Anyone due around August 19th?

Ah im glad everyone is doing well! I so glad ive found this little group makes me feel like i beling somewhere and everyone is due roughly the same time!

I havent mastered quoting on my phone yet but when i do i will say hi personally to you all.

So in the meantime, hello everyone! X
I don't have the quoting down on my phone either!!!

Kelsey, that would be nice to be a week ahead! Glad jax is doing well!!! Can't wait to see your dress it sounds beautiful! :)

OK so now I don't remember everything I just read ugh! ( damn pregnancy brain!)

Nela, I love the picture! Technology is so amazing! (most of the time)
Wow!!! So many people due around the same time....and so many posts in just a short time too!! Ill try and get up to speed as we go on if thats ok?

Im due 22nd Aug and its lovely to have a group to share this with. This is our first, and likely only child, as we had actually given up trying for children and were adopting. Then, like all good plans, they went out the window with a BFP before christmas!

Looking forward to getting to know you all,
fluffy xxx
welcome! How exciting!! What ages are they?? I have a little boy from a previous marriage and he is 4 so this will be DF's first baby :)

His son is 7 but has learning difficulties so doesn't really understand but his daughter, who is 10, is really excited. She wanted a little sister so was over the moon at the scan when we found out
Im due 22nd Aug and its lovely to have a group to share this with. This is our first, and likely only child, as we had actually given up trying for children and were adopting. Then, like all good plans, they went out the window with a BFP before christmas!

That's really lovely!! I love stories like yours with a happy ending
Wow!!! So many people due around the same time....and so many posts in just a short time too!! Ill try and get up to speed as we go on if thats ok?

Im due 22nd Aug and its lovely to have a group to share this with. This is our first, and likely only child, as we had actually given up trying for children and were adopting. Then, like all good plans, they went out the window with a BFP before christmas!

Looking forward to getting to know you all,
fluffy xxx

I just wanted to say an extra special welcome to you! We were ttc for just over a year, but given the issues I have had with ovulation my whole life, and my "advanced" age, I was fearful it wasn't going to happen for us and we had also discussed adoption. But you were obviously at it for much longer than us. So happy for you!! xo

And a hi to everyone else! It really is exciting there are so many of us transitioning to 3rd trimester at the same time. I hope I get better at remembering everyone's stories, though. :/
Went to midwife today. Everything is fine and i got to hear heartbeat again! He is head down but back to back. He is measuring in at 30 weeks though. So i hope he has just had a bit of a growth spurt and is not going to be a big baby!
This is my first and I am so so happy to have found a lovely group of women to go through this with. It's lovely to share such a special moment with you all. As much as other people around us can be wonderful, it's truly special that we are going through it all at the same time. :hugs:
God I'm so tired today! No idea why as I slept quite well last night, but I feel like a zombie today! Anyone had tiredness suddenly hit them? I feel like I'm in the first tri all over again! Xx
Yeah, haven't been feeling the best here. Hit with a lot of fatigue, aches, and migraines. Spent the whole night struggling with asthma, migraine, and stomach pains last night so I spent the day in bed today. Just drained. My eyes burn like I haven't slept but I can't fall back asleep. Yet, at the same time, I don't have enough energy to do anything productive. It's rather annoying. :dohh:
Yes! My tiredness is back from first tri i napped yesterday but thought it was a one off but i just fell asleep again for an hour!
Oh yes, the fatigue has reared its ugly head again in the last couple of days!!!! Ive been trying to nap while my kids are asleep! So I pray for the morning to go quickly! LOL
also Im struggling with allergies, never had them really but the last few weeks its been horrible :/

It is nice to go through this with other people making the same journey! I don't like to complain as I feel so blessed the be pregnant with our 3rd and we became prego easily all 3 times, but its nice to let out what's bothering me without someone thinking I'm whining!!!
Hey everyone! Just thought I'd jump in here now that I'm 27 weeks. :happydance: I'm 21, from northern California, and our baby is due August 20th. He'll be our first after several miscarriages.

I'm hoping everything goes okay with the rest of this pregnancy. My doctor has already said I'll probably need a c-section because of my placenta and I've had some bleeding recently. :nope: Just praying Liam (our baby's name) will stay inside until he's ready!

Hey! Welcome!

Congrats on your first! :) We aren't toooooo far from each other (compared to where everyone else on this site lives :haha:), I live in Boise Idaho! I hope baby Liam stays in there too!! I love the name by the way! Have you had any signs of preterm labor?Is the bleeding because of your placenta? I hope everything is okay!

