Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Yes I am a 45 cycle for some odd reason I'm at cycle day 70 late period mild cramps ewcm cervix is low smh confused
Twlight sorry your cycle is king so long! It's so frustrating when you having to wait around for the unknown!!! Have been to the docs to get something to help being on af?
omg i hope your nose is okay!!!! ahh that had to hurt...i probably would've just sat there and cried too lol. as for the tantrums i think counting is always a good way to do it to. and if you give him 2 minutes he realizes he has some time to "prepare" to come inside and its not like your just pulling him away from it out of nowhere. hope hunter is feeling better too! hopefully mick has some time to help you out around the house a bit...i know how frustrating it is to just look at the mess and can't do anything about it!

my next appointment is tomorrow afternoon. Im actually looking forward to it, I'm hoping my blood pressure is normal tomorrow and i want to tell the doctor about losing my show , hopefully then they check for dilation if they weren't already going to. and i hope your right about the BH thinning out my cervix too! I had tons of them at work last night and in the middle of the night when i was sleeping and tons more cramps. Im either getting closer or this is all just normal :shrug:

me and josh were just sitting trying to figure out our car seat. were both clueless. we couldn't even figure out how to snap the car seat off the base :dohh: I'm hoping my friend can come over tomorrow and help me with it and maybe help me put it in since she has a 2 yr old and knows what she's doing lol. if not were going to take it to the police station, they have a certified officer that makes sure it is in correctly and whatnot!

hows things going for you? i saw your adorable bump pic on Facebook :) a couple more weeks and you'll be viable woohooo!!
Yes I am a 45 cycle for some odd reason I'm at cycle day 70 late period mild cramps ewcm cervix is low smh confused

sorry to hear about your cycles hun, i know its so frustrating! you may just be having an annovulatory cycle, which is normal to have happen every once in a while. have you tried taking a test? hopefully either AF shows for you or you get a bfp :)
Yeah it really hurt i still have a lump and a cut and it kills if I touch it lol damn kids! Yeah I agree about the counting it prepares them to have an understanding of what's going to happen rather than not understanding why they are being taken away from there toys the poor thing.

Yay I can't wait to hear what news you have after your appointment tomorrow! Hopefully you have something exciting to tell me! I'm not guessing anymore about what's going on with you lol all I do is get myself excited and give you false hope I would say its just your body doing lots of preparation and it will happen when it's ready who knows (fx you don't) but you could even go over. Was your blood pressure a bit high last appointment I can't remember if you told me something about that or not.

Lol about the car seat I had to work mine out again when I unpacked all babies stuff because I completely forgot how to do it. We always get our car seats fitted anyway just to be safe. We were going to do it ourselves because Michael is stubborn when hunter was born and he thought it all looked great but it moved around and it didn't seem safe so I said nope I am going to have it fitted and sure enough he had it in wrong there is a little buckle that needs to go onto the seatbelt that clamps it right so the seat doesn't move I was so glad we did it so from then on he said to me we are always getting them fitted it really scared him I think.

Yeah I am doing ok still in pain all the time :( it wasn't as bad yesterday and we were really really naughty we haven't had sex in over 6 weeks an hunter was asleep and we had been out in the garden and we were dirty so came in and had a shower and one thing led to another and we did the naughty lol we could not help ourselves it had been so long even though we know we are not aloud to but I said to him that can not happen again but I have had no bleeding so far so I think we are safe. I should be smacked on the back of the hand for that one.
Yep bump is coming along nicely now no hiding that bad boy lol. And only 2 weeks till we leave for Melbourne which I am really excited about! Micks car is almost ready to be put on the road which is awesome it will be so good for him to have a car again and I can actually have my car!!!
Hunter and I had a bit of a sleep in this morning I was not ready to get up is was a bit tired so we went back to sleep for an hour and now we are just laid here having a cuddle while h plays with my hair. I love mornings like this I truely treasure tem because befor wi know it he will be to old for this kind of thing :( mick doesn't think we should be putting him in his bed because he doesn't want me to have to get up and down at night with the pain I am in but he needs to learnt so I am going to give it a go tonight as he pretty much either sleeps through the night now or only wakes once so it won't be to bad.

