionally smoke before I found out I was pregnant, I actually went out the weekend before I found out I was pregnant and got absolutely smashed lol which I felt very guilty about but not much you can do. One of my friends is 9 weeks at the moment and she took a test on the Friday negative so went to a wedding on the Saturday got smashed then came home on the Sunday and said to her husband she didn't feel right tested that night and bam positive and she was already almost 6 weeks its so strange how that can happen!

I think you haven't got a crosshair yet because your temps are slowly creeping up, with mine they went up by .4c straight away and then stayed at that temp for 3 days so I think once your temp stops creeping up and you get a steady temp give or take a .1 difference for a few days you should get a crosshair.

I think I have officially hit exhaustion I have been almost nodding off on the couch since 6:30 this is ridiculous! Either I'm pregnant or I'm gettin sick. The worst part about it my son seems to have an abundance of energy and just wants to play. I am say here watching 101 Dalmatians while he plays with the Christmas tree and all his toys! Lol such is life.
So my sister and I are completely not talking at all anymore to the point of I am not having her at my sons 1st birthday she is just a nasty person and it will ruin my day having her there when she is being so horrible to me! We were renting a house together and her and her friend just decided that they wanted to move out because a friend was going to live them rent free and wanted to leave us to pay full rent in the middle of no where on our own and we Didn't agree to it so thought the fairest option was that we all broke the lease and paid the rent until they found someone. Well didn't go down so well for her and her friend as they wanted more money for drugs and couldn't if we were doing that so they started a huge huge fight with my husband and I and we weren't talking for a few weeks and now that every starting going ok again they started another fight saying they are not going to pay the rest of the rent and all this other stuff. They also owe me money for electricity and water and Internet but I ver highly doubt I am going to get that off them. It is really awful and for some reason that do it to me at night when I am on my own and no one to talk to! My husband is on nights so I am then all wound up and upset and alone and can't sleep it sucks! I am so exhausted and honestly was in bed at 7 son asleep by half past and here I am at 9:55 still awake!! This sucks! In so sorry I keep going on rants it's just I live in the middle of no where with no family for 17hours away and all my friends work so are in bed well by now and need to vent!
aww kirstie!!!! Im so sorry about your sister and what she's doing to you :hugs: it really is just not right at all. I hope she comes to her senses soon and realizes exactly what she's doing to your and your husband!! And never apologize for venting thats what were all here for :) :) and if I can be of any help in any way possible by you venting then please.. vent away!!! haha I'm sure Ill be doing the same to you at some point again!!

I hope the exhaustion is a good sign for you!!! FF finally put my crosshairs up today and I'm officially 3dpo!!!!! cd22 was O day for me...I BD'd on cd20 and day of O. I hope that was enough to catch it!! what do you think?
I really hope so to but I am to upset and angry to want to talk to her for quite a while!!!! But oh well. I feel like I should still allow her to come to my sons first birthday but I don't want her ruining it!! I don't know what to do there as you only turn 1 once and I don't want her to miss out on that. She did the same around my wedding had huge fights with me and ended up not being a bridesmaid and still to this day says how much it upsets her but I just don't understand why she does it if later on in life those kinds of things upset her.

Woooooohhhhoooooooo finally some crosshairs how exciting for you!!!! Fx that you caught that egg and it only takes that one time of bding to catch it so you very well could have done enough!!!!! It's so good to finally see on your chart 3dpo. My temps are up really really high at the moment I had a temp dip yesterday of .3 and then it spiked straight back up today so I am really hopeful, but trying not to be at the same time I case it's nothing. It sucks because they say you don't start producing hcg until the egg has implanted but why so people feel symptoms so early on? It's so strange!
sounds like she does some things without thinking about it beforehand...and then she feels guilty afterwards but doesn't know how to make it better!

and i know what you mean about so many people feeling things! Ive been really gassy the past 2 days (which I never am) and of course I'm attributing it being pregnant already lol and its way to early supposedly! Im happy your temps are up really high!! maybe your dip yesterday was implantation! it happened around the perfect time!!! We did BD 2 days before O and on the day of O and since it can live up to 5 days just mayyyybbbeee!!! ahhh fxd for us both!!! when are you going to test?
Yeah that is definitely what happens I think but oh we'll. I ended up texting her this morning says she is still welcome to come to hunters 1st birthday as its not fair on him to have to miss out on having his Aunty there and of course no reply! But there is no surprise there!
It's so annoying because she owes me money but I am thinking I am just gonna have to cut my losses there!!

