Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Izzy if you still follow us wanted to say hi and hope you're doing good :hugs:
Hey!!! I sure have been I have had a rest yesterday though so back onto it today washing and what not. We haven't got his bed yet it will be here in a few weeks there is no where near here to buy a bed lol so online ordering for us for most thing actually. He has been sleeping so good though last night he slept through! It sucks now that he is sleeping through I have to get up about 4 times I night to pee!!!
Yeah I'm definitely not worries about it now! After him sleeping through last night and me not having to worry about anything he just feel asleep last night I didn't have to pay him or sing it was great!
I actually didn't find it hard when I originally used them with hunter I mean obviously putting on a disposable and chucking it in the bin is easier but I dunno I find then easy also but it definitely a personal preference thing!

Yeah you did lol but baby brain is a strong thing lol but that is very exciting it makes it all seem so real now not long to go!

Aw yay that is so exciting!!fx you do get the house that would be awesome! So much more room for you all!! You will feel like you have so much more freedom! It's hard living in a small area sometimes there is no room for yourself to get space.

Yeah I am so happy I turned it all around as well! I feel so much better.

I can't decide what to do I have the opportunity to go down to Melbourne tomorrow and that way we don't have to get mick to drive down and fly back and then fly downs And drive back but it means I have to fly to Adelaide in 2 weeks for hunters appointments and mick will still have to drive up when I want to go home. Arrgh I don't know what to do lol I want to go so bad but at the same time I miss out on seeing my friends new born and I will miss mick I will be gone for like 2 months almost!
oh wow 2 months?! thats a long time! but if it makes it easier to go now then maybe you should take advantage. that would definitely be hard though being pregnant and away from him I'm sure!

yayy for hunter sleeping through the night, thats great!! but theres always something else when one thing starts to get better, like getting up to pee 4 times a night hehehe.

I had the craziest dream last night, I don't remember all of it but I remember I was at work and Chase stretched his leg all the way straight out and he was trying to push it out of my belly. I literally had his whole leg in my hand and was stopping his foot from pushing out more and going through my stomach hahaha. I can still imagine what it felt like holding hid leg in my hand through my belly...omg so weird!! When i woke up from that dream I had to pee really bad but my stomach was sooo sore, accompanied by a nice hard BH and the top of my bump was crampy. Even going pee hurt my stomach a bit. it was really weird. Once I laid back down I was fine and the pain went away. I wonder if I was laying on my stomach and didn't realize it!

Started the rest of the baby laundry. I forgot I had a whole bag of hand me downs that needed to be washed still. So i started that and Im going to have to sort through what I want and don't want, and drop the rest off at GoodWill ( a donation place ). I sat around pretty much all day yesterday and didn't do much so today Im going kind of stir crazy and might just go bum around for the heck of it! maybe pack my hospital bag since I have everything for it, just need to get it in there and figure out what clothes I'm going to bring for Chase in the hospital.

hope you're doing good!!!
I didn't end up going mick didn't think it was safe for me to be driving with all my dizzy spells I've been having while his brother sleeps and yeah it was to long to be away from mick especially for hunter he misses Michael so much at the moment we are on our 5th week of Michael working straight other than 2 days so it sucks!!

Lol I know he has been doing so well lately other than last night! I swear as soon as I say something it always turns to shit lol it's as if he knows oh mums getting to comfortable with this sleeping better mix it up again.

Lol that really is a strange dream! He was probably my kicking you while you were sleeping quite alot I remember sometimes hunter would go crazy and I would have a really sore bump but the sore bump when you peed I have actually had that a few times I think because your stomach is so tender even things like a hard poop lol can really strain your belly even if your not straining so much just your muscles are working overtime.

I actually really enjoy doing baby washing lol I think it's exciting! I just did all the bassinet sheets yesterday I dunno it gives me warm and fuzzies haha.
For once I actually know what goodwill is! It's called Salvation Army here but I knew what you were talking about.

Yay hospital bag packing that's so exciting! God you know your close to the end when that is starting to get sorted. IMF by the way you should look on or google next kids closes us they have amazing boys stuff at the moment I am about to go in there now for my friends baby I can't wait to find out what we are having! Baby is going mental right now as I am talking to you my babies are always so active in the womb!
I think I may be getting sick at the moment I have women the last 2 days with that real annoying feeling in my chest like I need to cough constantly and now I've woken with a sinus headache :( god damn up and down weather here one day it's cold the next it's hot doesn't know how to make up its mind! I think I will have to get the flu shot this is the second time in a month I have been sick! Do you have the flu shot there?

