Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

You will be fine will nipple confusion as long as you give one bottle from the word go he will never know the difference nipple confusion usually only happens the other when baby won't take boob anymore after bottles but its completely your choice. I aways say I think the first week breastfeed as baby gets all that amazing nutrient packed colostrum and then if you don't want to do it anymore you are not a bad parent. I can see how you want to do formula sometimes breastfeeding isn't possible with situations like yours going back to work so soon. In the uk and back in the day most places had or still do have wet nurses and they would have fed your baby if you had to go back to work it seems so strange to think someone else was breastfeeding your baby. I don't think they would have had breast pumps back then so it seems strange but it would have been completely natural back then. I think I would donate milk but I don't know if I could literally breastfeed someone else's kid I dunno lol.

It would definitely have something to do with being sore and tired at the end of the day just like a work week sometimes lol. It also has alot to do with the 15kgs child I constantly have to pick up and rub around after but I'm sure I will be fine. I also have been sleeping on a mattress on the floor so it's a big distance to get up so maybe that has something to do with it.

That's good you found out about yeast infection and weren't just going crazy lol. Massively fx that your results will come back normal for pre e to get it this late isn't so bad it's when it's diagnosed at like 32 weeks and elevates or if your develops really fast. You may have to start taking it easy now depending on the results. Lol to the pee container for 24 hours a few people in my family have has to do that. My blood pressure started to get high when I was pregnant with hunter and they mentioned it to me and said at my next appointment if it hasn't gone done I would have to thank god it went down lol. You have to keep it in the fridge which seems so gross with all the rest of your groceries but its in a container so it's not like it can get to anything lol I can't remember who but I was at someone's house once and I went to get a drink they had one of those pee things in there I was like ok that's a bit awkward haha.
God I can't believe how little time you have left it is just ridiculous!!!!! Will it be summer when chase is born still? I can't wait till he is here and see some photos what he looks like and all and how much he will weigh!

I want to buy a new crib so bad for this baby I wanted the dark chocolate so badly when I had hunter but they were all out from where I bought it and they were to expensive every where else! But now a place I have been looking at has the cot the change table and the draws for $699 including mattresses which is awesome as the cot is usually $699 on its own from some other places. We really can't afford it but I also think at the same time if I sell the other ones I can out that money towards it lol I am hopeless!

Mick has one more night left before he has a few days off before he does overtime and I am hanging for it so bad I just want to be able to relax I am going to tell him to take hunter out for the afternoon have lunch go to the park and then come home and cook me dinner so I can either sit on my ass and do nothing and watch a movie or get heaps done around the house.
Only 3 weeks and 1 day left till we leave for Melbourne and I could not be any more excited!!!!! I can't wait to go to play centres and markets and family fun things will hunter! It's going to be great!
okay so I just went to the bathroom ... (well its been a little over an hour now)...and there was red and brown blood in my underwear! None on the tp when i wiped or in the toilet. I freaked out and started shaking and crying lol. I called the 24 hour OB and she said its most likely from the strep B swab earlier but to keep an eye on it for more bleeding, clots and contractions. It wasn't mucousy so I really don't think it was my show....but is it possible? Now i don't know if ill be able to sleep!

thats cheap for a crib with all that for you guys over there isn't it?! I think i actually saw a girl post a pic of it! I'm not sure where she was from though...was it a sorelle crib and changer espresso? I swear same price and everything lol! that would be so nice though I think you should go for it!!!!

lol sounds like a good plan to send mick off so you can relax!! you deserve it and I'm sure you need it! and woohoo not long until melbourne! will you stay there until you deliver then??

yupp it'll still be summer when Chase gets here! it doesn't start getting cold here until late september...early october I would say but the weathers been so weird the past few years it was still warm last year well into november! but thats not normal at all lol.

now that you mention the pee bucket in the fridge...she didn't tell me to keep it in the fridge? should I do that to be on the safe side? and should i put it in the fridge after every pee? :haha:
I would say it would just have been from your swab. If it was your show it would have looked like a big glib of snot lol with streaks I f blood in it so I think you are safe they but definitely still worrying like the nurse said keep an eye on it.

