Anyone else about to try straight after mc?

Thanks for the welcome. My day just got worse - just had my follow up ultrasound and there is still something in there. So now instead of moving on and starting to look forward to my next cycle I have to either take more misoprostol or have and d and c, which can take weeks to book. Why is this happening to me?

Don't let this get you down... This is just another bump in the road and your body will be ready very soon, you just have to wait that little bit longer x
Well it has been exactly one week since I lost my little June Bug and the bleeding seems to have stopped (fingers crossed). I think I will wait until tomorrow and if the bleeding still stopped I am going to get a hpt to see how my hormone levels are. I really hope my levels are at 0. I'm not sure how I would feel if I saw a BFP still hanging around. If it is negative I am going to begin testing my ovulation. I want to be pregnant again sooooo bad. I am so consumed be my need that my heart hurts. Oh ladies why are we going through this. I sometimes I feel like I'm being punished for something...

I feel the same, I want to be pregnant again soooooooo badly, feel like it was cruelly taken away :(

Don't think that this is a punishment... I just keep telling myself that there was a reason for this, and it's our bodies doing the right thing, like if it had let the pregnancy go on there would have been all sorts of complications or the baby would have never developed properly or something... That little one was just never meant to be. (Hope that doesn't offend anyone x)
welcome piccolo, i am sorry for your loss and also for your latest hpt since my d&c 4 and a half weeks ago are still quite positive, as u can see above so i hav app with epu tomoro to see if maybe thers somthin stil in there, so i can honestly sympathise with wat you are feeling...why isnt this pain enuf, why thro more crap our way. we'll get thru it 2gether...we've got too, our one goal is to get ourselves healthy again so we can someday (soon i hope :) ) welcome our beautiful babies into the world! have u decided wat you want to do yet? why not see if you can take more tablets AND book in for a d&c...then hav a check up and if the tablets dont work, then at least the d&c is already booked so u dont have to wait longer, and if u dont need it it can just b cancelled, its all up to you and how you feel...go with wat your instincts tell you.. x

Thanks Little 1. Good luck with your appointment today. Yes, we'll get through it together.
As for me I'll see what my doctor says today. The misoprostol put me in the hospital the first time (too much bleeding) but maybe since there's not much left in there that's not a concern this time? As horrible as the pain was before I'm willing to go through anything to just have this over with fast.
Morning all, My AF didn't show up this morning and as I received a bunch of new HPT in the post I thought I would try them out and every one come out positive. Hopefully i've included the pictures below. I have had negative between MC and now. I trying not to get excited only to be dispointed later.

Little_1-How did you appt. go this morning.

morning all, my af didn't show up this morning and as i received a bunch of new hpt in the post i thought i would try them out and every one come out positive. Hopefully i've included the pictures below. I have had negative between mc and now. I trying not to get excited only to be dispointed later.

Little_1-how did you appt. Go this morning.


jcorrine-I'm sorry for your loss and I'm 33yrs old so know how you feel?

Piccolo-I'm sorry that your MC wasn't complete, I know when I got my negative result it was a small relief to be able to move on and start trying again. Jo xx
jcorinne, I am also 32 and also tried for a long time before getting pregnant this time - 16 cycles. I haven't been on clomid but I definitely understand your impatience. Let's get through this together. Did he say wait 3 months before trying at all, or wait 3 months before another round of clomid? If the former then I'd get a second opinion. My dr. said that recent studies have shown there is no good reason to wait - and I read a study somewhere that women are more likely to have full term pregnancies in the 6 months after miscarriage.

rachelkt - thanks for the encouragement.
jcorrine-I'm sorry for your loss and I'm 33yrs old so know how you feel?

Piccolo-I'm sorry that your MC wasn't complete, I know when I got my negative result it was a small relief to be able to move on and start trying again. Jo xx

Thanks JoLM. I'm really hoping that you are really pregnant and that this is your sticky one!
Thank you piccolo and MrsMoo, i'm going wait another 2 weeks and test again then, if of course nothing else happens inbetween that time. xx
Well it has been exactly one week since I lost my little June Bug and the bleeding seems to have stopped (fingers crossed). I think I will wait until tomorrow and if the bleeding still stopped I am going to get a hpt to see how my hormone levels are. I really hope my levels are at 0. I'm not sure how I would feel if I saw a BFP still hanging around. If it is negative I am going to begin testing my ovulation. I want to be pregnant again sooooo bad. I am so consumed be my need that my heart hurts. Oh ladies why are we going through this. I sometimes I feel like I'm being punished for something...

