Hi ladies- I hope you all are doing well. I am hanging in there- but my baby is unfortunately not. I know you read some on the 1st tri page- but basically last week my HSG only went from 2500-2900 in 2 days- not good- 4 days later- only 4400- and then the next day it dropped to 4100- so it went down.. Was in the ER- did an u/s and the heart rate was also low-73- and also losing my preg. symptoms. I knew where it was headed and was told clearly by the docs I would be miscarrying. On top of this- I had a pancreatic attack (i've had previous issues with pancreatitis-its super painful) and been dealing with that as well which is what landed me in the ER.
I just got back from my OB- they did the u/s and unfortunately the heart rate dropped even further down to 63.. the fetal pole wasn't measuring like it should and the baby wasn't developing or growing. I already knew this after everything I've heard so far- but still wasn't easy to hear- in fact I think hearing there was still a heart beat was the hardest- I know this is terrible to say but I just want it done with. The doctor called it terminal- and he said in his 25 years, he's only seen this happen twice and that he is beyond shocked there is even a heart beat. With that being said though- everything is progressing downward and it's just a matter of time. He figures within the week it should stop. I go back for another u/s on Tuesday... they won't do anything until the heart beat stops out of religious beliefs which I respect and understand. They said I could go to someone else if I just wanted to end it before the heart beat stops but I don't know that I can do that. however- it's terrrrrrrible knowing that your baby is slipping away inside of you. My biggest prayer is that it is over quickly.
In addition- I didn't know earlier- but because I have a history of pancreatitis- I should be classed as a high risk pregnancy from the start and there is a higher risk of death for the baby especially in the 3rd trimester as a result which is TERRIFYING to hear. I didn't have this issue when I was pregnant with my son. Once everything is done with this pregnancy- I have to go to a perionatologist and be dealing with docs who handle this.
I am still not feeling so hot with the pancreatitis - and the doc said at this point- just take my medication and take care of myself. Not treating it IS bad for me- basically its where the pancreas just starts digesting itself and you have increased risk of cancer - very serious. The drugs are hard core though and can cause birth defects- so not something to take likely- but knowing the situation that I am in- it just is what it is. Once I knew how things were going yesterday- I had to take them- I was in so much pain- I was literally paralyzed in bed all day and could barely move.
Anyway, I will be leaving this group- I of course wish you ladies the ABSOLUTE best. I would REALLY appreciate it if you could start a new thread with each other that doesn't have my postings in it.. its just a bad reminder, you know?? Anyway, I hope you all truly are blessed with HEALTHY pregnancies!!