Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Loz - really don't think ectopic but it is always there as a thought so will keep a check on things. That made me smile, monsters and cycles and fertility talk, strange combination!

fili - thanks so much. I suppose I'll know more next week when I ring up the epu as to when they'll start the tests. I can't imagine it will take long, as in I won't need a specific recurrent mc appointment just for the tests will I?

I don't mind the wrapping although don't really feel Christmassy either. Maybe once I get home and see my Mum, Dad, Sister and kids then I'll feel better.

emum - I remember, aww what a lovely teacher. Having such good teacher really makes a difference. I remember all my good teachers and the positive influence they had on me.

hope -I get dull aches, mainly one sided when due to ov. It does feel different since the mc so maybe that is what you are feeling?
We have no snow here either, in notts. Heck, it isn't even cold! I like a good winter. I went to the diy shop earlier, and the guy asked me if I was pregnant. Its the 2nd time someone has asked me that since the MMC! I don't even have a belly on me, its quite depressing. It is as if some people can sense that I still should be. Freaky.

Don't think I'm going to O this month, been trying to find a positive in that, and what I come up with, is I can drink as much mulled wine as I like if there is no TWW if I don't even O! (I love mulled wine just can't have it if TTC as certain herbs can tinker with implantation etc, and I'm not even sure which!)

Roll on the new year I say, a nice happy baby filled new year for us all. :hugs:

Lozdi i didn't realise you was from Notts, same here, sort of. I live bout 10 mins from ikea so i class it as Derby/Notts. I like shopping in Notts, get the tram in which makes life so much easier

Pink - i really feel for you at the moment and sending big hugs, i miscarried last year the week running up to christmas (pregnancy no 2). i got completely arseholed on alcohol to forget everything. New Years eve was also my due date last year for my first pregnancy that i miscarried so a double whammy for me. No birth and not even pregnant either

Fili - hope pregnancy is going well still, i'm still undecided as to whether to try again. Think i might, i reckon i'll be ovulating on or around my birthday

Pink they should be able to do some of the tests right away but sometimes they want to wait until your body has settled down. Probably the best thing to do is to try to get referred at the moment while you are waiting, then by the time the referral letter comes in youll be ready to test. Otherwise your gp may send you for some of the testing straight away, tests that you don't need to wait for like inherited blood clotting problems x x x
I was just going back and reading through the thread. I had a mc two weeks ago and had a D&C. I just took a test and it was negative. I was 7 weeks along when I lost my baby. I went to the Dr for my check up and he said that I can now have protected sex but, I have to wait 8 weeks to TTC again. That just seems way too long for me. I'd like to try again in feb. What do you think??
Pink - Yeah that could b it i guess, how r u feeling? silly question i know but thought id ask anyways

Afm - well after watchin tv for a bit got bored and decided ill get some of me wrapping out the way then do a bit more tomorrow only i ended up sittin on the floor 4 3+1/2 hrs (thats y i hate wrapping it takes me ages) and doing the whole lot apart from 2 that i still need 2 get, so back legs and feet now really hurt but on the plus side presents basically sorted, me+oh dtd lastnight couldnt tonight as he hurt his knee playing football but promised we would tomorrow so even doing it every other day during ov does that still give me a good chance of catching the eggy?
Morning ladies, the steroids are keeping me up ATM so my wake up time was 4am this morning! Wide awake me! Mojo, so sorry for your losses :hugs: I'm not sure why you'd have to wait that long either. How did your last pregnancy end? I mean was it an ectopic or anything like that?

Hope I really hope you get to try again soon and the next one is the sticky one x x x

Pink thinking about you x x x x x
Hello ladies. How is everyone?

Pink - I hope you're holding up ok hun xx

Emum - Holy crap! I'm surprised your DD didn't hurt herself doing that, but glad she's ok.

I've been in and out of the Christmas spirit. I've (omg my phone just autocorrected that to IVF!!) I've had a few cries but I'm letting myself do it at home because it'll just build up otherwise. I got a card the other day from my auntie, I recognised the writing on the envelope, I just assumed it was a Christmas card, I even saw the Hallmark name on the envelope and thought my aunties gone for expensive cards this year. It was a lovely sympathy card with a lovely message inside saying how she'd just found put about the mc and how sorry she was, and can't imagine what we're going through and that she hopes the new year brings us better luck. Just exactly what you want people to say. Needless to say that set me off.