Nah not the same one it was on a website called cotsfortots and it's just called the walnut package :) that's pretty funny though. I am very temped to get it hopefully I can convince mick!

Nah I'm not staying there till delivery this time I come back after a month and then go back gain in November for delivery in December. It will all depend on how I feel while I am there though because yesterday and today morning sickness has creeped back a little so I will wait and see what happens :( I just wish my body would make up its mind lol.

It will be nice to have him in some summer stuff while he is younger rather than having them all rugged up and barely see them for the first few months lol. I love older babies like around the 6 monthish mark in there winter clothes because they have filled out by then!

Usually here you have to keep it in the fridge and yeah put it back after every pee otherwise what ever is growing might die I think. I would give your hospital a call just in case this particular test is different.

I can't believe it hunter was asleep at 6:30 tonight!!! He was really cranky and cried heaps when mick went to work so I laid in bed with our dinner and out a movie on for him and he almost fell asleep during dinner lol. He didn't have a day nap though because we were awake really early at 6 so by 8 he had fallen asleep again for an hour so he never seemed like he needed one I'm sure he will be up at like 5 tomorrow morning now! I am going to try and go to sleep early in case he does! Micks last night tonight thank god hunter is kissing him so much!

Yay hunters bed came today and we set it up which is very exciting it looked so nice
This is the doona cover set I am ordering for his room I can't wait till it comes in!
ohhh i LOVE that bedset!!!! its so cute!! aww he's getting so big to be looking at all that stuff!! i hope he loves his new bed!! :)

thats good its kicks last night! hunter will be so happy to have him around :) and he was asleep at 6:30! thats awesome! but yeah you're going to have your hands full at 5am hahaha

well i didn't have any more bleeding until this morning about a half hour ago. little streaks of blood came out along with the monistat cream from last night. and THEN a nice clump of my plug came out!! sorry to be gross but i touched it to make sure it wasn't a clump of the was definitely part of my plug. but it wasn't streaked with blood...the whole thing was red? does it matter? There was little random thin bloody pieces too on the toilet paper. ahh I'm all worried about this. i did call the doctor she said its probably my plug too and not to worry until my water breaks or contractions start and whatnot.

morning sickness again ? :( ughh I'm sorry! hopefully it wasn't too bad like it was before though and goes away quickly!

yeah i agree it'll be nice to not have to bundle him up right away and see him! I'm so worried about not dressing him properly and he's going to be too cold or too hot all the time!!
I know I love it! I think I am going to do a sailor theme in his room now I can't wait to decorate!

I just messaged you on Facebook so no need to reply to this but still omg!!!!!!! How exciting!! Your show for sure!!! Baby chase is not waiting around for anyone! You so have to message me on Facebook when you start getting contractions or your waters break otherwise I am going to be on edge for the next week lol. I don't think you another week left in you to be honest.

Yeah shitty about the ms but it's definitely not like before just feeling really sick all the time and I threw up in my mouth a few times the last few days lol sorry I know gross.

You will know when he is cold they go purple very easy but being hot is a bit harder to tell other than there temperature. Babies have a harder time holding there heat in but if you are hot and need to take your jacket off and your sweating chances are baby would be hot. I just always dressed hunter appropriate to what I was wearing really. He was a summer baby to so sometimes I would just have him in a singlet and nappy. It's really good to have a. Summer baby because you can give them baby massages and they don't get cold :) we gave hunter massages all the time he loved it, it really helps them with crawling and rolling because it makes them more aware of there body.

Oh and hunter didn't wake till 6:50 which wasn't bad at all he must have really needed that sleep! He did wake a few times during the night but that's fine because he just stirs and rolls over really I could get use to this good sleeper I am going to try him in his own bed tonight I think see how we go its a bit exciting!!
just replied to you on Facebook too !! I had a strong feeling he was going to come early...didnt think this early though! lol well see what happens! I told josh before he left for work today to make sure he keeps his phone on him just in case. He was cute last night he started shaking and got really nervous when i told him i was bleeding and thought we were off to the hospital right away haha.

sailor theme would be sooo freaking cute!! great idea!!

