Anybody get pregnant after Hysteroscopy to remove polyp/fibroid/lap to unblock tubes?

Okay 2 days past surgery. Wasn't bad at all. The day I was a bit out of it, and had a little bit of pain and nausea. Yesterday I felt 95% better and today 100%.

But now I'm thinking, 10 polyps! Won't I have more coming back? Do my thyroid issues play a role? Is it related to my high red blood cell count (caused by/causing)? I feel like I need to get pregnant NOW. I know this isn't healthy, but I'm kind of freaking out. AF isn't even due for almost 2 weeks. Have post-op next week to discuss the options.

So questions for all of you ladies out there- is IUI the best first step. I saw that it has a 20+% success rate, while IVF is 25+%. I guess I'll discuss this with doc, but I'm wondering- what would you do? What have you done? What has worked? What hasn't worked? Am I throwing my money away trying too soon?

I'm 35 1/2, right on the border of the 30-35 and 35-40 borders...
Xanzaba, glad you're recuperating well. From what I can tell, the old ones shouldn't grow back, but that doesn't stop new ones from forming. Supposedly they grow very slowly so maybe that should give you some time. They don't know what causes them for sure, but I'm sure there must be a reason you had 10! It's not unreasonable to think that it's related to your thyroid issues. I'm of the school of thought that these things are all related.

I think whether IUI or IVF is best is going to depend on what they think is the major cause of your infertility. I think IUI is the way to go if your hubby's SA is a little off and the swimmers need a little head start. They seem to do them as a matter of course for any one having infertility problems because they are less expensive than IVF. It can't hurt but those costs can add up too if your insurance doesn't cover them. If hubby's sperm count is really low or there are other problems with it, or if they can't find anything else wrong with you they will recommend IVF.

Some docs will offer you a laparoscopy if they suspect endometriosis. There are many different approaches they could take, so I'd suggest you research and find which one seems best to you, because when it comes to IF, no two doctors are going to agree on what is the best strategy.
Hi Cali- how're you doing hun? Thinking happy baby thoughts and sending them your way :)

I had my post-op today and I'm feeling really good. AF is on her way in, I think. As a cruel trick, I never had spotting before, but since about a week after the hysteroscopy I have been spotting for a couple of days. AF should arrive Saturday or Sunday, but with the surgery doc said it might come a bit early. He said the spotting I'm having might even be it, but since I chart I don't think it is AF yet. Maybe preAF?

My doc and I had a nice chat where we talked numbers. According to doc, I fall in the unexplained infertility bucket. He says polyps wouldn't account for 1+ years ttc with no success (I still like to think getting rid of them will give us a boost, but don't tell him about my skepticism). We're going to try IUI natural cycle with HCG trigger. He says with our fertility profile, we have a 45% chance within 6 months. If there's no news after 6 months, we'll try IVF.

I also got a very low dose (25 mcg) of synthroid for my sluggish thyroid. Start my first dose tomorrow.

Wish me luck ladies :winkwink:
Sounds like you had a really good post op. I wouldn't put to much stock in what the doc said about the polyps not possibly being the cause of your infertility. The studies speak for themselves and a lot of docs aren't up on the latest.

Also great to hear that he's got you on Synthroid. Thyroid issues are a major cause of infertility so it's good to know he's covering all the bases.

AFM: I also have been experiencing some spotting around 9 dpo. I think my last Clomid cycle really has me messed up.
9dpo spotting? Are you sure that's clomid doing that? No chance it's implantation?
1.5 years ago, I would be getting all excited about the spotting, but I'm so used to bfn's I don't even allow myself to get my hopes up anymore. It seems like all the usual rules of TTC don't apply to me. I'm going to test on Saturday just because I have never spotted in my life, but I'm expecting it to be negative.
Calidreaming, how are you doing? Did spotting end?

Went for baseline ultrasound today! Right ovary had 8 follicles. Left ovary had 2 visible, but a 1.7 cm cyst that was blocking the doctor from seeing any other follicles. Have to go back Thursday for another ultrasound and see if it goes away. So my question is what are they looking for? I'm not on clomid (natural cycle) so don't think it should interfere.

