Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Hiya shadow...ow this must really suck, not knowing...i m sorry you didnt get an answer yet, hopefully they ll see you friday and give you some proper answers. pm me if you need to talk to anyone, i know this must be quite stressful.:hugs:
Hiya girls, sorry my appointment wasn't until teatime. I've been referred for a scan, my go is flummoxed as he was wondering if was retained products but then he says I should be showin some signs of infection etc by now, he says he's positive wasn't ectopic (I mentioned pain sometime when bding) but also doesn't think it's a new pregnancy as it's too early? I dunno, he ringing the EPAC clinic tomorrow and hopefully be seen on Friday xxx

I am glad you are at least getting things looked at and hopefully get scanned Friday. It must be very confusing and unsettling for you, my head would be all over the place not knowing what to think. Sending big :hugs:
Blimey, what a lot's gone on today!! Shadow, bless you it must be frying your brain all this uncertainty. I hope you get your answers soon, and despite what the doc says I hope it's a true positive.
Debzie- hugs for today. It can't be easy and I hope you are getting through this tricky day ok.
Filipenko, big YAY for ov!!! Let me know how you get on with the pre seed won't you? Have you tried the Robitussin as well? I'm tempted by that. Btw have you had AF yet?
Emum, thanks also for the advice you gave Filipenko, I shall probably follow it too.
Pink smarties, I follow what's going on with you quite closely (not in a stalky way) as you had your erpc just a couple of days before me. I am sure you will get the negative hpt in the next day or so. Are you using 10 miu's did you say? Sorry I'm sure you did, there has just been so much to catch up on.
Christina, just want to send you positive vibes cos I can do nothing else and I understand the hopeful/helpless feeling.
And as for me I'm also confused today. Woke up convinced I am ovulating, my temp has been up I think though I have not been temping. I was feeling really weepy this morning and the slightest thing set me off. In the salon I just wanted to fall asleep, I have been exhausted all day, bloated and crabby. So in short, I feel pre menstrual. My ic opk turned up today, so I did a test this aft and it was totally negative, didn't even tease me with a ghost of a line. I was so convinced I was OVing. I am 15 days past the first day I started bleeding, 13 days post erpc. This seems way early to be due AF. I can't remember how soon it came after my first mc but I think it was around 4 weeks. I have felt down I'm the dumps and cr*p all day.
Hi Hope! :wave: That's great news about your appointment with Prof Quenby, that's in no time at all! How come your OH is banned from :sex: ? That's terrible! Hope he recovers in good time before he's needed again. Yes there's a lot of bd-ing and ov-ing on this thread, it's actually infectious which is why i've been lurking here instead! This thread's so good, some of us are even pregnant when it doesn't even seem possible!! I still can't believe i got my o so soon. Come and stay! x x :friends:

I'm such a div at times, i thought you was inviting me to come and stay at urs, i'm all sweaty n knackered from running so brain not working properly yet

He is only banned from :sex: cos i'm not allowed to be pregnant when i have the nk cell test. He won't buy condoms and i certainly aren't so :sex: is out of the question at the mo, only till next week thou so we can make up for lost time then. ha ha

He has got a bad back too so he prob wouldn't want to get jiggy even if i did.

I can't believe my ovulation came so soon, 25 days after mc. what day are you on from following mc?

I'll be staying around for a while :friends:

Oh ha ha! Well you can if you like. We could time how long it would take my DH to leave after hearing non-stop baby/pregnancy banter!!! I was just about to go running too but I feel SO tired - not felt this tired since i was pregnant and ive broken out in so many spots and i never get spots. Congratulations on getting your o too!!:happydance: It makes you feel normal again doesn't it but such a shame you can't use it although it's more important to not be pregnant for the appointment isn't it. I am 22 days past mc and very surprised to see ov too. I've been doubling up on fish oil that comes with Pregnacare so maybe that's done something who knows? Do you think it's normal to feel so tired around ov & get spots? I do normally have a lot of energy but so lethargic at the mo...:sleep:
Hiya girls, sorry my appointment wasn't until teatime. I've been referred for a scan, my go is flummoxed as he was wondering if was retained products but then he says I should be showin some signs of infection etc by now, he says he's positive wasn't ectopic (I mentioned pain sometime when bding) but also doesn't think it's a new pregnancy as it's too early? I dunno, he ringing the EPAC clinic tomorrow and hopefully be seen on Friday xxx