Mick is on nights now so he was up early this morning and resettled hunter so I could sleep solid for an hour or so which was awesome and now we are enjoying bacon and eggs yummmm!
mmmm bacon and eggs! i can't wait to have runny eggs again!! yummmmm!

yes we do have the flu shot here! It was actually the very first thing they did at my first appointment. She asked if I got the flu shot this year, I said no, and the next thing I knew I was getting jabbed in the arm lol. Good thing I was okay with vaccinations because they really didn't give me much of a choice or even asked if I wanted it! Im glad I got it though because it went through my entire restaurant and I was a lucky one to not get it so it mustve worked!

Im sure you did the right thing by not going then, especially if your still getting dizzy. I wouldn't survive in a long car ride right now between peeing and my body aching!

how long until your ultrasound to find out what baby is? a week or so? ahhhh I'm so excited!!! and Ill definitely check out that website thanks!!

I really enjoy doing the baby laundry too...everythings so soft and smells so good! Im mad though because i ran out of baby hangers so i couldn't hang it all errrrr lol. Oh and we have salvation army too!! i always forget about it though , the goodwills are a bit more popular i guess.

Im watching this show on tv called Obese and Pregnant. I feel so bad for this women, she was already extremely overweight and she gained 100 lbs alone in this pregnancy. She also has GTT and high blood pressure. She's older too, and already has 2 children and her husband isn't with her anymore. I just feel so bad!
I am really naughty and still have my eggs a little on the runny side! I know I shouldn't but I can't help myself.

Definitely lucky you are comfortae with vaccines that a bit bad they didn't even ask you. It's so strange a friend of mine is only a few weeks ahead of me and we see the same doctor and she was offered the flu shot and I haven't which kinda sucks because I have been so a few times this pregnancy I think I will ask at my next appointment.
My mother in law has it every year but she still gets sick lol if you ask her she doesn't but every time I am in Melbourne she gets the flu.

Yeah I am glad I didn't go now poor hunter misses mick so much he cried for about 5 minutes when mick left for work today the poor thing.
I am definitely not looking forward to driving to Melbourne again when I am 32 weeks! It's such a long drive last time we got to Horsham which is like 4 hours from Melbourne and I wanted to stop so bad but we were so close so we decided to just keep going my belly was so sore and my body ached I definitely cried at that point lol but I am so much more sore this time round I think it's going to be worse I wi be taking pillows and all sorts this time though!

2 and a half weeks till the ultrasound it would only be a week but we are going to wait till we go to Adelaide save money on driving out of town 2 weeks in a row. I'm not really that bothered at the moment lol I have gone this far and don't know but I can't wait to buy stuff if its a girl! I just worked out money today and we have to have $5000 saved by the time mick starts his leave when baby is due to cover his normal wage he would be getting because he might only have enough leave for 8 hour days not 12 hours day so we would lose $1150 a week if that's the case but hopefully we will be fine.

I know it really is so soft and lovely isn't it lol, how annoying about the hangers I have ran out of hangers for hunter at the moment also it is a rad frustrating!

I have seen that show its awful I don't know how there bodies cope seriously! 100lbs that is crazy! Was her baby really big? The poor thing doing it on her own.

Pregnancy emotions are so high for me at the moment, we went and did good shopping today and there was a women with her 2 kids doing her shopping and her little boys was a massive tantrum thrower but like hysterically crying not just screaming or tantrum crying and screaming as if he was in sever pain and she was not coping it was awful I felt so bad for the both her and the child. She didn't make it any better for herself because if he was really bad she was just leaving him in the isle and walking of which made him scared and cry even more. I had to hold back years the whole time we were in the supermarket my eyes kept welling up and I was getting the lump in my throat I just felt so sad there was so many people talking about "that damn screaming child" and omg where is that noise coming from but it happens and I don't think they should be looked down upon I honestly just wanted to give her a cuddle but I would have cried for sure lol I had to walk out of that area and go do other shopping because of how much I wanted to cry lol mick was like seriously what's going on babe why are you getting so upset. Damn emotions!!

