Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Emum I hope you're upping your testing to three times a day now! Fingers tightly crossed for you!! This would be the spa baby before your hubby went away, lovely! :yipee:

My hubby has just been really lovely to me and made me blub
Hi girls, hope you're all well tonight x
Sorry I've been mia, but I've had a crappy couple of days, nothing specific but you know when you just feel like bleurgh?
Things are definitely better now tho, had a little row with hubby, then made up:winkwink: been out to get my hair cut and coloured for works do tomorrow, and got myself a new outfit and new shoes:xmas12:
I had a funny feeling yesterday when I suddenly thought "I'm going to get pregnant tonight", then this morning hubby asked me if I was hungry:shrug: when I answered yes, he said "it's cos you're pregnant!" very strange! Anyway, who could say this won't be our month for a sticky?!
Emum, I agree with the other ladies, it's too early and not even with fmu?! You should know better!
Has everyone finished their Christmas shopping? We've had our first snow here today:xmas7:
Hey Antelope! Loving the pma! Have a fab night tomorrow. Let's hope you get those January bfp's rolling!
Oh no.... Corrie... PLEASE not another miscarriage storyline :-(
I want entertainment not a badly done reminder of the crap I've been through twice myself this year.
Disgruntled of Driffield.
Ok ladies, ready for the news?

I back to being VERY VERY VERY cautiously pregnant. In the words of my OB, I AM pregnant, we just aren't sure at the moment if it is going to be viable or not. She says she's seen it go both ways and doesn't want to give me false hope. We talked first off about the possibilities of it being ectopic and she discounted that both by my experiences over the last week or so and by doing a physical exam. She said there is a slight chance that the next week or so could change that diagnosis, but the physical exam showed my cervix closed, no bumps in the tubes, nothing swollen abnormally - in short everything looked like it should for a viable pregnancy.

She thinks that it's going to be one of two things - viable pregnancy (just early wonky numbers) or blighted ovum (empty sac) and that only time and further hCG tests/scans will tell. We should know more about that when we get the blood test numbers back on Monday from today's blood test.

She estimates that due to both me and her thinking that I ovulated on the later date, that I'm 5 and a 1/2 weeks along which puts my numbers on the low side, but still within "normal". Based on that, if my numbers either stay the same or go up, she'll want to do a scan because at that point we SHOULD be able to see/hear something. So next week, I'll hopefully be having a scan and even more hopefully be hearing a happy healthy heartbeat.

If my numbers go down, then I think it's a case of continuing to monitor, but expecting a miscarriage to happen. She thinks the bleeding that I had probably was "normal" period bleeding, though she's not discounting the possibility of the vanishing twin syndrome. She did say that a D&C or miscarriage pill isn't something to consider at this point as I could have a viable pregnancy.

So it's a waiting game, but there's a plan in place. I was so worried and nervous when we went in today, but I think of all the things I imagined, this was the best possible outcome. I knew we wouldn't have solid answers today, but this makes me feel better about things.
That makes sense Tara. My DH knows about everything that I do but since we've been trying for so long and have been to the fertility clinic so many times, he knows I'd tell him to GTF if he tried to stop me lol!

I'm considering taking a cycle off temping and just doing the CBFM instead. Just to stop me stressing so much over my temps in the 2WW. Or I could stop after 7 DPO and just test to see what's happening. What do you ladies think?

It's weird I don't really think of my job being unusual because it isn't really in Aberdeen, but we're in our own little bubble lol! There's no hotties on the project I'm on. There was one but he left a few weeks ago. He had a lovely husky voice, he'd phone me up to ask me to do him a favour and I'd always find the time lol! I work with a lot of Nigerians and I get on with most of them well but there are a few cultural differences that can make things tricky.

Auntylolo - I hope that's a good omen! Pets and kids often know we're pregnant before we do and men are just big kids lol!

I'm tired tonight so didn't get much done round the house. Itching to get up tomorrow and get everything done. DH is out tomorrow night so I'm going to have to find some way to entertain myself.
Omg Dodger! Cautious congratulations! Sounds like a really good plan your doctors got in place. Keeping everything crossed that this little bean sticks and grows!
Crikey Dodger!! So you really are on tenterhooks this weekend. God. I hope it's good news for you I really do. Been wondering about you today. Ickle, a cycle off temping might be good, as long as you are happy just with your cbfm. Might be good to take a bit of the pressure off over Christmas and all that. You have to do what you are comfortable with.
well is 11dpo not still early to get a BFN? from what i understand about this chart business i think urs (emum) looks good! if AF is gna arrive wud ur temps not drop below the coverline??

also how do i add my FF link to the bottom of my posts?

I had implantation bleeding at 11dpo and implanted then, so don't lose hope! I didn't get my BFP until 16dpo.
Hi ladies,

Wow again Dodger, cautious congrats! I really have everything crossed for you and hope this is your sticky one. You must feel like you a re going through the mill. It must be difficult not to feel excited and yet have to have the worry at the time. :hugs:

Emum - 11dpo is still early chick. I stalked this morning but no temp in for today but the graph looking promising. Anyone looking at mine at 10dpo would have said I was out. So don't give up hope yet. Are you going to test again today?