I feel the same, I want to be pregnant again soooooooo badly, feel like it was cruelly taken away :(

Don't think that this is a punishment... I just keep telling myself that there was a reason for this, and it's our bodies doing the right thing, like if it had let the pregnancy go on there would have been all sorts of complications or the baby would have never developed properly or something... That little one was just never meant to be. (Hope that doesn't offend anyone x)

It does not offend me. I think we all have to tell ourselves whatever we need to make the pain a little easier to bear. I ordered HPT and Ovulation tests the day after my miscarriage. Now that the bleeding as ended I am anxiously waiting for them to arrive. I live in northern Alberta, Canada so everything takes forever to come in the mail :cry:
morning all, my af didn't show up this morning and as i received a bunch of new hpt in the post i thought i would try them out and every one come out positive. Hopefully i've included the pictures below. I have had negative between mc and now. I trying not to get excited only to be dispointed later.

Little_1-how did you appt. Go this morning.

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View attachment 298471

I also quietly congratulate you and hope you get some reassurance soon so we can really celebrate!
jcorinne, I am also 32 and also tried for a long time before getting pregnant this time - 16 cycles. I haven't been on clomid but I definitely understand your impatience. Let's get through this together. Did he say wait 3 months before trying at all, or wait 3 months before another round of clomid? If the former then I'd get a second opinion. My dr. said that recent studies have shown there is no good reason to wait - and I read a study somewhere that women are more likely to have full term pregnancies in the 6 months after miscarriage.

rachelkt - thanks for the encouragement.

He wasn't really specific, just said we will try again in about 3 months so make another appointment with me in Feb. We are going to try on our own for now. But I can only hope that I will ovulate on my own. After clomid 50mg my 21 day was only 0.4, 100mg for two cycles it only got up to 9.9, then after 150mg it was 13.3-that was when I conceived. I have started using OPK's again so keep your fingers crossed that this mc has jump started my ovulation. And thanks I really need somebody to get through this with.
jcorinne, I am also 32 and also tried for a long time before getting pregnant this time - 16 cycles. I haven't been on clomid but I definitely understand your impatience. Let's get through this together. Did he say wait 3 months before trying at all, or wait 3 months before another round of clomid? If the former then I'd get a second opinion. My dr. said that recent studies have shown there is no good reason to wait - and I read a study somewhere that women are more likely to have full term pregnancies in the 6 months after miscarriage.

rachelkt - thanks for the encouragement.

He wasn't really specific, just said we will try again in about 3 months so make another appointment with me in Feb. We are going to try on our own for now. But I can only hope that I will ovulate on my own. After clomid 50mg my 21 day was only 0.4, 100mg for two cycles it only got up to 9.9, then after 150mg it was 13.3-that was when I conceived. I have started using OPK's again so keep your fingers crossed that this mc has jump started my ovulation. And thanks I really need somebody to get through this with.

I know that I have seen in all the reading online I've been doing lately posts from women who don't normally ovulate on their own but do after miscarriage. I'm sure you'll be one of them! I don't know what the 9.9 and 13.3 numbers refer to. But I do think it's pretty cool that you responded so well to clomid - a higher dose and boom you conceived. So sounds like once you ovulate everything else works pretty well. I'm sure you'll be pregnant again soon.

As for me, just got back from the dr. She said whatever is still in there is only 1 cm long and may just be a clot, so she thinks it'll clear on its own. Not worth surgery at this point. She's just going to monitor my hormone levels and hope they come down on their own. Not sure how I feel. Yay to no surgery, but I also wish I could just DO something instead of waiting to see if it comes out by itself.
oh jo! i am quietly jumping for joy for you!!!!! i want daily updates on how your doin!

I dont even no where to begin with my was horrible, im really starting to think im just being kicked while im down!