How's josh going with his meetings and everything?
yeah my blood pressure was a bit high last week (144/?) didn't see the second number lol. so they put me on a 24 hr urine even though they didn't find anything in the sample i gave them, and sent me off for bloodwork for preeclampsia just to be safe. So i handed in my urine on wednesday and got the bloodwork done, I'm assuming they would've called if there was a problem but ill find out either way tomorrow.

i feel bad you're in so much pain all the time :( but [-X for the BDing in the shower!! lol just kidding. Im starting to get really horny too lately..but now I'm scared with the bleeding to do anything! Id say give it a try with having hunter sleep in his bed and if it becomes to much for you getting up and down all the time then just move him back in the bed with you guys. hopefully it won't be too much for you.

yayyy for mick getting his car back!! Josh didn't have a car for awhile too and it was hell sharing one for awhile....especially when we had to figure out how we were both getting to work and whatnot it was annoying so I'm sure your super excited!

and yeah were definitely getting the car seat fitted...I just don't know when were going to do it! maybe wednesday if I don't go into labor before then! and yeah no point in guessing with me anymore lol but literally every person i talk to thinks I'm going to pop soon i dunno why but i hope they're right!!

were going to see the conjuring tonight with a couple friends I'm excited! I don't know if the same movies come out at the same time over there for you guys but its supposed to be pretty freaky and based on a true story. I love scary movies and its hard to scare me so hope its not disappointing!

josh is doing good he's still going to his meetings 3 times a week and I think soon hell start to go to the one on one meetings but I'm not sure exactly when that starts. I still get worried sometimes and freak out about it all but I'm pretty sure thats normal especially with me being all hormonal.
Ah that's right god damn pregnancy brain we even had a good old chat about the urine lol. I would say they would have called you also so let's hope it's good news tomorrow!!

Lol I know it really was really naughty about the sexy time but dr Wendy have me the all clear I don't have to be on any kind of rest at all so I actually wasn't doing anything wrong thank god lol.
I wouldn't do anything till after your appointment tomorrow and just ask them if it is still safe.
Yeah I am definitely putting him in his bed tonight I get up more times a night to pee than he wakes so I don't think it's that big of a deal I just think mick likes him being in our bed lol

I am sooo excited its going to be so good to have a car again I can do the food shopping on my own with the 2 kids because I will have the car or even if I just want to go to a friends and don't want to walk or hunter is cranky anything it won't matter because it will be there when ever I need to use it! It sucks not having one and I could imagine organising to and from work would be worse!!

Yeah it's a good idea to get them fitting there not as straight forward as they use to be lol theya re so complicated these days.
I hope they are right as well I want to see what your little man looks like!

Movies usually come out a few weeks later here from what you get and I haven't heard of the conjuring but then again we don't have a proper cinema here it's just a big screen that shows 2 movies a month haha and some chairs it's nothing flash!
I am woose when it comes to scary movies because of my anxiety alot of the times they give me panic attacks :( but I am a sook anyway I have really bad nightmares.

I'm glad everything is going well with his meetings and I definitely think that is normal even if you weren't pregnant and even more so because you are!

Sooooo I had my 20 week appointment today and I asked her today ble check on the sec because the ultrasound tech said he wasn't 100% and she said she couldn't see any boy bits so she said she would not be saying its a boy and to get rescanned lol so we may not have ourselves another boy!!
Also all the pain I am in is ligament strain so nothing to so with the placenta thank god!
So theres still a chance you might be having a girl!!! thats so exciting!! would you have to book a private scan for that or will they do another one there? or will you just wait until your next scheduled ultrasound? I was going to say the skull looked a little more rounded, more like a girl skull :) how exciting! and glad the pain is just from ligaments and not placenta thats great news and I'm sure a big relief for you!

well just got back from my appointment a little bit ago and all my tests from last week came back good and my blood pressure was normal this week also thank god. and I'm 1cm dilated!! not that that means anything but its better than no dilation at all! she said to expect some spotting since she checked me...and it was actually pretty uncomfortable her touching my cervix , so as for sex that probably won't be happening anytime soon if that hurt me lol.

glad you got the all clear to be off rest btw! better than laying around all day !

speaking of nightmares i actually had one about that movie last night! I never get nightmares or get scared from that kind of stuff. I woke up freaked out because theres a part in the movies where the girl felt somebody tugging at her feet in her sleep...and sure enough thats what i dreamt about!! I woke up and quick put my feet back under the blanket haha. If that movies comes out for you guys i recommend you not seeing it if you get scared!
Yep there is still a chance! I am not holding it to it because I don't want to get excited so I will just wait and see it will be interesting to see if it is a boy because the baby and hunters 20 week scans they look completely different. Hunter was a lot bigger and yeah the face and skull shape are completely different. If its a boy it will be a little petite one lol.

