Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Evening all

Welcome meachy and so sorry for your loss.

Wendy so glad to here you have a scan tomorrow will be stalking.....

Glow there is no doubt that it a BFP and I too do not mind you posting your news I too find it encouraging and it has given me hope. Wednesday cannot come soon enough. As for your tests they are defo getting darker.

Amanda I would not be too concerned I am taking agnes castus too and my temp pattern is completely different, are you taking it through or stopping at ov? Im continuing as most of the info says it can do no harm.

I too used preseed the cycle I got my BFP. We incorporated it into our foreplay and laughed about it.

It feels strange but as you ladies are celebrating your BFPs I am celebrating my BFN, yeah stark white superdrug test this afternoon.... suppose I still should check with FMU. I still have brownish CM but I now just think that it is old blood working its way out as it is becoming less and less.
Hi Debzie, I really hope the bleeding stops soon, I know how you feel, i bled for 6 weeks and yes the end was like old brown blood so fingers crossed and then you can get back to TTC! :hugs:
Glowstar - that is soooo a BFP!!!!! Yay. And as all the other ladies said, a BFP is inspiring. If there were none I would get really depressed!! Congratulations. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Also, Firstimer - I hope you pip keeps on growing to a nice ripe watermelon!!

Welcome Meachy - sorry for your loss. You will find support here. I just m/c last month and being on this thread and others has really helped ease the transition.

I am ovulating today (I think!) :thumbup: Only one day later than before the m/c. I feel pretty lucky about that. Lots od Bding tonight and that Pre-seed is coming out. Should i feel bad that i have been using it on and off for 3 months and not told DH?! It does make things easier if you're not in the mood too - if you know what I mean :blush:

Good luck everyone waiting for tests/scans etc,.
No you are totally right!! I never really felt jealousy when other people got BFP's and I didn't, more frustration and 'when is it my turn''s a horrible fear of the unknown and knowing largely it's not something you can control as hard as you try.

Elhaym - I can't see your chart when I click on it :winkwink:

Firsttimer - I have 2 daughters and never had MS with either of fact I had hardly any symptoms at all!! and they are both now 16 & 13!!

Debzie :hugs: - if you have a BFN and you've just ovulated you still have a chance this cycle....I have proved that anything can happen!! I was seriously ill...had a D&C and a blood transfusion 4 weeks ago...who would have thought!!!
No you are totally right!! I never really felt jealousy when other people got BFP's and I didn't, more frustration and 'when is it my turn''s a horrible fear of the unknown and knowing largely it's not something you can control as hard as you try.

Elhaym - I can't see your chart when I click on it :winkwink:

Firsttimer - I have 2 daughters and never had MS with either of fact I had hardly any symptoms at all!! and they are both now 16 & 13!!

Debzie :hugs: - if you have a BFN and you've just ovulated you still have a chance this cycle....I have proved that anything can happen!! I was seriously ill...had a D&C and a blood transfusion 4 weeks ago...who would have thought!!!

GOD. that is soooo good to hear. Thank you so much. So much emphasis is put on how MS is a great sign that ive been all panicking. Thank you x1000!!!! xxxxx
Glad I made you feel better :hugs: I honestly 100% wouldn't have known I was pregnant either time...that's how few symptoms I had!!! Mind you I was actually glad...I hate being sick at the best of times!!! :hugs:

Mrs Max - :haha: about not telling your OH...if only mine knew what I discuss on here :blush::blush: looks like you've timed all your BD'ing right so fingers crossed :hugs:
Debzie - I've been taking it as long as I've been temping though although I'm taking it in a different way so maybe that's it. I'm taking 400mg all cycle but upping it to 1200mg for cd3-7. I'm definitely not going to stop it at ovulation as I think I need it to help boost my progesterone levels and when I do get a BFP again I won't stop it cold turkey like I did last time, I'll wean myself off it so my hormone levels don't crash or spike. I can't help but wonder if that's what caused the m/c.

The preseed I've got has applicators for inserting it deep inside so there's no way I could incorporate that into our foreplay lol!
Debzie yay for BFN! I think my spotting is slowing too, just the odd bit brown CM now and again. let's hope ov comes along for us both soon :D

Ha Glowstar its OK I don't think it's set up to view my chart, I don't temp so nothing much to look at I just do OPKs and record CM when I see it! :)

mrsmax I hope you caught the egg! xx
omg I've missed 2 BFPS! Congrats guys. No one on here minds BFPs being posted in this thread, in fact I'm sure we all take it as real encouragement!! Well I've failed miserably at temping so far, a huge bag of ovulation tests arrived today so I'll be trying them out shortly over the next few days. I'm feeling really really down about concieving again.. I just want a baby so bad right now!! Not in like 2 years time :( waaah
I'm so excited - I had a lovely temp dip this morning. Really hope this is O because it'd be bang on time and DH and I will have time to DTD a few more times before he goes away on Saturday. Roll on tomorrow morning!
I'm gutted - yesterday was O day and dh didnt want to BD. He has never said no before, but thought as we had already dne it the last tow nights that we didnt need to last night. I'm so mad with him!! Sigh. HOwever, we did hit the night before O and the bight before that so I guess we're not out, but feels a bit like it :(
Morning ladies.

