Anyone else about to try straight after mc?

rachelkt i would've been having my 12 week scan on monday (coming) and I am an emotional wreck already (no chance there then, how much can one woman cry in a week and a half???). Sending lots of love and healing thoughts your way, I know what you are going through, hon. xxx
twinkle2-that's so hard, the only advice I have to give you is to grieve-take that time you need. When i'm sad I don't avoid it and when I'm feeling better I accept that too, it's a roller coaster at times. :hugs:

Sorry I havent posted, been busy at work but I have been reading about everyone. Anyone else early dpo? Fertility Friend seems to think I ovulated, though I don't seem much of a temp rise, it says I'm 3 dpo today. if that is right I ovulated cd 13 (usually o cd 14-16).

Hope everyone is hanging in there.:flower:
Rachelkt - I hope you're okay hun. :hugs: I find myself thinking ” I would have been x weeks today” Other times I feel guilty for not being as upset about it as I think I should be.

Laylas - I haven't o'd yet but I do have all the signs of oing soon. Hope ff is right for you. Fx
Hi Ladies,

I am in same boat too miscarried this week now not sure what to do but want to start trying straight away cause would love to get pregnant again but afraid might not work out again so unsure what to do.

Love to all
Bumblebee-have you talked with your doc yet? I had a chemical, so I was only 3-4 days late and got my positive 2 days before AF. My MC bleeding was painful but bearable, and I think I just ovulated today, so things seem to be back on track (CD 15-on time counting CD 1-start of bleeding). I started trying again right away but felt emotionally and physically ready as does my DH. I did not see a doc since it was so early with my chemical/MC and had not yet established with one (insurance just kicked in). I do have an appointment with a new gyn this Wednesday-more just so they "know" me for when I hopefully call them prego in the future or if things don't go so well again, (sigh)...but I'm trying to be positive. I keep telling my DH that just getting pregnant was a good sign (our first month trying) but there is worry...
Hi Bumblebee, i'm sorry for your loss. I'm trying again straight away but like laylas had an early MC and things seemed to have got back to normal. I'm also very worried that if I get pregnant again it will happen again and will probably just stay very quiet until first scan next time. xx

Rachel and Twinkle, *hug* and my heart goes out to you both during this sad time. xx
as soon as the bleeding stops we are trying again... bleeding has been all over the place, red, brown, heavy, light, clots, no confusing and sometimes kinda scary...but as soon as its gone we are going again... baby dust to everyone!xx
BTW I was wondering...the very day I ovulated I had blood tinged egg white mucus. I guess this is just ovulation spotting?? Anyone had this? Any blood freaks me out at this point...:nope:
Sorry to add, TMI, but the spotting was only in the EWCM during BDing-light pink-then gone after...?
It could be O spotting, or could be from BD (cervix being a bit more sensitive after m/c). I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress too much about it. It didn't last long (from what I understand). Did you do opks at all? Do you temp?
Hey girls, hope your all keeping well, sorry i havnt been on, stupid internets been messin up..3 weeks 2moro since d&c,done a hpt this day last week and it was still positive. Just done another one there and its still positive..should it still be after this amount of time?? hope every1's keepin well x
Hey stash, I didn't think about my cervix, that's possible. I bb temp (and use CM changes) each morning--i love it actually (I use FF)!-and got my rise the next day. I was suppose to have my first (meet and greet) appointment with obgyn this wednesday, but the secretary misunderstood me when trying to switch times and canceled my appointment all together, just found out today. I was irrationally upset and had to really push to get another appointment before the end of freakin december (and the cancellation was not my fault)!!! My new appointment day is three days after my expected period date though, so I guess I could be going newly pregnant which would be nice for blood draws, peace of mind, etc and if not then I could get some advice for my next cycle. Hope i like the midwife better than the secretaries!!:dohh: How are things going for you??:flower:
Hey girls, hope your all keeping well, sorry i havnt been on, stupid internets been messin up..3 weeks 2moro since d&c,done a hpt this day last week and it was still positive. Just done another one there and its still positive..should it still be after this amount of time?? hope every1's keepin well x

