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Anyone else due July? On the pregnancy train again!

Hi ladies

Flo I wouldn't worry too much about not having MS yet or even at all, I haven't had it with any of my pregnancies so far and as you can see my little monkey is happy and healthy lol!
I bet you have loads of symptoms that you don't really notice, like smells being stronger, sometimes cravings don't really have that "crave" about them, you just might notice you are eating more of something than others.
And yay for getting scan date already that's awesome! Mine will probably be just after Boxing Day if they do them then.

Little lotus don't worry everything tends to work out for the best somehow with relation to jobs finance and babies, I was panicking about work when I was pregnant and all has been fine an they have been great. I'm sure something will come up soon

Cheska I get loads of wind too, can hear my tummy gurgling now yikes!

Beau my most annoying symptom is that pulling ligament pain in the front of my pelvis every time I get up!! No matter how slowly I go it still bloody hurts! Also I am super super irritated by everyone especially df at the mo, given I have reason with df sometimes lol, but I just feel rage against any little thing, hormones!

Leash yikes that's high odds missy! My SIL had one set of twins them another so she has 4 under the age of 7 and at one point had 4 under 4 lol! Thankfully for me she's not my blood relation, however my nan had 2 singleton births in her twenties then twins and then triplets in her thirties. I had Emilia JUST in my twenties and I'll be 31 when I have this LO eeek!

Rooster thanks for that Hun, will be great to see everyone on one page so I can remember you all! I'm doing well thanks, had my doctors appt today to get referred to the midwives, my bp was slightly raised but I reckon that's coz I'd walked there and was also awaiting my MOT bill lol! How are you?

So will any of you ladies be staying team yellow? I won't be coz I'm too curious lol! Maybe if this one is blue and we have a third child in the future we might leave that one to be a surprise lol!
thanks baileybubs I know its weird to wish sickness on ureself but I just want to know things are in there, do smell lots of things and my sense of smell has gone really strong, im sure its fine as some people don't realise their pregnant for a while so must not have noticeable symptoms my sister was 3 months gone before she realised and the only reason she found out is because she had been packpacking in mexico and had diarrhea and went the gp and they told her she was pregnant lol so I suppose its not unusual! im just nervous after my mc I think, but I think by the end of this week I will be past that point and will relax a bit more, ill probably be vomiting everyday from 6 weeks and wish I never wished for it haha!! its good to have ppl to talk to we haven't told anyone yet and hubby doesn't get it so I have no one to ask things xx
I definately understand it, I still feel the same from time to time despite the fact that I advise others not to worry lol! It would be nice in a way to have MS just as reassurance but I'm gonna try and take pleasure in feeling ok and feel lucky lol!
You know, I was planning on being team yellow as long as possible, hopefully to birth, but I don't think that will be possible. But I've been looking at baby stuff, and it is soooo hard to find things that are gender neutral! I don't want to wait until after baby comes to buy stuff, I'd like to have most of it ready when we come home from the hospital. So looks like we'll be finding out!
Yeah I found that last time. This time we have loads of girls stuff so want to know if we need to buy more stuff or not!
Thank you all for the encouragement. I really want this one to stick. I went to the women's clinic yesterday and they gave me an ultrasound to check on my progress, and I am actually only 5 weeks and a few days. Even though the little one doesn't have a heartbeat yet, the yolk sac was beautiful and I was just glad to see the pregnancy is progressing.

As far as symptoms go, I don't have a whole lot going on. Except I'm starting to notice my heightened sense of smell and I tried to eat some chicken the other night and I could barely choke down a bite of it. I don't think meat and I will get along this time around. Oh, and today I have been so exhausted I broke down and had a cup of coffee. I'm really trying to cut out caffeine, at least for the first trimester, but on days like today I have to have it! :coffee:
amalee: we didnt find out our daughter was a girl till birth last time, and it was hard to find stuff for sure.. my family was also not happy that i wasnt finding out the gender..

this time i think we will find out.. i feel like it will make it easier to bond with baby...

littlelotus: chicken hasnt been agreeing with me either! it has been the only thing to make me puke so far... everything else just gives me nausea =)

hope you gals are having a good afternoon =D
We will for sure be finding out the gender. Can't resist. Really hoping for a boy this time. I am curious about something, I have heard that women who get lots of MS will have boys and little to no MS carry girls. This was true for my daughter, not a single day of MS. Anyone want to comment their experience? Just for fun.
We will for sure be finding out the gender. Can't resist. Really hoping for a boy this time. I am curious about something, I have heard that women who get lots of MS will have boys and little to no MS carry girls. This was true for my daughter, not a single day of MS. Anyone want to comment their experience? Just for fun.

