Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

I know me to I have been fooled once before lol but I am taking it while I can i have been getting so much done. I have vaccines and mopped the house so far today and when mick gets up I will finish hunters room.

I have seen on all the us baby shows I see that they do internals at around the 36 weeks mark but I don't know if its a standard thing. I say when it's ready it's ready lol it would kinda like sneaking in on a present and thinking it was yours and it ends up being someone else's lol because they can tell you oh yeah your already 2cm but then you could still go over but I can see from the knowing side of things also because it would still be nice to know that the end is near.

Summer doesn't start here till December lol but it starts warming up August here but in saying that it is freezing today it was lovely and bright and warm yesterday And today my toes have icicles on them haha. We have one more month of winter and then it's spring.

I know it can seek a little stressful about your fundal height but don't stress yet. He is a smaller bubba though remember hunter was a pound bigger at your last scan. I think he will be about 7pounds hehe. I would only worry if it your next appointment your belly hasn't grown but he is viable enough now to survive now anyway :)

How are you going at work? Do you think you be able to do much more? You are champion going this far!!!
Just a quick one yay mick and I felt bubs from the outside!!! It was so exciting!!! And I find out what baby is in the morning!!! Can't wait you will be the only one other than mick to know what we are having until August lol
yayyy for feeling baby kick from the outside!!!! thats amazing!!! I'm so excited for you!! and wow i feel special that ill be the only one to know what little one is besides mick of course!!!!! :happydance: i can't wait!!!! you have to be so excited! i have a big feeling its a girl too btw :)

is august when you'll be doing your gender reveal?? have you decided how your doing it yet?

works going good...its just been soooo slow lately. almost to the point where i keep asking myself why I'm even working anymore. On top of it being slow they are overstaffing way too much so thats not helping us make anymore money. Its definitely getting harder though, by the end of the night my body is hurting so bad. I figure I made it this far though I'm probably going to work up until my due date or at least close to it!

its so weird to think that in december its summer where you are! were so used to the snow and the cold at christmas time!

TMI but I think my bodes starting to "clear out", Ive already had 2 BMs today and thats not normal for me at all. Ive been going everyday for the past 2 weeks about too, and before I was just constipated the whole time. Im also getting uncomfortable gas pains and cramps with them. Is it too early for my body to start clearing out or is this normal around this time?
I know it was so nice I still can't believe we
Felt it so early!! Yep very excited that I am finding out today just sad that mick won't be there he is at work but who knows baby might not cooperate! I don't know why but I have had dreams the last 3 nights that its a boy! I don't know if its my way of trying to prepare myself so I don't get disappointed or what but its strange every single dream up until 3 days ago has been girl silly confusing brain!

Yeah August is gender reveal I was thinking of doing cupcakes filled with cream or white choc ganache and have one centre coloured but I can't decide if I am going to do it when I have told people they seem so uninterested :( my sister said who cares what people think do what you want but I feel stupid as everyone was like aw ok that's a bit different. Gender reveals are not common here.

You really have done so well so far I wouldn't work up right until your due only for you to get some rest time but in saying that it could also be a good thing as you have been so active it will be a quick labor. My mum worked right up until she went to the hospital she got up in the morning got dressed for work and instead of going to work went and had a baby lol she was even still going to go to work contractions and all but lucky she didn't as she had a quick labor.
So I suppose if you can do it go for it!

I know I would love to have a white Christmas but I must say I love the nice hot Christmas Day swimming in the pool (when not pregnant) having a cocktail and a big seafood buffet and BBQ. But I am a huge sucker for a big traditional Christmas dinner my mums is the best but sometimes it's just so hot no one feels like cooking or eating a roast lol. I think when the kiddies are older we will be going to England or America for Christmas and new year to have a white Christmas let the kids experience snow.

They say it usually happens about 2 weeks before you go into labor but at the same time it could be the position of chases head he could be pressing on your bowel which isn't really a bad thing at least you will be empty lol.

Aarrggghh I'm sat in the doctors and they have the heater cranked! It's cold outside so I have a long sleeved top and a cardigan on but holy crap it's hot.

