Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Does Mr Miggins realise that he needs to find a new hidey place for the remaining 6? I dont say a word to OH about my tests, he sees them all over the bathroom thats enough lol I get told off because sometimes a OPK packet gets away from me without me noticing and we find it on the floor. I'm so messy!

Got some stress today, I wont do details but its money stress. I am melting down left right and center, with moments of clarity and positivity in between. I'm still TTC, money wont stop me, we have so much baby stuff already the only expense a new baby will bring is nappies! Unless I have a girl...unless she likes boys things!
Sorry phone went dead on me earlier. What I was going to say was you could check your cervical mucus also (cervical position is more tricky). Usually the most fertile CM is eggwhite. If you google it it will explain and see picture also.

MrsMig - very funny conversation!! Did you use the test then or are you waiting till tomorrow morning?

Louby - I really hope the dream was predicting the future. I wish someone would dream for me.

Loz - sorry to hear of your money worries. TTC can be stressful enough without added pressure. Hugs

Hi tara, and anyone else I have missed.

No word from fili yet?
Hiya girls! I just started reading back and then thought I would just say i'm here, then read back! The drip was painless and fine. I set off at about 6, then got there for about 8. Then I went to Starbucks for breaky, hot choc and almond croissant :munch: :coffee: Then went upstairs to sit as it was draughty and this dodgy man came upstairs too and in a vast area of seats he sat on the table right next to me. I just think that's weird. He looked kind of scruffy too. So I went back downstairs and got cold. Then at the clinic they made me wait an a extra 45 minutes and then the drip lasted 2 hours ish. Had my mags and was quite relaxing really and the room was warm. Then while waiting to pay for my liquified Gingster's pasty (£300 !! :growlmad: ) a man in front of me was writing a cheque for 10K for his wife's IVF!!!! On the way out I then noticed the consultant's flashy Bentley's - 2 of them in one car park where it says directors' parking. Happily paid my 300 then though and scootled off in my Ford Focus!
Ovulation pains can happen after you ovulate so can't be relied on to predict it either. You are actually most fertile apparently the day before you ovulate, as the :spermy: needs a little time to swim up to meet the egg. I find CM the best way to predict when ov is looming backed up with OPKs and my CBFM.

So 4dpo for me. Police have decided not to investigate the attack on DH or the attempted burglary which we are not happy about. DH is away in India next week which is a bit :shock: He really doesnt want to go away and leave me alone overnight with the kids, so he has (I kid you not) hired me a (female) bodyguard from a private security firm to stay in the house overnight. We've also fitted new security lights and are getting a new burglar alarm fitted on Tuesday. I think it is slightly overkill to be honest, but I know he needs to do something to get over the shock of what happened to him. And to be honest, I WASN'T looking forward to being in the house on my own so soon after what happened and before we get the new alarm, so he has solved that problem for me, even if I do feel a bit Whitney Houston!
No word from Fili I don't think, no sign of Ickle or Emum today either!
Pink- nothing on the hpt I did at about half 2 but I did get a faint line on the second opk I did this morning at 10ish. I'll do another hpt with fmu tomorrow. Yesterday my boobs were throbbing but not so much today.
Thanks Pink, hug is most appreciated. :hugs:

My youngest came home with a book today, that is the funniest kids book I have ever read. I copied it down and here it is in one paragraph.

Never use a knife and fork. Stuff your mouth til you can't talk. Soak your pigtails in your soup. Squish your fishcake into gloop. Slosh your squash around your cup. Use your sleeves to mop it up. Suck ice cream from underneath. Scrape your biscuit with your teeth. Squirt your yogurt from the pot. Tie your sausage in a knot. Paint a picture with your peas. Squeeze some cheese between your knees. Drink your gravy through a straw. Bounce your burgers off the door. Bung your thumbs in hard boiled eggs. Trickle treacle down your legs. Pile up puddings on your toast. Give your dog the turkey roast. Hide spaghetti in your hair. Keep crisps in your underwear. Juggle jelly, tread in bread. Balance bagels on your head. Wolf down waffles while you walk.....But NEVER use a knife and fork!:haha:
emum - that is ridiculous. How can they not investigate an attempted burgulary and assault? I am beyond words. I know the police may have to prioritise but I doubt the people who did this was a one off so they must have some idea. Can you not speak to your MP?

I can understand how you would feel being on your own. My OH used to go away a lot and I was always a bit nervous initially. When I was much younger at home with Mum she had her purse stolen from the kitchen and that really scared me for weeks after.

Your OH is also doing this to ease his mind as well as your own. I hope he is feeling better.

