Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Carol Daniel called.

Auntylolo, im so sorry you have had to join us here :hugs: but as you have probably read we are very supportive of one another so you are most certainly in the right place :)

Out of interest how long was it after your MMC that AF arrived (I have asked everyone this as I am still waiting for her to show my end so just trying to gather a general overview :) )

Lodzi - I am intrigued what the pendulum did??? Do tell?

Lozdi - I'm intrigued about the pendulum too!

Louby - Who's Carol Daniel?
Louby the pendulum incident was quite a saga, I'll hold off telling til I have heard from all if they do or dont want to hear it. If opinion is mixed i'll private message it to those who want to know. Oh and I wont tell you unless you swear to not use one! I'm all for sharing info, but I'm against freaking people out and potetially causing them turmoil in their next pregnancy. The pendulum incident might not be helpful info, but I found it interesting. I probably wont pick one up during my next pregnancy.
Lodzi, do tell about the pendulum? I promise not to do it too. I did think it was a bit of a stretch to ask for twins, but then if you're in for a penny, in for a pound! The girl that did it for me did say you've got to believe it will happen, so there is an element of pma, but tbh I'll try anything to get me pregnant again and have a healthy pregnancy.

Louby, af arrived late on Sunday, so just over 3 weeks since the mc actually started. No signs at all, just felt a bit wet and then she was there. It occurred to me it wasn't very long since my mc so might not be the start of a new cycle, but then my spell was cast on Friday night so the pma part of brain is suggesting it may be the spell getting things moving quicker so I can get on with ttc!

Interesting about the moonstone, I wore a moonstone bracelet the month we were ttc, and like I said caught it straightaway. It has since snapped while I was riding, so I've ordered another. You may think it was luck, but we only actually dtd once that month due to lots of things, so it can't hurt :flower:
Thats 2 of you so far for the pendulum story. I'll make a list and we will see who is for/against by the time Fili gets back, or by early evening or basically when all the regulars have said. I want to share but I really dont want to freak anyone out.
I have a feeling everyone will choose knowing lol, I'm going to write it all down then I'll post it later as long as no one says dont.
Lozdi - Go advanced when you post and put it in a spoiler. Just put a note before it so that people can decide before they look.
Gosh Aunty Lolo that really quick, I'm 5weeks post MC tomorrow so hoping she is just a round the corner for me!

Haha!! Ickle, Carol Daniel is a client at work. Seems I have included her in our B&B chat in error hahaha you can tell how much in concentrating at work today....NOT!!!! :haha:

Lodzi, I want to know and I too promise not to touch one at all :) xxx
Will that make it so it cant be seen unless the viewer clicks something?
Ooh oky doky thats nifty. Might take me a bit, I need to get it straight in my head before I can write it down. Here goes.
I am sitting in the staff room at work sniggering my head off at the Carol Daniel error. I am getting strange looks but can't quite bring myself to tell the girls why I'm laughing.
So hubby and I have decided to NTNP this month. He didn't want me to put too much pressure or stress on myself since I only miscarried a week ago. Is this okay?

Also, my doctor called last night and said that I have to go into the hospital to get a Rh Immune Globulin shot. Do I still need to get this even if my miscarriage and all of the bleeding is now complete? He wasn't sure given that he's just my general physician, but he said he's about 90% sure I have to go in. Stupid O negative blood. Screws me every time!
Hi Sarah_Anne :wave:

I think we all have to do what feels right for ourselves and if that's NTNP for you and your hubby then that's the right choice :)

Not sure about the Rh Immune Globulin? I'm O negative too and was never offered or had this after my MC? Sorry cant help xx
Hi Sarah_Anne :wave:

I think we all have to do what feels right for ourselves and if that's NTNP for you and your hubby then that's the right choice :)

Not sure about the Rh Immune Globulin? I'm O negative too and was never offered or had this after my MC? Sorry cant help xx

Thanks Loubyloumum! :flower:

It feels right for me. Mind you, NTNP for me still involves charting my BBT so that kind of helps, but BBT doesn't really tell you when you ovulated until AFTER you've ovulated, so we'll just BD when we feel like it, lol. Last month, we were NTNP and I got pregnant, so we'll see. Any idea when I should expect my first AF after my miscarriage? Doctor said it should be close to a normal cycle given my age and lack of risk factors, but I read that it can be anywhere from 5 to 7 weeks as well.

I read online that anyone with a negative Rh blood type needs to have an Rh Immune Globulin shot after a miscarriage. I don't understand why I would need it now that I'm done bleeding though given that there's no way the baby's blood and my own can mix so I don't understand.
Sounds like NTNP is definatley right for you - fxd you get you BFP soon enough :)

With regards to AF I'm STILL waiting IMPATIENTLY for mine to arrive haha! I normally have 32day cycle and I'm currently 34 days since first day of bleed so fxd she is round the corner. I was told by my GP and consultant that my first period should arrive anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks post MC.