I have just come out of the doctors and baby didn't cooperate lol which is kinda a good thing then at least mick and I will get to see together. I am only 17 and 3 today and I am measuring 21!!!!! Arrggghh lol I hope I don't have a giant baby
ahhhh you called it about he/she not cooperating!! lol so when do you guys go back to try and see again? i don't wanna wait anymore :brat: lol

aw gender reveals aren't too common here either, at least not that I've ever seen. I had a lady that comes into my restaurant all the time have her baby shower at my job and they did the gender reveal at the baby shower. There was only one person that knew what the baby was , the parents didn't even know, so it was a cool surprise for both of them and the whole family at the same time! i thought that was pretty cool. Cupcakes sound like a really cute idea too!

I know I should probably take a week or so before my due date, I just hate sitting around and doing nothing. Even though thats what I've done for the past 2 days! lol i didn't have any energy to bring myself to do anything except eat nap and watch tv haha

lol measuring 21??? oh boyyyy

Josh is working overtime until 1am tonight. its 9:57 right sooo bored sitting here by myself!!
We go for another scan in 3 and a half weeks! It seems like a lifetime away but oh well we will just have to wait.

I really like the thought of a gender reveal and if I went to a baby shower I would think it was great if they did one but my family I dunno they just seem weird about it.

Lol well if you like to always be on the go then do what is best for you. At least you are getting rest in between your shift like these 2 days it's good to have some wind down time.

Aw it really does suck being alone I hate when mick is on nights it's so boring besides the first 2 days I like the time to myself.

It was so weird I was watching true blood just before and all of a sudden my heart just started racing really really fast and then went back to normal just as quick it was really strange I feel really sick and tired now I wonder if it was my anxiety I get it sometimes when I watch true blood or action movies :(
Hunter is in a shit of a mood today! He has been having days lately where he just cries or whinges the whole day but it's as if he doesn't want anything and doing it for no reason I check all the usually hungry thirsty nappy need a cuddle tired lol and nothing just cries at all of it!

I am so damn hungry today I have already eaten a bowl of yogurt, a whole big packet of chips and 5 party pies lol and I could seriously eat more where as hunter on the other hand isn't all that hungry to I hate when he has days where he doesn't eat!
And ps definitely spoke to soon about feeling better lol but I don't kind if I have one bad out if 3 I can live with that I think I am going to try and have a nap if hunter will have one. God if I didn't have him I would seriously sleep all day!!
that happened to me today when i was watching a baby story! and when we watched dexter the other night lol. BUT i also remember in first tri my heart would race allll the time. especially when I laid down to relax i could feel my heart beat through my entire body. I remember reading about it and its completely normal. So if its not your anxiety its probably nothing to worry about.

I ended up having 4 days off this last day off is tomorrow. I definitely enjoyed the first 2 days to myself and now I'm over it lol.

lol 5 party pies :haha: Ive been munching on keebler fudge cookies all day mmmmm
awww sorry! i meant to ask too if you stayed feeling good or not...hopefully hunter will lay down and have a nap with you!!
Yeah I have read that about heart racing as well I have just never felt it like this before lol
Oh well at least I'm not alone.

I don't know what cookies you are eating but just the thought of any kind of fudge cookie is making me want to go to the shops and buy some lol.

Wow 4 days that is awesome but yep sometimes 2 is enough ��

I don't think he is going to have a nap lol he is such a hypo kid these days. Oh well because we had the camp out last night I can at least lay in bed while he has a run around.
Hi everyone.
Bella and Kirstie, My doctor said that provera is the same as progesterone. Our bodies naturally produces it so it should not hurt the baby if I'm pregnant. I'm visiting family in Ohio so last night I slept with a fan blowing directly on me all night. When I took my temperature this morning, it dropped. Not below the cover line but very close. Will check again tomorrow morning. No AF yet! Feeling some weirdness in lower abdomen. Twisting, ovary pain on both sides, achey, bloated. I'm 13DPO according to FF and on CD44.
Hey that's a nice relief that it doesn't matter about taking the provera. 13dpo gosh I don't know how your not testing!!! When are you going to? I would worry to much about the temp dip if you had the fan on all night it's bound to be a bit lower. The things your feeling seem to look good fx that this is your miracle month!
Hey that's a nice relief that it doesn't matter about taking the provera. 13dpo gosh I don't know how your not testing!!! When are you going to? I would worry to much about the temp dip if you had the fan on all night it's bound to be a bit lower. The things your feeling seem to look good fx that this is your miracle month!

