Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

You will have to get early scans. I think anyone who has had a mmc should get them
Automatically. That's the only blessing about my 2 losses, they both came away more or less straight away. Well, the first took around a week I think. I can't imagine how dreadful it must be have a mmc.
I have really mixed feelings about it. One the one hand theres the horror of doing all this bonding with a baby that had died....on the other hand, my little angel gave me one firm warning in the form of a spot of blood the night before my 12 scan, so I knew it was going to be bad news (I DO NOT spot at all during pregnancy, never) and I still got a scan picture albeit not one I would place on facebook. Just see a little 7 week shape on there...kind of looked like he was wearing a stormtrooper's helmet. I get it out and look at it sometimes and think at least I know he was there trying to grow.

My first clinically unrecognised spontaneous early MC at the age of 17 was over in one foul swoop, in a hospital no less, and I caught it in my hand. Later came to find out that it was a 5-6 week shape I caught in my hand, it was so tiny. Traumatic. Along time ago now though and the circumstances of that relationship were bad, it sounds bad but I kind of don't count that one because I didn't know, and it was over so fast.

EPAU lady says bypass midwife and go straight to them next time for a scan at 8 weeks. She said 6 at first but thats no reassurance to me! They don't even book us til 8 weeks, so no way am I waiting for that I am going to be the patient from hell. And if I here that 'ohh this one will be fine' speech from them, I'll flip. Yes the next one will be fine but how does thinking that take away the sheer panic?
I'll have the midwife checking my fundal height weekly- because had they done that last time they would have noticed the sac stopped growing at 7-8 weeks. Uterus is palpable by profesionals above the pubic bone once you hit 7 weeks. I'm actually looking forward to bossing them all about with my recently acquired knowledge about all things pregnancy!
hi pichi - i found out wen i was 12dpo and i also lost mine at 4wks 5days, its an awful thing to go through, did it take u long to conceive? i fell on my 2nd cycle with ds and 2nd cycle with the 1 i lost on my 1st cycle since m/c so if no bfp this month hopefully 3rd time lucky on the 2nd lol, i started bleeding on the 5th dec it just ended up like as normal period 4 me just with lots of clots which all tailed off by the 9th, hope u get to start ttc again soon :hugs: x
This was our first month ttc, I fell the 2nd month ttc our daughter. I've still not passed any clots but I don't think I will being early on
Agh goin INSANE!!!!! I tried to do a wee tweak myself and of course I could nt see anything!!! Don't think it'll be me this time! Maybe just continue to test until af so maybe
............. I need will power like Sarah! Let's see what 2moro brings! Nite all xx
Okay ladies. I pretty much counted myself out this morning because I had AF-like cramps last night and this morning. Went to the bathroom, still found NO pink spotting (which I have been expecting for days), then I took a test.

What do you think? :happydance:

Oh holy cow those are gorgeous lines! Congrats Mama!! Just know that your little bean is going to be hugely prayed over and thought of by all of us ladies! :)

8 weeks isn't so bad... I know it'll still feel like an eternity! Whenever we get pregnant again, I think I'll be on a normal pregnancy schedule as my mc was pretty early and my first, and here the first scan isn't normally done until 12 weeks. I thought the wait was excruciating the first time... I know it'll be dreadful next time.

Ok this has nothing to do with your post, but I think I just realized that you have your location in the Netherlands! I'm not Dutch nor living there currently, but my husband is and his family is all there, so it catches my eye whenever I see anything Dutch. :p Are you north or south? DH's family is nearish to Eindhoven. :)

I know what you mean about your doctor. If I get pregnant right after the ectopic, I am planning on telling the truth to my doctor. That I was baby dancing during all the right times to catch that egg! lol Nah, I'll just slip him a white lie and tell him I wasn't actively trying, nor preventing. Good luck!!

Hey ladies, since I have never had a positive OPK before, I was wondering when do I BD? We did the deed last night before I saw the positive early this morning. Planning on some more today and then tomorrow. Do y'all think that'll be enough?

Yeah my OB's nurse tried to tell me that I should practice pelvic rest for a while and I was like um... no? I have NEEDS woman! Besides, this has been a completely natural physically easy mc very early in the pregnancy despite the shenanigans of the partial mc. Why should I wait?!

