Anyone else about to try straight after mc?

Hey girls, thanks for all the messages..really cant wait until monday..heres my test for today...wat yas think compared to the last one i took?? darker? lighter? the same? i have to bear in mind that the last test is a diff brand (could get the same :() again the line looks lighter in the pic than it actually is... hope your all keeping well x


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i can feel you but i know its hard but try not to focese on it to much it will come promise

i had a miscarge on march 6th and got pregnet may 8th both 2011 and now 28 weeks pregnet dailated 4-5 cmt with boliging water bag
docters and nurserys said it was hard to get pregnet after miscarge not until 6 months has passed but god nows more then they do it didnt take to long for me
i cryed all day and night about my sleepn angly . even when i got pregnet now when i reached 18 weeks started to remmber my loss and got depressed i cant forget her but it took me until 24 weeks to get a little better i here at the hospital now waiting for my baby sence im already dialted with bolging water sac .

i now everything will be ok though i have been here sence 4 weeks now
but all worth it.

but you will get it promise just comes at the right time
good luck hun
sorry for your loss
i now its kinda expensive but try to use clearblue its good luck
Jolm, I'm so happy for you! I get it, you want to be cautious. My hubby is even more nervous than I am. I am staying positive and trying to enjoy things, this actually seems to make my anxiety better. I pray every day and more when I start worrying. Dreamt I was watching someones baby last night and lost it-I was so relieved to wake up. I have also dreamt I was bleeding and was mc again--just goes to show what a traumatic process mc is--my psyche is processing everything still!! But I think our chances are good that these beans will stick.
:cry: Well AF got me .. exactly 4 weeks after my M/C feeling upset today.. but hopefully by tomorrow I will be ok XX
I'm really sorry angelcake, at least u no that when its finished u can start trying again if u want 2. I no that's not much of a consolation but things will get better (I'm hopin as much 4 ur sake as my own :()..its been nearly 5 weeks since my d& hpt are still pos, I hav to go bak to epu on monday to c why.. x
Hey girls, thanks for all the messages..really cant wait until monday..heres my test for today...wat yas think compared to the last one i took?? darker? lighter? the same? i have to bear in mind that the last test is a diff brand (could get the same :() again the line looks lighter in the pic than it actually is... hope your all keeping well x

Hi Little_1, it looks the same to the 14/11/2011 test, maybe even slightly darker. My FX'd for tomorrow.

I've taken another 2 tests one yesterday, one this morning and both came out the same colour but did start to show straight away. The previous 4 took about 30 seconds before starting to show. I don't know if that means anything.

Thanks Laylas, we've both started to relax a bit and are just going to take it easy over the next 2 weeks. I also received a load of HPT from amazon and going to keep testing every couple of days for any changes, so far i'm getting clearer positives and quicker positives to my previous pregnancy. xx
Angelcake, I'm sorry your AF has arrived but at least you know your cycle is back to normal and my FX'd that December will be your month hopefully giving you and your partner the best Christmas present ever. xx
I lost my babay at 20 weeks and like you desperate to fall pregnant again,i started trying (Bding) straightaway after two weeks,i have not yet seen my periods yet and just going with the flow,i spoke to my GP and she told me to just get on with it.Iam so desperate and this is what i worry about.I still have drops of red bood (Sorry tmi),nothing big now and then and i just cant be asked anymore,iam in my late 30s and its like time is against me.
Jolm-I really think that the line coming up faster is a great sign. I took a test today at 15 dpo and will probably not test for awhile now (test line is darker than control line-what a blessing), but I am still temping...which I suspect is not really helpful from what I've read but I can't let it go just yet!!

Angelcakes-I bet AF is difficult. Please trust that by the time O day is here you will probably feel better, that is how it worked for me at least, learning to trust your body again. Hang in there girl!!:thumbup:
Rossy - sorry for your loss. :hugs: here's hoping there are lots more BFPs on this thread.

afm got a few more days of Soy to take... feeling a few twinges in my ovaries every now and again. I have a feeling that if is does help me to O then I will know without a doubt when it is happening...
I am feeling positive as I am now on day 10 of a new cycle so over the next week we may make a baby :) all I want for Christmas is a BFP!!
Hey girls, thanks for all the messages..really cant wait until monday..heres my test for today...wat yas think compared to the last one i took?? darker? lighter? the same? i have to bear in mind that the last test is a diff brand (could get the same :() again the line looks lighter in the pic than it actually is... hope your all keeping well x

Hi Little_1, it looks the same to the 14/11/2011 test, maybe even slightly darker. My FX'd for tomorrow.

