Hello Girls, here's me plunging into the chatroom waters for the first time! I'll try and use the jargon I've gleaned from reading the thread, but it may all go wrong!
Hubby and I were TTC for 2 years, no prior kiddies for either of us. Ended up having IVF due to simple problems on both our sides that stacked the odds against natural conception. We were sooooooooo nervous! But on 8 May got a BFP!!!!! and are now really excited
As far as I can calculate from the way things go in IVF, our due date is 16 Jan. I have the first scan next Tuesday and am hoping and praying that it will show a healthy bub (maybe even 2!) with a heartbeat.
Currently I am week 6-7 and the only symptoms I have had have been from all the drugs. But now that they are all out of my system I feel great! So far no sickness, no sore BBs etc. I have spoken to several other friends with Chinese backgrounds and none of them got sick, so fingers crossed I make it through unscathed(famous last words!).
So there's my back story, it's nice to see all your chat and to know I'm not the only one with questions or wondering what's going on. Hope to chat more later,
Keep smiling