Hi everybody. I am due on 19th of August with a little boy, which we named Leon last night. I have a 2yr old son, too.
Apart frpm still experiencing nauseau, I have had a good pregnancy.
At this stage I am wondering if I should try for a vbac or just go for a c section and get it done. It also kind of depends on if I am growing another very big baby or not - time will tell!
I lost some mucus plug today and am cleaning house, but Idoubt that this has any significance.
Pleased to meet all you ladies.

Looove the name!

What has your dr said about Vbac? Are they being supportive? I don't even remember loosing my mucus plug with my first, my first indication of anything going on was my water breaking haha! We are definitely getting closer! I heard you can lose part of your mucus plug though and it just grows back... I'm not 100% sure though. <3

Hey hey Kelsey, glad to hear about the wedding plans! I cannot wait to see the pictures!!! A corset makes sense and it's lovely anyway. You must be so excited! You're going to be a gorgeous bride! Seriously, looking forward to hearing all about it. :flower:

We just discussed ours over the weekend and decided to aim for next spring/summer ourselves. We decided to change it entirely and stick with something small that will be much more comfy for both of us and yet keep it feeling like a wedding rather than doing only the paperwork at the city hall.

We've kept busy with all the medical appointments really. It's slowly starting to sink in now... Has it for you? I think the highchair at our dining table and stroller in the corner are helping with that... :haha: Still, it all feels so strange and surreal! We'll only get to fix up the nursery late in June as we are having the extension put on the room. I am nesting so badly now and just want to get it all sorted! I cannot wait! We've been buying a lot of things now and we're getting pretty equipped. How about you guys?

As for baby, he's doing well! Perfectly in range in terms of growth so very relieved about that. He's been using my bladder as a toy and insides as a trampoline... I think he thinks my ribs are monkey bars too :wacko: :haha: We call him 'Bubbles' after the fish in Nemo because every time I have bubbles, he goes nuts. We had our 3D scan on Friday but he wouldn't cooperate, of course! :haha: Here is one of the better shots we got...

That's about it for us to be honest. Just been keeping busy! Again, it's great to catch up with you! :hugs:

How wonderful to transition into 3rd tri with all of you. Not long now! :flower:

I love the small weddings <3 more intimate and less stressful! It's definitely starting to kick in now! We have the crib up and his car seat by the front door already :haha: I have been nesting LIKE CRAZY! I feel like I have to get everything done RIGHT NOW! It's driving DF a little crazy lol but he is being great :)

What a beautiful picture!! I want a 3D one soooo bad! We are getting one right after our wedding. DFs parents will be here from South America so we are taking his mom with us to get one done :) Can't wait!

Wow!!! So many people due around the same time....and so many posts in just a short time too!! Ill try and get up to speed as we go on if thats ok?

Im due 22nd Aug and its lovely to have a group to share this with. This is our first, and likely only child, as we had actually given up trying for children and were adopting. Then, like all good plans, they went out the window with a BFP before christmas!

Looking forward to getting to know you all,
fluffy xxx

I love how close all of us are! It's pretty neat to have such a great support group going :)

That's so great that you guys got pregnant <3 Congrats on everything! Are you thinking about adopting later on still or will this be your only child?

His son is 7 but has learning difficulties so doesn't really understand but his daughter, who is 10, is really excited. She wanted a little sister so was over the moon at the scan when we found out

It's so great when the siblings are so interested <3 that's awesome that she was there and is so excited! My son was there as well and CANNOT WAIT for his baby brother! It makes me so happy :) He kisses my belly every night before bed!

Went to midwife today. Everything is fine and i got to hear heartbeat again! He is head down but back to back. He is measuring in at 30 weeks though. So i hope he has just had a bit of a growth spurt and is not going to be a big baby!

Glad everything went well!! I bet it was just a growth spurt :) I actually JUST read somewhere that they have many growth spurts around this time :)

God I'm so tired today! No idea why as I slept quite well last night, but I feel like a zombie today! Anyone had tiredness suddenly hit them? I feel like I'm in the first tri all over again! Xx

OMG YES! I am a mess.... It's only 1030 am here and I"m so ready for bed :( I feel just like I did at the beginning only sore as well!
Al- My allergies have been killing me!! Haha I know what you mean about letting it all out.. I feel like I'm constantly complaining about something! It's nice to have people who are going through the same thing!