And with the throwing up in your mouth , I've been doing that lately if i burp from acid reflux :haha:

Good to know about them turning purple! geez I have so much to learn lol.

6:50 thats awesome!! I hope he does good in his big boy bed tonight!! let me know how it goes!! hopefully he loves it :)

I think I might lay down and try and take a nap...ill ttys!!
Sorry if this is TMI but I wanted to post a pic of it to see if you still think it's my show! You don't have to look if you don't want to! Lol . (This isn't more plug...same one from this morning)


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By looking at your pic I would say yes it is if you google it that looks exactly the same as some I have seen. Mine didn't have as much blood as yours but I didn't have any kind of bleeding or nothing when I was in labor apart from where I tore I think maybe because I had bled so much during the pregnancy there wasn't anything there.
Lol the men are so cute I remember when my waters brown everyone was in like a stupid kiddy omg omg moment mick was really good while we were at home but freaked once we got to the hospital lol.

I know I can't wait to order all his sailor stuff the only problem is if his sailor doona cover is in the wash and I have his dinosaurs or something it will look funny lol but oh well.

They don't turn fully purple but you know when your really cold and you get like veiny purples arms or hands they get like that but alot darker.

I think he will do really well he has just gone down for his nap in it and it only took me like 5 minutes to get him to sleep he loved it
This is him all snuggled up and snoring lol

I hope you had a good nap! Have you had anymore bleeding or anything?
omg he looks comfy and adorable!! I feel proud of him and I've never even met him before!! lol :hugs:

I tried to take a nap but once i closed my eyes i was wide awake for some reason...go figure! thats okay though I should be able to sleep better tonight then.

I havnt had anymore red blood...but the monistat cream keeps gushing out randomly and theres some pink tinged blood on it. Not looking forward to putting that stuff inside me again burned worse than the actual infection for a good hour after i put it in ughh

your scan is coming up soon right???! eeeeeek!!
Lol I know he was so comfy didn't move once! I have a bed rail for him as well so he will definitely be in it tonight.

I would maybe just stop using the monistat for ones at and se did that makes a different as there may be things going on there that you can't see because of the monistat. And the burning omg I know what you mean when I've had thrush it burns so much using the cream it doesn't feel normal at all!

Hopefully you get a good sleep tonight! You are probably just a bit worked up about everything that's going on!

Wellllll I rebooked my scan and I have it on Friday!!!!!! I am so excited I was going to surprise mick but he made me tell him lolhe is not a big fan of surprises.
We set up the babies bassinet today! I can't wait till little one is here I am so excited.
yayayayayayyyyy to your scan on friday!!!! i can't wait to hear how it goes!!! Its officially thursday here now so should be friday there for you soon!! :happydance: Is Mick still able to come with you to the scan? i hope so!! and so exciting about your bassinet!!!! My bassinet seems so empty and hard. Im still having a hard time with the fact that you're not supposed to give baby blankets or anything! its just seems so uncomfortable to me lol

I figure i only have one more night of the monist at left so I'm just going to use it and get it over with. If the infection doesn't clear after tomorrow than ill ask the doctor for the diflucan. Today i havnt been as itchy though so i think its getting there!

I slept a bit better last night but woke to some crampy contractions in the middle of the night. I can't tell the difference anymore between BH or a real contraction! Im just watching for regular patterns now and seeing if they get stronger. I feel like I'm in the 2 week wait all over again symptom spotting! well labor spotting lol

thats great hunter didn't move !! he probably feels like such a big boy in his new bed :hugs: so cute!!
It's 3pm Thursday here so not long now till we find out and can't wait till we do!!
I always use a baby blanket over the top of the baby wrapped and just tucked it underneath the bassinet mattress. Ours came with a little pillow and blanket which is silly because you can't use them but I leave it in there for looks lol.