I've taken another 2 tests one yesterday, one this morning and both came out the same colour but did start to show straight away. The previous 4 took about 30 seconds before starting to show. I don't know if that means anything.

Thanks Laylas, we've both started to relax a bit and are just going to take it easy over the next 2 weeks. I also received a load of HPT from amazon and going to keep testing every couple of days for any changes, so far i'm getting clearer positives and quicker positives to my previous pregnancy. xx

I will post asap tomoro to let u no wat they say. no jo thats a really good sign that its gettin darker quicker...i found out i was pregnant thru a trip to a&e and the triage nurse there told me that my positive line was coming up even before the test line, she said that the quicker it comes up can relate to the strength of hormones in your body and that my body seemed to have a very strong hormone if she's not talkin crap then its fantastic news for you! the tests iv been taken lately take a wee while to develop...iv been thinkin that they are negative but the more i watch them i then see them turn to positive...hope my rambling helped lol x
I just wanted to send an update and give everyone some hope. I had a m/c at 5w1d which started on Oct 22nd. I found out Friday that I'm pregnant again without so much as an af in-between. This time around I feel so much better about it. Last time I had spotting before I even got a BFP all the way through until I lost he/she. This time I have no spotting and sore boobs and cramping (which I didn't have last time). Fingers crossed for all of you! Best of luck!
I just wanted to send an update and give everyone some hope. I had a m/c at 5w1d which started on Oct 22nd. I found out Friday that I'm pregnant again without so much as an af in-between. This time around I feel so much better about it. Last time I had spotting before I even got a BFP all the way through until I lost he/she. This time I have no spotting and sore boobs and cramping (which I didn't have last time). Fingers crossed for all of you! Best of luck!

Thanks for sharing your wonderful news! And congrats :) It does help to hear stories like yours :)
congrats!!!i may shortly be joining u!i had a dand c after a blighted ovum on oct 6 and think i might be in the game again!have to retest in a fw days tho :)
Congrats themarshas!
How is everyone doing?
My OH has made plans to go to dinner with his friend and partner. She's 8 months pregnant and though I consider them to be my friends too I'm not sure how I feel about going. I can't trust myself to go without a heavy heart. Just thinking about it makes me tearful. Its not like she's a tiny-bit pregnant. It will be staring me in the face. They know about my MC and I feel like it will be the elephant in the room. I really don't want to avoid them and I am honestly truly happy for them but I'm just not sure if I'll be able to hold myself together even if I get through dinner I'm sure to fall apart back at home...

Apologies for the rant x
Hey babyforme... I think it's fair enough if you don't feel ready to spend time with her being so pregnant, it might just be a bit too soon. You could maybe tell her this as she knows about the m/c and explain that you don't want to avoid her but feel you just need a little more time? Or, if you want to go, explain how you're feeling before hand so that its not the elephant in the room?

I had a similar situation recently - one of my best friends gave birth about 2 weeks after my m/c. I so wanted to be able to visit and congratulate her but I just didn't feel ready, and I didn't want to get all upset and make what should be a happy occasion for her, a sad one. She didn't know about my m/c at the time. I managed to get together with her for lunch last week and just about managed it, although I did get emotional when she jokingly said to me "you're not pregnant are you?!" as she was about to tell me her birth story and didn't wanna scare me if I was... which ensued me breaking down and telling her what had happened.
I so hear you guys - 2 of my friends have given birth since my mc (one on the same day) and I found out yesterday another friend is 6 months along. I think the jealousy around other pregnant people both after miscarriage and even before when ttc is one of the worst parts of all this. A close family member is due around the same time as I would have been, and she's one of those who gets pregnant by thinking about it - first month with both her pregnancies. And of course she's younger than me. She tries to be really understanding but I can't bear to be around her. It's sooo awkward. And I know it's going to be so much worse when she starts to show, constantly being reminded "that's how far along I would have been."
All I can offer is this - I tried for 16 months before I got pregnant this time. The jealousy and sadness around pregnant people and babies had become almost debilitating. And it was also sort of automatic. Finally I just forced myself to see a pregnant person and think "that'll be me soon," instead of automatically getting sad. I did it enough times that I think I started to believe it. I started to feel positive around pregnant people instead of depressed. That's the month I got pregnant. I really do feel that that's a big part of why that month worked. It's different after a miscarriage, I know. But now that's what we have to try and do again, I think. See our pregnant friends and force ourselves to think not about what we have lost but about the future. And maybe if we consciously make that shift in our minds enough times then seeing those pregnant women and babies won't make us so sad anymore. And they say holding a baby triggers hormones that make you more fertile!
I'm writing all this advice as much for myself as for you guys, hoping that if I write it down I can actually try and put it into practice.

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