I did not have any ms with my daughter, and started having it today while at the grocery store. Pretty manageable, but I definitely felt nauseous which is not normal for me. My sister had morning sickness with both her girls and her boy. I want a boy too, so I'm hoping you're right :winkwink:

As far as finding out the gender, it would be kind of fun to be surprised, but I don't think I could handle the suspense!
Cheska I'm 5 weeks tomorrow--still super early! I've seen ppl posting about MS and I'm hoping maybe I'll be one of the lucky ppl who doesn't get it, but I doubt it! I had two really bad days last week where I thought it had come early, then it went away completely. In hindsight I'm wondering if I was just airsick (I had flown that day) and exhausted. The only symptom so far I've noticed this early is being so tired and wanting to go to bed at 8pm! I have what the clinic on the military base calls "new OB orientation" next week, but I don't think I'll actually see a doctor until the first ultrasound, hopefully the week before Christmas. Hope everyone is feeling OK!
I'm experiencing slight nausea on and off, but so far *touch wood* no morning sickness. It would be a relief not to have it because when I am 10 weeks DH and I are going to Barcelona for a weekend and I was terrified by the idea of MS on a plane and on a weekend away! Still, it's probably too early to tell so I won't get too excited yet. I read somewhere if you haven't got MS by the end of your 6th week then chances are pretty slim that you'll get it. I hope that's the case! Anyway, I'm not counting my chickens yet as I'm not even half way through my 6th week :haha:

Like other women not already suffering from MS I have having the same fears of whether everything is alright down there. Can't wait til my 8 week scan, no doc has even confirmed this pregnancy so I can't wait to see it and let it feel more real. :wacko:
hi everyone!!

glad to hear everything is going great for everyone.

Tell me someone, should I be worried that I am not feeling any stretching/cramping? one of the girls mentioned it and I had to seriously think whether I've felt that...and I have not. Should I be worried? The last time I had cramps was when I missed my period. I had a few twinges that felt like pulling two or three days after that but that is about it.

I go in for a scan next week Thursday (very excited!) so I'm sure that I will see then that everything is as it should be.

I've phoned today and got my first scan appt. I will be 7+5 exactly 2 weeks today. Hope Everyone is well. I'm super tired!!! My most major symptom of early pregnancy and dh thinks I put it on grrrrr x
hi everyone!!

glad to hear everything is going great for everyone.

Tell me someone, should I be worried that I am not feeling any stretching/cramping? one of the girls mentioned it and I had to seriously think whether I've felt that...and I have not. Should I be worried? The last time I had cramps was when I missed my period. I had a few twinges that felt like pulling two or three days after that but that is about it.

I go in for a scan next week Thursday (very excited!) so I'm sure that I will see then that everything is as it should be.


I wouldn't worry everyone's symptoms vary. It still amazes me how people get through a whole pregnancy without knowing. But also goes to show they must not have any obvious symptoms. Good luck for your scan. How many weeks will you be ? X
Yeah it varies for everyone so I wouldn't panic, cheska is right it varies from woman to woman, and pregnancy to pregnancy. I've been saying that I never get MS coz my first 2 pregnancies I didn't but this one I'm starting to feel more nauseas by the day, so you just don't know what you will and won't get. As long as there is no severe pain then I wouldn't panic and just keep taking it easy and look forward to your scan :)
Hi all,

I started having ms yesterday and bought some reeds ginger brew. (Find it I the natural section here in the US). It's a ginger soda, because it's made with real ginger it really settled my stomach. I drank some this afternoon and haven't felt nauseous at all. Just thought I would spread the love and maybe help some if you that are feeling queasy.
ugh I think ms is creeping in well not voming but feeling icky, had a macdonalds for tea and the meat smealt raw it wasn't but it just smelt like raw mince meat knocked me sick couldn't eat it, and now if I think of macdonalds I feel queasy, gutted I love burgers urgh not for now!! x
Me too with the ms, haven't had it before in my previous pregnancies but each day I'm feeling more and more sick, not wanting to be sick but just feeling bleurgh :sick:
Hi girls! Sorry I am in the process of getting the front page done! I just feel exhausted at the moment, the morning sickness mixed with having a 7 month old and working full time is killing me!
beau84, as the girls say don't worry about comparing your pregnancies with others, every pregnancy is very unique!
cheska, that's good news about your appointment! I think my DH thinks I'm putting on the tiredness too!
little lotus will defo try the ginger tip, I feel so sick I will I would be sick! It's horrible feeling!
The smell of some foods as well girls! Gross! The smell of things at work as a nurse, I actually think I go green! Has anyone else got the dreaded bloating? I had it real bad with my other pregnancy too! And I get addicted to food too! I just have such a big apply ire when pregnant! X
I have told my family and work colleges, I'm a nurse and there is a few things you can't do when your pregnant so I had to tell them.
I will probably tell friends as I see them. I feel weird knowing it and not saying anything.
I had told everyone when I had my m/c at 12 weeks and the support and love I got was amazing and helped me so much so I have no problem telling people early (this is my own opinion about myself, I totally understand others reasons for not telling!) xx

I too am a nurse, I work in intensive care and its pretty heavy work ive kind of just been avoiding heavier work, do u think I need to tell work? if so when do u think I shud tell, I had mc in sept and was very early so didn't even have chance to tell people apart from my sister, and then after mc I told mum and mil and other sister, I just don't know what to do I haven't even been the drs yet, should I? its hard cause u don't wana tell ppl, but then u cant ask for advice lol x

Sorry only just seen this now!! I told the girls at work as our ward is very heavy and we have some patients that have nuclear medicine that I can't go near. I just feel its so important to protect the little baby at this stage. It's up to you if you want to tell them but I think it's best, maybe if you only tell yr manager and she can keep an eye on you? Also you get referred to occ health and they explain what you can and can't do. Xx

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