I know it's crazy! I think your body does know there is something going on before implantation how can it not there is a fertilised egg floating around lol. I have had some really sharp pains today in my lower abdomin and my cervix but I got that before last af so who knows what that is!
And yes you could have definitely caught the egg so super super sticky baby dust that there is something going on in there!
I'm not going to lie I tested today and bfn of course I knew it would be I am so bloody hopeless with waiting!! But I am going to do it I am going to wait until af does or doesn't show which will be by the 2nd at the very latest that she should show. What about you?
My thoughts exactly how can it not know?!! i know hcg is the hormone that cause the symptoms but still your body knows theres something different going on!! Im not going to lie Ive also got heartburn the past couple days...ive never had it before! I had to ask my OH what it felt like because he gets it! sorry about the bfn but it is wayyy early so don't get disappointed yet !! I want to wait until 10dpo at least...but I was talking to another girl on another thread and she thinks I should test now. I had another pos OPK yesterday (I think it was just the end of my surge from when I O'd). But an overload of LH in your system could be a hormonal imbalance :shrug: :shrug: I dunno. Im still just happy I O'd!! Im trying hard not to symptom spot but its already getting hard! Do you have any new symptoms at all??
Heartburn is a very good sign I have it awful with my son it was like someone was pouring acid down my thought constantly it was not nice at all!! What makes the other poster think you should test now with only being 3dpo does she think you could have o'd earlier?
I got a lot of days of positive opk I ran out otherwise I would still be taking them just to see I deacon lol. But with long cycles I think our hormones are out of balance hence the extra long days of +opks.
My new symptoms are a bit of heart burn, I absolutely love love love olives so I bought a huge tub of them today and had about 4 and could not stand the taste of them at all! Not to sure if its pregnancy or if my taste buds are just chafing really weird either way! I have also been having having pains in my cervix on and off all day so not to sure what that's about.
The only thing that is making me think maybe I am out is about an hour ago I have that heavy awful feeling in my lower abdomin when af is due so who knows! But my cp is still high soft and closed it went high hard and closed last night and has now gone soft again and my temp is still really high so fx.
I am definitely going to wait now the bfn didn't upset at all I knew it was way way to early I just have a really bad addiction lol. But I have given myself a good talking to and I am determined to just wait it out. When you I do you o on the day of the dip and the. The 3 temp rises or is it the day before the dip because ff has put mine at the day before the dip which is strange!
its usually the day after the dip and the 3 higher temps afterwards is what confirms O...so thats kind of strange they have you before the dip? eh who knows lol. And I'm not really sure I told her about the pos opks and how it could mean a hormone imbalance having too many and she said i should test. I don't really know why :shrug: I did of course because I was curious lol but wasn't expecting a bfp at all. and it was def bfn. OPKs have been neg the past 2 days also. my temps are still high and sorry for the tmi but had a BM today...and loads and loads of creamy cm came out. like more than I've ever seen! Hoping its a good sign :) also been really crampy and I know its way too early for AF :) trying not to get my hopes up though as its obviously still early!

And Id say if you love olives and you couldn't stand the taste of them today thats a pretty good sign!!! and the AF cramps your getting don't worry about it too much...from what I've heard from other ladies they think AF is on the verge of coming on full force and then they get their BFP :) Im so excited for your test soon!!!!!! fxd <3
Testing always gets the better of us forum ladies lol. What does bm mean? Creamy cm is a very good sign I have had an abundance the last few days!! And at 4dpo it could be cranking from the egg making its way down getting ready for implantation so fx that's what it is!!
It's so hard to not get excited when you have good signs but the olives one i must say is very strange!
I am really cramps again today but cervix this morning was shut so tightly which I think is a very good sign considering I have had a baby and it usually stays slightly open but she is locked up real tight lol and still high and soft and my temp is well above cover line still. They have been really spot on steady since I o'd I had the dip then shot up to 36.9 for 3 days then then had another rise to 37.1 had my dip to 36.8 and then the lay two days have been 37.1 so very steady I usually fluctuate quite a lot! It sucks when you have cycles like this though that are really promising and text book you are like the perfect candidate for being pregnant and it just turns out your not but there is so much hope for you there it is not fun!!!! Ps I have also been really gassy lol
lol your last sentence made me laugh haha. I was hoping the CM was a good thing! Im usually pretty dry all the way up until AF. And I know its really hard not to get excited and symptom spot!!! Im still working on figuring out this whole cervix checking thing. It confuses me lol. I checked today and it was really high but i think it was open so I don't really know what that means though or if I'm even right! Im sure ill figure it out sooner or later. thats so good your temps are staying steady and still high!! I had another dip this morning but my chart has been up and down all month. Oh and BM mean bowel movement...sorry! Its supposedly the best time to check your CM because it kinda pushes it all out...sorry for the tmi :haha:
It took me a while to figure out my cervix because I also always thought mine was open but you once you have been doing it a while you realise that sometimes even when it feels open it actually is just slightly which mine evn was when I was pregnant and it's ment to be shut up real tight but it went up and down with being slightly open and shut.
And all good about the bm that's when usually check mine as yeah I have found its the best time lol. I have frantically unpacking all my stuff today in the new house been a bit slack the last few days, I have heaps if family coming in 2 weeks and need to have all the rooms ready which I am hoping is going to distract me from thinking about testing :haha: who am I kidding it never does!!
Ok so just checked my cm and there is a tiny little bit of a pinkish tinge to my it eeeeklk either af is earlier or all these cramps are implantation trying to compose myself right now!!
ahhhh!!!!!!!! Im so hoping over here for you!!!!!! this is so exciting!!!!!! maybe your temp will spike again tomorrow showing an implantation dip!!!!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo:

I checked my cervix again...its weird..i don't even think i could feel it? lol sorry for the tmi but i tried reaching up so far to feel it but it was like i was going in somewhere else? does that even make sense?? :blush: lol
I am hoping that something is going on! I have already had the temp dip but who knows maybe I will have one tomorrow. My temps weren't even this high when I was pregnant with my son it's crazy!!
I'm not to sure where you were sticking your finger :haha: your cervix of you haven't given birth before you can usually only fit the tip of your pinky finger in so who knows but it is a good sign when your cervix is to high to touch or it has gone that soft that it seems to have disappeared in to your vaginal lining lol sorry just saying that made me giggle. So it is all sounding good to me!!!! It would be so awesome if we both got our bfp's even one if us would still be great but it would be amazing for both!!

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