Oh yes that is frustrating not knowing but Friday's not too long to wait and that does give more time for more hpt testing. How do you feel about getting a cb digi to confirm? I would be really surprised if you still had retained poc because you got a negative didn't you? But some of the ladies on here know a lot more than me so perhaps it is just a waiting game to know for sure. I will keep my fingers crossed tightly for you. Let us know x :hugs:
MrsMiggins- thanks hun, i need all the positive vibes i can get! I think since you now have you - hpt you will be ov-ing soon so this is probably why you re feeling all weird.Hopefully it will be any day now!GL!
Blimey, what a lot's gone on today!! Shadow, bless you it must be frying your brain all this uncertainty. I hope you get your answers soon, and despite what the doc says I hope it's a true positive.
Debzie- hugs for today. It can't be easy and I hope you are getting through this tricky day ok.
Filipenko, big YAY for ov!!! Let me know how you get on with the pre seed won't you? Have you tried the Robitussin as well? I'm tempted by that. Btw have you had AF yet?
Emum, thanks also for the advice you gave Filipenko, I shall probably follow it too.
Pink smarties, I follow what's going on with you quite closely (not in a stalky way) as you had your erpc just a couple of days before me. I am sure you will get the negative hpt in the next day or so. Are you using 10 miu's did you say? Sorry I'm sure you did, there has just been so much to catch up on.
Christina, just want to send you positive vibes cos I can do nothing else and I understand the hopeful/helpless feeling.
And as for me I'm also confused today. Woke up convinced I am ovulating, my temp has been up I think though I have not been temping. I was feeling really weepy this morning and the slightest thing set me off. In the salon I just wanted to fall asleep, I have been exhausted all day, bloated and crabby. So in short, I feel pre menstrual. My ic opk turned up today, so I did a test this aft and it was totally negative, didn't even tease me with a ghost of a line. I was so convinced I was OVing. I am 15 days past the first day I started bleeding, 13 days post erpc. This seems way early to be due AF. I can't remember how soon it came after my first mc but I think it was around 4 weeks. I have felt down I'm the dumps and cr*p all day.

I feel exhausted too mrsmiggins!! In fact i just posted that to Hope. Perhaps ov is just round the corner for you. Your times are too early to be getting AF so it does point to ov to me :happydance: I haven't had an af yet no and i don't want to see it :af: I am 22 days past erpc and i ov'd 6 days after negative hpt test which seems crazy early to me although it does fit with when i expect to get my 1st af - 14 days later than today. Also my general mood lifted from out of the dumps as my estrogen level rose (when i saw the red light on my monitor). I bet you ov and feel better soon, hang in there! :hugs: x x
Hi Hope! :wave: That's great news about your appointment with Prof Quenby, that's in no time at all! How come your OH is banned from :sex: ? That's terrible! Hope he recovers in good time before he's needed again. Yes there's a lot of bd-ing and ov-ing on this thread, it's actually infectious which is why i've been lurking here instead! This thread's so good, some of us are even pregnant when it doesn't even seem possible!! I still can't believe i got my o so soon. Come and stay! x x :friends:

I'm such a div at times, i thought you was inviting me to come and stay at urs, i'm all sweaty n knackered from running so brain not working properly yet

He is only banned from :sex: cos i'm not allowed to be pregnant when i have the nk cell test. He won't buy condoms and i certainly aren't so :sex: is out of the question at the mo, only till next week thou so we can make up for lost time then. ha ha

He has got a bad back too so he prob wouldn't want to get jiggy even if i did.

I can't believe my ovulation came so soon, 25 days after mc. what day are you on from following mc?

I'll be staying around for a while :friends:

Oh ha ha! Well you can if you like. We could time how long it would take my DH to leave after hearing non-stop baby/pregnancy banter!!! I was just about to go running too but I feel SO tired - not felt this tired since i was pregnant and ive broken out in so many spots and i never get spots. Congratulations on getting your o too!!:happydance: It makes you feel normal again doesn't it but such a shame you can't use it although it's more important to not be pregnant for the appointment isn't it. I am 22 days past mc and very surprised to see ov too. I've been doubling up on fish oil that comes with Pregnacare so maybe that's done something who knows? Do you think it's normal to feel so tired around ov & get spots? I do normally have a lot of energy but so lethargic at the mo...:sleep:

Is the fish oil good for ttc then? Cos I have loads left over from taking it when I was pregnant. And I have also broken out and I hardly ever get spots.
I know exactly how you are feeling Mrs Miggins. I too am following you! It hasn't been a great day for me either. I thought I was having ov symptoms, warm at night (usually I'm cold in bed) left sided pain, more cm but -ve opk (still +ve hpt). Trying to stay positive but we will have good and bad days that knock us back. I am sure we will ov soon and give each other hope. Big :hugs:
I'm beat and off to bed now :sleep: with no :sex: too tired... good job i was 'topped up' this morning!

I am off to see my family tomorrow :happydance: as it's my dad's birthday so I won't be around. Hope you ladies get some lovely news one way or another tomorrow,

'See you' Friday x x x
Have a fab day tomorrow Filipenko, Happy Birthday to your dad!!

