Anyone due around August 19th?

Hi girls, hope you don't mind me popping in to say hi! :hi: I'm due August 17th, and although I had bursts of energy the second tri, I feel like I'm back to my first tri tiredness and food aversions. My allergies haven't been killer but they sure are annoying, especially when trying to sleep at night!

mummy3- hope your LO stays put for some time, I'll keep you in my prayers tonight :flower:
Hello Everyone!!! Hoping I can join in on the fun!! I am Due August 23rd!!! I know technically I am not in the third tri, but like many of you said its great to have a thread like this were we all "fit in".

This is my first, my husbands third. We found out were having a girl and have decided on the name Kinsley. We couldn't be happier!!! :happydance:
Wow this thread grows quick!

mummy3 - am so, so sorry to hear what you are going through, thinking of you and your little one and just hope that ultimately everything works out ok :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Re fatigue - I don't think I ever got over it! I got a bit brighter in the 2nd tri, but never had that burst of energy you're supposed to get. I have a weird thing where I have one day, usually Sun or Mon, where I literally can't get off the sofa I am so exhausted. We refer to it as 'growth spurt day' as baby goes quiet too, then from the Tues onwards he picks up again and goes crazy :) But I don't wake up that much haha.

To everyone with pelvic pain.....ppplllleeeeeaaaassssseeeeee see someone about it! I wrote before about chiropractic care, I am a big supporter. My chiro helped me so much, and a lady I know at yoga also saw a chiro and within 1 session was a lot better. It isn't cheap but IMO totally worth it. It is definitely better to try and keep moving, but obviously within reason. You can do some exercises to strengthen your core and that should help too. A very easy one to start with is slowly sitting down then slowly standing up, repeat it 10 times and do it a few times a day (from a sturdy chair, not the sofa). It can continue to affect you after birth and take literally years to get better so I really really recommend seeing someone.

Preaching over :D HTH someone xx
Hey everyone! Just thought I'd jump in here now that I'm 27 weeks. :happydance: I'm 21, from northern California, and our baby is due August 20th. He'll be our first after several miscarriages.

I'm hoping everything goes okay with the rest of this pregnancy. My doctor has already said I'll probably need a c-section because of my placenta and I've had some bleeding recently. :nope: Just praying Liam (our baby's name) will stay inside until he's ready!

Hey! Welcome!

Congrats on your first! :) We aren't toooooo far from each other (compared to where everyone else on this site lives :haha:), I live in Boise Idaho! I hope baby Liam stays in there too!! I love the name by the way! Have you had any signs of preterm labor?Is the bleeding because of your placenta? I hope everything is okay!

Thank you! Haha, I know, I don't really see many people from the US here, but it's pretty interesting to see all the differences because of it. The bleeding was from the placenta since it's covering my cervix, and there's a chance I'll see more of it, but I'm hoping not. Doctor just told me to take it easy and not do anything too extreme. :thumbup:

:wave: Sorry been away for a bit, will reply more later if can get some sleep as only had 2 hours last night:sleep:

I've moved into the hospital now, yesterday afternoon I went for a nap after feeling a very sharp pain on the lower left side which passed after about 5 mins but made me really sleepy! I wake up ok at 2 15 then got to pee and feel a pop and got covered in blood :( It was so forceful I ended up with all up to belly button as well as down legs and in the toilet! So straight to hospital and thankfully perinatology brought my appointment forward a day and saw me then, baby is good and now near 2lb:thumbup: Fluid thankfuuly still there, the pain was from further abruption behind the placenta as was the blood so I've been sent down to UCSD with the level 4 NICU and met the neonatologist to discuss a 26/27 weeker and started the first of my second round of steroids (first round at 23 weeks), got the IV in and now just laying here to try and stay as stable as possible. They wont stop labour now so dont really know what to expect!

Those with SPD:hugs: You can get some exercises they do at physio online, I found rocking on all fours helped alot as did pillow between legs when laying down:thumbup:

:hugs: to everyone and hi to the new people!!

Oh my God, you poor thing. :nope: Glad everything is okay with baby though. Hopefully baby decides to stay inside longer!