Yeah it would be best to get it cleared up if there is only one more day left.
Trust me you will know the difference! I use to say that all the time and my start would say the same you will know the difference and I remember when my contractions started I was on the phone to her and I was like oh yep you definitely know the difference lol they are completely different, well they were for me anyway.
Glad you got some sleep because who knows how long it will be before baby comes. And it is definitely like the 2 week wait and then if you go over its like having irregular cycles all over again lol.

Hunter didn't end up sleeping in his bed last night but that was because after we had finished setting our bed up and everything else it was to late to do his bed rail but he slept in there today with the bed rail on and slept for 2 hours it was awesome it was so cute because when he woke up he just climbed out of bed and came out oh he is becoming so big!!!
Well it's official!

Yay we are so excited I can't believe it's another boy! I can't wait to see if he looks like hunter or see how different he does look. And I can't wait for hunter to have a little brother it will be so good for him! I am not disappointed at all I am so ecstatic!
ahhhh im soo happy for you!!! I was caught so off guard when I saw it on Facebook because i didn't come on here at all after work last night! Hunters going to love having a little brother!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: and I'm happy your not disappointed at all !! congratulations ! :hugs:

and yup chase is holding on in there lol. I was on the edge of my seat for a few days wondering if he was going to come but now i think he just going to be stubborn haha. Im thinking the bleeding and the show were all just from a combination of the internal and the infection all together. but who knows. maybe ll find out on monday if I'm dilated at all :shrug:
Well it's official!

Yay we are so excited I can't believe it's another boy! I can't wait to see if he looks like hunter or see how different he does look. And I can't wait for hunter to have a little brother it will be so good for him! I am not disappointed at all I am so ecstatic!

Hi everyone. I feel like its been a while since I been here. Been doing a lot of traveling. A little update about me, I'm still having pains in my neck and shoulder from my accident in May. New symptoms are developing....pain in the wrist of the same side the shoulder was injured. I'm on my second round of clomid at an increased dose, 100mg and currently on CD15. I have not been OPK testing because I'm more concerned about this pain at the moment. On CD 13, I felt pain on my left side ovary area for about an hour or so. After that, it went away. There may have been a less subtle pain on the right side a little while later. My temps do not confirm ovulation but I was happy to feel something happening in my reproduction organs. :haha: I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with the side effects of clomid. My first round, I did not experience any side effects. This round, I am have a bunch of personal summers. :coolio: Thats it with me. I hope everyone is doing well.
Yeah mandi we are wrapped I'm really happy it's another boy! I'm not so happy about the placenta praevia thought :( I may have to stay in Melbourne the rest of the time now as its so close to covering my cervix if it hasn't moved up by 28 weeks I will need to be on rest and have someone there with me invade I have anymore bleeding. I am in quite a bit of pain today in my cervix and my lower uterus so it's couch rest today for me which sucks because hunter is sick he has throw up twice he always seems to get sick when I am on rest lol but hopefully he will be alright and play fine by himself today.

Anointd: that is no good about the pain from the accident. I had a bad accident a few months before my wedding 3 yrs ago and I still have a lot of neck problems now from it we were hit behind and all the muscles in my neck were really badly damaged so I have a lot of headaches and pain so I know how you feel it's not nice! Are you on pain mess or anything for it?
I am not aware of the side effects from clomid but that sucks that you are experiencing them :( hopefully they don't last to long! Yay for feeling something going on in your lady bits lol that's always a good sign!
Yeah mandi we are wrapped I'm really happy it's another boy! I'm not so happy about the placenta praevia thought :( I may have to stay in Melbourne the rest of the time now as its so close to covering my cervix if it hasn't moved up by 28 weeks I will need to be on rest and have someone there with me invade I have anymore bleeding. I am in quite a bit of pain today in my cervix and my lower uterus so it's couch rest today for me which sucks because hunter is sick he has throw up twice he always seems to get sick when I am on rest lol but hopefully he will be alright and play fine by himself today.