Well I best be off to change a nappy clean up dinner and bath the kid! I am going to sit down with a packet of sour cream and onion chips tonight and watch myself a good movie! I hate nights but at the same time I kinda enjoy the freedom to have some girly me time! I think I have said that before :)

Hope your doing well lovely xx
Hello Everyone,

I was out of town the last week so I've been pretty quiet on here. I see you all are doing well, eating runny eggs, taking vaccines, doing baby laundry, renting houses, etc. I'm on CD6 with 100mg of clomid to help me ovulate. I'm taking it easy.

I went to visit extended family and had 3 kids with me ages 15, 13 and 11. We camped out, had sleep overs, went to the beach, the ice cream farm, had a ball but boy am I EXHAUSTED!!! :sleep: And I didn't change a diaper or feed a baby! I didn't think the pre-teen and teen would take so much out of me. I loved and enjoyed every moment with them but they wore me out.

I'm still hoping for a BFP soon. Take care everyone. Good night.
Hey anointed sounds like you had a great time away with your family it's always nice to get away but like you said exhausting. Fx for you that this is your month!!!
How was the ice cream farm? I can't want to go back to Melbourne (home town) for some ice cream it's just not the same eating store bought!!!
Hey anointed sounds like you had a great time away with your family it's always nice to get away but like you said exhausting. Fx for you that this is your month!!!
How was the ice cream farm? I can't want to go back to Melbourne (home town) for some ice cream it's just not the same eating store bought!!!

DELICIOUS!! I was trying to go back a second time before I left but I was just too tired. I will have to settle for coldstone. Its a good substitute but toooooo sweet.
Kirstie lol about the grocery store story. Im totally the same way right now! parent trap was on tv the other day and i kept tearing up and getting that ball in my throat too! and it wasn't even a sad part of the movie!! and I agree I don't think they should be looked down upon either for the tantrums! every child has them !

mmm sour cream and onion chips sound so good right now!! I have josh bringing me home some dunkin donuts right now on his way back from his meeting ... yummmm

2 1/2 weeks!!!!! woohoo i can't wait!!! :happydance: !!

AFM Ive been pretty crampy the past 2 days. On and off though and nothing major, just mild period like cramps that come and go. I hope thats a sign things are moving along down there! haha.

Annointed- sounds like you had a nice little weekend away! Camping sounds great right about now! I havnt been camping in so long i miss it!

good luck with this round of clomid!! will be keeping my fingers crossed for you!! How hot is it in georgia by the way? we've had this crazy heat wave 2 weeks in a row now with maybe a 1 day break, but it feels over 100 every day its crazy!
Kirstie lol about the grocery store story. Im totally the same way right now! parent trap was on tv the other day and i kept tearing up and getting that ball in my throat too! and it wasn't even a sad part of the movie!! and I agree I don't think they should be looked down upon either for the tantrums! every child has them !

mmm sour cream and onion chips sound so good right now!! I have josh bringing me home some dunkin donuts right now on his way back from his meeting ... yummmm

2 1/2 weeks!!!!! woohoo i can't wait!!! :happydance: !!

AFM Ive been pretty crampy the past 2 days. On and off though and nothing major, just mild period like cramps that come and go. I hope thats a sign things are moving along down there! haha.

Annointed- sounds like you had a nice little weekend away! Camping sounds great right about now! I havnt been camping in so long i miss it!

good luck with this round of clomid!! will be keeping my fingers crossed for you!! How hot is it in georgia by the way? we've had this crazy heat wave 2 weeks in a row now with maybe a 1 day break, but it feels over 100 every day its crazy!

Hey!!! For clarity, we camped out in my bedroom with mattresses and pillows everywhere. Smile. So fun. But its warm, high 80s. I was in Ohio last week and they reached 91 so I was surprised when I checked the weather and saw that it was warmer in Ohio than it was in Georgia. :wacko:
I know it really is ridiculous lol I could cry at a drop of a hat!

We don't have doughnut stores here :( there is doughnut king in Melbourne and Krispy kernes but they have only been in oz for about 5yrs now. I only like fresh cinnamon doughnut and that's it lol like right out of the fryer.

I know I can't wait either!! I hope baby cooperates!

Oooooooo cramps that is a good sign I remember the last week for me I was really cramps! It's crazy I don't feel like its been long enough for labor talk! We have been talking through your whole pregnancy, I went back and read the first couple of pages the other day it's crazy how so much has changed!