Also, to all the women talking about fatigue, I'm finally feeling it again too. Just got a sinus infection a few days ago too so I've been generally miserable and unable to breathe much. Can't wait to feel better! Until then, I'll try to enjoy taking a nap or two. :)
Mummy3, ive goteverything crossed for you. Hope your LO stays in there a little longer for you!
mummy3- Oh my gosh how scary <3 I'm so sorry you're going through all of this <3 I hope everything turns out okay <3 do they think that you are going to go into labor soon?? Please keep us updated you are in all of our thoughts <3<3:hugs:

Thanks for the pelvic advice! I'll look it up!

Bmama- Hi!! <3

I never had the energy in the 2nd tri that everyone talks about either haha! I would get *little* bursts, I'm talking 2 hours tops of energy and that's usually 'I have to go buy baby stuff!!' or 'I need to work on Jax's room!' I can't believe how early I have felt the nesting urge this time!

momofadane- HI!! Welcome <3 This is a great thread <3

I love the name you guys picked out!!! So pretty!

Smiler82- haha I love it! 'growth spurt day'!!! I'm totally using that :) Like I said up there ^^^ I would only have a couple of hours a week were I would get my energy bursts but I think those are long gone :(

Thanks for the advice on the pelvic pain <3 I just might have to listen to you and go see someone!! <3 I'll try those exercises too! Thank you so much!

Fallacy- ahhh I see!! Well I hope you dont have to deal with anymore complications from that <3 Bleeding is never fun to see during pregnancy!! I've been having a hard time breathing too :( I hate that feeling!
Hi Hun I been off here to glad to see you again
Hey Bella!

Glad to see you as well! :) how have you been?
Good thanks hanging in there getting hot out sweating away lol how have you been Hun?
been to see my consultant today and he doesnt think im going to make it to 40 weeks due to my SPD and my bone condition. He told me hes just looking to get me to 37 weeks and we can take it from there!

he has sent me for an mri scan to see if my pelvis is going to be able to birth the baby.

I had a total freakout thinking i could go 3 weeks early! so much stuff to do and soo little time to do it lol!

Hope everyone is ok. Is there any update on mummy3?
Mummy3, sounds like your having quite a time! You and your LO are in my thoughts :hugs:

Momofadane, I am also expecting my first and my OH's third child and a girl also! This may be way off but would I be right to assume you are also mummy for a furry four legged baby too? My user name should be Momofalab :haha:
Bella- Same here! Ugh I don't know how I will make it through the summer! We moved into some apartments last December and obviously I wasn't checking to make sure it had good enough air conditioning and I wasn't pregnant at the time and man do I regret that!! Our house has been getting so hot and it's only May :(

Aurora- Oh wow how crazy!!!!!! That's exciting though! You just shaved off an enitre 3 WEEKS of waiting to meet your baby! How cool is that?! I'm hoping I will go around 37 weeks too :) I hope your MRI goes okay!!

I haven't heard from Mummy3 yet :( hoping she is okay!
I'm still here sorry, wa trying to read and catch up:hugs: Very glad to have internet here, the hospital wa transferred from was blocking pretty much every site :wacko: Baby is doing good still, doesnt like to behave on the monitor:baby: So far no labour, was having contractions last night but a fast IV of a litre in an hour and some pain meds had me sleeping and it calming down:thumbup: So more waiting, got to go and get another abdominal and internal scan either today or tomorrow to see how stable things are inside but for now the external bleeding is spotting. The waiting game is so frustrating though, just want to know whats going to happen! I know he'll be very preemie (all 4 of mine are preemie the younget a 3lber at 32 weeks and that was with no complications aside from preterm labour and pprom) Just how preemie and what to expect is hard. Also its soooooo boring here:sleep:

What kind of allergie does everyone mean? The awful pregnancy stuffed nose? :argh:

Its getting so hot to be without AC:hugs: Maybe a fan directed at you to take the worst of it and plenty iced drinks/popsicles:thumbup:

Aurora thinking of you for the MRI:hugs:

fallacy, preavias are scary,, take it easy and try not to bend or lift too much:hugs: Will you be getting a c section? My third was a section for preavia, thankfully didnt have much bleeding with her, occasional spotting mainly, got everything crossed yours moves up for you:hugs:

Some lovely names here:cloud9:

What hopping has everyone done so far? I've been checking out online for little bits while stuck in hospital, got some clothes, blankets and a car seat so far, probably get to get on that lol:coffee:
Aurora_rose- Sorry to hear you LO may be here sooner than 40 weeks. At least 37 weeks is considered full term which would make for a health baby!!! But, I would have a little freak out too knowing the baby would be here 37 weeks... I feel like 40 weeks still doesn't give me enough time!

