Nevermind, just a little preparation for your body then I suppose! You never know, they could come back at any point.
The last days of waiting are really tough aren't they, I remember with Casey I went 2 weeks overdue and never actually went into natural labour, was induced at hospital.. But everyday after my due date felt like an absolute lifetime!! I know you're probably bored of people saying it, but just enjoy sleeping at night while you still can! Hehe.
Aww that sounds nice

hope you all have a lovely day
Ill be getting my last minute christmas shopping, then out for dinner with my mum and her partener on sunday afternoons we're having christmas dinner at OH's mums this year.
Last night Casey didn't get up once, so that was brilliant! However, hayley was wide awake both times she was up for feeding.. So I spent a total of 3hours through the night trying to settle her, that was quite hard, but got 5 hours of sleep in, better than nothing!
Still can't believe I have TWO kids!! Lol