Anyone CD 1 today - Sept 10th?

:hi: Honey

Sorry if I am a bit behind here but what is preseed? I've never heard of it before.

If its anything like pre-conceive than its a lube that is sperm friendly.
Yeah it's sperm friendly lube, suppose to actually aid the swimmer :dance:
Babybump2009 - Im right in line with you cd 1 was 6th too!

Gonna start the madness tonight and keep going ALL month!!!

OPKs at the ready .... here I go ...
Good luck girls! May we get our BFPs!!!
hi ya lovley ladies uknow im cd1 11sep, just seen a buddy thread 4 that date,but i posted ere first:) so am ere 2stay :)
this af is really hurting this mth,but hey was glad2see it cos my usual cycle is 30days...but last mth didnt O til cd20 and usually lp is 15days but never mind am ere now,tested on cd35 u see ,got a :bfn: so just wanted af suppose:)
hope were guna av a few :bfp: from ere this cycle,the pre-seed is fab and i use instead cup aswell, keeps the sperm in instead of leaking out...there suppose2be 4 af (not4me thanx) i go on ff also and lots of ladies av ad bfp using the instead cup n pre-seed :)
BABYDUST4EVERY1 X X X (including me of course!!)
Hi honey,

I keep reading about the instead cups but haven't seen or heard of them before. What do you use them for and where did you get them from hun? I take it from your post you use them after :sex:???? Can I just ask how long for :blush:??
hi ya hun :) the instead cups...just seen ur in uk like me so u will av 2 buy them online,if u end up gettign some, i got mine from..erm i think,yeah sure it was i got 6 for £6 and this is cheap for us cos some change somat like£30 for 10 !! just put insteadcups in2 ur search engine n u will find them, using them..when i saw them i thought...that will never fit!but u sort of squosh it2geva and put in after bd,best to use a bit pf pre-seed first couple of times i think,(same site)let me know if u start using them:)
as for me im only cd3 and ive only usin a panty liner! never like me this,i usually av a full 5days of af with tampons till the end! not complaining like!!
hows every 1 eles doin? hope this is last time i see af for 9mth now,dh is guna av a sperm count done, i had a mc in mar08 so its just more for peace of mind really,im at docs monday n im guna ask him for blood tests etc,had a lap when i was only 20 (cant really understand why they were so keen2do it then tho!)everything was fine then,but that was 7yrs ago now,i was with x for 3yrs never got pg...werent tryin but weremt preventing either....first ever bfp and i mc :( but ive got my hopes up and my mind strong as i know it WILL happen:) it will4all of us its just the crazy journey on the way!!!
I forgt what cd I am on until I post...haha
AF has been pretty bad..I usually have cd1 as the worst day then it gets better...NOT this time...cd1,2, and 3......I just wish she would leave so i can start :sex:
I have been in to much pain to respond to many posts for last 2 days..... Hope to start chating with old and new cycle buddies this month!

I treated myself to a few glasses of turned out to be a cherry / white wine mixture. Not that great..haha didn't even get a buzz on.
Oh well.....Now i don't feel so bad abstaining from alcohol whole TTC. Not missing anything.
Thanks Honey, will have a look online. Heellllooo Chilly!!!! Nice to see you dear :happydance:
Hi all
My af began on the 9th so can I buddy up with you guys? Am using a moon cup for af this month anyone else? they are wonderful! any way I also hope I dont have to use it again after this month for 9 months fx. This is my first af in 2 years I am still breastfeeding my lo so :witch:has only just returned after we night weaned.I am looking forward to :sex::sex:in a couple of days I figure we will just do it every other day until af is due to be on the safe side. I have loads of opk's do you think I should start using them as soon as af ends as I have no idea when I ovulate I think I used to have about a 28-30 day cycle but i never really counted before? I also have 20 HPT's on the way so i can start testing 6dpo:blush: Lots of baby dust to us al lxxx i hope we all get our :bfp: this month xxx
Welcome to our group Hansie!! :happydance:I’m definitely all about using OPKs. My cycle usually ranges from 23 to 28 days, so I’m never really sure of when I O. I also cracked up when I read that you bought 20 HPTs. I just did the exact same thing so I could begin testing at 6dpo, even though I probably won’t get an accurate result until at least 11dpo. I know I’ll be an obsessive tester! Good luck Hansie & I hope you get your :bfp:!

Hi Guys!

Can I join this group too? My CD1 was Sept 13th! I ahve a 26 -ish day cycle and my LP is about 12 looking to OV somewhere between CD12 and CD16.
hi nellis10 welcome2this group:)wot r ur plans this mth? do u use opk etc?
i use the instead cups same as moon cup....and i use preseed with them also,used it4the first time last mth,hoping to get a :bfp:this cycle:)
this last cycle was 37days....usually im 29-30cycle,but i didnt O till cd20,if i didnt chart and use opk i wudnt av a cue,its the first mth im using my persona fertility monitor,same as cbfm,so im not counting on gettin a peak first mth but it wud be a bonus:)
my af has stopped 2day,might av a bit of spotting later 2day but think that will be it(i hope!)
anyways ladies...will post bk in a couple of days (be 2moro probabley!:))
Well I was the gadget queen, but I am giving it all up in favour of letting things take its course!!

I know I ovulate between CD12 and CD16, and my cycles are between 24 and 28 days...average of we'll BD between CD10 and CD17 and hope for the best!!! :happydance:

And no more POAS before AF...had a chemical pregnancy last cycle and was so disappointed, so am trying not to do an more peeing until AF is late...So I eon't be buying any internet cheapies as i normally do. :dohh:
My af also finished todayO:) Which is fab news as I thought it may drag as this is my first af in 2 years. I have started using my OPK's today as I want to see the LH surge (line increasing in darkness) on the tests when I line them up. There seems to be a faint line on the OPK I just did so fx it will keep getting darker. Love reading updates on everyones cycle. Luck and and baby dust to all xxx
Welcome Hansie and Nellis10 :hi:

Hansie - my CD1 was Sept 9th too :) I usually have a 28 day cycle and I am expecting to ovulate next Tuesday and I think we are going to start BDing on Friday (maybe Thursday for good luck :) ) We did practice last night though ;)

Is anybody monitoring CP? I've been checking mine and I think my cervix is still open (though it is low and hard, feeling like my nose). Is this weird?

I'm trying to decide on getting OPKs - I keep flip-floping as to whether I should or not......

Baby dust to everyone!
Hey girls, just seen this thread, can I join in plz!! My CD1 was 10th Sept, i have cycles from 32-36 days long and Ov quite late (i think!) so still got a lil while before serious BD starts going!!
How are u all this evening?? Love Anna x
Hey Annaspanna, you can absolutely join our group!! Welcome sweetie. How long have you and your hubby TTC?
:hi: Anna,
Welcome to our group!

All is good in our household this evening - though I am finding my husband incredibly attractive :) Are the babymaking hormones kicking in already?! Trying to stave off until at least Thursday though!

Hope everyone else is doing well!


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