Anointd: that is no good about the pain from the accident. I had a bad accident a few months before my wedding 3 yrs ago and I still have a lot of neck problems now from it we were hit behind and all the muscles in my neck were really badly damaged so I have a lot of headaches and pain so I know how you feel it's not nice! Are you on pain mess or anything for it?
I am not aware of the side effects from clomid but that sucks that you are experiencing them :( hopefully they don't last to long! Yay for feeling something going on in your lady bits lol that's always a good sign!

I was prescribed a muscle relaxant, Ibuprofen and a Narco but I'm not taking them because I'm TTC. :blush: I would rather deal with the pain than to risk a possible baby being exposed to the drugs. I already take asthma meds daily so I dont want to add anything to the bunch. If the pain becomes too unbearable, I will take a tylenol for a little bit of relief but I'm not going to take those strong meds.
kirstie- I'm sorry about the previa...i didn't realize it hadn't gotten any better I'm sorry :( Theres a girl that has it on my august thread too but i think it finally did move up for her but i know it took a while. hopefully it does for you as well. definitely a good idea to take it easy and rest as much as you can though, i know its hard! sorry hunters sick...does he have gastro again that he's throwing up? i hope not! plus you definitely don't want to get it right now!!

annointed- good to hear from you ! :hugs: Im sorry you're having pains from your accident :( but i agree with you not taking the stronger meds while ttc, Id probably be doing the same thing if I were you. hope you start to feel better though! and yay for feeling some pains goin on down there!! maybe O is coming soon!! :happydance: I don't know much about the side effects of clomid either but I hope it does the trick for you! where have you been traveling to? anywhere fun?

AFM I've had no energy at all this whole week. hopefully it comes back soon! Ive also had loads and loads of BH practically the whole time I'm working and on my feet. They're annoying but I know they can also be a good thing to! at least thats what I'm telling myself :haha: getting a head start tomorrow and checking in at the hospital so i don't have to do it when i go into labor...woohoo!!
Anointd that's a tough decision to make but you seem like it's the right one for you and if your managing ok then hopefully you get your bfp and it will all be worth it!

Yeah it sucks about the placenta even more so because the house is a mess and mick is off doing at stuff and I can't do any cleaning or washing because its to physical it's frustrating looking at it all but I know as soon as I start doing something I will start getting pain again. Nah not gastro he has a bit of a cold and when ever he gets a cold he throws up quite a bit because of all the flem it also doesn't help that he was sculling his drink lol but yeah we both have a bit of a cold.

You will probably only get more tired and have no energy you are so close to the end now and there is alot of pressure on your body making it exhausted lol. Braxton hicks are a good sign its your body practicing labor and hopefully thinning out your cervix!
When's your next appointment? That's pretty cool that you can check in early. We don't have to do any of that paperwork stuff here only what we do at the hospital at our first appointment and that's it.

Afm: morning sickness is slowly getting worse again I have been feeling sick after every meal again and I threw up yesterday morning and have had to stop myself twice today :( but I feel like I can deal with it a bit better this time.
Hunter has already started his terrible 2's the last few days throwing lots of interesting tantrums lol I am going to have to start doing countdowns I think giving him 2 minutes and then we have to come inside or another 2 minutes playing with the toys and then pack them away because as soon as he has to put a you away or come inside or what ever its just meltdown city lol. I don't give him much attention when he is doing it so its never a long tantrum. It was awful I am so emotional with everything with the placenta and just being in pain and feeling sick as well as the thought of being away for the next 5 months and mick had gone down the shops and left hunter even though I had asked him to take him and he was having a gussy fit and went to throw the remote and it hit me straight in the bridge of my nose it hurt sooooo bad. He didn't mean it but it bruised almost instantly and I just say on the couch and cried for like half hour lol everything mixed together was so emotional it just sucked! And now I am starting to get 2 black eyes as well as a cut where he hit me and the left side of my nose is swollen :( he is so strong for his age and at the age they don't know boundaries you know when you punch some one you know how much to hold back but they don't and they just go full pelt it definitely wasn't a good time!

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