Anyone breastfeeding and ttc?

My LO is 27 months old. I ovulated in April and 7 days later had my first PP period. Now 6 months later same thing, ovulated and 7 days later 2nd AF.

I'm thinking about adding b6 to my daily vitamins... will it make your milk dry up? I've been googling but cannot find good information.
I've taken b6 and it had no effect on supply. My LO was only feeding at night though.
It definitely helped me get pregnant anyway- I'm starting it again now!

So yesterday and today I've had definate ovulation pains in my side- unmistakable! So hopefully af is on the way if we don't catch the first egg that is!!
I've taken b6 and it had no effect on supply. My LO was only feeding at night though.
It definitely helped me get pregnant anyway- I'm starting it again now!

So yesterday and today I've had definate ovulation pains in my side- unmistakable! So hopefully af is on the way if we don't catch the first egg that is!!

what days and what dose if you don't mind me asking?
I've taken b6 and it had no effect on supply. My LO was only feeding at night though.
It definitely helped me get pregnant anyway- I'm starting it again now!

So yesterday and today I've had definate ovulation pains in my side- unmistakable! So hopefully af is on the way if we don't catch the first egg that is!!

what days and what dose if you don't mind me asking?

Every day and 10mg- worked for me but please research it a bit yourself as I'm no medical professional! I was struggling with a low feeling which I put down to hormones and it sorted that too- just started taking it again.
I took it throughout my pregnancy too!
Happy new year to all!
How is everyone doing? Any bfps yet?
I've still no af but have got a good bedtime routine with my LO now so we are getting back to regular dtd!! Hope I'll be one of these lucky ladies that doesn't get any periods and just manages to get pg again!!
Got my AF back for Christmas lol we if I got pregnant this cycle I'd risk baby baby having same bday as my son and I really would like to avoid, so I think late Feb is going go be our really "go for it" month
I was kind of waiting till LO was passed 9 months so it would be a min 18 month age gap. So we are at that stage now!
I'm so broody- I had a dream I was preg last night and took a positive test and it was a lovely dream! I just love that excitement of seeing the bfp, theres nothing like it!
Hi ladies! I thought I would jump in and join you! We just decided to start TTC #2, my LO is 25 months old. I started getting my period when she was about 18 months. It was a bit irregular at first, but the last few months I've gotten back on track.

Anyway- I plan to keep breastfeeding, I'm hoping it doesn't hinder my chances of conceiving!

Also, more of a side note, but I have endometriosis. So if anything is going to cause me troubles, that will be it! Ugh!

I look forward to getting to know you ladies :)
Hi ladies, I'm coming to join the thread too :)

Feeling a bit rubbish today, was convinced I was pregnant but alas all the tests say no. I'm on CD 37 at the mo with no sign of AF, it's all out of wack.

DS is almost 17mo, and I got my periods back when he was 9 or 10 months old. They've been really irregular but I was pretty sure I ovulated this month. He still bfs all through the night, I've been trying to wean him off since 12m but with no luck! Considering trying the vitamin b6 that's been suggested to help conceive.
I would like to join in with you ladies.

DH and I had a talk not long ago about how close in age we waned our children. We decided 18-24 months would be perfect. However I still have no AF. I went on the pill after having DD, and I spotted constantly, and had one AF type bleeding. After 3 months of the spotting, I stopped taking my BC and DH and started doing the pull and pray (which is what we did before deciding to try for DD). The last couple of times we have had the chance to DTD, my DH has decided not to pull (fine with me). But now I'm not sure if/when I should test, because I have no AF, and I haven't had any O signs. Not that I would know what my O signs were if they slapped me in the face.

So happy to have this thread, I'm excited to read and hear your stories.
I'm in the same boat! No idea when and if to even test. Got one pg test left but not sure if I'll waste it!
I keep thinking I feel O type pains but not sure.
My LO loves her nightly breastfeeds though so I doubt my af will be back any time soon. My first dd was sleeping all night by this stage hence my periods back at 7 momths pp before
My DS2 will be 10 months on Monday but still no sign of AF for me. 10 months was the point that we decided we'd be happier with trying for #3, as the gap should be comfortably over 18 months. I'm back to work next week so all daytime feeds will be cut out by then, but I'll still be doing morning, evening and one night feed so no idea when AF is likely to return.

I stopped feeding DS1 at 8 months, got first AF at 10 months and got BFP just after his first birthday. With feeding DS2 for longer, there's now a good chance that there'll also be a bigger age gap this time. I'm ok with that, but would prefer that it's not too much longer.
Hi ladies, I'm coming to join the thread too :)

Feeling a bit rubbish today, was convinced I was pregnant but alas all the tests say no. I'm on CD 37 at the mo with no sign of AF, it's all out of wack.

DS is almost 17mo, and I got my periods back when he was 9 or 10 months old. They've been really irregular but I was pretty sure I ovulated this month. He still bfs all through the night, I've been trying to wean him off since 12m but with no luck! Considering trying the vitamin b6 that's been suggested to help conceive.

B6 worked for me to regulate my cycle and I got my bfp the month I started taking it. I'm still waiting for af to return! So can't really say I'm officially ttc yet!!
Thanks dinosaur2010. I started taking it yesterday, so fingers crossed. CD 38 now and still no AF :-/ I hope it arrives soon, I will take another pg test tomorrow if it still doesn't show by then, but my symptoms have all disappeared.
Just ordered some tests from ebay so I'll be a pos addict when they arrive lol
Hi ladies! I'm going to jump back into this thread ;). I've had two AFs so far. I was really hoping to catch the first egg after DD2 but no such luck. I've dreamt twice this week that I was POAS and got BFPs lol! If only I did while not sleeping!
Hey ladies!! Hope you don't mind my joining! My DD is almost 13-months-old, and we are still going strong breastfeeding. We recently decided to start TTC #2 and I am so excited! I got my first AF back in October, and I am on my 2nd cycle and thinking I am in my TWW? Hard to know for sure because my silly cycles are so darn long! The first was 44 days :-( I have always had long cycles (35ish days) and I am currently on CD26 and felt what I thought was O on CD21. That would put me back at my old 35 day cycle.
I still nurse frequently and most of the night, but my LO eats plenty of solids as well. Perhaps that is why AF finally came back?
Sorry for the ramblings!! 😳 Hopefully we can all get those BFP's soon!
I was on a similar thread when I was ttc my second and it was really exciting when the bfps started appearing so hope we start seeing some soon here!!
I really don't know what's going on with my body :-(

I felt so pregnant over new year, but wasn't. I'm now currently on CD 43, and I had 2 days of really faint spotting. I thought it was AF, but then I got a positive ovulation test yesterday but no EWCM. So I have no idea what the hell is going on, and it's making me super frustrated & sad. DS is bfing less since we got back from hols on Sunday, so this week has been 4-ish times a night. I've been taking all my vitamins this week and b6, am hoping for some clarity from my body soon.

It's just making me sad that I can't work out the right time to try. DH gets stressed if we DTD more than every few days because he's exhausted from work (me too) plus toddler is in full on tantrum mode which is probably putting him off.
Hey girls! I haven't replied in a while! Still no bfp for me.. I have had two cycles, but this cycle started on the 1st of December and still going... I feel like I'm ovulating for the third time this cycle. Every two weeks I've had ovulation symptoms, ovulation pains, ewcm and my cervix is SHOW... but I just don't know what is going on because no bfp or af... I don't know what to do.. I Hope I figure something out soon!!

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