Yay for 1cm dilated that's awesome what did she say about your show? And she say anything about being thinned out or effaced? The cervix checks are really uncomfortable it was the worst part of labor for me it was so uncomfortable they pretty much get there whole hand up there lol where as someone like my sister isn't fazed by the checks. I am glad we don't get them before labor. You would be fine to have sex though lol because his doodle doesn't enter your cervix but I wasn't exactly into sex in my last few weeks and you only have 2 and a half weeks hopefully! And that is awesome about your tests! You must be so relieved.

Yeah I am happy to not be on bed rest but at the same time the pain stops me doing a lot anyway but it will be nice on the days I don't have pain to be up and doing things.

Arrggghh I hate nightmares and that would have creeped me out so much! I will definitely not be watching that movie!!

Mick is so annoying I asked him to move the bed rail to hunters room yesterday for me and I said I wanted him in his own bed and he was like nah he can stay in ours it made me so angry he is never going to get use to it if we don't start and I can't move the rail on my pwn I don't think (I am going to try today) my belly is getting bigger and it's more uncomfortable to have him in the bed not only that I want him in his own room lol. I seriously think mick has desperation anxiety about it, I mean I have a little but I don't think as much as him because 3 nights in a row now he has given me excuses as to why he is not going in there. It also makes it hard because hunter knows micks coming to bed so won't go to sleep but when he is in his own room or micks on nights he goes to sleep fine
Naw poor little hunter! So I put the rail on his bed and he went to sleep in his own room amazingly 4 hours and not a peep then all of a sudden I am awake by him hysterically crying the poor bugger had woken gotten out of bed and gone into the lounge to look for me and no one was there obviously and lost his suit. He was so beside himself the poor thing! He is in our bed now and even if he tools over and he isn't touching me for a second he is freaking out it must have really scared him, so bad to the beginning again tomorrow I think I might have to buy a night light tomorrow and close his door so he doesn't go walk abouts
awwww poor hunter!! a nightlight sounds like a good idea and maybe explain to him that if he gets up to come into your room, I'm not sure if he would or not though. aw poor thing was probably so scared!! I'm sure Mick is saying "i told you so now" after that lol but i don't think you should give in!

and yup don't see that movie!! i had more nightmares last night!! i think its just being pregnant because i never get scared of that kind of stuff! i actually really enjoy it! But i had another dream last night that our house was haunted and the ghost was sliding the dresser around the room trying to hit me and josh with it!! and then i looked at the crib and the changing table was unattached and moved to the other side of the crib against the wall!! just like a bunch of paranormal shit! ahh!! and my dog didn't help she was laying on top of my pillow all morning shaking and staring out of the bedroom at something. and then she went and hid under the crib until i woke up!!! she never goes under the crib! it was freaky!! lol

i told them about the bleeding and my show but it was a guy in training i think that just started and he didn't seem too worried about it he just marked it down on my sheet. and she didn't say anything about me being thinned out of effaced but when she was up there she was counting out loud and i heard her say 1, and then 1/2. so at first i thought she was saying i was 1 1/2 cm dilated but she said 1. so i don't know what the 1/2 meant? unless she meant 50% thinned out? lol but i figured she wouldve said that if that were the case. and yeah i seriously felt like she had her fist up there lmao ... and you have to put your legs out like your a frog which was just weird to me hahaha

I can't believe it, on my august thread theres already been 15 babies born and its not even august yet...thats so crazy to me considering most people go late!! ill probably be the last one to give birth on there knowing my luck lol.

well i hope you're doing good!!!
and can I just rant about my dog??? she WILL NOT leave me alone!!!!!! i mean she's practically sitting on my shoulder 24/7 and if i push her off she sits on the floor, stares at me and crys. its driving me insane. if she's not on my shoulder, she's standing on my belly and trying to constantly lick and paw my face. errrrrrr. Im not kidding i was almost in tears yesterday because i couldn't take her anymore lol
sorry you're going to come on here to a million posts from me lol. Im getting horrible anxiety right now about birth. Its scaring the crap out of me thinking about it! I was fine before and just out of nowhere I'm having a bit of a freak out!
Yeah I know the poor thing would have been petrified! I am definitely not giving in he will be back in there tonight and I'm sure each night will get easier. Mick didn't even realise he was in the bed till he woke this morning but didn't say anything because he was running late.

Lol the dog would have made it so much worse they always seem to act strange when something is creaking you out. But yeah I definitely won't be seeing it. It is out here as well my sil went and saw it at the drive inn last night so it must have come out at the same time.