So I think I was right about the fan. My temperature is back up this morning. I am visiting family so the fact that I'm not home will help me not test. I will not go out and buy a test around family. Though I'm very open in telling people that we are TTC, I don't want to test with others around. I don't even want to test around DH. I actually want to surprise him when I do get my BFP by letting him come home to a brand new baby nursery. I would prefer only me to experience disappointment if my tests comes back neg. So yes I'm now at 14DPO according to FF and have not tested yet. 5 more days until 19DPO, a provera AF could still pop up and I will still be visiting family so I may not test until 23DPO I'm home again. That's a lot of patience. :winkwink: We'll see if I can hold out that long. I'm planning busy days so I won't think about It. Today i will be going to an ice-cream farm so I'm excited about that. I just wanted to say how much of a blessing my family is. I have not been feeling like myself and still been feeling pain from my accident and they have helped me in so many ways. I can't do my hair so they do it for me. They pray for me, revolve their lives around what I want to do. The is so much love And everything is drama free. This family is my 2nd family, my extended family. Not necessarily family by blood. The moment i stepped off the bus, their smiling faces were right there to greet me with hugs and kisses. I get this treatment every time I come but it's got me all emotional teary and touched. My real family, the last time I went home, I drove instead of taking the bus but the same day I arrived many of my family members came to the house to see me. Very touching. Normally I'm the one driving everywhere to see everyone but not this time. So ijust wanted to share how blessed and thankful i am for family. :flower:
anointed glad to hear the provera is the same as progesterone...i didn't know that! 23dpo holy hell! lol id be going insane. And your temp definitely did a nice big jump right back up! your charts looking great!! keeping my fingers crossed that this is it for you! Thats so nice what you said about your family :) its so great to hear you have such a nice loving support system behind you! and an ice cream farm??? :saywhat: yummmmmm

Kirstie if you see cookies in the store made by keebler...they are the butter cookies with chocolate fudge in the middle. omg so good, don't know if you have them over there or not though lol. The girls in the august baby thread started talking about skittles so i made josh run out and get me some...i couldn't get the thought of skittles out of my head :haha:

I have to go buy granny panties today :wacko: because i really wanna get started on my hospital bag. I don't even know where to get granny pantys from its been so damn long since I've worn them hahaha.
Anointd: It's so lovely you are surrounded by such amazing supportive people!!
I have a very close family also and it's nice to have the comfort of always knowing people are there for you when ever you need them!
I can't believe you are going to wait till 23dpo that is crazy!!! But if that is what you are comfortable with and you have the patients it's actually a good thing at least then there will be no false pos or negs you will know for sure those lines will be nice and dark.
When will your period start if the provera works?
And I've cream factory omg made me wish I was back home to be able to go to old rock! Our gelato store here is not selling ice cream at the moment as there machine broke!!! So shattered!

I don't think we do have them but I will be double checking tonight when I go to the supermarket! I am stuck in a horrible limbo at the moment where there is something I want but I have no idea what it is so no meal is satifying me at all although I did have spaghetti on toast for lunch and it was amazing!! All I have craved lately is a a large double whopper meal haha I know fatty but seriously it sucks not being able to get take away unless we go away (im sure I would be a whale if I could get it when I wanted lol so probably a good thing) lol about the skittles there was so many occasions when I was pregnant with hunter where I would send mick put late at night to get me something that's what they are there for haha.

Haha I don't have any granny panties when I had hunter for some reason I didn't even think about it and I remember a few hours after he was born and the maternity pads are pretty much nappies lol I had one pair of undies that would fit the pad in and all the rest were Brazilian haha I had to send Michael out to buy me some undies and he had no idea so he sent his mum and she bought full on granny panties like worse than what I would have ever born haha it was awful! I must remember to make sure I have some for this time.
So exciting you know the end is near when your worrying about having your hospital bag ready! Have you got a checklist for it all? I can't remember if I have asked already but do your hospital supply nappies and wipes? Or do they use cotton balls for baby at first? My hospital only uses cloth nappies unless you want to bring your own disposable nappies and they only use cotton balls no wipes which is actually a good thing for me I really enjoyed it last time using the clothes nappies in the hospital and we are doing them full time this time which I can't wait for!!!!
So I checked temp this morning and it was back down again which made it look more like Rocky Mountains so I had an inkling. Went to use the restroom and sure enough, there is some spotting and flow as I wiped, TMI sorry. Thing is, I'm not upset :winkwink: about it because between yesterday morning and today, I caught some bug. :sick: I feel like crap. Sore throat, stuffy nose, runny nose, ewww. Feeling like this calls for some OTC drugs :cloud9::cloud9:and I don't want to take drugs while I'm pregnant unless I have to. So the pains and twisting in my lower stomach, I guess it's safe to say, were cramps or PMS? I got my visit:witch: and here go clomid round Two. Grateful for the drugs this morning.:thumbup: I hate sore throats. :sick:
Officially back at CD1. You all are the best online support system. Thank you. By the way, I'm taking 100mg of clomid this round.
Sorry :witch: got you but it's great that you see it as a positive as now you can move onto next cycle and see how your body reacts and sometimes it's a good thing when starting a new fertility drug as you can get to know your cycles so your chances are better at pinpointing when to catch the egg. No good about being sick though I am the same I hate sore throats!!! Because its so cold here at night at the moment I wake up with a tender throat every morning it sucks!!! Hopefully the clonus starts working and you will have your bfp in no time, and there is a little added bonus that you can enjoy the rest if your holiday not worrying if you shouldn't do something in case you were pregnant :)
hey! :hugs: hows it going?? how are you feeling? hopefully good! My nausea seems to have crept back a little bit! I heard it comes back but I was really hoping it wouldn't happen lol. If I'm not constantly eating i feel faint and nauseas again errr. And the other night at work my manager asked if I was hungry because he wasn't using his manager meal, so I ordered a chicken parmesan, took one smell of it and wrapped it up to take home for josh. I thought the smell of it was gonna make me puke :green:

