Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Hi there

Kas, Amanda, I saw Take That too in Cardiff, they were AWESOME!!! You will LOVE it!!!

Hana, aw chick im so sorry, we all know what you are going through, i had to get my hubby to ring and cancel things, unsubscribe to emails and i put the few bits of maternity clothes id bought away some safe till next time (!) .... it will get easier I promise ... the main thing is to get yourself fit healthy and back to trying again and that will help ... have you been trying a long time??

Most doctors recommend waiting one cycle for several reasons, it makes fpr easier pregnancy dating if you were to get pregnant, also it helps make sure any retained products come out in your first period, plus it just gives your body time to get back to a bit of normality so i would defnitely recommend it.

Keep your chin up, surrounding yourself with family and friends is a brilliant idea ... make sure you allow yourself to have a good cry but come out fighting!!

Massive hugs to you all xxxx
Hana I am sorry to read of your loss. It's hard unmaking those appts.. I was supposed to cancel my appt for today but I forgot to call them.oops.
To those who asked, no I am not TTC #1, I have older children aged 27, 19, 18, 6 and 2. 8 of my losses are since my 6 yr old. I am so lucky to have my 2 yr old.
I should have a 9 yr old girl too but she was stillborn. Annabelle was just perfect with long black curls, beautiful little face, just never took a breath. Had the cord twice around her neck and arm through a loop of it as well. I often read of those who have a baby safely born with the cord even 3 times around a neck and think so why didn't my little girl make it :(
I sometimes feel guilty for being upset at so many losses and being sad but I still want just one more baby. I don't want 8 or 10, just my last to make 6. I don't want to end my 'reproductive' years on death and failure. I want a live baby safely at home to end on. Does that make sense?
I have been on forums where people get upset with you for grieving miscarriages if you already have children. I get hesitant to admit I do have living children and get condemned for grieving as if I have no right to. But a child is precious no matter how many you have alive. I know the chance I am missing but losing yet another little angel.
It's like people also say well my grief is worse coz I was 10 wks and you were only 8 or they were 24 and you were only 10.. it doesn't matter. I have had losses from 6 wks right through to Annabelle at 31 wks.
Losing a baby is losing a baby. I do admit losing Annabelle was a lot harder and I grieve her more than the others. I guess because she should have been born breathing at 31 wks. I know many now born even at 28wks and were home in weeks so at 31 wks I expected she would live.

I don't know how I will cope if I get another BFP. I guess that is a 'cross that bridge when we come to it' ....
Wishing you all lots of baby dust and sticky vibes :)
Amanda - Love the boys name suggestion... think i would go with Mark LOL

Hana - so sorry you have to join us after a loss; but glad to welcome you here! Its DOES get easier. Not easy; but easier. Esp with the support you can find here. Start trying again when ur ready and if your body is ready too then it will happen for you. I know what you mean about wanting to be pregnant again - its all i think about lately. Chin up hun :)

Judy - it totally makes sense to want another baby and u should not feel guilty. It must have been so hard having to go through repeated MC's my heart really goes out to you. To have gone through a stillbirth must be heartbreaking. Its great your strng enough to keep trying and thats great, im sending all the baby dust in the world to you for a bFP!!!

As for me its now 5 days until my AF is due - or till i can test if she does not show up. I wish it would go a little quicker! My only thoughts on getting a BFP though is that having suffered a MC its now more frightening then exciting isnt it? and thats such a shame :( How can u enjoy it after suffering a loss before? But first things first i guess, and thats to get a BFP in the first place! :)
OOOoooo Just realised my ticker was wrong as it said 37 day cycle - mine is 36 days. So its actually 4 days until my AF or until i can test!

YAY! one day down in the space of 5 minutes whoohoo :)
First Timer - I think Mark's the nicest name. I couldn't imagine a baby called Howard lol! Are you having any symptoms yet? I've been nauseous, had cramps and sore boobs for the past couple of days but I usually get these before AF too. My stupid body keeps trying to fool me lol! My temps have gone down the past 2 days but I haven't slept at all well the past 2 nights so I'm hoping that's the reason for it. I had my second progesterone test this morning so I should get the results this afternoon. Hopefully I won't need to go back for a 3rd this cycle.

Judy - I'm so sorry for all of your losses. I can't imagine going through this more than once. I think it's awful that people have said you have any less right to grieve just because you have healthy children. You'd never tell someone who lost a 5 year old that it doesn't matter because they have other children!! I know your children will help you through any loss but in someways you know more than me what it is you've lost, if that makes sense.
I have posted in here before and keep meaning to pop back in but its so hard at the moment, we are ntnp for definate now, but it doesn't help as I still have not had af yet :(
its over 7 weeks now, just 2 or 3 wipes of brown dischage in 3 days so angry at my body!

jude I am so sorry to read of your loses, I have a 2 year old and keep getting told I should be grateful I have her, makes me so frustrated just because I have her and lost one doesn't make me ungrateful it makes me more so to have her, but doesn't stop me mourning the what would have been :(
amanda its hard to tell - ive been super hot and tired. But i was jetlagged last weekend so that may be why im tired and also i noticed that yesterday it was 28degrees; so maybe thats why im so hot!? If had weird tummy pains but thats all really.