Well mrs mig - I said this morning I was a bit naughty as oh was getting a bit frisky so I let him, depsite the fact I may ov within 2 days. I can't imagine anything will come off it but if it does then so be it, if not I'll carry on with the blood tests. We are still planning to go away on the 14th (my birthday) but I've realised what ever wil be will be. I am due AF about then but if not I'll have to be extra careful on the slope but like I said I don't think the latter option will be necessary.

You go girl! :) *hugs* Thank you so much for asking about me. I'm doing ok. I made a New Years resolution to start thinking positively and not let the negative thoughts bring me down. Besides, negativity for me typically means comfort foods to go with it and THAT"S not good for either my PCOS or my TTCing. :wacko::winkwink: I have moments that catch me by surprise, but I'm pretty sure that's going to happen for a while. Otherwise, I'm just hoping for my numbers to slide down quickly and for the hCG to leave my system so we can have a chance with our jumping the bones sessions. :p

I'm so glad to see that you sound a bit happier in your posts too. The skiing sounds like so much fun! I haven't been skiing in years! Are you holding up ok?

Oh sorry I must have missed your post this morning! I don't blame you I would do exactly the same. After the year we have had the thought of preventing a pregnancy seems so hard doesn't it?

You got that right. I spent 17 months trying, waiting, hoping, and now you want me to PURPOSELY hold off for another month? Not on your life sweet chicka!

I still feel mega ill. I think I'm out too, just got a feeling AF is going to show up in a couple days. Going to turn off the comp and curl up and feel sorry for myself in between running to the bathroom. :dohh:

*hugs* Sorry you are feeling so horribly hun. I hope you feel better soon, but I'm also very much hoping that you are dead wrong and that this tww will bring you a bfp!

bleh, i thought i'd finished bleeding but no, it's back again >_< i just want this over with so we can TTC again :(

Mine too. It seems to wander. I had period like bleeding a couple of weeks back and then nothing until last weekend, and now it's been spotting or light everyday since then with 1 or 2 exceptions. Ugh. HURRY IT UP BODY WILL YA?!

Hm.... I seem to be very hyper in my replies tonight.... I promise I haven't even had any sugar!! Anyway... HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I for one am VERY glad to see 2011's backside and I have a great feeling about 2012. I'd love to see each one of us get a take home baby this year. :)
Thanks Dodger! I'm still in shock! I couldn't believe it. I almost didn't test because I had cramps last night and this morning, but my hubby was like "But you still haven't started your period, so just test and then we'll know." I think he might have known in some way. He mentioned it shortly after I ovulated because I was nauseous, just like with my last pregnancy.

I've been SO nauseous tonight, but I'll take nausea over cramps any time. Nausea doesn't worry me. Cramps does.
Agh goin INSANE!!!!! I tried to do a wee tweak myself and of course I could nt see anything!!! Don't think it'll be me this time! Maybe just continue to test until af so maybe
............. I need will power like Sarah! Let's see what 2moro brings! Nite all xx

Haha. I think my willpower has more to do with how expensive good tests are here. They're like $15 each. I tried to order internet cheapies once and they wanted me to spend $40 to ship them here.

If you think it will help though, I will you some of my willpower and I'm sending some of my baby dust to all the ladies on here. May it find you wherever you are and give you a super sticky bean and a bulging belly. :dust:
Thanks Dodger! I'm still in shock! I couldn't believe it. I almost didn't test because I had cramps last night and this morning, but my hubby was like "But you still haven't started your period, so just test and then we'll know." I think he might have known in some way. He mentioned it shortly after I ovulated because I was nauseous, just like with my last pregnancy.

I've been SO nauseous tonight, but I'll take nausea over cramps any time. Nausea doesn't worry me. Cramps does.

Yeah I'm with you on that. *hugs* Sorry about the nausea, but I'm so glad you are pregnant again and I'm praying up a storm for this to be a happy healthy 9 months for you!

Haha. I think my willpower has more to do with how expensive good tests are here. They're like $15 each. I tried to order internet cheapies once and they wanted me to spend $40 to ship them here.