I have no idea about the numbers she was saying lol it's so frustrating when they say things out loud and then don't explain to you what they are mumbling about! God it really is awful having it checked im so glad im bot alone everyone else i have spoken to doesnt seem so fazed about it but i feel like there hand is going to come out of my mouth when i had it done lol.

Aw that would make me so jealous if everyone on my board was having babies early it would make you feel like yours is dragging a bit. Hurry up chase everyone is ready for you!!!!!!

Lol you poor thing! It's just because you are pregnant dogs get very over protective and affectionate because of your hormones they are so high that's all the dogs can smell. You wait until baby is born she will be all over him it was exactly what my dogs were like.

I had a lovely day today we went and saw my friend who just had the baby and it was so nice to get out of the house. I definitely over stayed my welcome but it drives me mental just being me and hunter all the time it's nice to talk to someone else other than a 19 months old lol. And I wanted a cuddle with Nate before I left and he didn't wake till after 2 and then fell asleep on me I was all packed ready to go home and I was like sorry Kirsty but I'm not leaving now lol she was probably like damn t
It! Inside lol I have been there since 10 that morning so I was there all day!! I can't wait to be in Melbourne to be able to have company all the time. It gets so lonely with the hours micks works! Not long now only 2 weeks and we will be there!

Ms was bad this morning again about 10 minutes after I are breakfast I threw up :( but it's not so bad I don't really have constant nausea thank god but the whole cooking food has gotten hard again just the thought of touching meat instantly makes me not hungry because I can stand to touch it.

Omg and needless to say our winter is over its back up to 29c next Wednesday :( I am so glad I only have another week of that warm weather and I will be in Melbourne where it is nice and cold again
hey lady! glad you got some time to go be around other people!! I bet it was really nice to get out and I'm sure your friend didn't mind the company as she's probably stuck inside all the time since she just had a baby. glad you had a good day :)

your winters seem to be so short! you're lucky i wish ours were that short. I feel like once winter hits here its cold forever!

you just have no luck with that MS. once you think its gone it just creeps right back at ya. hopefully it won't come back anymore!!

i can't believe your 21 weeks already!!! i feel like its going so fast!! you're over halfway there already ! does Hunter ever say anything about having a little brother(possible sister)? or about their being a baby in your belly or anything cute?

I don't know if its my belly getting bigger, or just being on my feet but I had some killer back pain last night that started at work and lasted all night long. Once i laid down it eased up but was cramping with it too. Im going to assume its all normal and not get my hopes up lol. My last day of work is officially august 10th!! only 7 more workdays though ! i can't wait
I have had a pretty good week with catching up with people. I had kitty's on Wednesday then I met up with a lady I met for the first time yesterday and it was great and now I have another friend coming over in about an hour. ( I have been frantically cleaning my pit of a house lol)

Winters in Roxby are short but where I use to live it pretty much lasts right threw spring as well. I hate that's it's not cold for long because it. Usually doesn't drop below 30-35c from September to march :( it's not much of a break I think that was probably our longest winter though it has last almost the whole season the weather.

Yeah hunter all the time lifts my top and says baby and gives it a hug and kiss. And at night time before he goes to bed he will lay and cuddle me and lift up my top and rub my barely and say baby it's so damn cute! I just hope he is that living when the baby comes lol.
And I know I can't believe it either!!! It's crazy! It is just flying by! My belly seems to be at a bit of a stand still with growth it sort of got to the bump it is now about 18 weeks and hasn't really grown anymore lol. Not that I mind at all I don't want to get huge with my extra weight I have but I am still at only 2 and a 1/2 kgs which is awesome I had put on plenty more by this stage with hunter but in saying that I was much skinnier when I was pregnant with hunter so I looked better. 2.5kgs is 5.5lbs I hate converting it it always seems so much worse lol.

I would say it is just your body getting tired with having all the extra strain with chase in there and still working but you never know its such a guessing game about labor and so frustrating. I'm not sure why you are given a due date because it doesn't make you feel any better about the end being near lol
Yayyyyyy only 7 more days that's so exciting oh it will be so nice to know you don't have to get up for work in that last week!

I'm so excited we leave on Sunday to go see my mum and stepdad for 2 days I Adelaide! I can't wait it will be nice to see them even though it will only be another week after we leave and I will be in Melbourne lol. I have been counting down the days!