Afm: not much news really lol. I haven't exactly been doin much other than trying to get the damn infestation of mice out of my fricken house! Omg they are so frustrating they are seriously like the smartest mice they have some how worked out how to eat the food on the trap and not set it off! Just bought one of the sound trigger things that sends off noises the makes the mice want to leave I really hope it works its definitely a whole family of the little *******s.

Haha just came bad to add something and bnb have covered up me swearing I didn't know they did that lol
Anyway I just made the most amazing veggie mini quiche!! Hunter hasn't been eating his veg lately so I have been baking lunch things and snack for during the day so he is getting all his veg during day time and j don't have to fight with him at dinner and its been great.
I made pizza scrolls the other day and he loved them! But seriously if you like quiche you should make yourself some my fav was the spinach, pumpkin and carrot and funny enough so was hunters its crazy how if they don't see them they really enjoy them!
Omg stupid pregnancy emotions I am feeling so sad and pushed aside. I know it is just me being pregnant and hormonal but my friend who just had her baby hardly ever replies to my messages which I know she will be just but then tonight I was even told by anyone but they went around to there house and set up all there nursery stuff for them and cooked dinner and put up banners and balloons and I wasn't invited :( it just makes me sad because I have tried to be friends with that great and it sucks because they have all been friends for so long and I'm the new person I get pushed aside and it sucks lol like I said though pregnancy emotions!!!
ooohh i love quiche that sounds amazing!! especially spinach pumpkin and carrot!! yumm!!

As for the mice that really sucks!! how many do you think you have in your house? have you thought about having somebody come in to help you get rid of them? I know its probably expensive but it might be worth it rather than you driving yourself nuts over it!! maybe they can help figure out how they got in too so you don't have to worry about it again! lol to BnB covering up your word haha, I've seen them do that a few times!

aww I'm sorry about your friend! I know what thats like when you're the "newer" person to the group. Hopefully things change with that and they start inviting you places more often. I know i get upset when people at work always talk about going out in front of me, but never ask me to go. I just look at them and say "I'm pregnant, not dead, i can come out tooooo" lol. :hugs:

Im soo annoyed. I don't think i told you about the crazy drunk guy that came into my bar the other night and caused a scene because we wouldn't serve him. long story short he ended up punching one of the kitchen guys in the face and now we all have to go to court. (apparently he also pissed all over the cop and his paperwork at the police station lmao) ... but i have a doctors appointment on monday and they already sent me a paper in the mail for court and its on monday at the same time as my appointment. I tried calling and rescheduling today but i called too late and the office closes at 12 now i have to call early monday and just hope they have another time in the morning i can go in! There should be a rule that pregnant people don't have to go to court hahaha.

omg I looked back on the beginning of this thread a little while ago too! its crazy how much has changed! it seriously seems like yesterday that we started chatting haha. its kinda crazy reading about both of our crazy cycles and what we went through and here i am about to give birth and your almost halfway through your pregnancy!!
I am making some more quiches today they are to delicious and easy not to lol plus I have morning tea at a friends so I plan on taking some there mmmm I think I will just do pumpkin carrot and spinach the capsicum was a bit weird in the ones I put it in lol.

We don't have a big person in now our town is to small :( I have no idea how many there are but there is heaps I think they are coming from behind the oven so when micks off next week we will pull the oven out and have a look and plug the hole up if there is one. I could t hear them as much last night so hopefully they are maybe starting to leave! I can't wait for the ultrasonic plug to come though! Then they will never come back.

It does such about my friend but I really think I was just being emotional. I mean it does usually bother me a bit but at the same time they have been friends alot longer. I think I was even more upset because she hasn't replied to my last 3 messages yet has gone on Facebook so it's kind of do you really want to be friends with me or were you just being polite because our husbands are friends I dunno it sucks because I don't have any other friends here and I really wanted to try and make friends with them so I wasn't so bored!

Omg no you didn't tell me about that guys lol what an idiot it's a little funny with the whole peeing on te cops things but massively sucks that you have to change your appointment. In Australia I would have just had to sign a form as they would have let me off for it I'm pretty sure. All I would had to of done was go down to the police station and do a statement on video that they could use in court if they needed to. I think we have very different systems though!