LolaAnn don't beat yourself up about temping I'm still learning now 4 cycles on, I found it hard to start with.

Amanda fingers crossed that that egg is on its way.

Afm got my cross hares I'm 3 dpo Whoo hoo. X
So sorry your feeling down mrsmax the
Male species can be very strange at times, I don't tell oh now when I am close to ov as he hates "working to a. schedule" and feels funny about it. You still have a good chance. Here's to our tww good luck. X
Mrs max, don't worry you won't have missed it!! The days leading up to ovulation are way more important!! My last bfp we only did it 2 days before ov and twice in day of ov, this time 2 days leading up to ov. I have read that often the day of ovulation itself is often too late because the sperm need time to travel to lie in wait for the egg to be released.

I am fairly sure my bfps have come from the days leading up to ov xx
Mrsmax - you're definitely not out. I got pregnant with just BDing 2 days before O. Try and persuade him tonight (without pressure as hard as that can be) because the intercourse timer on FF includes that day too. In fact BDing 12 hours after O is a method some ladies use to try and get pregnant with a girl. I don't know if it works or not but it's worth it just to cover all the bases.

It's hard not to pressure our DH's - I gave DH a telling off this morning for "taking care of himself" while I was in the shower. He has a high sex drive, and there's no way I could get him to wait 2 days inbetween times, but we'd agreed that if he needed to then we would BD so at least any swimmers would be going to the right place lol!

Debzie - congrats on the crosshairs. I love getting mine, although they've moved the past 2 cycles lol! Only 11 days left of the 2ww :)
ickle pand - your chart looks really good, hopefully you will get a nice spike soon!

debzie - yay ovulation! Looks like you got plenty of BD in, I hope you manage to catch it! :)

mrsmax day before ov is one of the best days to BD, you're still in with a chance!

Wish I had something interesting to report. No spotting yet today which is good, I hope it's finished now! xx
Thanks elhayam but not holding out much hope as I am still spotting... its more like tmi beige cm now though.

I have just rang the docs and I am going to get another sick note... but I am also starting to feel a little guilty for not going back to work I just do not feel ready. I am a mental health nurse and do not think I could deal with others emotional turmoil at the moment. THEN AGAIN ANOTHER PART OF ME DAYS GO BACK AND GET ON WITH IT??????
Debzie - I really didn't want to go back to work on after my mc. I started to mc on the Thursday so left work early and went back on the Tuesday. I'd already booked the Friday and Monday off because it was the weekend of the Royal wedding plus it was our first anniversary on the Sunday, so I didn't have to phone in sick or anything. I emailed my boss when I got back to work and told him exactly what had happened and he was really great. Told me that if I needed to go home, to just email him and go - not wait for a reply.

I really didn't want to go back though - DH really pushed me and I kept saying that I wasn't ready. He told me to go in and if I really couldn't face it, to then come home. Getting back to "normal" really helped me to start to move past it, but everyone is different and my job is more of an admin one than yours.
Hi there

Yay for ovulation and crosshairs!! Im awaiting mine at the end of the week to so we are all moving in the right direction!!

Mrsmax, yep deffo not out, when i got my bfp we did it 3 days before and 1 day before and that was it!! Yep try again tonight as you never know how far that egg has got!!

My OH can be a real pain too, he wasnt in the mood for it last night but i reminded him what the specialist had said and when he came to bed we :sex: i think i have to let him think its his idea!!

Debzie, I hardly had any time off work and i really regret it, im an accountant so was just sitting at my desk really not having to deal with lots of stuff but looknig back i should have just taken a week off, especially when i started bleeding. Do what you think is right chick :hugs:

:dust: everyone xxx
Hi thanks for the lovely welcome, I think we are going to try as soon as I get negative tests, if there is a chance that I could be more fertile after this then I don't want to miss that chance! It's just the waiting I hate. How long was it until you ov'd after the bleeding stopped/hcg dropped? I'm still bleeding :growlmad:
:dust: to everyone.

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