Oh and the reason she's only just found out is that my brother got married in May and I didn't want to tell the extended family and take away from his day. Mum thought she'd told my auntie a few months ago but obviously hadn't. My mum is very intelligent, has a master degree etc but she can be so scatty too lol!

Work has been pretty hectic which is why I've not been on so much, I've got a half day today though and then finish tomorrow until the 4th. Can't wait! I think we're all organised for Christmas. Just want to get DH his traditional real-life book about soldiers and that's it I think.
Morning Fili... And to everyone else too.

Pink- I'm so sorry it's this outcome :hugs:; hope you're not in too much pain today. We're thinking of you. I think taking a break and figuring out the testing sounds like a good plan. Not that it will be easy to resist ttc'ing I imagine, but might be good for some emotional rest.

I have finally got a positive opk this morning - oddly using FMU. I wonder if the levels I normally hydrate to during the day throw off the early afternoon testing. As pleased as I am to have the +, it's annoyingly when OH is visiting family in Co. Durham. Nothing like ttc while in two different countries! I guess I'll have to hope either :sex: before he left Tuesday had some long lasting swimmers, or that ovulation isn't straight away and we can try to catch eggy on Saturday. Argh, how frustrating, I just wanted to be able to conceive again straight away. Anyway... Enough moaning from me. Positives are that it seems my body is getting back to normal and there's always the possibility of making a January baby! :)
Morning all! Hi mojo, sorry for your loss :-(
Chelle, good luck with the swimmers and how annoying that OH is away.
Ickle, good to see you. Sorry emotions have been running high. I hope you and hubby have a good relaxing time after you finish work today and you feel better, and that the break from temping etc helps.
Emum, likewise and I can't believe your daughters teacher had a broken jaw and tooth! She sounds like a lovely lady though.
Pink, hope you are bearing up ok. Have you had any more thoughts on ttc or are you waiting to see what they say about your testing?
Fil, sorry the steroids are keeping you awake. Hope you manage to rest up during the day.
Hope, Loz, Sarah, hi! Louby, hope you are ok.
Mrs MM fab news on the possible donation!!! Everything crossed for you.
Afm, not a lot really. AF seems to finish and then come back. Cba to have sex at all but had better start making the effort before ov time I suppose. Oh well last day at work.
Stay sane from the Christmas madness all, it's a jungle out there!!
Morning all! Hi mojo, sorry for your loss :-(
Chelle, good luck with the swimmers and how annoying that OH is away.
Ickle, good to see you. Sorry emotions have been running high. I hope you and hubby have a good relaxing time after you finish work today and you feel better, and that the break from temping etc helps.
Emum, likewise and I can't believe your daughters teacher had a broken jaw and tooth! She sounds like a lovely lady though.
Pink, hope you are bearing up ok. Have you had any more thoughts on ttc or are you waiting to see what they say about your testing?
Fil, sorry the steroids are keeping you awake. Hope you manage to rest up during the day.
Hope, Loz, Sarah, Tara,hi! Louby, hope you are ok.
Mrs MM fab news on the possible donation!!! Everything crossed for you.
Afm, not a lot really. AF seems to finish and then come back. Cba to have sex at all but had better start making the effort before ov time I suppose. Oh well last day at work.
Stay sane from the Christmas madness all, it's a jungle out there!!
hi ladies
g.m.i had an appointment with my ob for ovulation study.eggs measured 13mm in both overies on day10.but on cd12 egg measured in right overy of 20mm and left overy 8mm.and ob called me next day for again measurment.they were talking about fused egg.what it mean fused egg?.i am confused and wishevery thing go ok.little nervous.
I'm sorry I'm not sure what they were meaning when they said a fused egg. I'd ask them tomorrow though. That sounds like a good sized follicle on the right side. I know for women who have to inject themselves with triggers they usually do it once the follicle is 16mm. So you'll probably ovulate in the next few days :) Get BDing lol!
Hi all. Just checking in today. Hugs to everyone.:hugs:

Feeling really down today. Soo glad i decided to take hospitals advice to not go back to work for 2 weeks. Just found out another person at work is pregnant. Feel really mean as at the mo i really cannot be happy for her. Its not her fault is it just cant help feeling upset. That's 2 people now at work. I think him upstairs is rubbing my nose in it :cry:.