Im a bit worried that on holiday i had a 24 hr food poisoning bug so if i DO get a bfp - i hope it wasnt before the food poisoning..... :nope:
tinker - my doc told me is usual for AF to visit between 4-6 weeks after a MC. She sd if i hadnt had an F by 8 weeks after to contact them... hope yours comes soon hunni :) FxD for you! :)
tinker - my doc told me is usual for AF to visit between 4-6 weeks after a MC. She sd if i hadnt had an F by 8 weeks after to contact them... hope yours comes soon hunni :) FxD for you! :)

thank you! I am getting all the mood swings and spots so hoping!
I see your recently married, congrats! any pics?! :)
:flower: ooo yer i totally forgot i was meant to attach some wedding photos when i was bk from honeymoon! right - four are attached :flower:
Sorry to be cheeky! But wow!! you look stunning, your dress is amazing, can I pick my jaw back up now?!! x
Hi guys, mind if I join in? I just saw this thread and wondered if you girls could give me some advice...

I had a miscarriage about 3 and a half weeks ago. I got pregnant whilst on the mini-pill cerazette. The bleeding lasted a few days. I stopped taking the pill and decided to just use condoms with my OH. Anyway around a week after stopping the pills we had a lot to drink and the condoms were... ahem.... abandoned.. ;) :L If I had ovulated that month I am guessing that would have been my fertile period, although because my cycles are irregular due to cerazette I have no idea what's going on.. Is there a chance I could have gotten pregnant again so quickly?
AWWW THANKS TINKER - i know everyone says it and its soooo cheesy; but really WAS the best day of our life :) Loved every single minute :)

Hi Chocco firstly so sorry about your MC hun xxx After a MC you can OV at any point as ive found out by talking to women on here. I never OV'd at all the month after, but a lady i spoke to OV'd a few days late - so its really a guessing game i guess! sorry thats not much help. what makes u thinkur pregnant again? or are u just curious? :)
Well I've been having what I believe are symptoms... Exhausted (taking two hour naps nearly every day :/ ), VERY cranky and irritable (I almost cried in frustration when OH hadn't done the dishes as he'd promised LOL!!) I have been having crazy vivid dreams every night, peeing much more regularly than usual, I would never normally get up in the night to pee but I had to the last two nights in a row, my cm has gone pale yellow and creamy, sticky, sometimes with a little brown tinge, a little nausea and dizziness... And finally, weird abdominal symptoms exactly the same as I felt last time I was pregnant: Lower back ache that felt like it was deep in my pelvis, twinges, ovary pain on both sides, flutters and pinches in my womb.. God, if I'm not pregnant again who knows whats going on LOL!

Ok its prob too early to use a home preg test; as if ur MC was 3 and a half weeks ago uve prob got anything from half a week to a three week wait until ur 1st AF would have been due. So thats annoying!!!

I would suggest u keep a diary of daily syptoms in the meantime? and try not to stress - easier said then done i know! Do u want to be pregnant again? I know it sounds harsh but try not to get ur hopes up just in case. Our body and minds can play horrible tricks on us sometimes...!
Well I'm only 18 and so is my OH, obviously having a baby would be kind of difficult in the circumstances, but I would still be delighted if I found out I was again :) I have always wanted to be a mummy and OH and I intend to spend our lives together, so what's the harm in having a little one early?! :D Last time I was pregnant I started having symptoms quite early aswell. Before cerazette I had a very average cycle and if I go by that I would be around 12dpo now (if I even ovulated)! Thanks for your help, I'm trying to stay neutral about the whole thing and not get obsessed.. I'm sure these symptoms aren't in my head because I've been crazy busy lately with stuff and I still noticed the differences.. Could it be possible these are symptoms of coming off the pill? I did have a withdrawal bleed as soon as I stopped taking it, that lasted for 2 days.,..
yer it could be coming off the pill - when i came off the pill agggggessss ago it totally messed up my body for a while lol!

well in that case just take it easy and wait a while hun. You cud always test in a few days. But at least whatever the outcome your ok with it :) if you dont get a BFP now then at least you can chat with your OH and decide whether to start actively trying for sure.

Keep us updated :)
First Timer - your dress was beautiful. Looks like you had a wonderful day!

Chocco - it could be withdrawal symptoms from the pill or it could just be normal luteal phase (post ovulation) symptoms which can be really similar to early pregnancy symptoms because it's the same hormone (progesterone) that causes them. But they do say that for a month or two you come off the pill, your fertility is increased so you could be pregnant.

How long is it since you had unprotected sex? Might be best to use that as a possible date to work out when to test since your cycles can be all over the place for a few months after a m/c.
Ah thank youuu :) You've made me feel a lot better :D I'll just chill out for a while.. If AF is normal I should be due around the 11th of July.. If it doesn't come by then I'll test. Thanks for your help! xx
And thanks ickle pand, the sex happened on Thursday 23rd of June xx

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