So for the first time last night Jax actually kept me awake!! I mean I always feel him moving around a lot at night but it's usually only for a little bit and I can situate myself and he will get comfortable and calm down buuut not last night!! He was going CRAZY!! DF and I just watched my belly move like crazy, you could see feet and elbows everywhere! It was super cute for awhile but then DF fell asleep and little Jax just kept going! I couldn't believe it! I was almost worried because he was moving so much :haha: He finally calmed down around midnight but was back at it at 2am! All I could do was laugh because I remember not too long ago hoping and praying to feel him :)
Kelsey - its funny how we wish for each new stage then find ourselves thinking 'oh just stop moving for a while!' lol
I don't know about our adoption plans, I've not had the most comfortable pregnancy with bad sickness up to 16wks which quickly got taken over by pelvic pain. Really limited in my mobility now which is frustrating as I wanted to stay relatively fit but can't walk much or stand for more than 15mins or turn over in bed. Nightmare, but don't feel I have any right to complain. Have discovered a method of swimming but hardly moving my legs, must look like a right wally but some exercise is better than none! Ha ha

Nela - your scan pic is super cute! Have just booked ours today for the 2nd June and can't wait x
Kelsey - its funny how we wish for each new stage then find ourselves thinking 'oh just stop moving for a while!' lol
I don't know about our adoption plans, I've not had the most comfortable pregnancy with bad sickness up to 16wks which quickly got taken over by pelvic pain. Really limited in my mobility now which is frustrating as I wanted to stay relatively fit but can't walk much or stand for more than 15mins or turn over in bed. Nightmare, but don't feel I have any right to complain. Have discovered a method of swimming but hardly moving my legs, must look like a right wally but some exercise is better than none! Ha ha

Nela - your scan pic is super cute! Have just booked ours today for the 2nd June and can't wait x

Lol oh I know!! And the whole ' I can't wait until I look pregnant!' turned into.. 'I can't wait until I don't feel like a whale anymore!' lol!

Sorry to hear about the awful sickness you had!! I'm experiencing horrible pelvic pain too :( My dr wants me to go to a physical therapist but with all of these bills pilling up I'm trying to tough it out best I can :( Swimming sounds so amazing right now! Our apartment pool and the pool at my parents opens up this weekend and I'm going to try swimming ( aka floating) for sure!! By about 8pm I am limping around and can't do anything!! I know what you mean about rolling over in bed too... it hurts sooo bad at night! Oh man and getting up to use the bathroom at night is really painful too!! It's crazy because I didn't feel this way until the very end of my last pregnancy.
I put a duvet under the sheet on the bed and lay on that, it really helps. I also have a long body pillow that goes between my knees and along my bump when laying on side, that helps too. I can't lay on back as it feels like my pelvic bones get forced apart and is so painful, laying on the hard couch each time I see the midwife is awful. I also found a stool to sit on in kitchen whilst cooking and a more cushioned chair for work. All there little things have collectively helped so much in being able to manage it. Hope some of that helps x
:wave: Sorry been away for a bit, will reply more later if can get some sleep as only had 2 hours last night:sleep:

I've moved into the hospital now, yesterday afternoon I went for a nap after feeling a very sharp pain on the lower left side which passed after about 5 mins but made me really sleepy! I wake up ok at 2 15 then got to pee and feel a pop and got covered in blood :( It was so forceful I ended up with all up to belly button as well as down legs and in the toilet! So straight to hospital and thankfully perinatology brought my appointment forward a day and saw me then, baby is good and now near 2lb:thumbup: Fluid thankfuuly still there, the pain was from further abruption behind the placenta as was the blood so I've been sent down to UCSD with the level 4 NICU and met the neonatologist to discuss a 26/27 weeker and started the first of my second round of steroids (first round at 23 weeks), got the IV in and now just laying here to try and stay as stable as possible. They wont stop labour now so dont really know what to expect!

Those with SPD:hugs: You can get some exercises they do at physio online, I found rocking on all fours helped alot as did pillow between legs when laying down:thumbup:

:hugs: to everyone and hi to the new people!!
I've moved into the hospital now, yesterday afternoon I went for a nap after feeling a very sharp pain on the lower left side which passed after about 5 mins but made me really sleepy! I wake up ok at 2 15 then got to pee and feel a pop and got covered in blood :( It was so forceful I ended up with all up to belly button as well as down legs and in the toilet! So straight to hospital and thankfully perinatology brought my appointment forward a day and saw me then, baby is good and now near 2lb:thumbup: Fluid thankfuuly still there, the pain was from further abruption behind the placenta as was the blood so I've been sent down to UCSD with the level 4 NICU and met the neonatologist to discuss a 26/27 weeker and started the first of my second round of steroids (first round at 23 weeks), got the IV in and now just laying here to try and stay as stable as possible. They wont stop labour now so dont really know what to expect!

Oh you poor thing! It must be very stressful for you, i know its not the same but i had my daughter at 29 weeks and she spent 6 weeks in NICU so if i can help let me know! I hope your little one stays put a little longer for you and things go smoothly, keep us updated :flower:
Mummy3- first sending hugs and prayers(if u don't mind)...I'm sorry you're going through this, but atleast it sounds like they are taking good care of you! Please keep us updated if u can....

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