Ickle - Maybe a month of temping would be good idea especially over Christmas but it is extremely addictive. I wanted to stop so save me from stressing about falling temps but continued as I just couldn't bring myself not too. I hid my bbt last night and it was nowhere in reaching distance this morning so haven't done it but it was hard.

fili - how are you today? No palpitations today so I think I might have been a bit stressed, more than I thought, about OH Christmas do last night. I still have mine to go to tonight!! What lovely things did your OH do/say to make you blub? aaawww..

Aunty - glad you are feeling better after a few bad days. I hope you and your PH 'predictions' come true!!

Mrsmig - hope you are feeling better today. Does the house look all Christmassy with the tree and all its lights on?

Hi loz, Tara, Sarah-Ann and MrsMM :hi: hope you are having a nice start to the weekend.

Afm - struggled a bit at the OH xmas do as I didn't know anyone and was sat opposite a 6 month pg lady talking all about things and her scans. The other 4 month pg girl was sat further down the table!! The food was nice but I just couldn't get warm. Poor hubby got me up to dance loads which was really nice of him as usually he hates dancing so I know he was doing it for my benefit. The music was so loud it was difficult to have proper conversations. There was a bus on but I am glad I said I would drive (I wasn't going to be drinking anyway) as we came home at 12.
Hey Pink! Boo, partners works do's can be a bit of a drag at the best of times but especially when you can't have a drink! Hope you manage to have a bit more fun at your own do tonight. The house looks lovely thank you, I love the twinkly lights outside we have never had them before. Dd is absolutely beside herself with excitement about all the trees and lights which is lovely, at this age it's not even about the presents because she doesn't understand yet that Christmas means presents. To her it's just magic.
I think what I had this week was a migraine, on top of my already infected sinuses. I have been looking up the symptoms and that is definitely what I had. The fact that it came on the same day as AF makes me even more certain. It still hurts now a bit, I feel like one eye is bruised but I feel a lot better. It was absolutely horrible.
I am glad you are feeling better. Migraines are hell, I get them, but not as bad as my sister and I found they are usually worse at AF time. So have you been twinkle temping from the start this month? It looks like you'll be ov-ing after Christmas so not long to go.

I remember when I was young coming home from school after Mum had decorated the house, it was the best feeling and I still remember them well!
Emum - 11dpo is still early chick. I stalked this morning but no temp in for today but the graph looking promising. Anyone looking at mine at 10dpo would have said I was out. So don't give up hope yet. Are you going to test again today?

Thanks Pink. Temps this morning dropped but not near coverline yet. Another BFN though. My hopes are waning, but I'll hang in there until Tuesday when AF is due, probably testing every morning now :wacko:
I orally temped for the first 2 days as AF was heavy but apart from that I have been. I was 2 hours late this morning as I slept in but it won't matter I don't suppose.
Just after christmas is a good time to ov I'm thinking, we can enjoy a cheeky few drinks over Christmas, it will come round quick and hopefully OH will be feeling relaxed and up for lots of bding!
What's everyone doing for christmas? We are at home. Mum and her partner are coming over from Cheshire for a couple of nights. Quiet and cosy.
We'll be heading down to Mums (in Lancashire) next Friday after work. We all go to my Dads and step mums house (inc my Mum) for Christmas day morning to open our presents together. My sister/BIL and her 2 children plus my brother will be there. It is the only time in the whole year we are together.
That sounds nice Pink. Good that your mum goes too. My mum and dad are long since parted but are friends and it is so nice.
Just realised today would have been my wedding anniversary, and it is a year yesterday since my decree absolute came through! May have a small drink tonight to celebrate the way things turned out!
I have just realised I have referenced alcohol in about my last 5 posts. Maybe I have a problem!!
I have just realised I have referenced alcohol in about my last 5 posts. Maybe I have a problem!!
:haha: Its AF/post AF when we are allowed so make the most as after Christmas and in the New Year when you get your BFP there'll be no more!!
Hi girls! Oh pink that can't have been great with no drinking last night but glad you ha a dance and managed to get home and warm by twelve! Like Cinderella!
Dodger I'm excited for you! Could you do some pregnancy tests or a clear blue digi and see if they get higher? How far along would you be then?
Mrs migg, I actually want to watch the corrie episode now but I know what you mean, this has been the worse year of my life don't need it reinforcing on telly!
Aunty hope you're feeling emotionally better, it's so tough x
Emum really really hoping this is it for you! :dust: x a million
Ickle, ooh husky voice shame he left!
Pink my heart seems to be racing faster than normal and I regularly feel out of it but no camps and no nightmares!
Oh my hubby went out to a fancy dress party last night and I face painted him to look like the terminator, he looked really good! Anyway on the way out he pulled out a surprise box full of staying in for the night goodies including my favourite chocs and then on his way out he said "Me and you will always stick together no matter what happens cause we're best pals". I cried!
Loz hope you got all your jobs done!
Ickle my house is spic and span and decorated! All presents wrapped! That's lovely about your dd mrs migg, awwwww!
Sarah and mrsmm :wave:

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