Thats awesome you're doing cloth nappys! I wouldn't even know where to begin or how to do them but I think its a great idea. The all natural baby store right down the street from our house is doing cloth diaper training classes today actually! As for our hospitals they pretty much provide everything. Diapers, wipes, blankets, formula, whatever we need pretty much. Im going to pack a few extra diapers just in case but I really don't need to bring too much for the baby besides his going home outfit and carseat!

Do you remember if Hunter hiccuped a lot when you were pregnant? This little boy hiccups 3-4 times a day! its getting quite annoying lol

I'm off to work for the night hope you had a good day!
Hey yeah we are going really good. Pretty much all nausea and sickness is now gone I still get the odd wave but a whole lot better than what it was. I still have my energy so been doing the 2 kids rooms still omg we have so much junk!!
So far I have sold 2 handbags, a mattress, motorbike Helmet and goggles, a massive bag of scrap booking stuff, a scrapbook storage container given away a few toys and clothes that we got given that he never wears or uses. I also bought hunter a bed yesterday woohoo I'm so excited for it to com it's a black leather king single I think he will do really well other than a bad night he is only waking 1-3 times now which is awesome and all I have to do is put the dummy in his mouth and he's fine! Mind you he hasn't been going to bed till 10 but I don't mind that because he then chooses to go to sleep if I try any earlier we fight for so long! As he gets older we will have to try and put him to bed earlier but for now I would rather 10 and he goes to sleep easy than try at 8 and he cries and carries on for 2 hours anyway!
I washed all my cloth nappies today so as soon as they are dry I am going to start using them! I got all in ones so the one nappy is from newborn to toilet training so I can use them on hunter :) I have to buy some more though as they say you should have at least 24 nappies and I have 15 I also need to get some covers for some of them.
They are pretty easy to use I had to look up online how to put the inserts in baby beehinds ones but its pretty simple just a bit more work. If you get flush able liners all you have to do when they do a poo is tip it in the toilet with the liner and only a bit gets on the clog if its a runny one, rinse them and put them in a bucket of water and then wash the ones the next day that were used the day before. I am also going to try for cloth wipes as well the amount of money we spend on wipes and nappies a year would be close to 5000 I would say which is crazy! But it's definitely not for everyone michael hates the idea and use to say all the time that he is going to have his own stash of disposables for when he changes lol.

Yes I have heard that it is common for the nausea to come back but to me all your signs over the last week seem to be getting your body ready for labor to be honest. I hope he holds on a bit longer but really you only have 2 and a half weeks till 38 weeks!!! I remember my body feeling different the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy especially the day before!! I thought I was going into labor I had contractions for about 2 hours but then they just stopped so they much have been Braxton hicks but I had the whole mucus plug bloody show and bowel empty during the week I went into labor.
Just make sure you rest when you can even though you like to be on the go :)

That is crazy how much your hospital supplies our definitely don't supply formula you have to bring that in with you if your planning on using it but my hospital is very pro breastfeeding. I felt awful for a young girl in there she was about 17 and had a little baby girl and the nurses were awful to her she was so nervous so her mum and sister came into the nursery with her to change the nappy and the nurses went off because noone other than the mum and dad of baby are allowed in there but you would think in her case they would let at least her mum she started crying and the nurse was just like here I will show you you will have to do this on your own eventually and she formula fed one of the only mums in there that did but because she was young again they treated her different. I am so glad I didn't have the nurses that were assigned to her half of the maternity rooms mine were mostly lovely but you always get the odd nasty one.