Come to think of it, I did have the Rh Immune Globulin after the birth of my son - if my memory serves me correctly, but it was never mentioned after my MC? Hmmm strange :wacko:
Below is an account of my experiences with a crystal pendulum during my last pregnancy. The info therein might be construed as disturbing, it certainly disturbed me. Hence, the spoiler. Only read it if you can promise you wont use a pendulum during pregnancy.

I shant go into detail on how the pendulum works, or you really will see a wall of text. I have been into crystals for years and i have used a pendulum many times, usually in play. Last time I was pregnant, I got to googling ways to find out a baby's gender, there are loads of odd old wives tales out there! Non of them accurate of course, but some are fun. One that caught my eye was the pendulum, or 'ring' test. Which tells you ALL your children (pregnancies, MC's, living children, present and future.) This was the old wives tale that seemed to yield accurate results more often than not. *Ladies PLEASE dont do this test, its not helpful in any way, pendulums are succeptable to personal influence, and therefore can give upsetting and wrong results*

Ok so I found my favourite pendulum, and got to work asking it about my babies gender. It said boy! I then did the 'ring' test with my pendulum (NO I'm not telling anyone how to do it, I want it banished from common knowledge for forever and a day) It gave me 4 results.

Girl :my first MC years ago.
Boy:my oldest
Boy:my youngest
Boy: later lost in a MMC

So, when pregnant and thinking my baby was fine, this info just interested me, especially how it said girl for the first pregnancy, and I had always felt I had lost a girl then.

I was rather obsessed with the pendulum, and I was often holding it over my belly confirming what it said. When I got to around 8 weeks it stopped saying boy and would only say girl, which puzzled me, I didnt think I had twins. This played on my mind, I even asked the pendulum if my baby had a heartbeat and it said NO but I totally fobbed it off as 'being influenced by my worst fears' But my baby's heart stopped after 7 weeks, but before 8. The bad dreams of dead baby boys started then, often pre term very small babies and the message in the dream was that pre term and very unwell was about as far as my baby could have gotten so he slipped away easily at 7 weeks and was just making himself known to me. THE PENDULUM KNEW. Now, the reason I say dont use one instead of do (you would think given the accuracy, that you should get one) but believe me, as accurate it can be, it can sooo be influenced by your desires or fears, in my case mine was wholey accurate :-( I still kick myself, for not going to the midwife when the dreams started up. Not long after the pendulum telling me the baby had no h/b, the pendulum just up and vanished, and I couldnt find any of my other ones. On the day of the 12 week scan where we found out about the MMC, I went home, sat on my bed clutching my miscarriage options leaflet, stared at the floor, and all 3 of my pendulums were just sat there. I have picked one up 2 times in the 5 weeks since. I ring tested myself a few days after the medical, and got 8 It results girl, boy, boy, boy, girl, girl, boy, and another girl. (at that time all I could think of was I wanted that soul back and wanted to be pregnant asap, and would never go back on the pill, and would have a thousand babies if I could!) I tried it again about a week ago, and it gave me 4 results again. The same 4 as in the beginning. I would put no stock by that, but a crystal selling friend of mine ring tested me too, without me telling her the results I got. She also said for results and in the same order. She refused to re test me after the MMC, because she doesnt want to cause upset. I have cultivated a new opinion on the ring test- I had to, its accurate for sooo many that I now NEED to discredit it in my own case. I believe the ring test tells you what children you will have if you do not take your fate into your own hands. Lots of people go through their lives without having to take their fate into their own hands, and I think that for those people the ring test is spot on. But for me I shant allow it to be, because if its accurate for me, I'll never be pregnant again. And believe me, at 28 that is not something I am willing to accept! I took my baby-fate into my own hands when I decided to TTC again after losing the baby. I will not ring test again. Us Ladies here, having had losses, are taking our fate into our own hands by TTC again instead of just giving up, and that is why none of us should touch the pendulum or the ring test! There is part of me that thinks its all true and that my last pregnancy really was the last, but there is no medical reason for that to be the case, so thats the logic I cling to.

And there you have it Ladies, what may well be my largest wall of text so far! Let logic outweigh curiosity- never ever use a pendulum when pregnant.

Phew I need a tea after that!
OMG I've just googled it and your absolutely right!! It says after MC and birth you should have the injection as not having it can cause complications with future pregnancies NOOOOO!!!
I am going to get on the blower to my GP straight after work and see what they say xx
Sounds like NTNP is definatley right for you - fxd you get you BFP soon enough :)

With regards to AF I'm STILL waiting IMPATIENTLY for mine to arrive haha! I normally have 32day cycle and I'm currently 34 days since first day of bleed so fxd she is round the corner. I was told by my GP and consultant that my first period should arrive anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks post MC.

Come to think of it, I did have the Rh Immune Globulin after the birth of my son - if my memory serves me correctly, but it was never mentioned after my MC? Hmmm strange :wacko:

I usually have a 30 day cycle, but my last one before I got pregnant was 34. I tested positive on day 32 last time, but I kind of knew I was pregnant before then. I hope that my next AF is kind of on time. I know that's probably too much to ask.

If by some miracle we do get pregnant right away and my AF doesn't show, how will I know when to test?

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