It's so ridiculous how I let my house get messy it's so easy to wan up! I cleaned the kitchen yesterday but then with demon child last night none of the dishes got done and mick was to tired to help after work so I had to clean it all again this morning but I cleaned the lounge bathroom toilet dining and vaccumed the whole house in an hour and a half! When I look at it I think arrrrggghhhh it's going to take me so long but it doesn't if I just get off my ass lol. I don't think my friend is coming now I have been throwing up so much this morning in between cleaning and she said she thinks its bet if she doesn't come over but oh well it's probably for the best I think. I thought I would be fine but as the time goes on I can feel that I am going to throw up again :( looks like its toasted sandwiches for dinner tonight lol
I also wanted to show you the different since I've started throwing up again and I am actually able to go number 2's my belly is so much smaller


Well I think and feel anyway lol

omg it is so much smaller!!! what a crazy difference!! goes to show how much of the bumps are actually baby at that point!

lol i do the same thing when it comes to cleaning my house. I think its going to take so long, and it doesn't at all. I mean I live in a 1 bedroom apartment I don't even know how it gets so messy half the time!! I've been keeping up with it pretty good thankfully the last couple of weeks because i didn't want to have a full house clean to do right before chase gets here.

Oh and 5 1/2 lbs is great for where you're at right now! I think I had already gained about 18 lbs by the time i was 20 weeks. Ive gained 37 all together so far ! Everybody keeps telling me I'm all baby, but unless I'm having a 37lb baby then I think they're wrong lol. I just keep telling myself the extra weight gain is what my body needed for the baby.

aw i hope you have a great time with your mom and stepdad!! Its going to be so nice to see them I'm sure you miss them! and then off to melbourne it is :happydance: yayyy
I wasn't going to go in depth and read all of the almost 1,300 replies on here, but my fiancee and I are not trying, but not preventing pregnancy after 3 miscarriages in our first year and a half of trying. I am considering trying fertibella, has anyone heard of or tried this before? I am new to this site, but just trying to reach out to anyone who has had problems with fertility. A few years ago I had gotten my levels checked, and I had extremely low progesterone, less than 1 (10 or better is needed to conceive and carry to term). I did 4 months of Clomid and it brought it up to a 5 (I think, it's been like 5 years since I've done this with my ex-husband), and then we decided to add Metformin to the mix and it brought it up to an 8. I've had an ultra sound done and it showed everything normal, no cysts, no blockages or anything, so I'm hoping once I can start taking either the Fertilbella that it will help with getting my progesterone up where it needs to be. My fiancee and I looked at GNC today for progesterone cream and natural pills to help also, the creams (lasts 60 - 90 days) was only $12, but the 30 days worth of pills was $34. The Fetribella is $40 a month. If anyone has tried this company before, any insight to it would be great. I've read a lot online like there's a 65% chance of it working within the first 2 months. We want to start trying again in December just because we both had gotten laid off for a while, and are both just starting back to work. Thank you to everyone who can give any insight :)
I know it's crazy I don't feel as tight and yuk in my belly anymore thank god! It was so rock hard and I actually think that may have had a bit to do with the pain as well I was just all backed up lol.

I would say I may have lost 1kg as well with this vomitting I can always tell if I have been vomitting to much :( my appetite has gone again but I am still trying to force myself to eat as normal as I can.

Lol its so easy to do though. having a 4 bdr 2bth house os a lot of work! but 2 of the rooms arent being used so not to bad. It's good to have everything sorted for when you are off for your last week so you can relax. Arrgggghhhh I can't believe how close it is till you get to meet him!!!!!

I am hoping I don't put on much more only another 11lbs and that it through out the rest of the pregnancy because I started off bigger. I think I can do it. They say the ideal weight is 15kgs (33lbs) here but if you were over weight before hand then 8-10kgs(17-22lbs) is considered healthy. I don't want to have to much weight to have to loose straight after. I put on so much weight with hunter it sucked!
And I agree you look great. You would be surprised how n much you will lose immediately after baby is born because say chase weighs 7lbs then the placenta weighs 4-5lbs and and about 2-3lbs in amniotic fluid so just there alone is 15lbs so that's almost half the weight you have put on. But like you said you have definitely only put on what baby needed you to and it's better to be healthy than to not put on enough weight.

I am hoping so to. We won't get to spend much time with them because of hunter hospital appointments but a bit of time is better than none. And I am super stoked about Melbourne!!!

So mick and I have been going through boys names and these are our winners so far

Maddox ryker Denman
Landon ryker Denman
Jagger chase Denman hehe sorry I stole your name :)

What do you think. We like different names and we love all these so i thinks it's going to be hard to choose.

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