I know it is crazy I still can't believe you are so close to the end!!! It's just crazy! I want this 2 weeks to fly by so badly! I still can't decide whether or not to do the gender reveal I love the cake idea but its going to be so hard to get all my family and michaels family together to tell them all at once. I dunno maybe I should just do the t shirt Idea with the ultrasound pic and what gender and just wear it around to each persons house lol and see how long it takes them to figure it out.

I wish I was in Melbourne today I would really love to go bowling or go to a play centre. Everyone here is so mopey because there isn't anything to do when you suggest to do something it's like to much of a hassle! There is a bowling alley 35 minutes from here at the navy town and every time I ask people to go oh nah can't be bothered it sucks! Oh well noting and I will be in Melbourne with loads of choices.
I booked our tickets to santas magical kingdom in Melbourne a week before my due date I'm a bit nervous lol I really hope I hold out and don't go early so I can make it. It's a 3hr ticket and tere is gingerbread decorating, rides, swing Santa (which hunter is petrified of!) and loads of activities and stuff I love Christmas so I can't wait! We then have hunters 2nd birthday on the Sunday that same weekend I think I am a little crazy having so much planned the week before but I like to keep active at the end helps the time go quicker.
lol so i found out today that the drunk guy made the first page on the paper! he's originally from Irealand, has 4 aliases, and 2 other dates of birth. he's only 29 what the hell does this guy do!?! kinda scary! apparently he also told the cops he was going to eat their faces off. lmao. good news is the hearing got canceled...they sent him somewhere else due to immigration violations or something I don't even know, so i got to keep my doctors appointment on monday!

speaking of my appointment on monday i think i have a yeast infection! I've been itchy for a little while but just chalked it up to hormones and it being hot and sweating down there. well today was unbearable and i was literally hiding to itch myself at work! haha sorry for the tmi. I went out and bought monist at 7, but i havnt used it yet because it says to consult doctor before use if pregnant, unless I've been diagnosed previously with yeast infections and i havnt. never had one in my life before. I think i might use it anyways to relieve the itch because i don't think i can make it another 3 days until my appointment, what do you think??

sounds like you have quite the week booked the week before your due!! lol id be terrified but if your at least close by when something happens then all should be okay!! bowling sounds fun right now! it is hard to get people together to bowl though for some reason! I understand about you being emotional about your friend, but its really hard when you don't have anybody else around! I hope she comes around a bit more for you!

well I'm off to take a shower because i seriously can't stop itching :(
Omg that is a bit scary about that guy what a weirdo! Some people are so f$&@ed up!!! Awesome that you get to keep your appointment thought that would have been a hassle.

I would say just call the number on the back on the box if there is one. Here we are allowed to use them if you don't have to insert and is just for external use as the insertion of the cream can irritate the cervix. How annoying is the it hung I think what you call yeast infection over there we call thrush here but I would say the creams are the same.

Yep massive week booked. Hunters party will be about 5 minutes from where I am staying but it he santas kingdom is in the city which is quite far from the hospital but oh well there is a hospital close by I could go to in case it was emergency.

I didn't end up going bowling I ended up going to my sister in laws for the day it was good we had lunch there and then went to the park it was really nice.

I hope the itching stops there is nothing more annoying than it especially when your in public!!!

I am in soooooo much pain lately!!! My hips my back and my uterus are just so sore! Tonight after sitting down in the shower and sitting down to eat dinner to get up sent severe shorting pains (tmi) up through my vagina and spread right across my uterus and back, it seriously felt as if everything was going to fall out. The pain radiates right down my legs and makes it really difficult to walk they feel really weak. I just wish mick could take time off not be looked down upon, once he leaves in 10 minutes I have 4 hours of having to run around after hunter before he goes to sleep :( just when all the morning sickness and everything goes this comes and here I was contemplating today at eventually having a third :(
ouch sorry your body is so sore!! sounds to me like it could be some sciatic pain if its shooting down your back and legs. hopefully it eases up for you and doesn't get any worse! And from what everybody tells me after you give birth you forget all about what you went through during I'm sure you'll still contemplate having a third after this one is born :)

and yeah i think you guys call it thrush! it took me awhile to figure that out whenever i heard anybody talking about it on here. The itching is getting better but I know its not completely cured yet. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I'm sure they'll prescribe me with something if it is a yeast infection. I don't know what else it could possibly be besides that, I'm just glad i caught it now so it can be gone by the time I go into labor

It was so nice having a sunday off for once. Now ill have 3 days off in a row from now on and only work wednesday through saturday. Even 4 days is hard right now but its only 3 more weeks maybe less until I stop working!

