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Anyone else due July? On the pregnancy train again!

Hope everyone is well? I updated the front page! If I have any dates wrong or not put your date down let me know! X :)
12th July. I suspect it will arrive a lot sooner though :( hopefully not earlier than my son! Same time or later would be ok with me as he did great! x
I don't know how to get a ticker!? I've clicked on yours rooster but still can't figure it out.

Rooster - I'm totally with you on the apitite front! I think my mind thinks if I'm full I won't feel nauseous !
I'm due 26th July according to O date :)

Cheska, I just went on Babygaga website :)

I got my bfp a few weeks ago .. I'm 6ish weeks pregnant with number two!

My daughter Isabella is 2years old and we are glad to be back on b&b!

I was bleeding last Sunday and after a scary trip to a&e and a early scan Friday we are happy to say there's defiantly a little 'turnip' in my belly .. With a heart beat and everything! :))

Excited to get to know all you crazy ladies! And hopefully find a few July buddies to ride the crazy pregnancy roller coaster together!!

:) xx
Ooo and we aren't sure of my dates but as a guesstimate we are going with the 11th! Could I please be added to the first page! :)
hi everyone!!

glad to hear everything is going great for everyone.

Tell me someone, should I be worried that I am not feeling any stretching/cramping? one of the girls mentioned it and I had to seriously think whether I've felt that...and I have not. Should I be worried? The last time I had cramps was when I missed my period. I had a few twinges that felt like pulling two or three days after that but that is about it.

I go in for a scan next week Thursday (very excited!) so I'm sure that I will see then that everything is as it should be.


I wouldn't worry everyone's symptoms vary. It still amazes me how people get through a whole pregnancy without knowing. But also goes to show they must not have any obvious symptoms. Good luck for your scan. How many weeks will you be ? X

thanx so much for the reassurance!!:hugs: Ill be 7weeks +2days. Im so anxious for thr doc to tell me everything is perfect. This is our first so I have no idea what is normal and what not.

Im so grateful for you guys!
I don't know how to get a ticker!? I've clicked on yours rooster but still can't figure it out.

Rooster - I'm totally with you on the apitite front! I think my mind thinks if I'm full I won't feel nauseous !

Cheska, are you using an iPhone or computer? If you click on the link there is a list of options down the left hand side and one option is personalised tickers. See if you can find it! X

I got my bfp a few weeks ago .. I'm 6ish weeks pregnant with number two!

My daughter Isabella is 2years old and we are glad to be back on b&b!

I was bleeding last Sunday and after a scary trip to a&e and a early scan Friday we are happy to say there's defiantly a little 'turnip' in my belly .. With a heart beat and everything! :))

Excited to get to know all you crazy ladies! And hopefully find a few July buddies to ride the crazy pregnancy roller coaster together!!

:) xx

Welcome! Very exciting! Glad the scan went well!
Hi ladies! Due July 21! I hang out mostly in the July 2014 group over in Pregnancy Club. We're gonna start trying to pick a name soon. Look forward to know you ladies!
Hi t8ty. Congrats on your bfp!

Thanks for adding me to the front page rooster.

How is everyone doing!??
Hi all!

Thanks for adding me to the page, rooster!

I have noticed that I'm nauseous more in the evening than during the day. I had no ms with my first, and this time it is mild, but I still had a tough time making dinner (shrimp scampi) because of the smell.

On top of that, my husband still doesn't know which means all my symptoms, and the exhaustion, get very little sympathy. I'm going to try to wait until Sunday to tell him, the secret is killing me!
Hi everyone,

How are you all going? I get my first ultrasound this friday. So nervous and excited all at once. I still can't believe I am pregnant and then keep fearing something bad will happen. Feel like I will be holding my breath this whole pregnancy, is it like that for your first?

Also my midwife wrote on the ultrasound referral form that the tech is not supposed to give us a verbal or written report of what they see and only report back to her. But in all the youtube videos I have watched people get told at the time what they can see and if everything is ok. I feel a bit sad this wont be my first experience. Is what my midwife asking normal? She is a bit of a control freak. Thanks
I'm on my second pregnancy and I'm more scared this time round. I guess it's because I know how precious they are. My son is my world and I love my bean already so the thought of anything happening terrifies me.

I'm in the UK, we get told everything at the scan.
How are you going to tell your hubby littlelotus? Not long until Sunday! :happydance:
Hi ladies hope you are all ok?

Little lotus I still can't believe you havent told dh! How will you do it? Do you think he'll be ok that you didn't tell him sooner?

Hopeful fairy at all scans here in the uk the tech tells us what's happening there and then so I don't know how normal it is in Australia. I can understand why they might do it that way from my own experience it was awful when it was bad news and the tech wasn't exactly very comforting, but it just be awful having to wait to find out!! I'm sure everything will be just fine though Hun so don't worry and good luck!

Brunette bimbo hi I'm from your neck of the woods too! I thought I'd be more worried second time around but I'm actually not coz my lg give me so much to focus on I don't have time to think lol! Time is flying! I get what you mean though about these little beans already meaning so much, I was in shock at first but now I am so happy and the thought of something going wrong again terrifies me, I just try not to think about it! Do you know when your scan will be yet? I haven't even seen a midwife yet!
Hi girls, was at work and started bleeding. Off to the maternity hospital. I have a very bad feeling about this, it's just like the m/c I had before :cry:

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