Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Morning girls,

I have been unable to get a GP appointment today as the surgery is closed due to it being a Glasgow bank holiday. I called the EPAU this morning and was told that they are running a call back service today and that someone will call me back at somepoint today.
More + IC's this morning didnt take another FRER though.
Am hoping they dont fob me off and actually get me in for a scan at the very least to see whats going on.
I have to be honest i am pretty excited at the prospect of being pg especially after the CP but a scared at the same time incase its not and its still the hormones from the lost bean.
They finally called back. I have an appointment for a scan tomorrow at 12:30 at least by tomorrpw afternoon i will have some answers.

Debzie....def ovulated :happydance:

Wendy I am waiting from a callback from the Dr's. I'm hoping they will get me in to check my HCG and find out what the heck is going on. I don't feel excited to be honest as I keep thinking it's somehow wrong and left over HCG. I am 100% sure that IC I did on the 9th July was negative. I feel totally confused now :wacko:

Look forward to hearing what the EAPU say :winkwink:
Debzie I agree that your chart looks good. Hopefully you'll get another high temp tomorrow and then FF will give you your crosshairs.

Wendy - good luck for tomorrow. I hope it's good news!

Glowstar - I hope its not just leftover HCG. KUP!

AFM - my chart still looks a bit strange. If you're a chart stalker - please have a look for me. My temps are usually up and down before O but they've been falling since CD7. Hoping to get a spike on Wednesday though so that I can have my first ever "perfect" 28 day cycle lol!

We tried using Pre-seed last night for the first time. It was a bit strange tbh - it put a bit of pressure on the BDing since I had to insert it 15 mins beforehand. DH kept making jokes about my fertiliser, he always tries to make jokes when he feels awkward about stuff. Physically it felt fine though. I think I'll have to find a way of going to insert it, once I know DH is in the mood, without actually mentioning it lol!
wendy, really hope this is good news for you! fingers crossed and keep us updated!
first timer was right then, lets hope these 2 are the start of a new journey for many of you
Ickle Pand - I use pre-seed (and used teh month I conceived) and I love it. I dont tell DH, I just insert last thing before I leave the bathroom and hit the bedroom. I really like it - just need to not use too much. About 2mg is perfect! Good luck.
And yes, your chart does look weird. I dont think I have ever seen a chart where the temps just head down like that. Sure nothing to worry about, but will be interesting to see what happens to it an O time!
Great News Wendy :happydance: I've got the Drs Wednesday and Friday for HCG tests :wacko: I'm feeling less convinced each day....and thinking it's leftover HCG...driving myself to the loony bin :wacko:

Ickle...I think your chart looks lovely...a nice steady dip to a nice low temp in readiness for a spike at ovulation. I sometimes get a little loop before ov...where they suddenly go up for a couple of days and then drop down again and then I ovulate.
You don't have a massive jump though...your post-O temps are quite low?
Hi there

Amanda, hmmm wierd temps true, but then it could be cos the weather has been a bit cooler maybe?? Mine have generally gone down because i have been having acupuncture and he is trying to cool me down which is working!! I wouldnt worry too much chick, hopefully you will ovulate very soon, keep up the :sex:

I was looking at the Conceive Plus lubricant in Boots today, MrsMax, good plan about not telling OH, i might have to get some as what was putting me off was that OH might think it was a bit wierd ... maybe if i got some and put it in an Anne Summer tube he might like it??

Yes, we need more good news ... Wendy good luck for tomorrow chick and Glow keep your chin up and think positively, have they called you back yet??

As for me, im waiting to ovulate now, think it will be next week though as i usually ovulate late and im back on the clomid now ... starting the :sex: already though!!

Me neither mrsmax lol! It's within my normal temp range so I'm not worried, it's just really odd, especially since I was drinking on Friday night and that normally sends your temps high. I'm looking forward to seeing what the line on my OPK looks like tonight.

Glowstar - do you think? I've not seen a chart like mine before. I'm not worried really, it's more important what happens after O. Yeah my post O temps don't jump that high, but maybe there will be a bigger jump this time since they're dropping a bit lower.