I was dreading goin back to the epu in the first place, my appointment was for naturally i got there at 8.45.. i gave my name and waited while having to look at the room i was rushed into the morning of my d&c, while having to watch heavily pregnant women out the window smoking ther brains out (i have nothing against women smoking or doing wat they want to do when they are pregnant, each to their own, i just find it hard to see anything like that when i was so strict and did everything right and still lost my baby) and to top it off i had to listen and eventually answer the other woman who was their talking about how this feels like de-ja-vu to her cuz her baby is only 1 and shes right bak there (i wish it was that easy for all of us)...i just felt so fragile that i couldnt even tell her that i had lost my baby..i new if i admitted it i'd of broke down, so i just smiled and avoided all questions...ANYWAY...i waited and waited and waited for 2 AND A HALF HOURS...before by-passing the reception area and going straight to the room to tell them i couldnt wait any longer becuz i had another hospital appointment at 11.30 (really feel like my bodys just fallin apart)...and what was i told????? "im sooo sorry, we wern't told of your arrival and had put you down as a no show!!!!".... at this stage i just wanted out of the place so i was given another appointment for 9am monday morning from a very appologetic midwife (god help the person at reception when she went up to them...she was furious) naturally when i eventually got home from my day trip to the hospital i crawled into bed, shut off my phone and cuddled into my oh. I took another hpt when i got home from wasnt my fmu but i thought id do it anyway..its still positive but def not a dark as it has been..but i dont no if thats cuz it wasnt my fmu :S i'll re-test in the morning..

sorry for the long message girls..really needed to get that off my chest!

Piccolo its good to hear that what is left isnt very big, hopefully it will pass quickly and you can get started! x
oh jo! i am quietly jumping for joy for you!!!!! i want daily updates on how your doin!

I dont even no where to begin with my was horrible, im really starting to think im just being kicked while im down!

I was dreading goin back to the epu in the first place, my appointment was for naturally i got there at 8.45.. i gave my name and waited while having to look at the room i was rushed into the morning of my d&c, while having to watch heavily pregnant women out the window smoking ther brains out (i have nothing against women smoking or doing wat they want to do when they are pregnant, each to their own, i just find it hard to see anything like that when i was so strict and did everything right and still lost my baby) and to top it off i had to listen and eventually answer the other woman who was their talking about how this feels like de-ja-vu to her cuz her baby is only 1 and shes right bak there (i wish it was that easy for all of us)...i just felt so fragile that i couldnt even tell her that i had lost my baby..i new if i admitted it i'd of broke down, so i just smiled and avoided all questions...ANYWAY...i waited and waited and waited for 2 AND A HALF HOURS...before by-passing the reception area and going straight to the room to tell them i couldnt wait any longer becuz i had another hospital appointment at 11.30 (really feel like my bodys just fallin apart)...and what was i told????? "im sooo sorry, we wern't told of your arrival and had put you down as a no show!!!!".... at this stage i just wanted out of the place so i was given another appointment for 9am monday morning from a very appologetic midwife (god help the person at reception when she went up to them...she was furious) naturally when i eventually got home from my day trip to the hospital i crawled into bed, shut off my phone and cuddled into my oh. I took another hpt when i got home from wasnt my fmu but i thought id do it anyway..its still positive but def not a dark as it has been..but i dont no if thats cuz it wasnt my fmu :S i'll re-test in the morning..

sorry for the long message girls..really needed to get that off my chest!

Piccolo its good to hear that what is left isnt very big, hopefully it will pass quickly and you can get started! x

Yuck! What an awful day you had. Why does it seem like there are all of these painful triggers waiting around every corner to remind us of what we lost. Then top that off with making you wait an extra long time in a place full of them. I’m sorry your day was so bad. I hope each day starts to get better. :hugs:
I took my first HPT since I stopped bleeding this evening. I have a very faint positive. It was hard to know that my body still thinks it’s pregnant. But I was happy to see that things should be out of my system soon. I just want to move on and this body is not letting me. :dohh:
Oh Little_1 how awful, I hope it goes a lot better on Monday morning and that you can have a nice weekend. Regarding your HPT, I had a darker line on the First Response with FMU and the 2 HPT I did later were lighter. I hope that helps slightly.

I'm currently a nervous wreck hoping this is something new and not something left over or that if its new it will stay. xx
Sorry you had such a horrid day Little1, hope you have a nice restful weekend x
Ugh little 1, so sorry. Pamper yourself this weekend. Keep cuddled up to your oh, watch cheesy movies, drink some nice wine, or whatever you're in to. Monday will be here before you know it and then you can finally get it over with. Hugs.
Im also keen to try again after losing my 2nd little one but i think i might take the Doctors advise this time and wait 2-3 months. I bleed for quite some time after my D&C on 5th Oct and ive only just got my 1st period. So relieved my body is going back to normal! :happydance:

Good luck to everyone elce xxx

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