Are the positives getting fainter? My nurse told me to get back in touch with them if a HPT was still positive after 2 weeks so maybe you should contact who ever you saw before and ask them about it? x
Hello everyone. I hope it is ok to join in! We were so excited that we were finally able to get pregnant with our first IUI/injectable cycle. We found out Sept 28th that we were pregnant. My hcg rose nicely the following week and we were scheduled for our 6 week ultrasound. Guess what....nothing there and I was having left sided pain. I ended up being diagnosed with a suspected tubal and miscarried 10/22. My RE said that we can begin a new cycle of meds with my next af. I go in on the 21 for a pregnancy test before I start provera. My pregnancy symptoms seem to have returned, though. They went away and I just noticed around the middle of last week that my breasts are sore, my nipples are sensative, and I am feeling sleepy again. Anyone have this happen? I know that all the hcg was negative because my doctor tests until negative. My level was 3 last tuesday, which he considers negative because it was less than 4.
rachelkt they do seem to be getting fainter, im going to take another one at the end of the week and if its still pos i will contact the doctor, how hav u been keeping?

Astellarmom welcome :) i am really sorry to hear wat you've gone through, i find that these girls really help me get through my days and help me understand what the hell my bodys playin at so its good to see another voice x
Hi Little_1, I was told the same as Rachel that to contact them if still getting positive results after 2 weeks.
Hello everyone. I hope it is ok to join in! We were so excited that we were finally able to get pregnant with our first IUI/injectable cycle. We found out Sept 28th that we were pregnant. My hcg rose nicely the following week and we were scheduled for our 6 week ultrasound. Guess what....nothing there and I was having left sided pain. I ended up being diagnosed with a suspected tubal and miscarried 10/22. My RE said that we can begin a new cycle of meds with my next af. I go in on the 21 for a pregnancy test before I start provera. My pregnancy symptoms seem to have returned, though. They went away and I just noticed around the middle of last week that my breasts are sore, my nipples are sensative, and I am feeling sleepy again. Anyone have this happen? I know that all the hcg was negative because my doctor tests until negative. My level was 3 last tuesday, which he considers negative because it was less than 4.

Hi AStellarmom, I'm the same my breasts and nipples are very sore just started last weekend. It completely disapeered when the MC started. Hubby and I have both started trying again as soon as we received our negative result but not trying to get my hopes up. I may just be a bit extra sensitive. xx
Hello everyone. I hope it is ok to join in! We were so excited that we were finally able to get pregnant with our first IUI/injectable cycle. We found out Sept 28th that we were pregnant. My hcg rose nicely the following week and we were scheduled for our 6 week ultrasound. Guess what....nothing there and I was having left sided pain. I ended up being diagnosed with a suspected tubal and miscarried 10/22. My RE said that we can begin a new cycle of meds with my next af. I go in on the 21 for a pregnancy test before I start provera. My pregnancy symptoms seem to have returned, though. They went away and I just noticed around the middle of last week that my breasts are sore, my nipples are sensative, and I am feeling sleepy again. Anyone have this happen? I know that all the hcg was negative because my doctor tests until negative. My level was 3 last tuesday, which he considers negative because it was less than 4.

Hi AStellarmom, I'm the same my breasts and nipples are very sore just started last weekend. It completely disapeered when the MC started. Hubby and I have both starteswd trying again as soon as we received our negative result but not trying to get my hopes up. I may just be a bit extra sensitive. xx

We also started as soon as the bleeding stopped. It is so hard not to get your hopes up when you are having symptoms again. I have PCOS so I have no clue when I would have ovulated if I did. Grrrrr!
Astellarmom, i have pcos too and it friggin sucks, im thinkin im gna buy those opks to see if or when im ovulating.. JoLM, was tellin the oh what use ladies wer saying, hes puttin the foot down to get me to go see docs, just to make sure alls ok... how u keeping joLM? u still havin symptoms?? x
Hey girls, hope your all keeping well, sorry i havnt been on, stupid internets been messin up..3 weeks 2moro since d&c,done a hpt this day last week and it was still positive. Just done another one there and its still positive..should it still be after this amount of time?? hope every1's keepin well x

Are the positives getting fainter? My nurse told me to get back in touch with them if a HPT was still positive after 2 weeks so maybe you should contact who ever you saw before and ask them about it? x

Just had a look again at the 2 hpt that iv taken since the d&c and the second one actually hasnt got any fainter than the first one i took :S

Question for ya's...i dont know if this is just me but i cant bring myself to throw anything out from my time in hospital having my d& i stil have my i.d bracelet, the box the tablets came in that i had to take before and the leaflet they gave me after...and the 2 hpt's iv taken since. I know they are from a horrible time but to me they are still a reminder of my little baby. Has anyone else done anything similar??? x

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