Fili - apart from the weird men I am glad your day went okay. I didn't realise you would be paying for your treatment. You can't get this drip on the NHS?
Thanks Pink, hug is most appreciated. :hugs:

My youngest came home with a book today, that is the funniest kids book I have ever read. I copied it down and here it is in one paragraph.

Never use a knife and fork. Stuff your mouth til you can't talk. Soak your pigtails in your soup. Squish your fishcake into gloop. Slosh your squash around your cup. Use your sleeves to mop it up. Suck ice cream from underneath. Scrape your biscuit with your teeth. Squirt your yogurt from the pot. Tie your sausage in a knot. Paint a picture with your peas. Squeeze some cheese between your knees. Drink your gravy through a straw. Bounce your burgers off the door. Bung your thumbs in hard boiled eggs. Trickle treacle down your legs. Pile up puddings on your toast. Give your dog the turkey roast. Hide spaghetti in your hair. Keep crisps in your underwear. Juggle jelly, tread in bread. Balance bagels on your head. Wolf down waffles while you walk.....But NEVER use a knife and fork!:haha:

Great story!! The 'Bounce you burgers of the door' sounds sore after what we were calling our boobs the other day!!
I posted before this everyone about 5 up from this one x x x

OMFG this is weird!! Just after I sent that last post a friend who I have not seen since my wedding in September text me to say she had a dream last night that I was pregnant!!! She has no idea about the MC or that we are even TTC! I'm never normally superstitious at all but just find it very spooky since we have just spoken of the possibility on here!

I really believe in dreams Louby. My 'miscarriage dreams' always came true like chemical premonitions from my body! NOt had any yet though. So hopefully the reverse is true for you :dust: :dust: :dust: !!!

Thanks Lozdi, that puts my mind at ease after a wee panic!

oh Louby, lets hope thats a good sign, not that i really no what its all about but i will agree if everyone else is hoping for u, i will too! :thumbup:

Good luck for 2day Fili! :flower: ill be thinkin of u! still so happy for u!
I wish i could even guess when O would be, but this is all sooooo confusing to me and wouldnt have a clue how to! sorry im bein useless again! def gna do them courses on FF!

my thermometer sud be in the post this afternoon, very excited for that! I have been POAS 3times a day now and the test lines vary in their darkness, last nights at 10pm, ther is barely a line at all, but the one i did ther now, well thers def a line ther, but not as dark as control line! I hope i figure this out soon as AF is def on her way out the door! :wohoo:

Have a good day everybody!!

Thanks Tara :hugs: Hope you get you bbt soon :mail: Good riddens to af!! You'll definitely start to see a pattern but you wee dilution has to be similar unfortunately but i always found it near enough. Are you going to Blue Peter them and stick them on paper with the dates / times etc?

OMFG this is weird!! Just after I sent that last post a friend who I have not seen since my wedding in September text me to say she had a dream last night that I was pregnant!!! She has no idea about the MC or that we are even TTC! I'm never normally superstitious at all but just find it very spooky since we have just spoken of the possibility on here!

I hope so! How exciting, your chart looks great, mine has been bonkers, I am on day 33 and no sign of ovulation yet, a few poking pains and horrible acne:growlmad: indicate it might have happened, but really my temps are all over the place since the MC... I have a wee nagging feeling that AF is coming, which is great as I can get back on it properly and take my clomid. Fingers crossed for a BFP for you, what a brilliant Christmas pressy that would be xx

Faye I always get acne around o time it's awful but that's how I know. Then it goes completely. x x x

Tara, I pee much and often, and drink alot- heres how I get my pee to be dilute enough to give me a decent OPK.

I get up, (only POAS with fmu if I'm near O, and then just to check) But you can just go pee out your fmu if you like, LH that the OPK's detect isn;t usually present in FMU unless you had the surge the night before. After that first pee, whether or not I POAS, I then only allow myself one tea and one drink of water all morning, and I pee 4 hours after the first. I find it concentrated enough after 4 hours on minimal fluids to give me a result. I never POAS unless I have held off for at least 4 hours, except last night where I POAS when I had only held off for an hour, but that was a celebratory POAS for Fili. When I'm done POAS for the day, I drink tea like a mad women, and drink about 4 pints of water, to make sure im not dehydrating myself just for the POAS. I find this system works very well for me! Having a routine for POAS and a rough window of time it is done in has helped me alot, I would lose track unless I made a routine out of it! Line up your strips in order, and watch the fluctuations in the line strengths, you can tell if its down to your pee strength or not after you have compared them for a few days. A + will be super obvious compared to the rest and there may be just one strong + or a fade in series of darkening lines that peaks then fades out (what I got). I'm still quite new to POAS but I hope you find this helpful! :flower:

Like the strategy Loz, might open a new course about that in my poas school!

