:wave: Sorry been away for a bit, will reply more later if can get some sleep as only had 2 hours last night
I've moved into the hospital now, yesterday afternoon I went for a nap after feeling a very sharp pain on the lower left side which passed after about 5 mins but made me really sleepy! I wake up ok at 2 15 then got to pee and feel a pop and got covered in blood
It was so forceful I ended up with all up to belly button as well as down legs and in the toilet! So straight to hospital and thankfully perinatology brought my appointment forward a day and saw me then, baby is good and now near 2lb
Fluid thankfuuly still there, the pain was from further abruption behind the placenta as was the blood so I've been sent down to UCSD with the level 4 NICU and met the neonatologist to discuss a 26/27 weeker and started the first of my second round of steroids (first round at 23 weeks), got the IV in and now just laying here to try and stay as stable as possible. They wont stop labour now so dont really know what to expect!
Those with SPD
You can get some exercises they do at physio online, I found rocking on all fours helped alot as did pillow between legs when laying down
to everyone and hi to the new people!!