They also said they have to do a pregnancy test?!? We used condoms before the surgery and didn't really bd until just before AF came. So confused.
Oh my gosh!!!! I just saw your spoiler. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you :)
I guess that spotting was something to get excited about after all :winkwink:
Calidreaming, how are you doing? Did spotting end?

Went for baseline ultrasound today! Right ovary had 8 follicles. Left ovary had 2 visible, but a 1.7 cm cyst that was blocking the doctor from seeing any other follicles. Have to go back Thursday for another ultrasound and see if it goes away. So my question is what are they looking for? I'm not on clomid (natural cycle) so don't think it should interfere.

They also said they have to do a pregnancy test?!? We used condoms before the surgery and didn't really bd until just before AF came. So confused.

The baseline ultrasounds are always exciting! You have a lot of follies on the right so I'm sure you have about the same number on the left. That's really good! Since you're doing a natural cycle, I'm not sure why they're calling you in so soon to do an ultrasound. To check on cysts, they usually follow up the next month after AF. It could be they just want to see how your follies are growing, but it doesn't seem necessary since you're doing a natural cycle. I'm sure you're not complaining about the ultrasounds. I always loved knowing what my body was doing!

Thanks for the congrats!! I still can't believe after all I've done to conceive over the past two years, all it took was for dh to take a few vitamins a day for a month. We had only dtd once during my fertile cycle, so that was another reason I was not expecting anything to happen this cycle.

One interesting thing about this pregnancy so far is that I haven't had any cramps. When I got pregnant with dd, I had a lot of cramping both at implantation time and the days following when AF was due. I know I had the polyp at the time I conceived dd, so I wonder if removing it is the reason why I'm not cramping this time around?
I'm so happy for you- couldn't have happened to a nicer person. I really appreciate all your support over this weird time, and feel like you must have gathered some baby dust karma. Please keep me posted!

It's also good to hear a positive polypectomy story. I'm sure other ladies will come across this and be uplifted before their own procedures.

Wishing you a happy and simple 9 months :)
Feeling good. Another lovely lady from another thread just reported BFP after polypectomy 1 month ago. So happy for all these ladies and thankful for their inspiring posts.

Hopefully I'll have my own inspiring story one day. Going in today for follow up ultrasound to see how eggies are progressing. I keep telling myself not to expect miracles- I'm kind of a expect the worst, hope for the best kind of person. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than disappointed.
I'm sure you will have a very fascinating success story very soon!
Thanks Calidreaming, I hope you're right.

Just got back from the doctor's. Things look good- the cyst has shrunk down to about 12 mm (from 17) and now he can see at least 4 follicles on the left side. He said he suspects that I was earlier in my cycle than I thought, which makes sense to me. I had some spotting for about a week, probably from the polypectomy, and then had cramps Monday and Tuesday. So today is probably CD 4.

So, we are on track! I have another appointment Tuesday to see how things are progressing :)
Sounds like you had a great appointment. I bet that was surprising to find you were earlier in your cycle than you thought!
Definitely. Until the procedure, I never had spotting. But when I started having AF type cramps, I began to wonder if I jumped the gun. Makes you realize how important timing is. I'm a temp addict and can usually estimate where I am in my cycle from morning temps.
Another sonogram- day 10 or so of this cycle, and the I have 6mm homogenous endometrium!!! Always had thick lining, so this is awesome! Plus I have a 17x17 follicle, maybe going to trigger tomorrow.

I've heard so many positive stories this month (another one just yesterday!) so I'm riding the happy baby waves!
That's great news!! This surgery really did great things for you. I'll be checking back here for your success story really soon!
Hey Calidreaming, how are you doing? I see you have your first scan on Monday! So exciting.

I went in today for IUI- on DH's side all the numbers look good. I have an appointment for next week to check TSH levels and another for beta/progesterone test on the 17th.

A funny story, the doctor I usually see isn't working this weekend. So the doctor who is in charge came up to me, shook my hand and said "I'm the lucky man that gets to inseminate you!". I'm chalking it up to the fact that English is not his first language, but between sending my husband off for his collection, the stirrups, and that comment, it's not the hollywood image of getting pregnant!

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