Mouth, twinkle and bum Tara!!

nope my instructions dont mention anythin about twinkle?? can i still do it? i dont wana put that in my bum, but i want most accuarte reading!!! :haha:

This is hilarious :rofl: :xmas13: Don't do twinkle, cervix, bum and then mouth though!!! Think a break's needed in between!!!!!!!! :haha::haha:

An amusing exchange that just took place between me and Mr Migg.
Me - "can I have the pregnancy tests back I gave you last month?"
Him - "no"
Me - "please"
Him - "go on then"
*goes to underpants drawer and hands me 2*
Me (shrieking) "Is that all?? I thought I gave you about 8!!"
Him - "you did. Do you want them all?"
Me - (considers) "no, actually. It's probably best this way"
Him (walking away shaking head) "you do scare me.)

:rofl: I think Mr Migg really meant that mrs migg :haha:

No word from Fili I don't think, no sign of Ickle or Emum today either!
Pink- nothing on the hpt I did at about half 2 but I did get a faint line on the second opk I did this morning at 10ish. I'll do another hpt with fmu tomorrow. Yesterday my boobs were throbbing but not so much today.

I posted before you wrote this mrs migg :hugs: The boobs throbbing is a brilliant sign!!! I'm not sure the opk's would be reliable until about 8dpo but it's important to see how dark they were 'before' if you know what I mean. :dust: :dust: :dust: The throbbing boobs is really good I think!! ohhhhhhh!
hahaha, good point Fili. Never mix and match temping methods unless one has a fine supply of good quality wipes placed in a strategic position near ones temping supplies. :haha: Wake up, mouth temp, wipe, twinkle temp, wipe, place back in case. Gots to be thorough! My bedroom is a proper mess, the only neat square within it, is where I keep my little black temping folder. Its one of those boots apparently dont sell anymore that comes with a fertility diary. 2 quid from ebay because the seller bought it then got preggers immediately. This is where I am charting my mouth temps too, and at the end of this cycle I'll post a pic, demonstrating the unreliability of mouth versus twinkle temps. I swear I should be a scientist I'm always doing little studies and experiments lol.

Almost at the end of today really arent we yet my AF is still very evident, lighter, but still alot. Tomorrow is CD7!! Enough AF already!!
What a day Fili...yes that man sitting so close in an empty room is dodgy, good job you swiftly moved away!

Emum thats horrid, how can they not investigate a crime??? Its so sweet of your DH to get you a bodyguard bless him, and a female one too so you feel more comfortable. Security lights and a new alarm is most certainly NOT overkill, after what happened. A moat with live alligators might, just might, be everso slight over kill, but lights alarm, and Kevin Costner Lady to watch over you while DH is away is not at all overkill. Safety first!

(I'm multi tabbing and posted the post I was going to post after this, before this. Duh.)
Loz, forgot to say, thanks for the celebratory poas, that made me laugh a lot! Better than champagne that!!

Emum thats horrid, how can they not investigate a crime??? Its so sweet of your DH to get you a bodyguard bless him, and a female one too so you feel more comfortable. Security lights and a new alarm is most certainly NOT overkill, after what happened. A moat with live alligators might, just might, be everso slight over kill, but lights alarm, and Kevin Costner Lady to watch over you while DH is away is not at all overkill. Safety first!

(I'm multi tabbing and posted the post I was going to post after this, before this. Duh.)

Oh god emum, I missed this post sorry. Just read back. You must be frightened:nope:, is there anyway DH could reschedule India? :hugs::hugs: I'm sure you'd be fine but it's the feeling and the fear isn't it?
The little black temping folder is the only important thing loz! along with the opk's of course!
I don't even like champagne, but I do so love to POAS!
Oh god emum, I missed this post sorry. Just read back. You must be frightened:nope:, is there anyway DH could reschedule India? :hugs::hugs: I'm sure you'd be fine but it's the feeling and the fear isn't it?

The bodyguard is so he doesn't have to reschedule :haha: It would be major overkill if he was going to be here!

He's had to reschedule twice. The first when I started to miscarry the day before he was due to fly out, and then last week when I was due to ovulate (though that was partly also due to having to go to another meeting in Athens instead). To be honest, if we managed to catch the egg this month, I'd rather he went now than in the first or last trimester, and he probably couldn't get away with pushing it back to Spring anyway, so I think this is the best option.

I guess I feel a bit self conscious about having a "babysitter" but its better than the alternative I suppose.

That being said, I did find his passport this morning, which had dropped out of his jacket pocket and was very tempted to nudge it under the sofa with my foot and leave him to his own devices to look for it tomorrow :muaha:
Yeah nudge it emum!! I would :blush: :haha: Yeah it's just the emotional comfort of having DH there though but sounds like a 2nd best option. Are you ok? Are sleeping ok?

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