If you think it will help though, I will you some of my willpower and I'm sending some of my baby dust to all the ladies on here. May it find you wherever you are and give you a super sticky bean and a bulging belly. :dust:

OMG! That's highway robbery! Gee Williker! I just put in a purchase for 100 pack of the IC's and it's costing me something like $15 total! I wish you were closer... I'd run some over the border for you!
I wish Dodger! I remember shopping in Michigan once and seeing that the 20 pack of First Response OPKs was like $30. It's $67 here! I bought a two pack of tests yesterday for $27, but I had a half price coupon, so I got them for $14, but still. I have never had any luck with dollar store ones, so I don't even bother now.
I wish Dodger! I remember shopping in Michigan once and seeing that the 20 pack of First Response OPKs was like $30. It's $67 here! I bought a two pack of tests yesterday for $27, but I had a half price coupon, so I got them for $14, but still. I have never had any luck with dollar store ones, so I don't even bother now.

I've had good luck with the ones from my local Dollar Tree and 99 Cent Stores. I never have had even the whisper of a hint of a 2nd line until my bfp and then it picked it up before the OB's office did! Glad you got your 2 for $14! That's still just crazy expensive though!
Ok this has nothing to do with your post, but I think I just realized that you have your location in the Netherlands! I'm not Dutch nor living there currently, but my husband is and his family is all there, so it catches my eye whenever I see anything Dutch. :p Are you north or south? DH's family is nearish to Eindhoven. :)

Hey Dodger, we live North of Amsterdam, though neither of us are Dutch either! The hubby is English and I'm a US/UK dual citizen. We do love living here though, slowly getting to grips with speaking the lingo!
I have no will power when it comes to POAS :haha: but strangely enough the times I am pregnant I've been able to wait because I've had such an 'im out' feeling at the same time... Strange huh?

Temps are now down to what they are like before ov so fingers crossed hormones are sorting themselves out :)
Morning Chelle and ladies over the pond!
Loz, are you feeling any better today?
Louby, Antelope, how's things? Louby, are you getting any feelings yet? Are you an early tester?
Faye, Ickle, hope you are both ok.
Emum, hope the hangover wasn't too bad! You must be in the 2ww now.
Pink, hope you are ok today and looking forward to your hol. I've never been skiing, I'd like to try it but I'm a bit of a Frank Spencer so I think it would be a disaster.
Tara, hope you are ok and not driving yourself too nuts Hun. I'm hoping for a late bfp for you, or if unfortunately you are out, AF shows soon and put you out of the torment and you can look to next cycle.
Pichi, hope everything settles for you soon.
Fili, hope you are ok. How many days till you can go back for another scan? Still rooting for you.
Mrs MM hi, hope you are ok. Did you get a donation this month?
Afm - looking forward to taking the tree and trimmings down today. Damn thing has been shedding needles badly and baubles keep dropping off! Will be nice to get the house back to a normal level of chaos.
It's a familiar refrain, but I'm starting to thing AF is on her way. Getting AF style morning cramps, feeling a bit irritable, and struggle to wake up. All classic AF for me. It's quite early but I am due one of my short cycles. The good thing about those is I know sooner rather than later I am out.
Hi Mrs M

I'm feeling really rotten today too, and think in fact I have flu and not a hangover at all. I didnt have that much to drink on NYE - about 4 glasses of wine over the whole evening with food, so although more than I'd normally have not enough to make me feel awful for 48 hours!

I got my first peak on CBFM yesterday and first positive OPK so think I am probably ovulating today so not quite in 2ww yet. We had a stressful time in Ireland visiting my parents so I think that delayed ovulation by a couple of days as I was predicting to ovulate on NYE.

Back off to bed now!
Oh bad times! Hope you feel well enough to get some bding in to catch that eggy! I've got either the remnants of the last cold or the start of a new one bubbling under but they all seem to blend into one. Oh and I had super vivid weird dreams last night, don't know if that's an AF thing or something to get excited about? Trying not to get my hopes up this month anyway.
Strange how you got +opks after your cross are MM
Oh bad times! Hope you feel well enough to get some bding in to catch that eggy! I've got either the remnants of the last cold or the start of a new one bubbling under but they all seem to blend into one. Oh and I had super vivid weird dreams last night, don't know if that's an AF thing or something to get excited about? Trying not to get my hopes up this month anyway.

Vivid dreams was one of my MAJOR pregnancy symptoms both times! I used to remember EVERY dream until about a year ago. Then with both of my pregnancies, I started having weird and really vivid dreams and I could remember so many details! :thumbup:
Strange how you got +opks after your cross are MM

Yes..... I think I ovulated a couple of days later than FF thinks, I have been erratic with my temping over Christmas.
I do tend to have crazy dreams when I am pregnant too but I do think AF will be here by the weekend.

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