Clobo - it's not really been cooler with us and these temps are lower than my temps from Feb lol! It's maybe just that the agnus castus is doing it's thing this month. Only time will tell. I bought Pre-seed online (I think from Amazon) it has applicators so that you can apply it exactly where it's needed. It's not too bad, just takes away a bit of the spontenaity (sp?) and romance lol! Hope you O sooner rather than later. What days are you taking the clomid?
Hi everyone... I left for awhile, was too scared to stick around. For good reason I guess. It's nice to see all the BFP's though and now I can join all of you moving on to the trying for a BFP for Aug. Hope everyone is doing well.
Hi I had a MC a week ago :cry: all we want to do is try again, we both feel like we have no purpose now. I think we may not wait until AF but try ASAP. Waiting for hcg levels to drop though, still got a ositive test yesterday but the lines are getting fainter each day I test

Mama, welcome back, I hope you are ok chick?? Good positive thinking i like it, lets see how many more we can get!! :hugs:

Meachy, hi :wave: sorry to hear of your loss and it looks like things took a while to happen, I know how you feel and a lot of girls on here do too, you feel like you are taking steps backwards before you can move on again and TTC again will definitely help you feel a lot better. Be strong and make sure you let your family look after you :friend:

Amanda, hmmm maybe it is the agnus castus, i wasnt temping when i took it last year so i dont know what it did to me!! Yep just wait and see, all will be revealed soon im sure :saywhat: I might get some preseed from accessdiagnostics and stock up on a few more OPKs too, perhaps ill try and use it in secret without OH knowing!! Cheers chick!

How is everyone else?? Kas are you ok??

Hi Mama and Meachy I am sorry for your losses :cry:

I kind of feel funny posting BFP's on this it too upsetting? or maybe encouraging...I don't know. I don't want to tread on anyone's toes.
I have felt so confused all day so I came home and looked through my bedroom bin and voila...I found my negative HPT from the 9th July.

Still feeling in limbo I did my last FRER, 1st one taken at 10dpo with FMU the next one taken today at 11dpo 5.15pm...what do you ladies think? It is getting darker isn't it?
Woah that is so dark!! Thats definitely a BFP!! Stop worrying now because worrying will only stress you out and thats not what we want! Look after yourself and im sure the blood test on wednesday will confirm it!!

Chick, dont worry, if you girls are anything like me I always feel two ways about any pregnancy announcements ... sad that other people are getting their BFP and its not happened for me yet ... but also happy and excited for the other person and encouraged. Its just a fact of LTTTC and mc's, its such an emotional thing!! :hugs:

We will all be there one day, sooner or later :baby:
Hi Meachy, sorry for your loss, good luck with TTC again :hugs:

Glowstar that is definitely a new BFP! Congrats hun :happydance:

personally I don't mind seeing BFPs at all, they give me hope, don't worry about it! :D

Gah my OPK was still very pale, no way am I oving any time soon, hardly any CM either. Oh well it gives me something to do! xx
That's really nice of you Clobo.

I know, I kind of feel weird posting it here but hoping it spurs others on. I'll be looking forward to some more BFP's :hugs::hugs:
mama - welcome back huni :)

meachy - im sorry to have to welcome you to this thread, :hugs: but i hope you find all the support you need here. This is a great group of girls :)

Glow - that is defo a BFP, well done you! CONGRATUALTIONS! i think the girls on here need good news after everything weve all been thru together.

as for me Cloey, im now an apple pip. This is both really exciting but also v. scary. Its v. scary because ive still not got MS. i KNOW its still early days but with my MC i didnt have i want it soooo badly this time. Just really tired. Exhausted actually. But fingers crossed. Got a private scan on the 7 weeks mark... this is when last time i MC'd.

Thanks chick, im glad my post came across ok, im nothing but honest!!

Yes we need more BFPs, who is going to be next?? xxx

Kas, yay glad you are ok, not long to wait for your scan then ... think positive happy thoughts and your apple pip will grow!! Dont worry about the MS, everyone is different and apparently some lucky ladies dont get it at all!!


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