Lol yep it must be a boy thing! Hunter seriously had the hiccups everyday from about 24 weeks! It drove me nuts some nights it would keep me up for hours! He had them just as bad when he was born its probably only been the last 6 months he has grown out of it.

We have had such a good day doing all the cleaning and sorting out I feel so much better. We went out side to hang the washing on the line and I took hunter four wheeler so he played around the garden on that and chased the puppies while I did the washing and then I say down in the undercover area and he just ran around played in his bike played with his cars it's such a nice day about 23c it was great because he was buggered I changed his nappy put him to bed and he went to sleep no problems

Fast asleep with his teddy :)
I am so excited micks sister went out of town and is bringing us back hungry jacks (burger king) omg I have been craving a whopper so bad so I got a Double haha my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

I am so happy I am feeling so much better I think I was so depressed and in such a bad place I was just going in a massive downward spiral! They can be so hard to get out of but once you it's amazing lol I had a play date the other day with a friend of mine who is also pregnant and her some is only 5 months older than hunter and she suffers from hyperemesis so we can both relate to each other and it made me feel so better as I haven't really had anyone in the same situation she was saying how she doesn't feel connected to baby and that there are thoughts that run through her mind sometimes that she wishes she would miscarriage because of how sick she was and that is exactly how I felt! It was so good to not feel alone anymore. We both said how guilty we felt for feeling or even saying those things out loud but it's good to be honest because we would definitely both be crushed if we did lose the babies but its hard to not think those things when you are so sick especially with a toddler!

Well I hope you had a good night at work I am off to finish doing some cleaning while the little guys sleeps xx
hey love! sounds like you've been busy! you got rid of a lot though! glad you're feeling better and still keeping your energy up, I bet that feels good. Yayy for Hunters new bed!!! How is he doing in it?? hopefully he likes it!! I honestly don't think 10oclock is too late, especially if he's going to fight you for 2 hours beforehand, might as well just put him down at 10 and not bother with the fight. And you're right as he gets older it'll be easier to get him to bed earlier.

woohoo with the cloth diapers!! I definitely wouldn't have the patience for it I don't think, but then again maybe its easier than I think it is! LOL to mick having his own stash of diapers, I think Josh would probably do the same hahaha. I do think the designs you can get on them are adorable though!!

Yeah I guess thats one good thing about our hospitals is they really do provide everything we need! which reminds me we have our check in for the hospital on july 27th!! I'm excited!! I can't remember if I told you that already or not lol my memory is fried, baby took it all haha.

Ohh I hope you're right about my body getting ready!! The BMs have calmed down a bit and alls I'm really feeling now is a lot of pressure down below, I think he's still bouncing in and out of engagement because when the pressure goes away i feel his feet up in my ribs. I can't believe I only have a month to go! We still have to get our stroller and car seat set up, which I need to kick josh in the butt to get him motivated to do anything, you know how that goes lol.

So we went to look at a 3 bedroom single house yesterday thats going to be for rent in a couple of months!! Its literally the house right next door to joshs parents house, which may be annoying, but will be sooo helpful with the baby! It was really really nice and only about $150 more than were paying now. Only bad thing is that its oil instead of gas heat, but we talked about just getting a kerosene heater because thats what the guy living in it uses and he said it works just fine. So well have our room, chases room, a guest room, and they turned the 4th room into a walk in closet because it was too small to be an actual room which i was ecstatic about!! Theres a fenced in backyard, a front covered porch....ahhhh it would be so nice!! The guy that lives there now is moving out in 2 weeks, and the landlord wants to do some renovations, so as long as our credit goes through id say it'll be ready in 3-4 month and its ours so were crossing our fingers because it'd be perfect.

im glad to hear you're not so depressed anymore! I think the feelings you were having are actually pretty normal and not very uncommon at all. But its great that you turned them around and picked yourself back up! and also that you had a close friend going through the same exact thing had to make it so much easier! Im happy for you!!

and what an adorable picture of hunter :flower: he's so freakin cute!!

well we have another heat wave this week, almost 100 outside today, so I'm happy to be inside in the AC not doing anything!!

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