Forgot to say MrsMiggins the hpt are 25ui. The tesco one doesn't show sensitivity but the cheapy ones are 25. It took longer to show up today so I'm hoping it won't be long.
Filipenko - i have been taking omega 3 fish oil, pregnancare, d3 & b6 so maybe they have something to do with it

I also been taking evening primrose oil which is meant to help cm, i had cm like i had never seen before yday which was what made me think i was ovulating so i got home and used my last clearblue opk, and used it wrong. I poas before putting it in the machine, been a while since i used them, so was slighly gutted i had used my last one. I used one of my ebay opk and forgot to look at it, u see, i am a divvy at times. god knows how i manage to run my own business, all my clients love me so i must be doing something right.

I ordered some more digi opk off amazon yday and i was just looking at yday cheapo opk when the postman arrived with the digi ones today which is when i got my smiley face :happydance:

I am tired yes but i was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and have only been on medication for a week n half. No spots though for me, i'm quite lucky in that dept, i'll get a beast of a spot about twice a year

Have a nice time with your family tomorrow, i am looking forward to seeing my mum at christmas, i not spent a christmas at home for 15 years and so wanted this year to be my first christmas with a LO. Next year my wish shall come true, i hope

Thanks Pink I really hope so too. Hope you get your negative tomorrow. Filipenko, have a good day with your family. And Hope, I hope you get your wish too.
My first day back at work tomorrow. Bit apprehensive, and I won't get home till around 9, so not sure if that will be a good time to test.
Thanks Pink I really hope so too. Hope you get your negative tomorrow. Filipenko, have a good day with your family. And Hope, I hope you get your wish too.
My first day back at work tomorrow. Bit apprehensive, and I won't get home till around 9, so not sure if that will be a good time to test.

I went back last week. The first day was the hardest but the girls I work with were fantastic (I asked my SCN to tell them when I went in for my erpc). I had a few cry's but for me it was good to be doing something albeit slowly and a lot distracted! I will be difficult but think of it a step forward to normality and good new things coming your way.:hugs:

I got the impression the other tested later on in the evening so I think that will be okay. If -ve hpt in the morning I'll test tomorrow night too - fingers crossed
The girls I work with all knew, we're only a small team and I had to tell them I was pregnant as there were certain treatments I couldn't do when I was pregnant so they are all mega supportive. Half pleased I didn't get a +opk today as not in the mood for BDing, OH has been acting like he's expecting AF himself today.
I know, my GP is going ring me with an appointment time. I'm not doing any more HPT or OPKs at the minute, its too upsetting and stressful at the mo. Just see what the scan says. X

Thank you all for listening
Good luck shadow. Keep us posted with your news.

AFM first high day on CBFM. FF also says that this may be a fertile phase so will get going with SMEP tonight I think. Though I really don't expect a first peak reading for another 3-4 days at the earliest. By coincidence I have a nasty chesty cough which has been hanging around for a few weeks, so also started on the robuttissin this morning for that purpose. Might see if I can also get some grapefruit juice. How much of this do you have to drink? I'm not a big fan, but I could mix it with some orange or pineapple I suppose.

Now that I have started temping I seem to be waking very early in the morning. What seems to happen is I wake up, immediately temp, then look at the time and my temperature so that I have the details to record on FF and realise it is around 4.30 in the morning. As this is being fairly consistent every morning, and I have had the requisite 3-4 hours solid sleep beforehand presumably it isnt a problem? I don't usually get up until between 7 and 7.30 am but I don't go back into a deep sleep after I temp, just doze on and off.
Shadow - thinking of you and keeping everything crossed.

Emum - it doesn't matter what you do after you temp as long as what you do before it is consistant :)

AFM - having a shitty day so far. DH wasn't in the mood last night so didn't BD at all yesterday. Our timing is so bad this cycle, I really don't feel like we're in with a chance.

I tried to talk to him about how disappointed I am, but he picked it up that I was disappointed with him and we had a bit of a row. I texted him to ask him not to go out tonight so that we can sit down and talk things through but he has to go apparently (he's not out drinking or anything like that, he's out at another volunteer thing he does) so we're trying to sort things out via text which is never the best but it'll have to do. Just feel so low and in need of a cuddle.
Morning emum. Hope the cough clears soon,bding while trying not to cough is an art!!. Are you using the robuttissin for cm? Was that prescibed by your Dr? I was just reading up about it after seeing your post as I had seen other people mention it but wasn't sure what it was.

I got my bbt yesterdy so thought I'd start temping today, not for any prediction etc but just to get used to doing it. I woke after 5am as I was bursting for the loo (had been holding it all in for hpt test this morning) but didn't take my temp till 7am so not sure how accurate that will be. Lie I said I am just doing it to get into a routine before I start properly but it is all so confusing. :wacko:

I did the hpt at 5am looked -ve but fell sleep. When I woke up 2 hrs later there was a faint +ve so who knows!! I might do nother one at breaak time!!

Shadow - thinking about you today, love and hugs

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