Loubyroo- HAHA Yes, I am a mommy to a four legged dog. Actually two I have a Great Dane & Lab! They are spoiled rotten, so I have a feeling they will be in for a little shock once baby comes and they aren't getting ALL the attention!

mummy3- I will be thinking of you!! I'm happy to hear that everything is under control at this point. Keep us updated on how everything is going! He must be very excited to meet his mommy!!!

Shopping wise I haven't done a whole lot. My sister was generous enough to give me TONS of her old baby stuff, so that was wonderful. We did purchase the bed set, a few outfits, and other misc. stuff. But, were waiting until after the shower to get the rest.
Aurora - I hope your MRI goes okay! Kelsey is right though, you do get to shave off some time in getting to meet your baby! I'd be nervously excited. :D

Mummy - Glad everything is okay so far. I can't imagine having to play that waiting game though. Fingers crossed things stay stable. You'll be in my thoughts. :)

Also, to answer your question, I'm not sure if I'll be getting the c section just yet. I have another scan coming up to check if I'll need one. Hoping it moves up as well. At what point did they check you to see if your placenta had moved for your little one?

Shopping wise I'm nearly done actually. I still have lots of smaller purchases to get, like wipes, but we're okay other than that. :D I've been insanely organized with how we've done our purchases to make sure we can afford them since only OH works. I've kept track of how much we've saved on buying things used or on sale too. We've already bought our stroller/car seat, swing, blankets, swaddles, diaper bag, mattress pads, diapers, clothes, and a few other misc items. My parents are planning on getting us the crib and mattress next month, which will be a big help. Treated myself to a pack of aden&anais swaddles too. Was so excited to open them!

In other news, just got back from l&d. :( Apparently I have a ridiculously bad UTI that developed in the week between my last appointment and now. I went in because I was having contractions as well as really bad feelings of pressure in my back and pelvic area. Thankfully everything is okay and I can get my medicine for it tomorrow. :)
Loubyroo- HAHA Yes, I am a mommy to a four legged dog. Actually two I have a Great Dane & Lab! They are spoiled rotten, so I have a feeling they will be in for a little shock once baby comes and they aren't getting ALL the attention!

Mine is exactly the same! She is 4 and has always been the grandchild my mum doesn't have...until now! It's funny whenever we start talking baby or if I take things I've bought round to show my mum, Ruby, my choccy lab, has to be right in the middle of us being stroked, it's like she's saying "what about me? Don't forget me!" I know she will be fine though I have no worries whatsoever about her being around the baby (with my common sense obviously) I simply don't get how anyone can rehome their dog because of a new baby &#128533; but that's just me. I am 100% sure they will become best pals, especially when bubs moves onto solids and Ruby takes up residence below the high chair waiting for spillages :haha:
Loubyroo- HAHA Im the Exact same!!!!! It's funny how a dog the size of a horse can get so devastated and feelings hurt so easily. She is VERY sensitive LOL. So Im hoping when baby comes, it wont be the end to her World. But, like you said it will all take adjustment! There is no way I could EVER get rid of her! Plus once baby is older they will be BFF's!!!!!

Fallacy - I must admit I am quite jealous of how much you have gotten done!!! That's awesome! Hope your feeling better after your UTI diagnosis, it must have been a horrible one if you thought it was contractions. :-(
I am finished shopping wise! Im just trying to get my house in order. I want all the rooms painted and all the carpets cleaned. Its not that it dirty it just needs a refreshing!

Im gonna start putting the firniture together probably around end of june! Im getting very excited now!
Mummy- glad to see you're still doing okay!! <3<3 :hug:

Fallacy- I hope you feel better soon!! How scary!!

We have quit a bit of baby things so far :) Like I said, I already had my baby shower so we are pretty much set! I just have a few smaller things to get :) Some how I still feel so unprepared though!!

Ugh I have been craving sweets LIKE CRAZY! I can't believe my appetite lately, I am ALWAYS hungry!!
My big order of baby stuff turned up this morning :D we are nipping into town in a bit to get some more bibs and another pack of nappies and then weve got everything! Although im now starting to worry that ill get bored now all the baby shopping is done! So ill just have to keep busy putting it all together and cleaning and washing everything :D ooo i wish time would go faster! I can't wait to have my little man here! xx

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