Been having a lot of cramps still. They seem to be getting more frequent now. Makes me wonder if Im dilating or thinning out. maybe they can tell me at my appointment tomorrow! I met the head OB/GYN yesterday of my hospital...I was his server last night! he told me to mention his name when I go into labor and watch how much better I get treated and how differently the nurses will act towards me since I know him. But what are the odds that i met him 3 weeks before my due date! made me feel a bit better about having a good experience in the hospital. He also told me I dropped a little bit! woohoo!

How is everything going with you? hows hunter doing?
The pain eased off today but I think its mainly a night thing because it is 4:30 here and it is starting up again! I hope it doesn't get much worse I am going to start walking again and doing a bit of exercise and hopefully that helps.

Hopefully they can give you something and all will be fixed!!

Its always nice having a sunday to yourself! I use to love having sundays off when I was working!!! You have done so amazing to get this far hun so cutting back is a good idea! Give yourself some rest or even just time to do things while your not at work.

It is could very well be thinning out or something going on there. I had a lot of Braxton hick in the last few weeks especially when I was out walking so it could be because you are so active that they are getting stronger!
That awesome that you met the head ob and I would definitely be mentioning his name special treatment is always a nice thing when you are having a baby. One of the full time midwives lovvvveeddd hunter and I when I was in the maternity ward and she treated us so nicely it was great!
Yayy to dropping also hopefully that means little man is nicely tucked in for the long haul and ready to rock lol.

All is good here we went around to my friends today that just had the baby the poor thing had such a hard time breastfeeding really badly bleeding nipples and all sorts god I don't know how she kept going as soon as I saw blood I would have stopped I think. She is doing a great job though still expressing and topping up with formula if needed so good on her! She seems like such a natural with bubs to just real comfortable and easy going which is great. It was so strange holding such a tiny little baby after picking hunter up (15kgs) lol nate felt like he weighed nothing and he was 9lbs 1o when born! He is just so cruisey and chilled out and sleeps like a champ which is great for her, it was so nice to have a good chat we haven't seen each other in over 6 weeks so we had a lot to crap on about lol.
Hunter is good I feel like he is growing up as the days go on now he is just learning so many new things all the time he is like a sponge! Makes me a very proud mummy!
ouchhhh! that doesn't sound fun what your friends going through with the bleeding nipples!! I probably definitely would've given up after that too but great for her for trying to stick it out! I'm still on the fence about breastfeeding or formula feeding. As of now i think I'm going to be doing formula because it just sounds much more reasonable for me. I'm only going to be out of work for 8 weeks and when I go back there is no way ill be able to leave the bar and go pump if it gets busy so Id want to be done breastfeeding by the time i go back. But then I'm nervous about nipple confusion or if he won't take a bottle after being on the breast for a couple weeks. I really think I'm just going to stick to formula. Plus I don't have a breast pump and can't really afford one right now either! well see what happens!

Hopefully walking and getting out and doing things a bit more will make your body feel better. Mine definitely hurts more at night too than it does during the day so I wonder if it justs our bodies being tired and sore by the end of the night.

Had a nice long doctors appointment today. The first thing they do it weigh you and take blood pressure and urine sample here. well i told her about the itching so she checked for proteins and sugars and my urine came up normal which is great but then she took my blood pressure and it was 144! which is way too high. (I'm not sure what the other number was). So she did it again on my other arm and it was normal at 130/76. So when i went to then see the doctor she wants to put me on a 24 hr urine to make sure there are no proteins and also do more bloodwork to check for preeclampsia. really really hoping i don't have it! Then she did the internal strep B test and also swabbed to check for yeast infection. I do have the yeast infection so she told me to get the monist at 3 cream...and I should get my results back for the strep b next week. and they also sent my urine for a second chlamydia test which they always do at the end of pregnancy too she said. So tomorrow i start my 24 hour urine...i hand it in on wednesday and also get the bloodwork done for pre e. NOT FUN. lol. Im just hoping everythings okay now! but baby is measuring 37cm which is right on track. and she said nothing about dilation or cervix when she was down there so I'm assuming theres nothing going on yet thats noticeable!

sorry for writing a book!!

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