Still waiting to do another test to get a -ve and then get down to ttc.

I just need to pull myself together and get on with things i suppose. Going to try and keep myself busy today. Doing food shopping for Xmas for my mum who slipped on some ice at the weekend and broke her foot. So should keep me busy.

Sorry for being a misery guts.
Morning all,

Mojo -sorry for your loss. Unless there was s specific reason for the Dr telling you to wait it does seem like a long time. Most of us on here usually ttc straight away.

mohini - I don't know what the fused egg means either but as ickle says those sizes sound fab. Won't be long till ov.

Ickle - hugs, that was a lovely card from your Aunt. Despite all the high emotions and tears it is nice to know people really care about you. Only a few more hours of work then you can relax.

Fili - apart from the early mornings it sounds like everything is perfect.

Chele - shame your oh is away now you have your +ve opk, grab him as soon as he is home!

Mrsmig - have you got much more organising to do or can you relax a bit more now you have finished work?

Hope -big hugs to you this week also. I can't remember if you are doing opk?

Hi loz, tara, louby, aunty, mrsMM, sorry if I have missed anyone.

afm - had early night. I had to take cocodamol as pain quite intense so that knocked me out till late this morning. My dad phoned last night to sort out going out for Christmas eve. I wasn't in the chattiest of mood which even my Dad picked up on. He ended up txting my sister to see if I was okay. OH doesn't really want to tell anyone and he think it isn't anything to do with them just between us (I also think he feels a bit of a failure and that he is not up to the job). I don't know what to do really. When I spoke to my sister last night it was almost like 'well it was only a few days'.

I wasn't going to temp this month but I will continue because I have records then and because I am worried this may be hormonal/luteal phase defect. I was wondering with my falling temps (therefore falling progesterone) dpo6 -dpo10 prior to +ve pg test last week meant in the end there wasn't enough progesterone to keep the pg going. Do you think this is a possibility?
Ljane - what you are feeling is completely normal. We have all had those feeling too so don't feel sorry for sharing that with us. There are 2 ladies that are 4 week ahead of what I would have been (20 weeks) and it has taken until now that I can look them in the eye and say hello when passing in the corridor. I was getting a bit rude and that is so not like me normally.

Sorry about your Mum, hobbling about in a cast especially over Christmas is no fun.

Big hugs to you both.
hi pick
good to see you again.i was thinking about you are you feeling better?
my huge love and care foryou.i was also feeling nervous. planing of IUI this time.but woried about success.
6baby lost,ttc on letrozol,asprine75,folic acid5mg,..
Hi everyone

Just wanted to pop in and say hello .... its good that we are slowly getting some BFPs on this thread, its a long time coming!!

You people talk so much ive not read everything,:saywhat: just the last few pages, its so sad that we all have to be here but love that this thread has continued to be a real support, i know how much it supported me earlier in the year. Ive not been on BnB much as trying really hard to concentrate on other things to keep me sane!!!

So lots of :dust: to all of you for BFPs and sticky beans and a merry christmas :xmas8: xxx
Hi every one!
Im new here, i MC last week at 6 weeks so early but still very hard :(
Seems like every one at work is pregnant there are 3 people in a very small office so makes it worse!
Im soo confused on when im going to ovulate and how long it normally takes to get a first period. done some clear blue ovulation test but there not coming back with a smiley face :(
Sorry not caught up on all the abbreviations yet! But im trying :D

Natasha xxx
Hi every one!
Im new here, i MC last week at 6 weeks so early but still very hard :(
Seems like every one at work is pregnant there are 3 people in a very small office so makes it worse!
Im soo confused on when im going to ovulate and how long it normally takes to get a first period. done some clear blue ovulation test but there not coming back with a smiley face :(
Sorry not caught up on all the abbreviations yet! But im trying :D

Natasha xxx

Hi Natasha, sorry for your loss. I also miscarried between 6-7 weeks, and yeah it's early, but still in our head everything has already changed, so it is a valid feeling to grieve the loss of your baby and all those plans that went with it. It took me until today, CD24 counting from the miscarriage starting, to get the smiley face on the CB digital Ov tests. Hoping you get there soon!

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