Anyone else due towards end of March?

My organs shouted for joy once DD was out.. I expect they'll do the same after this baby is out :haha:
Zoey I've heard of something called a pregnancy mask. Where the skin on your face darkens. Is that it you think?

I remember after my first dd I really missed being pg and felt do sad about not being pg anymore especially since there was a good chance I may never have more children. But I feel right now like I won't miss it this time . Crazy dh keeps saying he wants a 4th. I can't fathom right now ever bring pg again lol.
Zoey I've heard of something called a pregnancy mask. Where the skin on your face darkens. Is that it you think?

I remember after my first dd I really missed being pg and felt do sad about not being pg anymore especially since there was a good chance I may never have more children. But I feel right now like I won't miss it this time . Crazy dh keeps saying he wants a 4th. I can't fathom right now ever bring pg again lol.

Oh thats hysterical :haha: My DH keeps asking me how soon until we do an FET cycle.

Are you kidding me? I asked him to hire a surrogate to host the frosties ;) ROFLMAO
Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Been majorly exhausted. My day has pretty much consisted of dragging myself to work, getting home,cook dinner, bath and bed at 9pm. I am so tired but I am always awake by 2 in the morning (argh!!!) and unable to get back to sleep so consequently I am a zombie in the day. Only two more weeks at work and I am seriously counting down the minutes! Mat leave will be bliss!

Had a quick scan of the thread and it sounds like we are all feeling equally uncomfy! I cannot wait to get my body back after birth! I am just fed up of being out of breath all the time and aching constantly!!!

Haha sorry for the rant that just turned into!

@ Zoey the skin on my face has gone super dry and flakey in the last week or so, am assuming its yet another wonderful pregnancy side effect!

@Brandy, I have told my DH we will be having our next baby when he can carry it! Won't be in a rush to do this again anytime soon!
Snufflepop- I wouldnt worry about it turning into a rant were all at that point right now. I couldnt imagine if I had to go to work and do it to omg... Kudos to you!
It's just weird seeing my face have such rosy cheeks but yeah could be that I guess!

I'm feeling a little apprehensive today, he isn't moving anywhere near as much as he normally does. If I still feel the same in the morning then I will be taking a trip to A&E.

Hate this worrying!
My baby's movements has changed these past 2-3 days, I mean I most def feel movement it has just changed alot... so I am guessing its running out of room :baby:

Ok I managed to over do it... I can't walk. I have an awful amount of pain between my legs like I feel like I've been riding a horse for hours. I don't remember ever feeling like this last pregnancy.. but like my legs keep freezing up on me and I can't take steps I hafta drag my feet. Its actually kinda worrying me :nope:

Yes blue12 i was the same, I LOVED being pregnant with DD, I mean yes I was uncomfy at the end I did have heartburn but it seemed very manageable, heck I was even house hunting with DH at the same time and managed just fine. After I had her I couldn't wait to get pregnant again, well after I felt more human and not sore.. probably when she was 6 months.. wasn't even trying to get pregnant this time.. but I thought oh it'll be fine :shrug: I was wrong. I feel like death alot of the time.
Hi ladies. I've noticed a difference in my LO movements as well lately. She must be getting tight on space because she moves much less. I feel rolls and twist but kicks are amost nonexistent. She makes my belly look like a wave sometimes.

I was able to drive myself to the store and shop for much needed items for myself, tank tops for nursing as well as night time bras. Also got myself a pair of pjs for the hospital. I am now exhausted and ready for bed. I'm not used to having difficulty sleeping but I haven't slept well in about a week.

DF and I are going to a mom to mom sale tomorrow. I'm hoping to hit the jackpot for some clothes, swaddlers and accessories such as a boppy, bumboo, and nursing covers. We were gifted 5 fitted crib sheets today so I'm happy about that! Slowly things are coming together.

Can't wait for my next check up on Thursday, I feel like baby will be here the 14-17 of March, not the 25th! I have so much pressure and baby has moved out of my ribs and now hangs out mid stomach and lower. I have pelvic pressure everyday all day now so I'm pretty sure her head is in position.
Had no movement all night but this morning he seems to be twisting/pushing as normal, the movements are definitely different, they feel completely different too what I'm used too. I have read a lot of stuff about how between 34-35 weeks, movements change because as you girls said, baby is running out of room. I am still perhaps a little "concerned" because the movements feel almost cushioned? I have an anterior placenta but the movements haven't felt like this before. But I'm
Not concerned enough to warrant a trip too A&E. He's responding to being prodded and is definitely twisting or doing something but they definitely aren't kicks!

I'm still yet too feel this pressure everyone talks about?! And yet baby is head down! I've had 2/3 feelings that felt like "pressure" but that's it.

Yesterday my feet were KILLING me, so so achey and sore, and I've had really itchy legs past 2 days.

I've still got so much decorating and house moving things to do and only 5 weeks or so to do it. So stressful!
With both of my previous 2 children movement was much less and more muffled near the end of the pregnancy as they ran out of room.
Gah why must I always have one day a week pretty much where I'm so constipated I feel terrible until I am able to go!!
And then of course my Dh will be all like "Thats it no more babies" Which I mean I do need a break, I don't want to THINK about getting pregnant til this baby is 2 years old atleast.
My thighs and hips are being awful lately, I can hardly walk :shrug:
My hips hurt when in bed but in general are fine. No constipation for me.. Yet! Lol

Period pains have started getting more intense, very uncomfortable this morning and definitely not BH cos tummy remains soft.
xZoeyx, ugh period pains! I had some this morning, but mine came and built over a few minutes and left. I curled up and was confused! I couldn't get a tight vs not tight feel as touching my belly hurt, whaaat??? :shrug: Sooooo confusing, I hear they're good signs though! :thumbup:
Hey ladies. How is everyone? Done with being pregnant yet? I AM! Worked a crazy busy day at work yesterday and I am so sore.... No period type pains here yet but plenty of ligament stretching and sharp pains in the vag.
I'm still ok(ish) my pelvic bone feels really bruised and my feet hurt after a full day at work-counting down the days til maternity leave!
Had my delayed 34 week appt today which went well although the MW wasn't 100% sure of bubba's position so I've got another check at 36 weeks then possibly a scan if she's still not sure. I've been pretty convinced it's a little bottom I can feel at the top of my bump, it really doesn't feel like my DD's head did under my ribs anyway.
I am terrible at telling where the baby is in me. I remember thinking that the bum was the head hahaha...
My next appt is on Wednesday.. hopefully I can make it to it. It sucks relying on other people for rides :wacko:

I'm so done with being pregnant!! I just want to hold my baby now.. and see if its a boy or girl :happydance:
Sounds like we all have something going on. I ended up back in the hospital with kidney stones and an infection running through me... At first they though a bladder infection but now they aren't sure where it's at. I am on mega pain meds and antibiotics. My iron is so dangerously low I have 4 infusions scheduled over the next 48 hours. When it rains it pours
Oh boy brandy. That's not fun. I'm so glad you went to the hospital and they are taking good care of you. It's going to be a tough end but all worth it shortly. xx
Oh no Brandy! Good luck with the infusions. I just had that one, but at least now my iron levels are somewhat stable. I hope they figure out what's going on with the infections...
Yikes, Brandy! Like you need all that crap to deal with on top of being pregnant with twins. Hope you have a speedy recovery from everything. I've never had a stone but have heard stories. <3

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